The Strategy of Washing Clean a Slag Shou

Chapter 78


Naturally, Su Yang will not react. He has already spent 500 experience points to seal the sub-gu in his body. Although this broken system has various tastes, as long as you are willing to pay enough, it will change instantly. Golden thighs, super powerful!

It is true that money can make ghosts run the mill.

Zong Xu was stunned and suspicious, the child and mother gu was extraordinary. There were hundreds of types of gu poison in Miao Jiang, and the child and mother gu was not the most insidious among them, but it was regarded as the number one of the gu poison because of its uniqueness that could not be eliminated.

Just imagine, the Gu worm has been dormant in the body for nearly ten years, and it has long been integrated into the heart veins and becomes a part of the body. If it is forcibly removed, the venom of the Gu worm will erode the heart in an instant, and it will definitely die.

Zong Xu's face slowly sank. After a long while, he sneered: "This king is just wondering how he can easily tie up Lord Feng Jun. It turns out that he is a fake. Brother Huang, he is really good at planning."

Now it was Su Yang's turn to be stunned.

Fake, fake? This is the meaning of suspecting that he was transferred, Su Yang saw Zong Xu's eyes becoming more and more dangerous, knowing that he was angry and murdered himself.

This is really a big misunderstanding, he straightened his face and said seriously: "What the lord said, the slave is the Tongjiabao who is like a fake, the future Fengjun of Dajin, Zonghuan's wife who is going to pass the door, how come there is a fake Say it."

How could Zong Xu believe that Tong Jiabao's Gu poison was planted by him himself, so there is absolutely no possibility of falsification. The news from Chengqian Palace a few days ago did not seem to be fake. Zi Gu has indeed woken up, but now there is no movement. It can only show one problem, that is, the person he took with all his strengths is fake!

"In the end, it was still made by him..." Zong Xu pinched Su Yang's chin, his eyes darkened to the extreme, "Is it a human skin mask? Or does it look like him in the first place? This king can't tell the difference. ."

Su Yang frowned, pushed his hand away, and said coldly, "I am who I am, I don't need to be like anyone."

Zong Xu looked at him carefully. At the flower viewing banquet in the imperial garden that day, there was really no difference between that desolate and noble young man who was like a banished immortal, and the one in front of him. If the appearance can be disguised, then How to disguise the temperament to be so fake and real

Su Yang didn't want to entangle with him on this issue, he asked bluntly: "If the lord wants my life, you can tie me up on the carriage and leave it for now, I don't know what to do."

Zong Xu raised the corners of his lips and said, "I can't talk about the order, I just want to make a deal with you."

Su Yang said, "This transaction... Could it be related to usurping the throne? If so, I am helpless."

Zong Xu's face suddenly turned cold, "Although the poisonous Gu doesn't work, this king still has thousands of ways to make you feel better. Don't be too arrogant."

Su Yang played with the grass ring in his hand, and said slowly, "The lord naturally has this ability, but it's just that the servants are really difficult, the wedding ceremony will be soon, but the lord wants me to harm the future husband, isn't it difficult for a strong man? Besides, Your Majesty is right My kindness is as heavy as a mountain, betrayal once is helpless, twice is a wolf-hearted, and although the servant is greedy for life and fear of death, he still has a conscience, and the lord should not embarrass the servant."

Zong Xu sat on the ground facing Su Yang. He had long lost the dashing style of the prince of the dynasty. He rested his chin in one hand, looked at Su Yang for a moment, and asked with a smile, "Do you know where this place is?"

Seeing Su Yang shaking his head, Zong Xu said: "The name of this place is Wangchen Peak. After leaving this ancient temple, walk about 100 meters to the southwest, there is a cliff of ten thousand feet, and people who fall from the cliff will have no bones left, and the world will be wiped out. Forgetting, stepping into Wangchuan, so it is called Wangchen. Even if the emperor has a great ability, he will not be able to find your bones. At that time, I don’t know who will fall to the throne of Fengjun. You are loyal to him. Can you remember how many years you were?"

What he said was not leaking. If the former Tong Jiabao would have been shaken, but Su Yang was not afraid of him. The interest in this man's eyes was very obvious, and he obviously had a good impression on him, although he did not know that the original owner had any relationship with this person. He Jiaoji, since he is interested in himself, it will not leave him "dead."

After thinking about this, Su Yang calmly said: "I am a slave, Your Majesty is the master, if he remembers me, I will naturally be happy, if he forgets me in the future, I only hope that he can be happy and successful, and find a good mate again. …”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zong Xu had already strangled him by the neck. The affection revealed between the lines of the little eunuch made him irritable. He didn't like men, never liked it, but Tong Jiabao was the treasure in Zong Huan's heart, and he could not avoid it. When he got on his mind, it has developed to a point that he himself hadn't expected.

"It's so high-sounding, since you like him, won't you be jealous?"

Su Yang asked back, "How can you be jealous when someone dies? You also said that the world will be forgotten. How can I remember who is who and who is jealous?"

Zong Xu was so angry at him that he did not expect that he would only bow down when he met someone in the past. In just three years, he has become such an eloquent temperament. Could it be that he was suppressed so hard in Qianqiu Palace? Or, he was spoiled by Zong Huan!

He picked up Su Yang and walked out.

"Since you don't care, this king will take you to Wangchen Peak for a walk. If you see King Yama, remember to tell him that this king sent you down, and remember to ask me for your life in the next life."

When Su Yang saw that he was serious, he was inevitably a little panicked. He was afraid that Zong Xu would be too agitated by him, and that Zong Huan would not be able to save him in time.

Although it was not long before he came here, Zonghuan already occupied a very important weight in his heart. Every day, he had a skin-to-skin relationship, and he was ruthless. Besides, Zonghuan treated him so well, and it was inevitable that he would give birth to a little dependence from the bottom of his heart.

He dared to challenge Zong Xu without hesitation. In the end, it was because he knew in his heart that that man would definitely come to save him and would never let him be bullied by others.


Wangchen Peak is located in the imperial mausoleum, opposite to the Wuling Mountain where the Taimiao Temple is located. It turned out that Zong Xu did not take him far. The two majestic and majestic mountain peaks are far away from each other, and there is only a long river in the middle. half day effort.

It was windy on the top of the mountain, and the other hairpins on Su Yang's head had long since been left behind.

He stared blankly at this beautiful mountain and river, and whispered: "It turned out to be in the imperial mausoleum..."

"It's the imperial mausoleum. No matter how smart Zong Huan is, he would never have thought that I would bring you to the tomb of our ancestors."

Zong Xu pulled his arm and walked to the edge of the cliff. The roaring sound of the water flowing under the cliff was faintly heard in his ears. It is conceivable that if a person fell, he would be engulfed by the river in an instant. Just as Zong Xu said, there would be no bones left. .

"This is your burial place. The emperors of the Zong clan have rested here. Although you are from a humble background, you have been favored by the emperor, and it is not a disgrace to this land."

Su Yang nodded and did not speak.

Seeing his ugly face, Zong Xu sneered, "Do you regret it?"

Su Yang smiled in a low voice and said, "I do regret it, but it's not because I disobeyed the lord, I'm just laughing at my own stupidity. The lord said it well, Your Majesty... It's really a good plan, he calculated you, too. Calculated me."

He was talking without end. Zong Xu frowned and was about to say something when suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air, and an arrow was shot in his knee. Zong Xu knelt directly to the ground. The boy had already been embraced by the waist and left the edge of the cliff far away.

Looking towards the wind, I saw a tall man in a black Chinese suit, holding the red figure in his arms, a gesture of complete protection. Surrounded by the Royal Guard in silver armor, all the people he ambushed around have been subdued.

Zong Xu clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Zong Huan!!"

Zong Huan didn't look at him, he stroked the boy's hair that was ruffled by the wind, and whispered, "Bao'er..." There was a slight trembling in his voice.

Su Yang lowered his eyelashes, thinking to himself, why is he? Isn't he the one who put himself in deep danger? Why is he making such a sympathetic gesture at this moment, he can't be moved, let alone grateful.

Although Zong Xu didn't know it, Su Yang knew it. There were direct personal guards of the emperors of the Zong family in the imperial mausoleum. From the moment he and Zong Xu stepped into this place, all the whereabouts were under the control of that man. among.

The sky is getting late, the sunset is late, but no one has come to rescue, just for this moment.

Let King Wu murder Feng Jun and be convicted of treason. By the way, he is also tested whether he is trustworthy or not, in such a cruel way.

Su Yang smiled bitterly and said, "How could I forget, you are an emperor after all."

The throne of the world is made of countless corpses. There are a few good people who can sit in this position. There are eight brothers in Zong Huan's generation. He can become the final winner, which is enough to explain everything. He was too naive to regard such a person as the most reliable backer.

Zong Huan felt severe pain in his chest, he hugged the cool body in his arms tightly, and said, "I was wrong, I was just too scared, you are always detached, and you are not sure of your intentions, I really can't feel at ease."

Su Yang asked, "When did you decide?"

Zong Huan remained silent.

"When you canonized me as Fengjun? When you read the imperial edict? Or when you learned that I was arrested and decided to make a mistake? Or even earlier, before everything happened, you already set a trap, just waiting for Zong Xu to come. Jump

Zong Huan frowned and said, "I never thought of hurting you."

Su Yang pursed his lips, his pale face was almost transparent in the cold wind, he smiled clearly, and said, "You just never believed me."

The wind was getting louder and louder, and Su Yang's mind was buzzing. He had already recovered from a serious illness, and now he was a little confused. Zong Huan seemed to be eager to explain something in his ear. Although he could hear it, he couldn't figure it out. What does it mean, and finally fell softly into his arms.