The Strategy of Washing Clean a Slag Shou

Chapter 46


Su Yang curled up in the corner, his wet eyes were full of sadness and resistance, which made Zhao Fengsheng stop his movements. He has always been a person without any scruples, only the tears of this stupid rabbit are the ones he doesn't want saw.

Zhao Feng just stood there, quietly watching the boy in the corner, waiting patiently for him to calm down.

After a while, Su Yang finally slowed down. He shrugged the tip of his nose and whispered, "Brother Feng, I have a question for you."

Zhao Feng said: "Ask, as long as I know, I won't hide it."

Su Yang picked up the phone on the ground, turned on the screen, and his eyes were wet again. He choked and asked, "You are an expert on the history of Yuchao, so do you know where the word Yuchao came from?"

This is a question that Zhao Feng did not expect. In fact, this question can be quickly answered by opening the search encyclopedia.

"Yu" has the meaning of brilliance and shining, which echoes the title "Rong" of Emperor Chengtian before he ascended the throne. Therefore, in academia, it is generally believed that this is Emperor Chengtian showing his respect and promoting the prestige of the Son of Heaven.

But that's because few people know that Empress Tao's name is Tao Ziyu, and this secret is only known to the Zhao family who have guarded Empress Tao's body for generations.

Zhao Feng half squatted down, hugged the crying boy in his arms, and reached out his hand to wipe away his tears. Su Yang unconsciously avoided the hand that was trying to touch him, making Zhao Feng's movements stiff for a moment.

He frowned slightly and said, "This word [Yu] is taken from the name of Emperor Chengtian's beloved wife, that Empress Tao, whose name is Tao Ziyu."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt the boy in his arms tremble, the tears on his eyelashes fell, and Zhao Feng's brows furrowed even deeper.

He asked, "Do you care about this?"

Su Yang just shook his head, Zhao Feng's words confirmed his conjecture and made his chest heavier.

For the world, more than 600 years of history have passed, and all people and things have been washed away by time, but for Su Yang, just a few months ago, he was still in the arms of that man and it hurts Pity, love carefully.

In a blink of an eye, that omnipotent man had become a handful of loess, and he could not even find a single corpse.

He felt that he was healed and the scar forgot about the pain, otherwise how could he forget the Tianshan Profound Lock, and only remember the man's kindness to him.

However, although Jing Cheng hurt him, he also deceived the other party's feelings, who can calculate this bad debt, Jing Cheng and Tao Ziyu have both been dead for more than 600 years, it is meaningless to entangle who is right and who is wrong.

He just felt uncomfortable, maybe because he was too surprised and couldn't control his emotions, just cry a lot, and when he finished venting, there would be nothing left, he comforted himself like this.

Zhao Feng was very frightened by Su Yang's appearance, and quickly patted his back to help him calm down, and coaxed: "Don't cry, do you think you are a girl, the little girl is not as sentimental as you..."

He persuaded a few words, but Su Yang didn't listen at all, and cried a lot to himself.

Zhao Feng coaxed impatiently, and directly blocked his lips with his mouth, swept and plundered the sweet taste in his mouth with impunity, Su Yang suddenly opened his eyes, desperately trying to push him away, but Zhao Feng's strength was not something he could resist , In a hurry, he closed his teeth fiercely, and the bloody smell quickly spread between his lips and teeth.


Zhao Feng frowned and withdrew from his mouth, only to see that this stupid rabbit, who was always obedient and only knew how to cry, was staring angrily at his dark and moist eyes, as if he had turned into a vicious dog.

The stinging pain on the tongue made Zhao Feng's eyes darken. He wiped his lips with his thumb, and sure enough, he saw red.

He didn't know what went wrong. Before that, he thought that the boy's body and mind already belonged to him, but just now, the cognition of the past few months was completely overturned and changed beyond recognition.

Perhaps the boy in front of him is not as obedient as he seems, nor does he love himself as much as he seems.

This kind of speculation is only formed in his mind, and it has made Zhao Feng unbearable. If he doesn't love himself, then who is it! Who is that person in his heart! Joe Yang? Or someone else!

Zhao Feng's eyes suddenly turned fierce, Su Yang couldn't help but want to escape, but the powerful shackles on his wrist made it impossible for him to escape.

He brushed away his angry expression and defended in a low voice: "I didn't mean it, you suddenly treated me like that, I... I didn't react, and my body took the lead, I'm sorry."

Zhao Feng was silent for a while looking at his face, and suddenly picked up the phone that had fallen beside him. Su Yang's expression changed and he wanted to snatch it, but he was imprisoned by one arm in his arms, watching the phone screen light up in front of his eyes.

Su Yang was extremely anxious. He hadn't had time to clear his browsing records. If Zhao Feng noticed something, he didn't dare to imagine the consequences.

Zhao Feng was just a little confused when he saw the previous records, because these materials were common sense, such as the relationship between Yu Chao and Ming Chao, not to mention that he graduated from the police academy, even a junior high school student should know, more Don't mention the basic knowledge of "Chengtian Emperor's name" and "Who is the wife of Chengtian Emperor".

He then turned down, and his movements suddenly stopped. One of the search records was the ending of Wu Xingde's father and daughter.

If he just checked Wu Xingde, there is nothing suspicious, but Wu Xingde's daughter Wu is rarely known. This woman's life, like Tao Ziyu's, has been wiped clean. Except for the Zhao family, there are not many people in the world. I know it personally, so how did Su Yang know

He frowned and continued to look down. It was nothing more than information related to Emperor Chengtian. Regarding Jingcheng, no one in the world knew him better than Zhao Feng, and he was too lazy to read it. He threw his phone aside and carefully He looked at the boy in front of him.

The tears on Su Yang's face were not dry, there were a few tears hanging from the thick eyelashes, and there was a twinkle in his eyes. Seeing him looking at himself, he hurriedly smiled at him, but this smile was somewhat far-fetched and pale. Not as focused as before.

Zhao Feng's heart suddenly burst into flames, and he sternly asked: "What happened, why are you suddenly interested in Yuchao's affairs, and why are you crying like this, explain to me clearly."

Su Yang only shook his head, he didn't dare to lie again, but it was impossible to tell the truth, so he could only keep silent.

Zhao Feng had nothing to do with him, he was reluctant to beat him, and he was ready to be bitten when kissing him, so he had to tighten his arms and hold the person tightly in his arms.

He was so powerful that Su Yang even felt suffocated.

Zhao Feng said in a deep voice: "How many secrets do you have? Every time I thought I had seen through you, you always surprise me and make people unpredictable. Which one is the real you?"

Su Yang said hoarsely, "I don't know either..."

He really doesn't know, he is the second generation of stars, and he has been participating in various variety shows and film and television works since he can remember. Playing as the perfect Su Yang in their eyes, after binding the system, there is no difference in what he does, and he is still trying to please others.

It's just that in the past, if he didn't do well, he would only attract black people, and he couldn't make it in the entertainment industry, but now, if he didn't do well, he would die and he wouldn't be able to go home.

The so-called flattery is often at the expense of abandoning himself. He only knows how to act to attract a certain type of people, and how to make others like him more, so he has never considered what he should really be like. .

He said disappointedly: "I don't know what I should be like, Zhao Feng, I really don't know."

This is the first time he has called Zhao Feng by his first name, with a hint of coquettishness in his tone, and a trace of grievance. No one can continue to question him like this.

Zhao Feng finally understood what a nemesis was, this little brat was definitely sent by God to sharpen him.

He touched Su Yang's cheek and said slowly, "Xu Yanqing, the thing I regret the most is that I didn't shoot you when I found out that you were undercover. It's good for everyone."

If he hadn't witnessed his change with his own eyes, this fake fake would not appreciate in his heart, and it was still a dispensable thing that could be eliminated anytime, anywhere.

Unlike the one in front of him, he has no way to remove it from his heart, because once he wants to touch him, it will definitely be a pain in his heart.

Su Yang remained silent, Zhao Feng's cold eyes let him know that there was no trace of adulteration in these words, and he really regretted not killing himself earlier.

He suddenly felt that this man was also very pitiful, because whether it was Xu Yanqing or himself, they came to him for not simple purposes, but to plot against him.

Su Yang thought that in order to keep herself alive, she would be punished for cheating other people's feelings everywhere.

The system that has been pretending to be dead goes online silently: "You have to believe that everything you do is just and meaningful."

Su Yang didn't have the energy to argue with it, he leaned his head on Zhao Feng's shoulder, his face showed a tired look he had never seen before, and said softly: "I'm glad you didn't kill me, I don't want, you because of me Become a murderer."

A faint light flashed across Zhao Feng's black eyes, he lowered his head and slowly pressed his cherry lips, Su Yang turned his head abruptly, avoiding the kiss.

"Sure enough..."

Zhao Feng let go of his hands, laughed at himself, and said, "It doesn't matter, what I want is you, who your heart belongs to, and how many secrets are hidden behind you, I... don't care."

He carried Su Yang to the bed, rubbed his hair, and said, "Have a good rest, remember to drink porridge when you wake up."

Before Su Yang could answer, he had already strode out of the bedroom.

Su Yang didn't see the sudden gloomy face when he turned around.