The Strategy of Washing Clean a Slag Shou

Chapter 81


Since Zonghuan ascended the throne, his succession has been undecided. Now that the dust has settled, the people are also unprecedentedly happy. Even if there were some bad rumors about this Lord Fengjun in the past, under the deliberate whitewashing of the court, he has already been reborn.

The snowflakes were still falling, and even had a tendency to intensify. Zong Huan clenched the hand of this little cub, and the stagnation in his heart gradually dissipated. He never believed in fate, but only believed in the victory of man.

Now his treasure is firmly in the palm of his hand, he is the emperor of the world, the most noble and powerful existence in the world, who can do anything to him.


The ceremony of the canonization ceremony is very cumbersome. After worshiping the ancestors in the Taimiao, it is necessary to climb a high altitude to worship the sky and hold the sacrifice ceremony on the open-air high platform. First, because the phoenix has the master, it must be reported to the gods. Second, it is to pray for good weather in the Jin Dynasty and peace and prosperity for the country.

When ascending the mountain to worship the sky, no palace servants could follow him, and naturally no one held an umbrella to block the snow, so Zong Huan kept Su Yang in his arms and walked forward step by step. Tens of thousands of people outside the city, all of them moved towards the direction of the palace, praying silently in a sincere mood.

This kind of ceremony is undoubtedly solemn and sacred. Su Yang can feel the awe of the gods and imperial power from the audience. This atmosphere can easily infect others, and even he does not consciously look serious.

Zong Huan only thought he was nervous, so he squeezed his soft palm to reassure him, and the two walked to the highest point together.

Because it was a ceremony of sacrificing the heavens, the offerings were very rich. Three sticks of tribute incense were neatly placed in the center of the table, which was covered with heavy silk. Zong Huan brushed off the snow on the silk and ignited the incense. The white smoke spreads out, and the air is lingering with a faint incense fragrance, which is not a good smell, but it is a reassuring smell.

Zong Huan put the tribute incense on the incense burner, with no expression on his face, he turned around and walked to the altar, and said slowly to the audience: "According to the will of heaven, Tong's respect and modesty are good people. Sealed as Fengjun, and I share the same longevity and glory, and take charge of Fengyin to coordinate the harem."

His voice was not loud, but it was like a thunder in Ling Xiao, and the sound was heard through the wind and snow to everyone's ears.

All the military officials in the audience shouted long live, and the tens of thousands of imperial guards in the imperial city all bowed their heads and knelt down, saying, "Long live your majesty, long live Fengjun". middle.

I don't know when it started, the fluttering snow finally stopped the disturbance, and there was a rotten glow in the east, and in an instant, the light was radiant, the wind and snow receded, and the sky was full of dawn, as if offering a wedding gift to the newlyweds.

- "Zong Huan, I'm so happy, I like to be your wife, and I like you to be my husband, although you are sometimes bad, but for so long, only you have been by my side, I really think you are very good of… "

Once, the little drunk said so in his arms, but now, even if he gets drunk again, I'm afraid he won't have the slightest reliance on him anymore.

Zong Huan pulled Su Yang into his arms and whispered in his ear: "Bao'er, I will be your husband from now on, I will cherish you with my life, and I will not let you down again."

He expressed his heart so sincerely, but the little guy in his arms just pushed him hard, without pushing, he said anxiously: "What are you doing, many people are watching, let me go..."

Zong Huan didn't speak or let go of him, but his lips were stained with a touch of bitterness. He once owned this young man completely, but he didn't cherish it. He greedily wanted more, but in the end pushed him further and further away.

Emotions are the most tempting thing.

If possible, he just wants to go back to the day of ancestor worship. When Zong Xu appeared in Feng Nian and wanted to take away his boy, he fell from the sky and became an unparalleled hero, protecting his sweetheart in his arms and not allowing him suffered the slightest harm and grievance.


After the canonization ceremony, Su Yang's life did not change much, except that he had his own Fengluan Palace, so he didn't have to live under the emperor's palace, but Zong Huan stayed with him every night and refused to leave.

How could this man still have the demeanor of a king of a country when he was being petty? Without a word, he got into Su Yang's bed and refused to move even if he was beaten or scolded. Su Yang gave him the bed and went to the side hall to rest himself. , Zong Huan also chased after the quilt.

The palace people in Fengluan Palace are not as well-trained as Chengqian Palace. Seeing this situation, they almost did not faint on the spot. There are many rumors about this Lord Fengjun in the people, and he has long been described as magical, but they never expected that this would happen. The way the two get along is actually like this, I'm afraid no one will believe it if they say it.

Who would believe that the emperor of Dajin, whom the world admired, was actually a man who was afraid of himself. He was disliked by Lord Fengjun in every possible way, and he moved forward indomitably.

At night, Zong Huan stayed in Fengluan Palace as usual, Su Yang had no choice but to do his own thing, treating him as air.

He cooked a pot of tea, and the crisp aroma came out from the purple clay pot. Zong Huan consciously took the cup and poured it out. After drinking it, he had to betray him. Sophisticated."

Su Yang never knew that the emperor and the rogue could be equated, so he glared at him angrily.

Zong Huan was stared at by his watery apricot eyes, his heart was beating wildly, these days Su Yang is not as cold as before, and occasionally he will give him some responses, although most of the time these responses are disgusting, But it was enough for Zong Huan to be happy.

He put down the cup with a smile, and took this little thing into his arms from behind. He likes to talk to Su Yang about things when he was young. He deliberately skips those embarrassing encounters and only picks up interesting things to say, Su Yang Yang did not reject listening to stories, and always listened to him patiently.

"Yesterday I said that I liked to read books when I was young, and I often sneaked to the top floor of the library to look for books. Once I met a strange old man with white hair and white hair, dressed in tattered clothes, like begging in the capital. The old beggar, he asked me what books I like to read, I said the art of war, he smiled and said that he has the most exquisite art of war in the world, but it is easy not to show others, unless I worship him as a teacher..."

He suddenly stopped when he said this, Su Yang raised his eyes to look at him, urging him to speak quickly with his eyes.

Zong Huan pointed to his lips and coaxed: "Bao'er kiss me, I will continue."

Naturally, Su Yang wouldn't kiss him because of this. He pushed him away and was about to leave, but Zong Huan hugged him around his waist and forcibly kissed him. He licked the corner of his lips as if he was cheap, and said ambiguously, "It's so sweet."

Su Yang's eyes sparked, and he scolded, "Stinky rascal."

Zong Huan was also very helpless. If someone told him a year ago that one day he would stalk others and do anything he could, he would definitely behead that nonsense person to show the public, but until now, except for Shameless, he couldn't think of any other way to save his sweetheart.

It's better to be a hooligan than to be completely ignored by him.

He smiled and continued: "As the saying goes, one day is a teacher and a lifetime is a father. Where would I be a teacher casually, not to mention that the origin of the person is unknown, so what if he is tricked."

Su Yang thought to himself, how old were you at that time, and your suspicions were so serious.

Zong Huan said: "The old man said, "Boy, you missed the great opportunity. I pointed to the art of war in the Book Collection Pavilion, 'There is no most exquisite art of war in the world. It's the most exquisite art of war, and you don't need to pick up people's wisdom.' Bao'er guess what, the old man will be soft and hard every day, and he must accept me as a disciple, and also teach me profound internal skills and martial arts."

Su Yang asked, "Where has that person gone now?"

Zong Huan pondered for a moment, and said, "After I finished my studies, he left the palace. Before leaving, he asked me to be a good emperor in the future. The funny thing is that soon after he left, I was demoted to the cold palace, and I almost never will be able to do it again. Couldn't turn around."

Su Yang didn't want to accept this, so he held the warm porcelain cup and drank tea silently, Zong Huan looked at his lips soaked with tea, his eyes were deep.

"In the end, I didn't worship him as a teacher," Zong Huan said, "I inherited his lifelong efforts, but I didn't call him a master. I have been like this since I was a child, and I was born to learn not to trust others. There is no reason. It seems that In the depths of the soul, it is always vigilant, and constantly reminds itself that you must not trust others, or you will be deceived badly and lose everything."

Su Yang's fingers trembled slightly, the porcelain cup in his palm suddenly overturned, and all the warm tea fell on his body, but he pursed his lips in a daze as if there was no pain.

Zong Huan was taken aback. He reacted very quickly, and quickly removed Su Yang's tea-drenched clothes and wiped his red-hot skin with cold water. Su Yang sat naked in his arms, the man was rough. The palm of his hand wandered around him, and he couldn't think of stopping it, but he just felt guilty.

In fact, what qualification does he have to blame Zonghuan for using him to test him? Isn't his feelings for this man fake? He is angry that his trust has been paid to the wrong person, and Zonghuan's feelings are also wrongly paid to the person? In contrast, he was the one who should say sorry.

The system that knows the truth silently pretends to be dead.

The beloved was sitting naked in his arms, and looking at him with such apologetic eyes, Zong Huan believed that he was not a saint, and finally couldn't resist the urge to rush up at a high speed, and overwhelmed him on the Arhat bed.

Under the quilt embroidered with dragon and phoenix auspicious patterns, this little goblin's round eyes flickered with confusion, and she had no idea how attractive she was at the moment.

Those two gorgeous lips slowly opened and closed, and muttered, "I'm sorry, I was wrong too."

Zong Huan's brain was already chaotic, and there was only one thought in his heart.

Cute, think X.