The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus

Chapter 1020: Bring shame on yourself


A few girls were chattering, swearing, and accusing black and white, which made the boy distraught, and the appearance of curling up together looked very pitiful.

Park Shixun raised his head proudly, with a smug sneer at the corner of his mouth, and strode away under the escort of bodyguards.

The girls' attention was immediately attracted, and they all screamed.

"Ouba, I love you!"

"Ouba, so handsome!"

"Stop!" Suddenly, a loud shout sounded, and a person blocked their way.

Several people had no choice but to stop, Park Shixun frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

Tang Zheng stared at several people coldly. To be honest, he hadn't been this angry for a long time, even when facing the Lord or Lord Variety, he wasn't so angry.

His anger came not only from these people's indifference to others, but also from those girls, who were Chinese, and they didn't care about the safety of their compatriots for the sake of a few Koreans. Slander is capable of slandering fellow citizens.

This deep-rooted contempt for his compatriots hurt Tang Zheng's heart.

He still loves this country deeply in his bones, and feels deep contempt and anger for this behavior, so he has to come forward.

These girls are all freshmen, and they don't know Tang Zheng at all. When they saw him jumping out, they burst into fury. Before Park Shixun could speak, they rushed over impatiently, shouting loudly, "Who are you? When is your turn?" Are you here to point fingers?"

Tang Zheng looked at them pitifully, yes, these women are very pitiful, they have lost their roots and soul as a Chinese person, this is an empty shell without a soul, but poor people must have something to hate, so, He has no sympathy for them.

"Are you still Chinese?" Tang Zheng asked.

The girl was slightly taken aback, and shouted, "Of course I'm from China."

"Then what are you doing? A Korean man bumped into our compatriots, but you are helping others and condemning your own compatriots. Are you blind? Are your hearts crooked?" Tang Zheng's voice was like Hong Zhong Dalu, Deafening.

The girls shuddered and froze in place, but after a while, they came back to their senses, as if they had been humiliated, and said, "Who are you, what qualifications do you have to educate us? In front of our Oppa, you It's a pile of cow dung."

The sneer at the corner of Pu Shixun's mouth deepened, he folded his arms, watched the scene with interest, chatted with the woman around him, and chatted in Korean as if no one else was around.

The woman also looked at Tang Zheng and the girls mockingly, covered her mouth and sneered.

Tang Zheng couldn't understand what they were saying, but he guessed that it was definitely not a good word, so he glanced at the two of them coldly, and they raised their heads proudly and looked at Tang Zheng provocatively.

Fang Shishi walked over and said, "Tang Zheng, they are talking ugly things."

Fang Shishi has been a top student since she was a child, and she also knows a thing or two about Korean, so she understood the conversation between the two.

Sure enough, Tang Zheng thought to himself, and asked, "What did they say?"

"They said that the Huaxia people are indeed a low-level ethnic group, they only know how to fight in the nest, and dogs bite dogs, which is less than one ten-thousandth of their Koryo people." Fang Shishi said indignantly, she is a person who rarely gets angry, after hearing this , The voice trembled when he spoke angrily.

These words were like a fuse that immediately ignited the pent-up anger of the onlookers, who all shouted: "Bangzi Gaoli, how dare you come to our country to scold people, get out of our country."

A flash of panic flashed in Pu Shixun's eyes, and he quickly calmed down, returning to his haughty look. The woman next to him immediately put on a straight face, and said in proficient Chinese: "You are slandering, we didn't say these words at all, get out of the way, we Still have to report."

Tang Zheng and Fang Shishi remained motionless, a ruthless look flashed in the woman's eyes, and she yelled in Korean, several bodyguards moved after hearing the sound, and grabbed Tang Zheng directly.

Fang Shishi couldn't help being the first to strike first, her little white hand was holding the bodyguard's wrist, and with a sudden push, the bodyguard's arm flicked back.


The bodyguard hit his chest with his hand, retreated like a cannonball, hit the bodyguard behind him, and fell to the ground together, in a panic.


Exclamations immediately rang out from the crowd, no one expected that the seemingly weak Fang Shishi would have such great strength.

Ye Dingdang, who was already filled with righteous indignation, also attacked by coincidence, but instead of aiming at the bodyguards, he rushed towards the boys on the ground. Those girls blocked her way, and Ye Dingdang scolded coquettishly: "You are also worthy of being Chinese people!" ?"

clap clap...

Several girls were slapped, like a spinning top, they spun around before falling to the ground.

The boy was so humiliated that he suddenly saw a hot and heroic beauty rushing towards him. He seemed to forget the pain for a moment, and only this figure was left in his eyes. Even after many years, this figure often echoed in his mind.

"How are you?" Ye Dingdang helped the boy up, and saw that his ankle was swollen.

The boy was stunned, looking at Ye Dingdang blushingly, speechless for a moment.

"Is it painful?"


The boy finally woke up like a dream, took a breath, and nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, with us here, these perpetrators who bully others don't want to escape!" Ye Dingdang said firmly.

The boy nodded hesitantly.

"Tang Zheng, how about you come to see how his injury is?" Ye Dingdang shouted.

Tang Zheng walked over, no one stopped him this time, he bent down to check the injury, frowned and said: "It's misplaced, bear with it, I'll straighten your bones now, and you'll be fine in a while."

"Ah, oh..." The boy was a little dazed and at a loss. At this moment, he suddenly felt a tingling pain. He was about to scream, but found a warm feeling wrapped around the wound, and the pain disappeared immediately. up.

"How about you try it now?"

The boy woke up as if he had just woken up from a dream, and looked at his leg blankly. The swollen place had returned to its original state. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe his eyes, and said hesitantly, "This... what's going on?"

As he spoke, he stretched his legs and tried to walk two steps with Ye Dingdang's support.

"I don't feel any pain anymore." The boy cheered, turned to look at Ye Dingdang, only to find that she was still holding on to his shoulders, his cheeks were flushed, his eyes flustered, and he was at a loss.

When the other boys saw this scene, they all shouted in their hearts, boy, why are you so lucky, replace me, suffer this little bit, you can enjoy this kind of treatment, and make a lot of money.

Ye Dingdang let go of his hand carelessly, and said, "It's good that you can walk." After speaking, he turned and walked towards Park Shixun, and said coldly, "We should deal with him next."

Fang Shishi blocked the way of the Koreans, but they didn't force their way in. Park Shixun looked at Fang Shishi with great interest. Just now she made a clean move, which opened her eyes and made her heart move. This kind of girl is beautiful and has good skills. Isn't it just the type you like

So, he showed a smile that had fascinated thousands of fans, and said self-righteously to Fang Shishi: "Beauty, my name is Park Shixun, can I make a friend?"

Fang Shishi looked at him with disgust, and said, "You are not worthy of being my friend."

"Good!" The crowd burst into applause immediately.

"Beauty, good job."

"Heroes among women, heroes among women."

The woman finally couldn't help reprimanding: "What are you, you are so ugly, you dare to talk to us Shixun like this, and Shixun is the national male god of our Korea."

"Tch, go blind, she is a hundred times more beautiful than you."

"Yes, a man-made beauty who has undergone plastic surgery, doesn't know how sad she is, and dares to show her face."

"Mei Ji, don't be as knowledgeable as them." Park Shixun said arrogantly.

"Yes, how can I, Jin Meiji, have the same level of knowledge as them? Wouldn't that lower my grade? Shixun, let's report first, and don't let these people delay the business." Jin Meiji urged.

"I remember you." Park Shixun said to Fang Shishi.

"Stop! Are you deaf?" Tang Zheng asked with an unkind expression in front of several people.

Park Shixun was friendly to Fang Shishi, but he didn't have a good attitude towards Tang Zheng, so he waved his hand in disgust and said, "Get out of the way!"

The fists of the other two bodyguards attacked Tang Zheng's chest at the same time, a fierce light flashed in Tang Zheng's eyes, and the lightning shot out, click, the arms of the two bodyguards were immediately reversed and broken, exposing the white bones, and the screams immediately came from Their lungs burst through their throats and soared into the sky.

When the others saw this, their hearts trembled, but they felt very relieved.

These aliens dared to slide down and act wildly, so they should have ended up like this.

Among them, the eyes of those who had seen Tang Zheng deal with foreign students from the island countries lit up, knowing that there was a good show to be seen, this group of Koryo sticks did not know their heights, and unexpectedly provoked Tang Zheng, this time they really couldn't bear to walk around.

Seeing that the Koreans were unlucky, they all felt elated, and instantly had a backbone, and all looked at Tang Zheng with fiery eyes.

Park Shixun looked at Tang Zheng in surprise. With his eyes, he couldn't see Tang Zheng's strength at all, so he was surprised by his skill. However, he thought highly of himself, and didn't put Tang Zheng in his eyes at all, and looked at him contemptuously. With a glance, he said, "I recently learned a new idiom of your Huaxia to bring shame on yourself, and now you are bringing shame on yourself."

"How can you, a foreign race, understand the profound Chinese language and dare to use this idiom brazenly? Hmph, since you mentioned it, I will let you deeply understand the essence of this idiom today." Tang Zheng approached the other party step by step. .

"Sehun, teach him a lesson and let him know how good you are." Jin Miji urged.

Park Shixun sneered, and greeted him, flexed his muscles, and said, "You asked for this."

Before he finished speaking, he kicked Tang Zheng with a whip kick, obviously wanting to strike first, the strength was extremely powerful, worthy of a ninth-degree black belt.

Tang Zheng also kicked out, as fast as lightning.


With a crisp sound, Park Shixun's legs drooped, he was independent, staggered, and fell hard to the ground, landing face first.