The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus

Chapter 1013: Langya Quest


The dragon was under the eaves, and he had to bow his head.

Tang Zheng accepted it as soon as he saw it, and said, "I have another matter to come to you this time."

The five-clawed golden dragon lowered its posture, and asked humbly, "What's the matter?"

"About Langya Pavilion." At the beginning, when he climbed to the fifth floor of Langya Pavilion, he had a whim. When he looked out from the window of Langya Pavilion, the area outside Langya Pavilion was vast, and he didn't know where it was. There is an urge to find out.

But this matter is no small matter, it is better to ask the five-clawed golden dragon first.

"I see there is a boundless area beyond Langya Pavilion, what is that place?"

The five-clawed golden dragon was startled, stared straight at Tang Zheng, and asked warily, "Why do you ask this question?"

"I just saw it by accident, just on a whim."

"Before our Dragon Clan enters Langya Pavilion, we will be told not to go to other areas except Langya Pavilion. I actually forgot to explain this to you." Five-clawed Golden Dragon said with lingering fear.

"Can't you go to those areas? Why? I think that area is not small, maybe there are other things." Tang Zheng asked puzzled.

"This is the rule of the Dragon Clan, and all the children of the Dragon Clan must abide by it. Why are there so many?" The five-clawed golden dragon said dissatisfied.

Tang Zheng frowned, and said to himself: "What dragon clan rules, I'm not dragon clan."

The fact that the dragons are so taboo about this area makes it even more complicated, and that area seems worth exploring.

Seeing that he remained silent, the five-clawed golden dragon's eyes changed slightly, and he exclaimed: "You don't mean to go to that area, do you? Let me tell you, don't take risks. Since the Dragon Clan has this rule, it must be for us." good."

Seeing its strong resistance, Tang Zheng became more and more convinced that there was something tricky in it, so he said, "Has no one ever been there before?"

"I haven't heard of it anyway."

"Your Dragon God Art has now reached the fifth level, you can climb to the fifth floor, and your cultivation base has greatly increased, breaking through the sixth level of Dragon God Art is just around the corner, why should you think about those illusory things? ?” The five-clawed golden dragon said earnestly.

Tang Zheng looked at the five-clawed golden dragon suspiciously, he objected so excitedly, could there be something hidden

In the final analysis, deep down in his heart, he did not fully believe in the five-clawed golden dragon, which is why he had such concerns.

He chuckled, noncommittal, and said: "It's been a month since I entered Langya Pavilion last time, I'm going in again now."

After finishing speaking, he sat down cross-legged directly, and Xiaobai immediately stood beside him to protect the dharma, and gave the five-clawed golden dragon a hard look, as if saying that you don't have any bad ideas, I'm here.

Tang Zheng's consciousness had already entered the dragon seal, and the majestic Langya Pavilion stood in front of him. He raised his head and looked up. He didn't go in, but turned around and walked in another direction.

In the end, he decided to explore the area.

Except for Langya Pavilion, the other places seemed to be shrouded in thick fog, and it was impossible to see the specific appearance. Tang Zheng walked straight into the fog and walked for an unknown amount of time. Looking around, he could no longer distinguish the direction clearly.

He jumped up high, tens of meters high, but he still couldn't get rid of the fog, and the fog was still thick in all directions. This is in the dragon seal, he is just a ray of consciousness, unable to fly with the sword, he can only continue to move forward.

Suddenly, his feet stepped into the air, and he fell down involuntarily.

"Ah" he couldn't help screaming, and was about to cast a spell to stop, but found that he was falling so fast that he couldn't stop at all.


With a muffled sound, he fell heavily on the ground, but he was not injured. He quickly got up, and after a closer look, there was no more fog around him, and everything was very clear.

But when he looked up, his whole body trembled, and he looked at the scene in front of him with a ghostly expression.

"Langya Pavilion!" He couldn't help shouting, "How could I return to Langya Pavilion? I was clearly falling downwards, and Langya Pavilion should be on top."

He looked up subconsciously, the sky was gray and he couldn't see anything, only the Langya Pavilion in front of him was clear and bright.

It's just that this Langya Pavilion is very strange, it doesn't stand upright towards the sky, but it is an inverted triangle with layers downward, as if it is suspended on the ground.

The three big characters Langya Pavilion on the plaque were so impressive that Tang Zheng would never admit that it was the Langya Pavilion, but how could he turn back

Could it be another ghost hit the wall

No, this is not a ghost world, where did the ghost hit the wall.

Moreover, this Langya Pavilion is still upside down.

He was confused, turned his head and looked around, there was no fog, and he saw the end at a glance, which was completely different from what he had seen before.

He scratched his head, very distressed, since there was no way out, he simply entered Langya Pavilion.

He strode into Langya Pavilion with strides, but as soon as he entered the first floor, he involuntarily stopped, because this first floor was completely different from what he had seen before.

Empty, nothing.

However, when his feet landed on the ground, the scene changed suddenly and changed drastically.

Where there is nothing empty, a huge forest of steles immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

Forest of Steles!

Tang Zheng's eyes widened, and he stared straight at the forest of steles that suddenly appeared. Since it can be called a forest, it shows that there are so many steles.

There is not a single word on the stele, it is bare, but it gives people a very solemn feeling.

"This looks like a tombstone." Tang Zheng observed for a while, talking to himself.

How could there be so many tombstones in Langya Pavilion? Who is buried here

Tang Zheng's hand gently stroked the tombstone, a cold feeling came from his palm, a ray of light rose from the tombstone, and a familiar aura spread out.


Tang Zheng exclaimed in disbelief.

As soon as the words fell, a ray of light shot up from the tombstone, forming a golden dragon in mid-air, flying around the forest of steles, and then fell into the stone stele and disappeared.

Tang Zheng stared blankly at this scene, what is going on

How could a dragon fly out of the tombstone

He put his hand on another tombstone again, exactly the same, a ray of light flew up, intertwined into a dragon, and then flew into the tombstone.

Tang Zheng's breathing involuntarily became rapid, and he stared intently at the forest of steles, as if he wanted to see through the mystery.

A flash of inspiration flashed through him, and he pondered: "Could it be that these dragons are all buried below? Aren't they already dead? How could they still appear? Are they the dragon souls of remnant souls?"

Since there are so many dragons buried here, don't bother them, so he stepped lightly up the steps leading to the second floor.

After he stepped on the steps with both feet, the scene on the first floor changed. The forest of steles disappeared and became bare again.

"It seems that you have to be in it to be able to see those stele forests. The lifespan of the Dragon Clan is so long. I didn't expect so many people to die."

When he walked all the way down to the door of the second floor, his eyes were still empty, but when he stepped into it, everything changed again. It was still a forest of steles, but there were fewer tombstones.

This time he didn't touch the tombstones, leaving them to rest here.

"Could it be that this entire building is a tomb, in which countless dragons are buried?" He suddenly thought, but no one answered his question.

He went down to the third floor, and there were still tombstones. The same was true for the fourth floor. When he reached the fifth floor, he finally discovered a feature. The further he went down, the fewer the tombstones, especially when he reached the fifth floor. At that time, there were only about a hundred tombstones.

He stopped, looking at so many tombstones, he fell into deep thought, if an ordinary person would be terrified to be trapped in so many tombstones, but Tang Zheng didn't feel much fear, just felt very strange.

Why is this happening here

Although the names of the two Langya Pavilions are the same, the things in them are completely different. This is a tomb, but the people buried in it are all dragons, unlike the Honghuangtian tomb where not only humans but also monsters are buried.

He looked at the steps leading to the sixth floor, and walked over directly. Since he was here, he had to find out what was below, and he couldn't give up halfway.


However, when he came to the steps, he raised his foot to step on it, but was bounced back by a strong force, and he staggered back. He quickly stabilized his figure and looked at Langya Pavilion, uncertain.

"Could it be like that Langya Pavilion, where if the Dragon God Art cannot reach the corresponding level, then it will not be able to reach the corresponding floor at all?"

"Please, this is just a tomb, how can there be such strict rules?"

He didn't continue to try, nor did he go downstairs in a hurry. There was nowhere to go outside. There was only so much space in this space, so the question that bothered him now was how to get back.

With a thought in his mind, he tried to withdraw from the dragon seal, but found that there was no response.


When he was in that Langya Pavilion, he could come and go freely, but now it seems that his personal freedom is restricted.

"Are you going to trap me here to death?"

Since there was no way to go outside, he had to find another way. He turned his eyes and locked on the steps leading to the sixth floor. He remembered very clearly that when he forced his way to the steps on the higher floors, he would be caught by those people. A huge force bounced back, and then withdrew from the dragon seal.

He wanted to imitate this method, so he exercised enough energy, like an angry lion, rushed towards the steps with a whoosh.


He was bounced back again and hit the wall so hard that his bones seemed to be falling apart, but he still didn't back out.

He couldn't laugh or cry, what's going on

Why doesn't this work

Could it only be done in that Langya Pavilion

He rolled his eyes speechlessly, but now he can't retreat, is he trapped here to death

"No, every time I come to Langya Pavilion, there is a time limit. As long as the time is up, I will definitely be able to withdraw automatically." He had an idea, and finally thought of this.

So, he wasn't in a hurry anymore, and simply sat down, glanced at the tombstone, and then began to practice without distraction.

Cultivation in Langya Pavilion can get twice the result with half the effort, this good opportunity can't be missed, besides, waiting is also very boring.

He silently operated his skills, especially the Dragon God Art, which started to operate by itself, and the five-clawed golden dragon in the Yintang flew into the air.

But he didn't notice that the tombstone closest to him had changed.