The Strong Wife from Peasant Family

Chapter 108: excited


For breakfast in the evening, the stomachs of several children bulged.

All of them walked in the yard with their stomachs upside down, digesting food.

Don't talk about the children, just say that the old man is full. He stood aside with his back propped up, stretched out his hand to touch his big belly, and let out a happy sigh of relief.

Although it's just simple bacon and vegetables, Li Qingling's cooking skills are really good, he can't wait to swallow his tongue.

He felt that the previous meals were all for nothing, and they were really more delicious than those made by the Imperial Dining Room.

For Li Qingling's skill, he will stay here.

"Old man, what are you doing here? Hurry up, or you won't be able to sleep at night."

After Li Qingling washed the dishes, she came out of the kitchen and saw the old man standing aside, looking very comfortable, so she couldn't help but make a sound.

The old man glanced at Li Qingling, and said indifferently, "It's okay, I'll take some digestive medicine later." Thinking that he can eat such delicious food in the future, his heart is about to fly.

"No, the medicine is three-point poisonous, hurry up and go for a walk with the children." When Li Qingling heard his words, she shook her head firmly and refused, and drove him to go for a walk with the children, "If you are disobedient, do it next time I won’t give you anything delicious, and let you watch us eat.” Seeing the old man’s reluctance, she could only threaten him.

This is simply the greatest torture for the old man.

In order to be able to eat delicious food, the old man had no choice but to twitch his stomach, reluctantly walking with the children to digest food.

When the children saw the old man being subdued by Li Qingling, they all laughed happily.

"You little monkeys, you can always laugh at grandpa." The old man was also infected by the children's smiles, shaking his head and cursing with a smile.

Li Qingning and Liu Zhirou, the two caring little padded jackets, hurriedly ran to the old man's side, each took the old man's hand, and said in a childish voice that they wanted to accompany the old man for a walk.

The smile on the old man's face became even brighter, "A caring little padded jacket is a caring little padded jacket, and it's incomparable to those brats." With these children, the smiles on his face became more numerous.

If the old man from the past saw it, his jaw might drop in shock.

He really felt very lucky to meet these kind children when he fainted in Songshan.

If it weren't for their acceptance, he would definitely not be able to survive.

This may be the fate arranged by God!

"Grandpa, let's lead you away too!" Qingfeng Li and the three boys ran over jokingly, and spoke to the old man with a smile.

"Go, go, I don't want you brats!" The old man drove them away, "I just need two little padded jackets."

Li Qingfeng's three boys didn't leave, they just teased the old man by his side.

Seeing this warm scene, Li Qingling smiled knowingly.

How long has there been such a warm scene

It seems that since going to Songshan, the children seem to have grown up overnight, and they don't like to play and make trouble, just like little adults.

Unexpectedly, when they returned home, their children's character was revealed.

She loved seeing them as kids, and she didn't want them to take too much responsibility at such a young age.

Hearing laughter, Liu Zhimo came out of the kitchen, looked at them, and then said, the water is hot, you can take a bath.

During the few months they were in Songshan, they couldn't take a bath every day, at least they could only take a secret bath every few days, and they still took cold showers without hot water.

He and Li Qingling's children would catch the cold from the cold, so they were not allowed to wash for so long every time, and they would come up after a quick flush.

This time when they got home, they must boil hot water, let them take a good bath, and wipe off the dirt on their bodies.

"Ningning and Rourou come to take a bath first, they will take a bath later." Li Qingling beckoned to the two little ones, telling them to come and follow her to take a bath.

The two little ones are prone to sleepiness, let them take a bath first, and if they are sleepy, they can go to sleep directly.

When the two little ones heard this, they responded crisply, and ran towards Li Qinglin with short legs.

Li Qingling held each other and led them into the bathroom.

Liu Zhimo hurriedly filled the hot water, carried it over, went to the bathroom and poured the hot water into the bathtub, reached in to test the water temperature, felt that the water temperature was just right, then went out with the bucket, and closed the door by the way.

Li Qingling let the two little ones take off their clothes, carried them into the bathtub, and helped them take a bath.

Although it is a hot day now, it is really comfortable to take a hot bath.

The two little ones sat in the tub giggling, and stretched out their hands to sprinkle some water on Li Qingling's body.

"Be good and don't move around. My sister hasn't taken a shower yet, so don't get my sister's clothes wet." Li Qingling helped Liu Zhirou to scrub clean, and reached out to grab Li Qingning.

"Giggle...itch..." Li Qingning smiled and avoided Li Qingling's hand.

Seeing her like this, Li Qingling reached out to scratch her itch, making her giggle non-stop.

After a long time, she brought out the two little ones, helped them change their clothes, and took them out.

By the time the whole family had taken a bath, it was completely dark, and the sleepy children all climbed into bed to sleep.

Li Qingling thought that Ah Huang and Ah Bai might come back, so she didn't sleep so fast.

"Go to bed first, if Ah Huang and the others come back, I'll open the door." Seeing Li Qingling sitting in the main room mending clothes, Liu Zhimo persuaded her.

She is tired enough after running around all day, it is better to go to bed early.

Li Qingling opened her mouth and bit off the end of the thread, looked at the clothes she had mended, nodded in satisfaction and said, "Sit for a while, maybe they will arrive soon."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a scratching sound from the courtyard door outside.

Her ears were sharp, and when she heard the sound, she immediately stood up, put her clothes aside, and ran out.

She stood at the gate of the courtyard and asked, "Are they Ah Huang and Ah Bai?"

As soon as she finished asking, she heard two hums.

A smile immediately bloomed on her face, and she stretched out her hand to open the yard door. As soon as the door opened, a huge creature rushed towards her.

Li Qingling dodged to the side, out of the way of the huge monster, and she patted its big head angrily, "Did you think you were still a child? You could pounce on it casually? Now that you pounce on me like this, I will fall to the ground." Ah Huang's habit still hasn't changed, and he throws himself on him when he gets excited.

Ah Huang kept humming, and didn't know what it was talking about, so he arched his head towards Li Qingling's waist, making Li Qingling giggle.

"Okay, okay, I see." Li Qingling was about to rub its big head vigorously, and then looked at Ah Bai who was standing beside her. She also reached out and patted its head, and said with a smile, "Welcome Your arrival, Abai."

Ah Bai stuck out his tongue, and licked Li Qingling's hand, as a response to Li Qingling.

"I made some delicious food tonight, and I thought you might come back, so I left some for you." Li Qingling said dotingly, "You wait here, I'll bring it out for you to eat." If To get into the kitchen with these two behemoths, the kitchen would have to be crushed.

"Here we come." Hearing Li Qingling's words, Liu Zhimo brought out the meals belonging to Ah Huang and Ah Bai, and put them on the ground, "After coming so far, you must be hungry too, hurry up and eat!"

In the past few months, there was no prey to hunt in Songshan. Ah Huang and Ah Bai ate rice and porridge with them. They had no meat to eat, and they were all thin.

Smelling the smell of meat, Ah Huang was so excited that he wanted to raise his head and yell. When Li Qingling saw it, he hurriedly yelled, "Don't yell, hold back. If someone else hears it, you won't be able to come back home."

She didn't know if anyone in the village had come back, but just in case, she still had to stop Ah Huang.

Ah Huang was swallowed by Li Qingling, and the growl that reached the edge of his mouth was swallowed abruptly by it.

It glanced at Li Qingling aggrievedly, hummed twice, and ran to eat pitifully.

Seeing it like this, Li Qingling couldn't help but laugh.

After they finished eating in twos and threes, Li Qingling covered his mouth and yawned.

"Ah Huang, take Ah Bai back to your room to sleep, I'm sleepy too, I'm going back to sleep."

When building the house and dividing the rooms, Ah Huang chose a room by himself and lay down in it, refusing to come out for life or death.

Li Qingling and the others saw it and let it go.

I even prepared a quilt for it and threw it on the ground to let it sleep.

The bed is impossible, it is so big, once it is put on the bed, the bed will collapse.

Ah Huang snorted again, and followed Li Qingling back to the room step by step.

Li Qingling rubbed its head, "Okay, go back to sleep, good night!" After saying that, he closed the door.

Ah Huang excitedly brought his daughter-in-law back to his room to sleep.

It is in Songshan, and it misses the nest at home the most. Now, it can finally come back to sleep.

Li Qingling and the others stayed at home for several days, and people from the village came back one after another.

Seeing the ragged, yellow and emaciated villagers who looked like beggars, Li Qingling was really thankful that they didn't take a few children to escape elsewhere.

If they took a few children to escape, they would definitely have a worse life than them, and they might not come back with their lives.

This fleeing person can do anything. When there is no food, cannibalism will happen.

Their children are so young, how can they beat those people

She was even more grateful that Ah Huang gave her the alarm in time, allowing her time to prepare food.

If they hadn't hoarded food in Songshan, they wouldn't have survived the disaster safely.

This is really thanks to the great hero Ah Huang.