The Strong Wife from Peasant Family

Chapter 89: hope


Lying on the ground was a ragged old man who seemed to have passed out.

Liu Zhimo squatted down with a gloomy expression, and turned over the herbal medicine in his back basket with his hands. He only knew the antipyretic herbal medicine, but he didn't know the others.

Is this old man a doctor

Thinking of this, Liu Zhimo became a little excited. He stretched out his hand to press the old man's people, trying to wake him up.

After pressing for a while, the old man slowly opened his eyes. Liu Zhimo took a look and asked him if he was a doctor

At this time, he didn't think about whether the old man was a good person at all, as long as he could cure Li Qingling.

The old man stared blankly at Liu Zimo for a moment, then nodded, and said that he was very hungry...

Seeing the old man's expression, Liu Zhimo guessed that he fainted from hunger.

He helped the old man up and let the old man lie on his back, and he wanted to carry him back.

The old man was in a daze, and he would do what Liu Zhimo said.

"Ah Huang, take the pannier, we're going back." Liu Zhimo took a deep breath, asked Ah Huang to put on the pannier, and walked back with the old man on his back.

The old man looked very thin, but when he carried it on his back, he realized that he was still quite heavy.

In addition, he hasn't had a good rest these days, and his body is already very tired. With such a person on his back, every step he takes, he feels as if he is about to be crushed.

But thinking of Li Qingling, who was in a very bad situation, he seemed to have a lot of strength to support him to move forward.

This walk took almost half an hour before walking back.

As soon as he returned to the cave, he put the old man on the ground, and he also sat on the ground paralyzed, panting heavily.

If it was a little further away, he might not be able to hold on anymore, but fortunately, he came back.

"Brother, this person is..." Liu Zhiyan quickly brought a bowl of water for Liu Zhimo to drink, and looked at the old man lying on the ground suspiciously.

It's a time when they can't get enough to eat, why did the eldest brother bring a person back? Does he know this person

Liu Zhimo gulped down the whole bowl of water, felt his whole body gasped, and then said, "He's a doctor, let him come and see Miss Xiaoling." He handed back the bowl in his hand To Liu Zhiyan, "Go and pour another bowl of water for the old man to drink, I'll go and see your little sister Ling."

Liu Zhiyan was overjoyed, agreed, and happily ran to pour water.

Sister Xiaoling had been ill for the past few days, and he was extremely worried, fearing that Sister Xiaoling wouldn't be able to survive.

Now that the doctor is here, Miss Xiaoling will definitely recover.

Liu Zhimo got up from the ground, he staggered a bit to Li Qingling's side, and asked Li Qingfeng in a low voice, how is she

Li Qingfeng also heard what Liu Zhimo said, and he quickly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "The temperature has dropped a little, but it's still very hot." He looked at Liu Zhimo expectantly, "Brother Zhimo, what do you bring?" Is the person who came back really a doctor? See if he can cure my sister?"

Liu Zhimo touched Li Qingling's forehead and felt that it was still very hot. He pursed his lips, "I have to try it." He also regarded a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and didn't want to miss a chance .

Li Qingfeng hummed, looked at Li Qingling with worried eyes, and prayed that the old man brought back by Brother Mo could really cure his sister.

"Brother, he...he said he was hungry." Liu Zhiyan fed the old man a bowl of water, and when he heard the old man said he was hungry, he hurriedly called Liu Zhimo.

Liu Zhimo patted Li Qingling's shoulder, he stood up, and walked back to the old man's side.

"Old man, my fiancée's fever has never subsided. If you help me cure her, I'll cook for you."

He is not so kind, he will come back to a stranger for no reason, and give him food for free.

If he wants to eat, he has to pay the corresponding reward.

The old man opened his eyelids and looked into Liu Zhimo's eyes quietly. After a while, he nodded in compromise.

Although the young man carried him back to let him see a doctor, he was also his savior. Otherwise, if he was lying there, he would be eaten by wild animals if he didn't starve to death.

Besides, after he was cured, he would still have food to eat. If he refused to agree to such a good thing, he would be a fool.

"Help me over there." The old man was a little weak and couldn't stand up without support.

Upon hearing this, Liu Zhimo quickly reached out to support him, and slowly walked to Li Qingling's side.

The old man sat on the ground, stretched out his hand to feel Li Qingling's pulse, and then asked, "It's a miracle that this little girl can last this long." He put down his hand and asked Liu Zhimo to bring him the pannier.

Before Liu Zhimo could move, Ah Huang ran over with his pannier in his mouth, and threw it in front of him with a puff.

Seeing Ah Huang, the old man was taken aback. Seeing that it didn't attack him, he twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "This... this big bug has become a sperm?" He looked at Ah Huang again, and then looked down several times A sample of herbs came out and passed to Liu Zhimo, "Three bowls of water boiled into one bowl of water."

Liu Zhimo quickly took it, turned around and went to boil the medicine.

The old man took the opportunity to explore the cave, and found that there were only a few children in the cave, and there were no adults, so he asked curiously, "Where are your parents?" Looking at the conditions of the children, they didn't look like disaster victims at all. .

Have you always lived here

As soon as they heard the old man's words, Li Qingfeng and the others raised their vigilance, and said in a buzzing voice, why are you asking this

After asking this question, he looked at the old man to see if he was a bad guy

The old man laughed haha, these kids are really vigilant.

"Don't worry, I don't mean anything bad, I just asked out of curiosity, besides, with these two big bugs here, I dare not do anything!"

He was not only curious about these children, but also curious about these two big worms.

He had never seen anyone who could raise big worms, and this really opened his eyes.

Even though he said so, Qingfeng Li and the others did not let go of their vigilance, they still stared at him with burning eyes.

Seeing this, the old man rubbed his nose, not daring to ask any more casual questions.

After Liu Zhimo finished the medicine, he brought it over to feed Li Qingling. He didn't shy away from the fact that the old man was here, and continued to use his previous feeding method.

The old man saw it, clicked his tongue twice and said, you kid is taking advantage of the little girl! ruined her reputation.

After Liu Zhimo fed Li Qingling, he said, "Reputation is important now and then, but it's not as important as life. If life is gone, why do you need reputation?" He and Li Qingling are not people who value reputation very much. .

If reputation was important, the two families would not live together as one family.

Seeing Liu Zhimo's indifferent expression, the old man fell silent.

After a while, he seemed to have figured out something? He stretched out his hand and patted Liu Zhimo's shoulder, and said with emotion, the old man is not as good as you who can think clearly!

If he had figured this out a long time ago, he would not have fallen to this point.

Liu Zhimo smiled, and turned to let Liu Zhiyan cook the porridge, "Old man, I'm sorry, there's not much food in the house, so I can only let you drink porridge." After a pause, "You must be dizzy from hunger, Drinking porridge is also good for your stomach."

The old man laughed again, thinking that this young man is indeed very good, even thought of this.

Based on this good impression, he looked at Li Qingling, and said to Liu Zhimo, "This little girl's physical foundation is not very good. She must have not had a good rest during this period, and her spirit is too tense. Let me relax now." , The illness is on the rise.” He glanced at Li Qingling, whose face was not so red, “Fortunately, she has a strong will to survive, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to survive.” He admired this little girl’s will.

Liu Zhimo was terrified when he heard that, he held Li Qingling's hand, and was very grateful in his heart that she survived until the old man's arrival.

"The fever is gone." He touched the palm of Li Qingling's hand, and then reached out to touch her forehead. The fever that had been burning for several days, the medicine went away.

He bowed to the old man gratefully in his heart, and thanked him several times.

This is also thanks to Ah Huang, if it weren't for it, he wouldn't have discovered the old man.

Li Qingfeng's children also bowed to the old man, and solemnly said, thank you, grandpa.

The old man stroked his beard, waved his hand and said, this is all due to fate, if there is no fate, I can't help you.

He also didn't expect to meet these children in this barren mountain.

In his opinion, this is really a rare fate.

"Old man, I solemnly say sorry to you, what I did before was also helpless." Liu Zhimo looked at the old man seriously.

The old man understood what Liu Zhimo meant, so he didn't care too much and said, "It is imperative to be on guard against others, you kid, you did a good job." Besides, this kid is still a very sincere person, he treated the little girl , he asked his younger brother to cook the porridge.

Just for this point, it is impossible for him to blame him.

Seeing that the old man really didn't mind, Liu Zhimo breathed a sigh of relief, "I don't know where the old man is going? If you are not in a hurry to leave, can you stay for two more days and wait until my fiancée's illness is completely cured before you go away?" Is it?" He didn't feel at ease when he didn't see that Li Qingling's condition had completely recovered.

Hearing this, the old man sighed and said, where can we go at a time like this? You can keep the old man for two days, the old man is very grateful.

He just didn't want to escape, so he came to the mountains, but he didn't expect that he would faint from hunger.

If those people knew that he was so useless now, how long would he have to laugh!

Hearing the desolation in the old man's words, Liu Zhimo was silent for a while before saying, it will pass.

Just don't know which side will win.

"Yes, it will pass." The old man also sighed with emotion.

No matter what, life will always pass, his life is taken back by this kid, and he will cherish it even more.