The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus

Chapter 1022: Chinese soul


Vice-principal Pang blushed, and roared like Hong Zhong: "Tang Zheng, right? Not only did you beat people lawlessly, but you dared to contradict me. As the vice-principal, I can tell you right away that Yenching University doesn't need you. student!"

Tang Zheng smiled coldly: "Really?"

"Yes! Yenching University has never needed such lawless, disrespectful, and violent students. You just wait to be expelled." Vice President Pang's voice became louder and even sharper. This kind of hoarse demeanor can show one's prestige.

"I hit someone too, you fire me too!"

Fang Shishi stepped forward and stood beside Tang Zheng, her face full of indignation.

Seeing her loved one being wronged, the anger in her heart can be imagined.

"I hit someone too. You have the guts to fire me. If you don't fire me, you're a grandson!"

Ye Dingdang's little face was flushed with anger, and he wished he could punch Vice Principal Pang's bumpy face.

Looking at the two beauties who stepped forward, Vice President Pang felt a little dazzled, they were so beautiful. If it was normal, he would definitely hold their hands earnestly and teach them carefully.

But Ye Dingdang's yelling made him very uncomfortable. If he didn't fire, he would be his grandson. He didn't want to be called grandson when the new official took office.

He was about to reprimand them impassionedly, to make them realize their profound mistakes, but he never thought that a man would emerge from the crowd, with a tall body like a mountain, and roared indignantly: "I hit someone too!" , you fire me too!"

Tang Zheng turned his head and took a look, it turned out to be Dou Long, the second son in the bedroom.

Dou Long and the others were also welcoming the new students. Hearing the commotion here, they ran over. Just in time to see this scene, he stood up without hesitation to defend his brother.

Vice-principal Pang looked at Dou Long in surprise, you kid, stop being funny, okay, you clearly squeezed in from behind, how could you hit someone

Before he could figure out the situation, he saw two people squeezing in again.

Wang Shiji and Zhou Yan had a tacit understanding and said in unison: "I beat someone too, you should fire me too!"

Vice Principal Pang's face darkened, he finally understood that this group of people was with Tang Zheng, and they followed to make a fuss, trying to make him unable to step down.

Who is Vice Principal Pang? How could this scene scare him

So, he said in a low voice, "Okay, since you all admit it, then wait to accept the school's punishment. Yenching University doesn't need students like you."

As soon as the voice fell, a few more people squeezed in, but they were a few beautiful girls. They stood behind Tang Zheng without hesitation, like fearless fighters, and said loudly: "I hit someone too, you Fire me too!"

Tang Zheng looked at several people gratefully, they were all Ye Dingdang's roommates.

Several people nodded encouragingly at Tang Zheng. His behavior today has truly won their respect and approval.

Vice-principal Pang was a little confused as to who this kid was, and why so many people stood up for him.

"Huh, these people must be in the same group, that's why they are so united. If they meet other people, they will definitely be subdued, but I have never seen such a big storm, and you are too young to play this kind of trick in front of me. Son." Vice President Pang secretly despised and snorted.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll help you all!" Vice President Pang roared majesticly. He felt like an ancient emperor who ruled over other people's lives, which was very refreshing.

The other students looked at each other in blank dismay, their eyes were red, and even the girls stood up and complained. Could it be that I am not as brave as the girls as a big man

Each of the classmates clenched their fists, and suddenly, one of them took a few steps forward, stood behind Tang Zheng, and said without fear: "I hit someone too, you should fire me too!"

Vice-principal Pang froze for a moment, stared at this guy who was not afraid of death with murderous eyes, and said in his heart, I will help you.

But before the words were spoken, one by one students came to Tang Zheng's back and shouted loudly: "I hit someone too, you should fire me too!"

The crowd was excited and voices came and went. This is the most sincere expression of emotion and instinctive support as a student. However, many people often sneer at it and dismiss it. But seeing hundreds of people working together to support Tang Zheng, it is Know what is right and what is wrong, and what the people want.

When the new students reported, there were many accompanying parents. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help getting excited, as if they had returned to their youthful days, and the edges and corners that had been worn away by life over the years seemed to grow back, and they looked at themselves with a flushed face. The child said: "See, this is the spirit of the university. Learn from the seniors."

Many newcomers were excited, dropped their suitcases, and rushed to Tang Zheng's back, shouting: "I hit someone too, you fire me too!"

When the parents saw their children's actions, instead of blaming them, they showed relief.

Most Chinese people have such genes and blood hidden in their bones, and they just need an opportunity to trigger it.

Undoubtedly, this accidental event became a trigger switch, arousing their long-awaited enthusiasm.

Vice-principal Pang was in disbelief, as if he was dumbfounded, he watched this scene dumbfounded.

He never expected that the students would be so united. This kind of strength made his heart tremble, and he felt a long-lost sense of fear.

But he immediately suppressed this absurd idea, his face sank, and he said in his heart that if he fanned the flames, these students should not stay. will know fear.

But with the black head, he couldn't see the people behind him at all, and it was difficult for him to hear his voice.

Suddenly, he had an idea, saw the Mercedes-Benz, quickly climbed onto the roof, looked down at the crowd, waved his hand, and shouted loudly: "Quiet, everyone, listen to me, I know you're great!" Most of them are good students, don't be fooled by a few bad students, this is irresponsible to yourselves, irresponsible to your parents, everyone spread out, spread out!"

"We are not bewitched by others. We have our own judgments and views of right and wrong. By doing this, we are responsible to ourselves and to our parents." Someone refuted loudly.

"Yes, my life is up to me. It's not your turn to tell me what to do. Get the hell out of here. We at Yenching University don't need a leader like you."

"Yes, this kind of leadership is a disgrace to Yenching University. It is extremely shameless to help outsiders and suppress its own students."

Facing the accusations, Vice Principal Pang panicked. The matter seemed to be beyond his control and prediction.

"What qualifications do you have to be superior, what qualifications do you have to point fingers, you are nothing, you don't have the qualifications at all." Seeing him condescending and arrogant, the students became even more angry.

Suddenly, a loud singing sounded.

"Arise, you who will not be slaves..."

This song completely ignited people's emotions, as if they had returned to the bullied Huaxia in the last century, everyone's eyes were red, looking at Vice President Pang was like staring at an invading robber.

"... Rise up! Rise up! Rise up! We are united, against the enemy's fire. Go! Go! Go!"

This song seemed to burst out from the depths of my chest and heart, full of infinite power, which made my blood boil and tears filled my eyes.

The last three lines "forward", every time they sang, all the students took a step forward in unison. The uniform footsteps were like the sound of iron hoofs, stepping on the bottom of Vice Principal Pang's heart, making his heart tremble and his face pale.

The Koreans were completely stunned. The overwhelming momentum and magnificent singing made them see the spirit of the Chinese people, the frightening Chinese soul!

Pu Shixun didn't care about the pain, he scrambled and hid in the car, not daring to show his face at all, the arrogance and arrogance just now were gone, there was only deep shock and fear, several people curled up together, looked at each other, trembling.

Vice President Pang's complexion also turned pale. He didn't expect the students in China to be so powerful. Hearing the deafening singing, he felt that those eyes seemed to be directly on his head with thousands of knives. He suddenly had an ominous feeling. premonition.

It seems... things are not as simple as he thought.

Looking at the high-ranking Vice President Pang, the students' emotions were aroused to a peak again, and one of them yelled: "You stand so high, do you appear to be high above you? And those Korean sticks, hide in the car Is everything all right? Smash the car and get them out."

Everyone responded: "Yes, smash their car, drag them out, and see how high they are."

A hundred or so people rushed towards the two luxury cars.


Everyone picked up the tools at hand and smashed them hard on the car. The glass was broken, and the car body was sunken with big pits, which turned into the surface of the moon in a short while.

Vice-principal Pang stood on the roof of the car, still in shock, as if he was in the middle of the sea, like a flat boat, which might be overturned by big waves at any time, and his body would be smashed to pieces.

At this time, he didn't have the energy to reprimand and refute, and even the security guards showed a look of fear, backing back again and again, not daring to stop them at all.

Vice-principal Pang climbed down from the roof of the car and hid among the security guards, watching this scene tremblingly, both angry and terrified.

"Get out, cowboy? Hide in the car."

Pu Shixun and the others hid in the car, how dare they come out.

"If they don't come out, they will be dragged out and smashed the door!"

bang bang bang!

The sound of knocking on the car door was like knocking on their hearts. They were terrified and huddled together. There is no doubt that this will be a nightmare that will accompany them all their lives.

"I come!"

Dou Long was tall and burly, grabbed the car door, and with a sudden force, the car door was torn off abruptly with a click, and the crowd rushed in like wolves, dragging out the Koreans.