The Strong Wife from Peasant Family

Chapter 25: admit


Liu frowned, staring at Li Qingling, "Why should I swear something I haven't done?" It's still such a vicious oath!

Li Qingling snorted and looked at Mrs. Liu with a sneer, "You dare not swear, you have proved that my mother was killed by you." People in this era attach great importance to swearing. After taking the oath, things are not like this, and they will really be punished by God.

She also grasped this point and held on to Mrs. Liu.

With her hands on her hips, Mrs. Liu glared at Li Qingling dissatisfied. Judging by her appearance, it was not so easy to dismiss her.

"You don't even swear, why should I swear?"

"Okay, I swear, if one of the words I just said is a lie, I will be struck by lightning, and I will have no son or grandson." Li Qingling raised three fingers without saying a word, and swore viciously, "My The oath is over, now it's your turn."

She acts upright, sits upright, and everything she says is not a lie, of course she dares to swear, it depends on whether Mrs. Liu dares or not

Seeing Li Qingling swear such a poisonous oath, Liu's face turned pale, and she looked at Old Li, asking him to save her.

Even if Mrs. Liu didn't look at him, Old Li would still help her. Who told her that she was his daughter-in-law, and the oath she made was related to his descendants, so he had no choice but to stand up!

"How can a granddaughter be so vicious and let her grandmother swear such a poisonous oath, Li Qingling, don't think that your wings will be hardened after the family is separated." Old Li said in a calm voice: "You have to remember, Even if the family is separated, we are still your elders, so you must respect your elders."

She's just a little junior, he doesn't believe he can't rule her.

She wanted to use this trick to change the subject again, but Li Qingling didn't give her this chance. She kept looking at Mrs. Liu, and asked her again and again, did she dare to swear

Being blatantly ignored made Old Li very unhappy.

"Li Qingling, don't go too far. Your grandfather and I are not dead yet, so it's not your turn to be arrogant here."

Li Qingling took a breath and said coldly, "I'm going too far? I'm here to find justice for my mother. Is this too much? Grandpa, that grandma and aunt killed my mother. Not too much?" That's not how she protects her shortcomings. If she was still the old Li Qingling, she might really be afraid of Old Li, but she is not. Her inner soul is from the 21st century. Her dignity, responsibility, and She was not allowed to back down.

Old Li was speechless when asked by Li Qingling. After a while, he answered forcefully that Mrs. Zhao's death had nothing to do with Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Lin. Let Li Qingling stop wronging others without evidence.

"Do you want evidence? OK..." Li Qingling nodded, then turned to tell Liu Zhimo to go back and bring Li Qingfeng.

Liu Zhimo hummed, turned around and ran home.

Everyone standing in the yard started talking, and Aunt Huang stood up, "I can testify about this. I saw with my own eyes that Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Lin ran out of Li's house in a panic. Then, I heard When I heard Xiaofeng crying for help, I ran to take a look, and saw Hui Niang lying on the ground bleeding." She felt that Liu and Lin were vicious, and they were able to attack pregnant women.

"That day I also saw Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Lin running over from the entrance of the village in a panic, and I asked them where they were going? They ignored me and left." Another aunt said, She heard Huang's muttering in private, but she still didn't believe it, but she didn't expect it to be true, it was too scary to think about it.

Listening to the discussion, Mrs. Liu's face was red and white, and she pointed at Aunt Huang and the others and yelled at them, accusing them of taking advantage of Li Qingling to slander her like this.

No one wants to be slandered, especially a straightforward person like Aunt Huang. She pointed at Mrs. Liu and scolded, "I dare to swear to what I just said, do you dare? Ah?"

When it came to the matter of swearing, Mrs. Liu gave up a bit, and she didn't dare to swear at all.

It's all the woman Lin's fault. If she hadn't pushed Zhao Shi with a lot of hands, such a thing would not have happened today.

Seeing that Mrs. Liu was silent, Aunt Huang scoffed, her face full of disdain.

At this time, Liu Zhimo came with Li Qingfeng, and Li Qingling touched his head, telling him not to be afraid, and he could tell what he had seen before.

Li Qingfeng stood closely next to Li Qingling, and articulated everything that happened that day. As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes turned red again.

As long as he recalled what happened that day, he felt very sad and blamed himself.

Mrs. Liu put her trembling hands behind her back, not daring to let others see, but she still spoke stubbornly, "Qingfeng Li's words are unbelievable, Mrs. Zhao is his mother, of course he will talk to his mother."

"Liu Chunhua, don't deny it. Children don't lie. They say one is one, and two are two." Aunt Huang couldn't see it, and opened her mouth again.

"Qingfeng Li is lying."

Li Qingling twitched the corners of her mouth coldly, knowing that Mrs. Liu would not admit it, she stopped wasting so much saliva and turned to face the village chief.

"Grandpa Village Chief, if the clan can't give me an explanation for the fact that Mrs. Liu killed my mother, then I'll just beat the drums and complain, and let Master Qingtian decide for me." Those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes, She must investigate the matter of Mrs. Zhao's death to the end. If she does not teach Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Lin a lesson, she will be a child in vain.

The village chief patted Li Qingling's shoulder reassuringly, frowned and looked at Mrs. Liu, telling her to be frank and lenient. If this matter was brought to the yamen and master Qingtian found out, she would not be so happy.

The ordinary people were afraid to go into the yamen, Liu's legs were trembling, and he looked at Old Li Tou, but Old Li Tou glanced at her and didn't look at her.

Now she was even more afraid, her legs were so weak that she couldn't stand still, she knelt down on the ground with a plop, but pointed at Lin Shi, saying that it was Lin Shi's fault and it had nothing to do with her.

Lin Shi, who was hiding behind Li Laifu, turned pale when Liu Shi pointed at her like that.

"It's obviously your fault. What does it have to do with me? You don't want to blame me." Killing people will pay for their lives, and she dare not admit this crime.

Hearing that Mrs. Lin put the blame on her, Mrs. Liu became angry. She got up from the ground, pointed at Mrs. Lin and scolded, "You were the one who pushed Mrs. Zhao down, and you still want to deny it?" Before meeting Mrs. Zhao, that bastard Li Qingfeng dared to slander her, saying that she also pushed Mrs. Zhao, which is really abominable.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law just accused each other and denied each other.

Old Li felt that his face was completely lost, so he yelled, "Don't quarrel." Arguing will only make Lao Li's family more embarrassing.

This roar startled everyone, Liu Shi and Lin Shi looked at the red-faced old Li, whose chest was rising and falling, and they all shut up.

Seeing the chaos in Old Li's house, the village head was deeply moved, marry a wife and a virtuous person, otherwise, it will harm future generations!

"This matter is very important, so I can only open the ancestral hall." The ancestral hall is not opened casually, only when there are major events, the ancestral hall will be opened.

His heart skipped a beat, and Lao Li raised his head and kicked Lin Shi, knocking Lin Shi down. "It was Lin who hurt Zhao Shi. Let her enter the ancestral hall!" There was no other way, no matter what the mother-in-law said, she had been with him for decades. He couldn't just watch her enter the ancestral hall, so he had to sacrifice Lin.

Li Qingling's lowered eyelids flashed ridicule, and she was glad that her family was separated.

If the families were not separated, it would be difficult for her and her younger siblings if there were such selfish parents around.

Lin looked at Old Li's head in disbelief, ignoring the pain from his forehead, and shouted that she was wronged, and she didn't want to enter the ancestral hall.

Seeing that old Li Tou was unmoved, she went to beg Li Laifu, "Laifu, for Qingfu's sake, please help me!" This time she saw clearly what old Li Tou Liu was like, selfish and selfish. .

"Mother... I want mother..." Li Qingfu, who had been staying in the room and did not dare to come out, heard Lin's cry, immediately opened the door and ran out, holding Li Laifu's thigh and crying, "Father, save mother!" !"

Looking at the miserable daughter-in-law and son who was holding his thigh and crying, Li Laifu felt uncomfortable and called out to Old Li.

Old Li closed his eyes, opened them, and whispered to Li Laifu: "That's your mother, your mother is so old, you are willing to let her suffer? Besides, this matter itself is Lin's fault, don't you think Let your mother take the blame?" Although it was Mrs. Liu who took the lead to find Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Lin was the one who pushed Mrs. Zhao. After so many years of getting along, he knows how Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Lin are.

As soon as these words came out, Li Laifu hesitated, one side was his mother, the other was his wife, and the palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh, he was really entangled.

"Laifu, I've been married to you for so many years, I've raised children for you, and I've thought of everything for you. You can't be so heartless!"

Lin tightly hugged Li Laifu's calf, fearing that Li Laifu's heart would soften and he would choose his mother.

Li Laifu looked at Mrs. Lin and then at Mrs. Liu, he closed his eyes fiercely, and said with difficulty that Mrs. Lin was the one who harmed Mrs. Zhao.

After the words fell, Lin was paralyzed on the ground, looking at Li Laifu with despair on her face, she couldn't believe that this was her husband.

Old Li heaved a sigh of relief, exhaled slowly, and nodded to the village chief, asking the village chief to take Lin away.

The village chief sighed and asked the strong woman to drag Mrs. Lin to the ancestral hall.

Li Qingling led Li Qingfeng and followed behind, followed by a group of people from the village watching the excitement.

When we went to the ancestral hall, the village chief asked Mrs. Lin to kneel on the ground, holding a whip in his hand, and asked Mrs. Lin again, did Mrs. Zhao's death have anything to do with her

Seeing the whip, Mrs. Lin trembled, and tremblingly admitted that it was her who pushed, but it was Mrs. Liu who instigated him to come to the door.

She admitted it quickly, and the village chief didn't beat her. He looked at Li Qingling and asked her what she thought

Li Qingling said lightly, "Then divorce her!"