The Strong Wife from Peasant Family

Chapter 132: Wish


The village head glanced at Old Li, and said with a smile, "What is there to feel sorry for? They are your close relatives, and it is only right and proper to give you a dowry."

Old Li came to him and told him that if he wanted to help Li Qingling hold a wedding, then he should think about the dowry.

He stretched out his foot and kicked Old Li on the head, asking him to say something, right

The one in front of Old Li smiled and said yes.

As soon as she saw Old Li nodded, Li Qingling showed a moved expression on her face, "Thank you, grandpa." After a pause, she said a little embarrassedly, "Grandpa, grandma came to see me today, let I brought the dowry to her, and she helped me with the wedding, I thought she wanted to covet my dowry, so I made her angry, and when you get home, persuade her not to be angry, okay?"

"This is because you did something wrong. How can you think of your grandma like this?" The village chief looked at Li Qingling disapprovingly, "If you are free some other day, go and apologize to her, you know?"

Li Qingling nodded reassuringly, "I see, Grandpa Village Chief, I will apologize to my grandma when I have time. I wanted to mislead her kindness. She is my grandma, and she will definitely not covet my betrothal gift." , will give me a good dowry."

She left her words here, if Mrs. Liu stole all her dowry and didn't give her a dowry, the village head would be the first to forgive her.

Old Li and the others can invite the village chief to persuade her.

Then she can also use the village head to fight back against them.

Don't blame her for being cruel if you dare to plot against her so boldly.

"Okay, I will persuade her when I get home. She is not such a narrow-minded person and will forgive you." Old Li nodded to Li Qingling and replied with a smile.

Mrs. Liu is careless? Grandpa was not afraid to flash his tongue when he said this.

Li Qingling raised the corners of his mouth, and did not refute his words, but only responded.

Seeing that the matter was settled, the village chief changed the subject with a smile and chatted with Li Qingling.

After chatting for half an hour, I happily left Liu Li's house with Old Li.

As soon as Lao Li returned home, Mrs. Liu couldn't wait to ask him, what happened to this matter? Did Li Qingling agree

Glancing at Mrs. Liu, Old Li felt a little uncomfortable, so he answered angrily and agreed.

"Did you really agree? You didn't lie to me, did you?"

"What's the use of lying to you?" Old Li snorted coldly, sat down on the chair, took his dry cigarette, and smoked again.

Whenever he is unhappy, he likes to take two puffs of cigarettes to release the depression in his heart.

Mrs. Liu carefully looked at Lao Li's head a few times, and seeing that he really didn't look like he was lying to her, she clapped her hands happily, that's all right, her plan has succeeded.

Seeing Mrs. Liu smiling so hard that his teeth can't be seen, Old Li couldn't help but poured cold water on him, "Don't be too happy, we have to prepare a dowry for Xiao Ling."

"Just get ready, just leave it to me, you don't need to worry about it." Liu waved his hand indifferently, he was completely immersed in the joy of receiving the dowry.

When she gets the betrothal gift, the dowry can be up to her will.

"You'd better weigh this matter. If you embarrass our family again, don't blame me for disregarding the relationship between husband and wife."

Upon hearing this, Liu's face pulled down. She turned around and looked at Old Li, "What's wrong? Do you still want to divorce me?" If the old man wanted to divorce her because of this, she would tell him no end.

Old Li stared and quarreled with Mrs. Liu.

At night, when Liu Zhimo returned home, Li Qingling told him what happened during the day.

Liu Zhimo pondered for a while, and asked her what she thought

"They calculated this on my head. Of course I can't let them go." If they sincerely hold a wedding ceremony for her, she will be grateful to them and will give them some benefits, but they are calculating her dowry, Then it's unforgivable, "Brother Zhimo, go and tell the village chief about this, and let the village chief keep an eye on them, so they won't be able to tamper with the dowry."

This is the only kiss she has ever had in her life. How depressed she would be if they messed it up!

Liu Zhimo rubbed her head lovingly, with a slight smile in his eyes, he nodded in agreement.

He had been looking forward to it for so long before he could marry her. Of course, he couldn't let others ruin their marriage.

"Hey, you messed up your hair again." Li Qingling patted the back of his hand lightly, turned her head, and combed her hair with her hands. This man has never changed his habit and always likes to rub the top of her head. , Every time she brushes her hair, it's fluffy.

Before she straightened her hair with her head down, a palm appeared in front of her eyes, with a wooden comb lying on it.

The dark wooden comb, compared with his white and slender hands, has a strange beauty.

She is really jealous of this little man, not only his face is handsome, but his hands are so pretty.

"Where did this come from? Some little lady gave it to you, right?" She picked up the wooden comb from his palm and said teasingly.

Liu Zhimo flicked her forehead with his finger, and cursed with a smile, talking nonsense.

"That's not necessarily true. It is said that a certain person, who was taken by a certain gentleman's daughter, would go to the academy to see it from time to time!"

Although she knew that he would not mess with women, she couldn't hold back the admiration others had for him!

Hearing this, Liu Zhimo almost choked on his own saliva, he looked at her with his chin propped up, and asked where did she hear the news

Li Qingling snorted twice, and glanced at him, "How do you care about me knowing? Anyway, I know." Seeing that he was so relaxed and not nervous at all, she patted him on the cheek a little puzzled. Hand, Zizi gritted his teeth, "Don't you have anything to explain to me? Huh?"

He gently put down his hand, took the wooden comb from his hand, untied the braids that were tied casually, and gently combed her hair.

Li Qingling's heart was softened by such a move, and her aura didn't grow much.

When she realized it, she snorted again, "Don't think I'll let you go if you flatter me so much? Let me tell you, there's no way."

It's really too bad to always use beauty tricks to seduce her.

But she was so dishonest and always fell for his tricks.

With a gentle smile on his lips, Liu Zhimo dexterously helped her braid a braid, tied it with a headband, looked at it carefully, and was satisfied, before he asked, "What does Linger want?"

"..." Li Qingling raised her head and met his dark eyes. She immediately felt that she was sucked in, and she opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a long while.

Liu Zhimo stared at her bright red lips, as if they had been painted with rouge, his eyes deepened for a moment, he felt a little dry, he quickly picked up his teacup, and he felt better after drinking a cup of tea.

He cleared his throat, his voice was a little hoarse, "I don't even know whether she is round or flat, how could I know other things?"

What he said is absolutely true, he really has never seen any gentleman's daughter.

Even if you have seen it, you won't have a big impression.

Li Qingling felt her mind was muddled, she couldn't hear what Liu Zhimo was saying clearly, she only saw his beautiful lips opening and closing.

His lips look delicious, how about the taste? She licked her lips hard.

I want to eat…

Feeling her fiery eyes, Liu Zhimo's heart was pounding, feeling like it was about to jump out of his chest, he poured another cup of tea, and drank it down in a big gulp.

Lips that have been moistened by tea look even more delicious.

Li Qingling made a mistake, reached out to climb Liu Zhimo's neck, and before he had time to react, she kissed him.

With a bang, Liu Zhimo's head instantly went blank, he couldn't think of anything, he just looked at the person in front of him stupidly.

He...was he being kissed by force

Li Qingling licked Liu Zhimo's lips, let go, and murmured, "QQ is bouncing, just as I imagined."

"..." Liu Zhimo froze, "" You yelled several times, unable to say anything.

"What's wrong?" Li Qingling looked at him confusedly, "Are you hot? Your face is so red."

Liu Zhimo slowly closed his eyes, opened them again, and said word by word: "You just kissed me!"

This little girl didn't drink tonight? What do you think of her drunken appearance


"You kissed me," he repeated.

The atmosphere calmed down in an instant, Li Qingling blinked, and looked at Liu Zhimo in disbelief.

He said she kissed him...

She frowned and thought about it for a while, as if... It seems that there is such a thing!

Suddenly...she was a little at a loss, what happened just now, she felt a little out of her body, and she didn't even react when she kissed him.


Seeing her blushing and flustered look, Liu Zhimo calmed down instantly.

He put his hand on her shoulder to prevent her from running away, "Ling'er, you just kissed me."

Hearing his words again, Li Qingling covered his red face with his hand, and nodded.

She thought his lips looked delicious just now, and wanted to taste what they tasted like? Unexpectedly, she actually acted...acted...

"Then what to do? Huh?"

"What should I do?" Li Qingling lowered his head pretending to be dead, not daring to look at Liu Zhimo, wondering what his expression was? You shouldn't be angry, right? She swallowed, raised her head anxiously to glance at him, and saw the smile in his eyes.

It seems that he is not angry.

Yeah, what's the fuss about that? They are a fiancé couple, and they are about to get married. It's just a kiss. It didn't mean they did something heinous. What is she afraid of

Thinking of this, Li Qingling straightened up in an instant, looked at him, "Yes, didn't I kiss you, what's wrong?"

Seeing that she had returned to her usual appearance, the smile in Liu Zhimo's eyes deepened, "It's nothing, I just want to..."

Before he finished speaking, he directly held the back of her head and kissed her red lips.

I just want to kiss her back...

Always being teased by her, he has to get it back once!

Li Qingling's eyes widened, looking at the handsome face in front of him, he...he actually...

"Close your eyes..."

He covered her eyes with his hands and continued to kiss her...

She was dizzy from his kiss...

She didn't wake up until she heard a scream.