The Strong Wife from Peasant Family

Chapter 119: Missing


In the middle of the night, the rain, which had stopped for two days, started to fall again. The rain was stronger and more violent than before.

Li Qingling, who was in a deep sleep, opened her eyes suddenly. She stretched out her hand to wipe the cold sweat from her forehead, and let out a sigh of relief.

She had a nightmare, dreaming that their house was buried by mudslides washed down from the mountain, except for her who escaped, all the children were buried below.

Luckily it was just a dream...

When she patted her chest and lay down again, she heard the sound of rain outside, and the loud sound of crackling on the roof, which felt like it was going to smash through the tiles.

Li Qingling's heart skipped a beat again, she quickly got up, walked to the window, opened the window slightly, and the heavy rain outside came in.

She quickly closed the window, ignoring the wet clothes on her body, she turned around, opened the door and walked out.

Thinking of the scene in the dream, her heart panicked.

"Brother Zhimo, get up." She quickly ran to the door of Liu Zhimo's room, and slammed on the door vigorously.

After a while, the door of Liu Zhimo's room opened, and he saw Li Qingling who was in a panic, "What's wrong? What happened?" He had never seen such a flustered Li Qingling.

"Let's wake up the children first, and we'll talk after leaving here." She didn't have time to explain so much to him, so she dragged him and ran to the children's room.

Several children like to sleep together, which saves a lot of time. ,

As soon as Li Qingling ran to the children's window, she reached out to push the children and called their names.

Li Qingfeng and the others woke up in a daze, saw Li Qingling and Liu Zhimo, and asked them what happened

"Come with me, hurry up." She roared, and carried the two drowsy little guys out of the bed. When Liu Zhimo saw him, he hugged Li Qingning over.

Li Qingfeng and the others were yelled at by Li Qingning, their bodies shook, they jumped down quickly, and ran out following Li Qingling.

When Li Qingling went to call the children, Ah Huang and Ah Bai ran out when they heard the noise.

Seeing her, Li Qingling shouted loudly, "Ah Huang and Ah Bai, follow me." She ran with Liu Zhirou in her arms.

It is better to believe in what is there than to believe in what is not.

She also felt this palpitation when the house was crushed by the snow before, but this time, she didn't dare to be careless.

Seeing Li Qingling so flustered, Liu Zhimo and the others also became nervous, and trotted along.

There was only one thought in Li Qingling's mind, and that was to run quickly. When she ran out of the house and was drenched by the heavy rain, she remembered that she forgot that the coir raincoat had come out.

She looked down at Liu Zhirou in her arms, gritted her teeth, pushed open the yard door, and continued to run out.

At this moment, there was a bang on the mountain, and there was a loud noise. Li Qingling looked back and saw the dirt on the mountain descending like a demon.

"Run..." Li Qingling widened his eyes, roared, hugged Liu Zhirou, and ran out with all his strength.

Their speed was fast, and the speed of the mudslide was even faster, and it rushed down in an instant.

Li Qingling felt an irresistible thrust and pushed her out. The moment she was thrown out, he hugged Liu Zhirou tightly with both hands, trying to protect her.

She fell to the ground, groaned, and became dizzy for a while, before she came back to her senses.

At the first moment, she looked down at Liu Zhirou, and seeing her dumbfounded, she became anxious, "Rourou, what's wrong with you? Did you hurt from the fall?"

Liu Zhirou mechanically looked up at Li Qingling, and after a while, she burst into tears.

She hugged Li Qingling's neck tightly, her small body trembling. The scene in front of her really scared her.

"It's okay, it's okay." Knowing that Liu Zhirou was frightened, Li Qingling endured the pain in his body and softly comforted her.

"elder brother… "

When Liu Zhirou saw Liu Zhimo, she choked up and yelled. Hearing her yell, Li Qingling's short-circuited brain nerves were all connected one after another. She hurriedly got up, wondering what happened to the others

She turned around and saw Liu Zhimo who was holding Li Qingning, and asked with a trembling voice, "Brother Zhimo, where are the others?" Did they run out

Liu Zhimo dragged his painful leg, hugged Li Qingning who had passed out, and walked slowly to Li Qingning, "Don't be afraid, I'll look for it." He asked Liu Zhirou to come down, and handed Li Qingning into Li Qingling's arms.

"Ningning, she..."

"Ning Ning is fine, just fainted." He gently hugged the trembling Li Qingling, "It's fine, you wait here, I'll go find them."

Li Qingling shook his head, "No, let's look for it together." It's just that it's so dark that it's difficult to find someone.

They were able to run so fast before because they were familiar with this place and didn't fall down.

But now it's all buried by mudslides, and they don't know where it is? I don't know if they were thrown out, or...

No, no, no... Li Qingling shook off the bad thoughts in his head, they must have escaped, they must have escaped...

"Okay, let's look for it together." Seeing that her condition is not very good, Liu Zhimo doesn't feel at ease that she stays here alone with two little guys, it's better to let her stay by his side.

He bent down to hug Liu Zhirou, then stretched out his hand to hold Li Qingling's hand, and walked forward gropingly, "Xiaofeng, Xiaoyan, where are you, Dahe? Just respond when you hear it."

Li Qingling took a deep breath, pulled himself together, and yelled loudly, "Ah Huang and Ah Bai, are you there? Just growl when you hear it."

The two called for a long time, but they didn't hear a response, and their hearts sank.

Nothing really happened to them, did they

"Brother Zhi Mo, what... what should we do? Did they not come out?" Li Qingling was trembling all over, whether it was from the rain or from being frightened

Liu Zhimo didn't think it could go on like this, the rain was too heavy, let alone the two little guys, even he and Li Qingling couldn't stand it.

"Xiao Ling, the younger sisters are not as healthy as us. If they are exposed to the rain like this again, they may get sick. Let's send them to the village chief's grandfather's house first, and then go out to find them!"

Hearing this, Li Qingling only thought of this, and she nodded with some self-blame.

When encountering this kind of thing, she lost her composure and didn't even think about it.

Liu Zhimo firmly held Li Qingling's hand, and led her carefully towards the village chief's house.

It was dark and the road was slippery, and the two of them walked for a long time with their two children in their arms. Liu Zhimo let go of Li Qingling's hand, stepped forward and knocked on the door vigorously, calling for someone.

After shouting for a quarter of an hour, a voice came from the room, "Who is it?"

Liu Zhimo recognized the voice of the village eldest son, "Uncle Li, it's me, Zhimo."

Hearing it was Liu Zhimo's voice, the elder son of the village chief hurried out to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, he was startled when he saw the drowned people.

Liu Zhimo and Li Qingling went in with the two little guys in their arms, and the village chief also woke up and walked out.

Seeing Liu Zhimo's appearance, he was startled, "This is... what's wrong with this? Huh?"

Reaching out to wipe the rain off his face, Liu Zhimo said with a wry smile, "Grandpa Village Chief, the Niutou mountain collapsed. If we hadn't run fast, we would have been buried inside." His expression became even more bitter after he finished speaking. , "Grandpa Village Chief, please help us take care of our two younger sisters. Xiao Ling and I will go find the younger brothers. They..."

At this point, the village head was really shocked. He didn't expect that Niutoushan would collapse.

"Son, hurry up, ask your wife to come out and take care of the two children, and we will help find someone."

The eldest son of the village chief came back to his senses, nodded again and again, turned around and ran back to the room, yelling at his wife to get up.

Liu Zhimo was grateful for the village head's help, and he and Li Qingling bowed to the village head, "Thank you, grandpa, the village head." There are many people and strength, and he will not refuse the village head's help.

The eldest daughter-in-law was called up, and was frightened when she heard her husband's words. She got dressed and ran out quickly.

"Oh, give me the baby, you'll get sick easily in this wet clothes." She took Liu Zhirou from Liu Zhimo's arms, and then turned to Li Qingling, "Little Ling, come in with Ningning in your arms, help me Let's change their clothes."

Li Qingling responded and quickly followed in.

After changing her clothes, Li Qingning slowly opened her big eyes. When she saw Li Qingling, she burst into tears.

When she cried, Liu Zhirou couldn't help crying.

Li Qingling hugged the two little guys into her arms, coaxing them with red eyes, "My sister is here, don't be afraid." Push away, "Sister went to find brother and the others, you stay here obediently, do you understand?"

Hearing that Li Qingling was about to leave, the two little guys felt reluctant, and they rushed over to hold Li Qingling and refused to let go.

"Don't you want to find my brother and the others? Huh?" Li Qingling's face darkened, "Listen to my sister and stay here obediently. They will come back as soon as my sister finds my brother, okay?"

If she was coaxing them patiently at ordinary times, but now she can't, what happened to those children? She must hurry to find them.

"Okay..." Although the two little guys were scared, they still nodded obediently.

"Good..." Li Qingling pursed her lips and touched the heads of the two little guys, she turned to look at the eldest daughter-in-law of the village chief, "Auntie, they have been drenched in the rain for a long time, can you please make some ginger tea for them?" ?”

"Okay, I'll go now."

"Thank you, auntie." Li Qingling thanked the village chief's eldest daughter-in-law, turned around and left quickly.

As soon as she walked out, she nodded to Liu Zhimo, "Let's go!" Without seeing those children, her heart couldn't rest.

The village head called all the adults in the family, and asked his eldest son to call the villagers, and asked everyone to help find someone.

Liu Zhimo and Li Qingling were very grateful for the village chief's actions, and thanked the village chief several times.