The Strong Wife from Peasant Family

Chapter 79: save people


There were soldiers guarding the gate of the town, and if they wanted to enter the town, they had to go through strict censorship. Seeing this scene, Li Qingling's heart sank.

She and Liu Zhimo finally passed the inspection and entered the town. The town that used to be lively is now very deserted.

On a street, if you want to find two open shops, it is difficult, and basically they are all closed.

Along the way, Li Qingling felt that this place was like an empty city, terribly empty and silent.

The famine, coupled with the rebellion of King Nanyan, caused all the people here to flee.

She frowned, and walked slowly with Liu Zhimo. At this moment, they avoided the patrolling army.

The soldiers walking in front looked Li Qingling and Liu Zhimo up and down, and asked in a rough voice what they were doing here

The people in this town basically ran away, why did these two children hang around here and didn't follow them to escape

Liu Zhimo shook Li Qingling's hand, lowered his head slightly, and told the soldier that they were here to find their relatives.

The soldier sized them up again, waved his hand and said, now is a critical period, don't just wander around the streets casually, don't blame them if you are caught as spies.

"Yes, if uncle is not found, we will leave immediately." Liu Zhimo said hastily.

The soldier hummed and left with the other soldiers.

When they were all gone, Liu Zhimo breathed a sigh of relief. He turned his head to look at Li Qingling and said, "We already know the situation here, so let's go back!" It's worrying.

Li Qingling also felt cold sweat break out on her back, she nodded to Liu Zhimo, the two held hands, and strode out of the town.

Outside the town, many fleeing people stayed.

I don't know where they escaped from, all of them are yellow and thin, and their clothes are ragged.

Li Qingling pursed her lips, her heart ached.

Natural and man-made disasters are a fatal blow to the people at the bottom.

If she and Liu Zhimo took a few children to escape, they might be one of them.

She was glad that, with Ah Huang's reminder, she had stockpiled enough food so that the children would not starve.

Liu Zhimo held her hand tightly, and led her towards the house with big strides.

When she came, seeing these fleeing people, she was in a bad mood and became very silent.

Now, after reading it again, she must feel even more uncomfortable, but they can't do anything, they can't help.

"Good-hearted people, please give me something to eat! My child hasn't eaten in two days." An elderly woman walked over with her back bent, begging for food like Li Qingling and the other two.

With rosy faces and neat clothes, they looked very abrupt among the many ragged, sallow and emaciated refugees.

As soon as they saw them, they knew that there must be food at home and they were not hungry.

Li Qingling and Liu Zhimo's heart skipped a beat, they looked at each other, held hands, and ran away.

If they didn't run away, they might really be eaten alive by these hungry people.

During the famine period, the refugees had nothing to eat, and they would do anything to fill their stomachs.

"Good-hearted people, what are you running for?"

Seeing Li Qingling and the two fleeing, the refugees who had been sitting on the ground watching them stood up and chased them.

Li Qingling looked back and saw this scene, her heart skipped a beat, she had never been involved in such things before, this time, she was really a little scared.

"Don't look back, run quickly." Liu Zhimo took Li Qingling's hand and ran as fast as he could.

I don't know how long they ran, and after shaking off their tails, they walked behind a somewhat hidden big rock, sat down on their buttocks, panting heavily.

Liu Zhimo leaned on the big rock, feeling that his legs were not his anymore, they were so sore.

Going to the town this time, he was so scared that his heart was about to jump out.

After this time, the next time Li Qingling said anything, she had to stop her and not let her take this risk.

"Fortunately, those refugees are not as physically fit as we are. Otherwise, they might really have to confess here." Li Qingling sat on the ground, resting her forehead with her hands, and said with a wry smile.

Living in a peaceful age, she really had never experienced these things, and this experience frightened her.

In my previous life, I heard from my grandma that when there was a famine and no food, some people would even eat their own children in order to survive. At that time, she didn't believe it at all. Could it be possible to do such a cruel thing

After what happened just now, she somewhat believed that people, in times of despair, can really do anything.

Liu Zhimo took two heavy breaths before slowly calming down his beating heart. He reached out and knocked on Li Qingling's head, looked at her seriously and said, "Never again next time!" I went to town." After a pause, he continued: "This time, take everything you need when you get home, and don't come out again when you get back to Songshan. Now is a critical period, who knows what will happen after you come out Something? You have to be more careful." This time he was really scared, he couldn't imagine what would happen if they ran a little slower

Li Qingling is not the kind of person who has no brains, and she will not make fun of her life casually.

She went to town this time just to find out what's going on now

Now that she knows it all, she won't go there next time.

"Ok, I know."

If King Nanyan's army really came to them, they might not be safe in Songshan.

But they don't have any good choices, so they can only take one step at a time.

Li Qingling sighed in his heart, stood up again, stretched out his hand to grab Liu Zhimo, and said, let's go!

Now that it is so unsafe outside, and she is also worried about the children in the family, they still hurry home, and rush back to Songshan after getting the things.

Liu Zhimo felt much better after resting for a while, he nodded to her, and followed her out.

This time when they went back, they did not dare to take those high roads openly, for fear that they would encounter what happened just now.

They just picked some paths to go home. Although it was difficult, it was safe.

It took a little longer than usual to get back home, and as soon as they entered the courtyard and locked the courtyard door, the two of them were completely relieved.

Li Qingling fetched some water from the well, and drank it with a ladle. At this moment, she didn't care whether it was raw water or not, she drank it first.

After drinking a scoop of water, she felt that her thirsty throat was relieved.

She quenched her thirst by herself, and handed the ladle to Liu Zhimo, asking him to drink some water to quench her thirst.

Liu Zhimo took the ladle she handed over, scooped up the water, and drank it with his head buried.

After drinking the water, he felt that he was reborn.

During the run, he was really thirsty, and his throat felt like it was burning.

But they didn't bring water, so they could only bear it all the time. It was not easy to drink water until now.

While he was drinking water, Li Qingling walked around the house to see if there was anything he needed to take to Songshan. He came out this time, but he really won't come out next time. He stayed in Songshan obediently and spent this period Tough times now!

"Apart from the water bucket, is there anything else I need to bring?" Liu Zhimo put down the water ladle, walked into the room, and asked Li Qingling.

"Bring some books, don't waste your time studying." Li Qingling looked at Liu Zhimo and asked for his opinion, "What do you think?"

Liu Zhimo hummed, "Then take it with you!" I really moved a lot of things before, and I couldn't move the books. This time I came back, but I can move some, and I can't let the two younger brothers leave behind their studies. "It's fine for me to collect it here, you go and have a look, what else do you need to bring?"

Li Qingling responded, and left the study, went to the kitchen, and took out the bucket.

She thought about it again, what else should she bring

After thinking about it for a while, she really couldn't remember it, so she stopped thinking about it, walked back to the study, and asked Liu Zhimo if he had put it away

Liu Zhimo packed the pen, ink, paper and inkstone before nodding and saying yes.

Li Qingling put those things in the bucket, took out another pole, and the two carried the bucket away.

As soon as they walked out of the village, they met Dahe, who was limping and walking with a wound on his face.

When he saw Li Qingling and the two of them, he stopped and greeted them timidly.

"Dahe, why...why are you here? Didn't you follow your parents?" Li Qingling frowned, and glanced at the rice mixed with dirt in his hand.

Dahe lowered his head even more uneasy, and said expressionlessly that his parents left him and left.

Hearing this, Li Qingling frowned even tighter. Judging by his appearance, he might have run out of food at home, so he went to grab some rice from others.

If this continues, even if he does not starve to death, he will be beaten to death.

She is not a saint, she wants to help everyone when she sees it, but seeing him like this, her heart softens a bit.

She turned her head and glanced at Liu Zhimo, Liu Zhimo knew that her heart had softened and wanted to help Dahe.

He smiled and nodded at her.

Since she wants to help, let's help! The food they hoarded in Songshan can support multiple people, and it is still possible.

Seeing that he agreed, Li Qingling raised the corners of her mouth and smiled at him, then turned her head and said to Dahe, "Would you like to come with us?" My younger brother is very close to him, and he should be very happy to see him Bar

Hearing Li Qingling's words, Dahe's eyes lit up, he raised his head to look at Li Qingling, he stuttered and asked, where are we going

"Just follow us, I won't sell you anyway."

"I...I didn't mean that." Dahe explained with a blushing face, " sister is also here, can I take her with me?" After that, he looked at Li Qingling nervously, afraid that Li Qingling would disagree.