The Strategy of Washing Clean a Slag Shou

Chapter 91


Snitching is very difficult to operate. First of all, you must distinguish the primary and secondary, with a clear orientation, and secondly, it must be gradual and interlocking, but the most important thing is that you cannot let the other party see that you are complaining. , otherwise the perfect human design will collapse if it collapses.

Su Yang showed us a successful case, which not only made Yan Lie feel bad for himself, but also hated Lin Qu by the way, and there was no bad association, such as why that guy fell in love with you, are you? It's a misleading topic that provokes people.

It can be said to be perfect, so he nestled in the arms of the man, fell asleep at ease, and slept sweetly and sweetly.

As the night got darker, the man lying in the repair cabin slowly opened his eyes, his stern face crossed with confusion, he frowned slightly, and when he saw the boy leaning on his arms, the pair of eyes were as deep as pools of water. His black eyes instantly burst into ecstasy.

He carefully looked at the boy's quiet sleeping face. Those eyebrows and eyes were familiar to him, but he had never seen them from such a condescending perspective. The delicate eyebrows, the thick and curled eyelashes, and the gorgeous red lips, as if stained with contamination. The red roses in the morning dew are gorgeous and eye-catching.

His eyes darkened slightly, and suddenly he reached out and grabbed the boy's chin, pressing his long-desired full lips.

Because someone was domineeringly grabbing the body fluid in his mouth, the boy was kissed almost suffocating in his sleep, and when he was released, he mumbled unconsciously in a low voice, "Hum, don't make trouble..."

At this point, he still hasn't woken up.

Yan Lie laughed in a low voice, lowered his head and put his head close to Su Yang's lips again, without waiting for the expected softness, his consciousness had been engulfed by the darkness, and he returned to the cub's body again.

The conscious body has been away from the body for too long, and it has been rejected. It seems that it will take some time to break in, Yan Lie thought with a pity in his heart.

At this time, the security staff sitting in front of the monitor was already dumbfounded. With the pager, he didn't know whether to notify Yan Shu or not, and even suspected that they had hallucinations collectively. Otherwise, how could they see the marshal kissing his adopted son? And the expression is so happy, it is clearly in love.

That is the myth of the empire. He is the strongest man in the entire galaxy. How can a god who is high above have the feelings of a human being, and the object is still such a humble and selfish person!

Whether they believe it or not, the monitoring of the room has faithfully recorded this scene, which indicates that the sleeping imperial marshal is about to wake up, and the pattern of the Imperial City will be reshuffled again.


In the early morning of the next day, Su Yang returned to his room with Hen He in his arms and fell asleep.

He didn't sleep well last night. After all, the repair cabin couldn't compare to a soft bed, and he was sleeping with a tall man. The space he could occupy was very limited, and he could barely make do with it for one night.

When he was called by the housekeeper to the study, he was still confused. He didn't know what the old lady was going to mess with early in the morning. How could he know that he was taken advantage of after he fell asleep!

Well, he had forgotten how much he took advantage of others when they couldn't move.

Yan Shu looked at the young man in front of her with a complicated expression and asked, "Do you see clearly?"

The projection device in front of him was showing the scene from last night. The handsome, god-like man lowered his eyes slightly and looked at the sleeping boy seriously. After a while, he suddenly grabbed the other's jaw and kissed it heavily. , while the sleeping boy was unconscious, even unconsciously cooperated.

The imperial marshal, who has never had excess emotions, is now completely enveloped by warmth, and the smile in his eyes is too obvious to be ignored.

Su Yang nodded dumbly, not knowing how to react.

Yan Shu glanced at the screen, the old face was a little uncomfortable, she coughed lightly, and said, "It took about ten minutes for Yan Lie to regain consciousness. Obviously, this is the first time he has actually behaved, and doctors speculate that it will be no more than a month before he actually wakes up."

Su Yang's mind was stunned for a moment, and his face immediately showed a look of joy, and said: "Dad is about to wake up, I, I am not dreaming, I can see my father again, and he can hear what I say, really. Great… "

Speaking of which, his voice was a little choked up, this, this is too fast, and the progress is still far behind!

Yan Shu glanced at him lightly, and said with hooked lips: "Congratulations on getting what you want, your hard work these days has not been in vain."

"… Auntie has won the prize."

Su Yang's cheeks were hot when she said it. How did he know that these people were not doing their jobs, and they were watching the monitor when they saw the sky? Didn't they see all the shameless and impetuous things he did? Will he ever see anyone again!

Yan Shu saw his discomfort and waved his hand: "Go have breakfast, I will continue to trouble you later."

Su Yang nodded at her, turned around and walked out of the study. She didn't eat breakfast, so she locked herself in the room and didn't go out.

He just said why people here look at him so strangely! He said how could Lin Qu know that he likes his adoptive father! It turned out that not only was there 24-hour surveillance in the medical room, but there were also people who were watching all the time. Yan Shu said on the surface that she believed in him, but in the end she was afraid that he would do something unfavorable to Yan Lie. ! !

He wrapped himself in the quilt, feeling angry and stuffy. The most important thing was that he was extremely embarrassed. Although those words were all sweet words for Yan Lie, it was not good for outsiders to hear them, and there were still so many. The spread is still so wide, and this day is really over.

The little hairball lying dozing on the bed looked at the bulging quilt with a smile in his black eyes. For some reason, he felt that the boy in front of him who hid himself under the quilt because of embarrassment was extremely familiar, so familiar that he could endure it. I can't stop wanting to imprison him by my side, forever.


Soon, another half month passed, Yan Lie's condition was getting better and better, his depleted body miraculously started to recover, SSS's physique once again radiated with strong vitality, compared to the previous morbid complexion, now he has healthy wheat-colored skin .

The man is about to wake up.

While the entire Yan family was looking forward to the return of the head of the family, Su Yang was heartbroken for his cub.

This little thing sleeps all day without eating or drinking. Even if it is force-fed into its mouth, it will spit it out. The stomach seems to stop working, and the food it eats is indigestible.

Su Yang was so frightened that he went to the hospital to buy a lot of medicines, but he couldn't feed them at all, so he had to ask Yan Shu to get a pet repair cabin at home to maintain the energy needed for the body to operate, and at least temporarily save his life.

He actually doesn't like keeping pets, because he is afraid that he can't afford a new little life.

Hem's appearance was like fate. It was the first day he came to this world. He was not accompanied by familiar relatives and lovers, and his heart was full of fear and loneliness. At this time, it appeared in front of his eyes, or sooner. Either way they will miss it, but it just so happened that they met.

Su Yang attributed this to fate. Since it was fate, he was willing to take good care of it to the best of his ability.

Just like when it arrived in a hurry, it is now leaving in a hurry without warning. Even though Su Yang tried his best to save it, its life was shortened day by day like quicksand.

Sitting in the medical room, he thought about it, and still hugged this little thing on his lap. Since it is going to leave after all, it is better to get closer, it is better than the cold repair cabin.

It was another life and death. He still remembered that when the last world was about to leave Zong Huan, the man hugged him and repeated in his ear, "I will look for you in the next life, you must wait for me."

Su Yang was worried that his deadline had come, and he was still dissatisfied with the progress. He was full of panic, so he casually replied, "I will wait for you."

As soon as the voice fell, the progress bar that had been stagnant for decades reached its peak.

Unexpected, but also reasonable.

The small black hairball slowly opened its eyes, facing the boy's slightly hollow eyes, and it rubbed his furry head against his palm. Hem can't accompany you anymore, but Dad will protect you in the future.

The little guy who had been ill for nearly a month suddenly regained his spirits. Su Yang was not someone who was ignorant of the world. Knowing that he was returning to the light, he stroked his fur and said softly, "Goodbye."

The small hairball lying on his lap gradually stopped breathing, and Su Yang was stunned for a long time before calling its name again.

Too bad I didn't hear it.

The rustling electric sound of the system came out: "Life, old age, sickness and death, the more you see it, the more you will get used to it."

Perhaps to divert the pain in his chest, Su Yang asked, "Have you seen many deaths?"

After a while, the system said, "It's just you, I've met several times."

It was a disguised acknowledgment of Su Yang's speculation that he had indeed forgotten something, and it must have something to do with the system.

Su Yang said, "I'm curious about the missions in the first few worlds. Is that something I shouldn't remember? It involves your interests?"

After a long time without a response, Su Yang thought the system was about to pretend to be dead again, but suddenly he heard the answer he had always wanted: "Because you fell in love with the mission target and didn't want to continue the strategy."

It answered so honestly, as if what it had done was reasonable, and it was no fault of depriving other people of their memories. Su Yang now stood on the opposite side of it and didn't know how to refute it.

He snorted softly, and walked out slowly holding Yu Wen's body.

"I really want to know what kind of brain circuit monster is the person who designed an intelligent system like yours."


Su Yang buried Hen Hen's body in the cemetery, and returned to Yan's house extremely exhausted. He habitually went to the medical room to visit his sleeping father, but saw that the training cabin was already empty.

He blinked his eyes, his usually agile eyes were a little dull, difficult, could it be...

A low laugh suddenly sounded behind him. Before he could turn around, he was already shackled by a pair of powerful arms. The man embraced him from behind and said softly, "Luo Luo, Dad is back."

A familiar smell lingered in his nostrils. Even though he had been with him for half a year, it was the first time that Su Yang had faced Yan Lie who was awake. The danger of this man was far beyond his imagination.

The beast that had been sleeping for a long time finally woke up.

Su Yang closed his eyes, bad things came one after another, and he had already given up resisting.

Yan Lie glanced at the surveillance camera lightly, and the security guards over there immediately broke into a cold sweat and hurriedly turned off the surveillance.

That night, the Yan family issued a notice to the entire empire that Marshal Yan Lie had woken up and his body was not damaged.