The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus

Chapter 1014: Dragon Slayer


The tombstone lit up, rose into the sky, and turned into a golden dragon.

However, this time the golden dragon did not fly and circle in mid-air, but directly swooped down towards Tang Zheng.


The golden dragon flew into Tang Zheng's body and disappeared without a trace.

Tang Zheng's whole body was shocked, and he also found this point, and was taken aback.

The dragon soul enters the body!

The dragon soul quickly turned into energy, turned into powerful dragon energy, and quickly merged into his eight meridians, but more dragon energy rushed into the dragon seal and merged into the body of the five-clawed golden dragon .

In an instant, the five-clawed golden dragon burst into golden light, and Tang Zheng was completely bathed in the golden light, like a golden man gleaming with golden light.

He was so blessed that he immediately realized something, and quickly activated the Dragon God Art, one after another mysterious artistic conception spread, the dragon spirit in his body rose steadily, the five-clawed golden dragon gradually changed, and the sixth dragon claw grew out .

He looked at this scene in disbelief, and was really surprised and sighed that the Dragon Soul could actually help him improve the Dragon God Art.

When the sixth dragon claw is fully grown, he has completely promoted to the sixth level of the Dragon God Art, and he is done.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at a tombstone next to him, from which the dragon soul flew out just now.

He looked at the other tombstones. There was no doubt that there were dragon souls in those tombstones. He wondered, could he absorb the dragon souls from other tombstones

He stretched out his hand, just about to run the Dragon God Art, when suddenly, the world spun, the scene in front of him changed, the forest of steles disappeared, and he returned to reality, seeing a group of three little white guys looking at him with burning eyes, he couldn't help Stand up quickly.

"What did you do?" The five-clawed golden dragon asked anxiously.

Tang Zheng glanced at him indifferently, and asked, "What did you say I did?"

"How do I know? Just now you erupted with golden light, your dragon energy soared, and now your Dragon God Art has broken through to the sixth stage. What did you do, and how did you do it?" The five-clawed golden dragon Impatiently asking, the main reason is that the vision just now was too terrifying.

Xiaobai and Chiyue Beast also looked like curious babies, staring at Tang Zheng intently.

Tang Zheng smiled faintly and said, "Do you want to know that much?"


"I practice Dragon God Art in Langya Pavilion. Didn't you also say that Dragon God Art is about to break through, and I happen to break through this threshold by chance, so is there anything strange?" Tang Zheng asked with a smile.

The five-clawed golden dragon thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No! You suddenly have a strong dragon energy in your body, which is unreasonable."

Tang Zheng's heart shuddered, the five-clawed golden dragon's vision was really sharp, and he could see this.

"Oh, then what do you think will happen?" Tang Zheng asked with a half-smile.

The five-clawed golden dragon thought for a long time, looked Tang Zheng up and down, and seemed to want to see through him, but in the end he shook his head helplessly: "I don't know, but you should be very clear."

"Really?" Tang Zheng smiled meaningfully, "What do I know?"

"How did that dragon energy come from?"

"I'm in Langya Pavilion, where do you think my dragon energy comes from?" Tang Zheng asked back.

"how could I know?"

Tang Zheng raised his eyebrows, wondering if what the five-clawed golden dragon said was true or false, there was no doubt that there were other places besides Langya Pavilion, and the helpless golden dragon kept warning him not to intrude.

This made Tang Zheng very suspicious, wondering if the five-clawed golden dragon knew about the existence of another Langya Pavilion.

"Then I'll ask another question, you must be very clear about it." Tang Zheng changed his mind and chose a roundabout strategy.

"what is the problem?"

"How will the Dragon Clan be arranged after death?"

The five-clawed golden dragon looked at Tang Zheng suspiciously, and asked, "Why do you want to ask this question?"

"It's not a very secret question, is it?" Tang Zheng asked back, staring at him burningly, trying to distinguish the authenticity of his reaction.

The five-clawed golden dragon said: "Of course the dragons will be buried after death, and they will be buried in peace, no different from you humans."

"Where is it buried?"

"It depends on your own wishes."

"Isn't there going to be a centralized burial?"

"Why is there a centralized burial?"

Tang Zheng was taken aback by the rhetorical question of the five-clawed golden dragon, and it didn't look like it was lying, but why were so many dragons buried in that Langya Pavilion

This is so abnormal.

He really wanted to tell the five-clawed golden dragon what he had discovered, but he took a deep breath, held back, and continued to ask: "Then after the death of the dragon clan, will there still be a dragon soul?"

The five-clawed golden dragon raised its head high and said proudly: "The dragon clan is completely different from you humans. After your humans die, your soul will enter the ghost world, but our dragon clan will not. Our dragon souls are immortal, but after burial, your souls will enter the ghost world. The Dragon Soul Transformation will be buried together in the cemetery to rest in peace."

Tang Zheng suddenly realized, and gradually realized in his heart, it turned out that the dragon souls on those tombstones were the souls of the dragon clan buried there, but the dragon souls could not be destroyed, so they were also buried there.

But why can I absorb those dragon souls

Can everyone absorb the dragon soul

He thought for a while, and then asked: "I guess there must be a lot of dragon energy in the dragon soul?"

"Of course!" The five-clawed golden dragon nodded.

"Dragon clan can improve their cultivation by absorbing dragon energy?"

The five-clawed golden dragon was about to nod, but it suddenly froze, looked at Tang Zheng with a complicated expression, and asked, "What do you mean by that? Do you mean absorbing the dragon soul and then improving your cultivation?"

Tang Zheng remained calm.

But the five-clawed golden dragon roared angrily: "Why are your ideas as despicable as the dragon slayer's?"

Dragon Slayer

Tang Zheng raised his eyebrows. Hearing this word for the first time, he couldn't help staring at the five-clawed golden dragon curiously, and asked, "What is a dragon slayer?"

"A group of despicable and shameless fellows." The Five-Clawed Golden Dragon hesitated to speak, and it could be seen that Tang Zheng was listening attentively, but it didn't dare not to say it, thinking that this wasn't a big secret, so it wouldn't hurt to tell him.

So, I only heard the five-clawed golden dragon say indignantly: "Dragon slayers are the collective name of a group in the world. There are not only people in this group, but also other races, but the only thing in common is that they specialize in hunting dragon souls and absorbing the dragon energy. Then increase your cultivation."

As if a door to a new world had been opened to Tang Zheng, he asked curiously: "There is such a group in the world. Aren't your Dragon Clan always strong and superior?"

The five-clawed golden dragon seemed a little embarrassed, and said: "Even in a powerful race, it is hard to escape the calculations of some insidious and cunning people, especially these dragon slayers not only join forces to slay dragons, but what is even more despicable is that they absorb the buried dragons." The Dragon Soul, makes people careless."

Tang Zheng couldn't help blushing a little, didn't he also absorb the dragon soul, he was a despicable person in the mouth of the five-clawed golden dragon. He coughed twice, concealing the embarrassment in his heart, and said, "Then how do you usually deal with these dragon slayers?"

"Of course it's cut into eight pieces." The five-clawed golden dragon said viciously.

Tang Zheng felt a chill in his chest, but he pretended to be calm and said, "Where are these dragon slayers?"

"Dragon Slayers are very cunning. It was because we were unwilling to be disturbed that some of our dragons left our homeland to find a new habitat. I and other clansmen came to this world, but in the end we found that this is not our paradise. I left." The five-clawed golden dragon said regretfully.

Tang Zheng's heart was beating wildly, he grasped a key point, and asked: "You said that the dragon slayers forced you to leave your homeland, so how powerful are they? Stronger than your dragon clan?"

"How is it possible?" A look of panic flashed in the eyes of the five-clawed golden dragon, and he denied it with a wrong mouth. "The dragon clan is the most powerful. All in all, the dragon slayer is very hateful. If I meet him, I will definitely smash him into pieces."

"Since the dragon soul is so dangerous, haven't you guys thought of a way? For example, if you hit the dragon soul somewhere and protect it, wouldn't it be possible to avoid being looted by the dragon slayer?" Tang Zheng asked intentionally.

The five-clawed golden dragon looked at Tang Zheng in surprise, and said, "You are so smart, you actually thought of the same method as we did back then, but the dragon slayers are too cunning, no matter where they hide, they are like cats stealing blood." In the end, because many dragon souls were gathered together, it was cheaper for them and greatly increased their strength. It was precisely because of this incident that the strength of the dragon slayers increased greatly, posing a huge threat to our dragon clan. "

The five-clawed golden dragon didn't finish his sentence.

It was precisely because of this strategy that the dragon slayer took it all at once, so a large number of dragon souls were taken away, and the strength of the dragon slayer reached a peak state, which could even threaten the existence of the dragon clan, so the dragon clan had to find him again. Even go to the New World to find a place to live.

Of course, it would be too embarrassing for the dragon clan to tell these secrets, so it is impossible for the five-clawed golden dragon not to say it.

But what kind of person Tang Zheng was, he knew a little bit about it, and through analysis, he gradually understood a clue, and his guess was inseparable.

Immediately, he was even more curious about the dragon slayers, what kind of group this is, it can be so powerful.

What about the tombstone in Langya Pavilion? Is that also a resettlement point for the Dragon Clan

Only the Dragon Clan can enter the Langya Pavilion through the dragon seal, and the dragon slayers have no choice. Why don't the Dragon Clan put all the dragon souls in the Langya Pavilion? Wouldn't everything be all right

He didn't know the reason, so he decided to test the five-clawed golden dragon again, and asked: "Five-clawed golden dragon, do you really not know what's in the space outside Langya Pavilion?"

"Didn't I tell you? Dragons have rules, they are not allowed to set foot in that space, they can only go to Langya Pavilion." The five-clawed golden dragon said impatiently.

Seeing that it spoke with certainty and without any flaws, Tang Zheng decided to believe it first, it seems that it really didn't know about the Forest of Steles. That being the case, then I couldn't tell it, otherwise, with its temper, it would definitely lose its temper.

If I told it that I had absorbed a dragon soul, I'm afraid it would even have the intention of killing him.

This time he absorbed the dragon soul completely by accident, Tang Zheng didn't want to cause a bigger disturbance, so he decided to keep it secret and find out when he went to Langya Pavilion next time.