The Strong Wife from Peasant Family

Chapter 27: rumors


Liu Zhiyan, who was walking around the room with Li Qingning in his arms, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Li Qingling and the others came back, "I don't know if Ningning is hungry, and she cries as soon as she wakes up, no matter how coaxed she is."

Li Qingling looked at her crying sister, who was full of tears, and carefully hugged her into her arms, feeling extremely distressed, "It must be that she is hungry, so I will take her to Mrs. Zhang to ask for some milk." It was Mrs. Zhang who fed my sister so that she wouldn't starve.

"The cat... the cat is also hungry." Liu Zhirou, who was standing aside, hugging the little tiger, said in a childish voice.

Li Qingling looked down at the hungry little tiger who was grunting and chirping, he couldn't hold it to beg for milk, could he? What was that like

"Feed it some rice soup, I'll make it hungry."

After all, she wrapped Li Qingning tightly, and picked up the dozen or so wild eggs at home, then quickly walked to Sister Zhang's house with Li Qingning in her arms.

As if knowing that there will be something to eat later, Li Qingning stopped crying and stared at Li Qingling with eyes that were still unclear.

Seeing how well-behaved she was, Li Qingling felt soft-hearted. This is the younger sister born by her mother, no matter how difficult it is, she will raise her up.

When she carried Li Qingning to the door of Mrs. Zhang's house, she opened her mouth and wanted to call someone, but she heard Mrs. Zhang's husband Huang Dashan say.

"Look, you were told not to breastfeed that girl from the Li family. If she drank, my son wouldn't be able to get enough."

Mrs. Zhang is a mother. Seeing how pitiful the child is, her heart will always soften. "She doesn't drink much. It's because the son is getting older and has a better appetite. You can steam an egg custard for him."

Huang Dashan was still dissatisfied, "No, this is my son's food, and I can't let others drink it. Besides, she is a hard-working person. If we kill our son, what will you do?"

"This..." Mrs. Zhang hesitated when she heard her husband's words, "Okay, I won't feed you next time." The son is the most important thing.

Li Qingling, who heard these words, really wanted to turn around and leave, but seeing her well-behaved sister, she couldn't move her legs no matter what.

Gritting her teeth, she opened her mouth and called out.

Mrs. Zhang glanced at her husband and asked him to open the door. Huang Dashan opened the door with a face of reluctance under Mrs. Zhang's repeated urging.

Li Qingling pretended not to see Huang Dashan's unsightly expression, but still smiled and called Brother Dashan, and handed him the wild eggs to steam for his son to eat.

"Xiao Ling, are you here?" Mrs. Zhang smiled awkwardly, "Hurry up and bring Ning Ning here, she must be starving to death." She refused to let her son drink, handed him to Huang Dashan, and let him go Steamed eggs for my son.

Huang Dashan snorted, hugged his son who was about to cry, and went into the kitchen.

Li Qingling thanked Mrs. Zhang and handed her her sister.

Sister-in-law Zhang's son is almost one year old, and her milk is not particularly nutritious, but there is no way, she is the only one in the village who still nurses children, so she can only ask for milk from her.

Only after this time, my sister can't come here again, so it won't make people disgusted.

She'd better find a way to buy a ewe and come back!

Thinking of this, Li Qingling asked Mrs. Zhang what she should pay attention to when taking care of the baby.

This is her first time raising a child, and she doesn't understand anything, so she is smeared.

Sister-in-law Zhang looked up at Li Qingling and felt sorry for her. It was not easy to take care of a family at such a young age.

She held up Li Qingning, who was already full of milk, and patted her back lightly, making her hiccup.

She told Li Qingling all the things that should be paid attention to in raising children, as well as these small details.

Li Qingling listened carefully, and waited until sister-in-law Zhang had finished speaking before carrying her sister home.

She went back to Liu's house first, and asked Liu Zhimo to inquire as soon as she entered the door, where could there be ewes with cubs for sale

"What's wrong?" Liu Zhimo asked with concern seeing that her expression was not very good.

Li Qingling put her younger sister, who had fallen asleep again, to bed. "Going to beg for milk from other people is not a problem if it lasts for a long time. It's better to buy a ewe and let Ningning drink goat milk." A small group can't be done without intensive care.

He knew her well and knew what had happened to her to make such a decision, but she didn't want to say it, and he didn't force it.

"Okay, I'll go and inquire now." Liu Zhimo nodded, patted her on the shoulder, and then turned and went out the door.

Li Qingling helped her younger sister cover the quilt, sighed softly, stood up, and told Li Qingfeng and the others to take good care of her younger sister. She would go home first, tidy up the house, and then come to pick them up.

Without his mother, Li Qingfeng seemed to have grown up overnight. He sensiblely let Li Qingling go, and he would take care of his younger sister.

"Sister...sister..." Liu Zhirou was curious and happy when he saw the baby who was younger than him, and lay down beside the bed, screaming.

Li Qingling hugged her and kissed her, "Yes, it's my sister, Rourou will play with her from now on, okay?"


"So cute..." Li Qingling kissed her again, put her into Liu Zhiyan's arms, and gave Liu Zhiyan another word before going back to her house.

As soon as she cleaned up the mess in the house, Liu Zhimo came back, "No one in the village raises sheep, so I can only go to the town to have a look." The people in the village are not rich and powerful, and they can feed and clothe the family Nuan is not bad, how can I buy sheep to raise.

"That's fine, I'll go to the town to have a look later." Li Qingling put Zhao's old things away, closed the door of the room, and then followed Liu Zhimo home to get money from his house.

These two days, the family was full of people. She was afraid that it would be unsafe to keep the money at home, so she left it for Liu Zhimo.

"Wait for me at home. I'll go to the village head to borrow an ox cart. It's faster to go by car. If you walk, it will be dark when you come back."

"Okay..." Li Qingling didn't refuse. It would take a long time to walk, so it would be safer to go by car.

Liu Zhimo ran to the village chief's house to borrow an ox cart, and told Liu Zhiyan that if they hadn't come back, he could eat first and not wait for them.

Seeing Liu Zhiyan's answer, he safely drove Li Qingling to the town.

They were lucky this time. When they went to the street selling poultry, they happened to see an uncle selling sheep, and it was an ewe with a lamb.

Li Qingling ran over to ask the price, and the uncle asked to buy the lamb together, asking for one to two to five hundred yuan.

She thought it was a bit expensive, so she bargained with the uncle, and she bought it for one or two hundred dollars.

When the two returned to the village with two sheep, they met villagers who gathered together to talk about the mountains after eating.

When they saw Li Qingling leading the two sheep, they were all startled, and asked Li Qingling whether she bought the sheep.

Anyway, she couldn't hide the matter of buying a sheep from others, so Li Qingling nodded generously, "My sister has no milk, so I have no choice but to borrow money to buy a sheep and come back." She simply explained that she was borrowing money bought.

A thoughtful person asked, "Little Ling, isn't this ewe cheap?" Who can lend her so much money? Is it Liu Zhimo

Li Qingling smiled wryly, "It's not cheap, but what can I do to make my sister hungry?" After a pause, "Uncles and aunts, I'm leaving first, my sister is still waiting for milk."

After Li Qingling and the others had gone far away, people in the village began to discuss again. Some people remembered that on the day of Zhao's accident, Li Qingling and Liu Zhimo came back from outside the village with a basket on their backs. There was a pheasant in the basket, and they did not know where to go. Where did you get it

On this matter, people in the village spread the word.

Li Qingling hurried home to cook milk for her younger sister. She didn't know that the rumors about her earning money by selling prey soon spread to the whole village.

"Wow, our family has a sheep." Li Qingling led the sheep back to Liu's house, and the three little ones in the house kept babbling around the sheep.

Liu Zhimo tidied up the backyard of his house and asked Li Qingling to lead the sheep in and tie them up.

"Have you eaten yet?" Li Qingling asked after washing her hands, looking at the third little one who was still interested.

Li Qingfeng looked at Liu Zhiyan and Liu Zhirou who were staring at the sheep and didn't respond, so he had no choice but to reply, "Eat, and I left some food for you and brother Mo, it's heating up in the pot, you go and eat it!"

Shaking his head helplessly, Li Qingling looked at the three little ones and said, "Don't get too close to that ewe, you will be kicked, you know?"

"Understood." The three little ones replied in unison.

Li Qingling went to the kitchen and brought out the brown rice porridge and pickles, and Liu Zhimo who had gone to return the ox cart just happened to come back.

She raised the bowl and chopsticks in her hand, "It's time to eat."

He hummed, went to wash his hands, served a bowl of porridge by himself, sat opposite Li Qingling, bowed his head and drank.

After drinking the brown rice porridge that seemed to burn his throat, Li Qingling put down the bowl, "Go to the town another day and buy some more polished rice. The children at home are still growing, so we can't drink this porridge often. It's not nutritious." They Selling prey for dozens of taels of silver is enough to make their lives better.

Liu Zhimo nodded, looked at her, and sighed after a while, "Little Ling, I'm afraid we can't hide the fact that we went hunting anymore, and now everyone in the village is saying that you sold your game to earn money and bought sheep." matter."

Li Qingling was not surprised when she heard the news. When she decided to buy sheep, she knew that it would have a great impact on the villagers.

Even if she said that the money was borrowed, the villagers would not believe it.

"Since they are all guessing, let's tell them directly, and you can gain a good reputation." She didn't think about how long this matter could be kept secret, "Just tell the village chief about it, and let him Go and tell the people in the village." The village head has a high reputation, so it is best for him to do this.

"Okay, let's take a trip later!" The sooner this matter is the better, so as not to make others talk more and more embarrassingly.

Li Qingling responded, packed up the dishes, and went out with Liu Zhimo to the village chief's house.

Of course, the village chief also heard the rumors in the village, but he didn't quite believe it. After all, Li Qingling and Liu Zhimo were young, so how could they hunt

So when he saw Li Qingling and Liu Zhimo coming to him, he said as soon as he opened his mouth: "Just listen to the rumors in the village, don't take them to heart."