The Stronger Their Opposition, the More I Know I Made the Right Choice

Chapter 149: Anzu's perfect magic rating


The Dak expert from the Glorious Holy See impatiently took over Ansu's magic map. He glanced at it casually, and sighed helplessly when he saw that there was only one magic circuit.

He really didn't want to admit that the guy in front of him belonged to the Glory Holy See.

It simply damages the image of the Holy See.

There is only one magic circuit, which means that it is the most advanced magic.

There is no technical content at all.

When the surrounding experts saw it, they burst into laughter.

This magic circuit is also familiar to them. It is an imitation of the elementary holy light magic [Holy Light Illumination]. The original magic is already very elementary, how can the adaptation be so powerful

After all, it's just a lighting technique.

When newbies practice writing magic, it is easy to create a large number of useless magic, which consumes high magic power and has low effect. They cannot even reach 'ordinary' in the Magic Guild's rating, and are all classified as waste.

If they want to learn this magic, they can only rely on the direct blessing of the gods.

In line with the principle of dedication and dedication, Duck still used appraisal magic to scan it roughly. First, he made inferences from the structural design of the magic circuit, the trajectory of the magic power, and the effects caused by this.

But as he watched, his brows tightened. He hummed softly, then took out the magic glasses from his pocket, put them on his ears, and scanned them carefully again.

Then there was another confused sound of 'um, uh huh'.

"What's so good about elementary magic?" The alchemist expert took the magic circuit map, his face was full of disdain at first, and then his expression gradually became serious.

When old experts appraise magic, once they start to ponder, either this magic is a super ghost, or this magic is a super god.

However, based on Ashley's understanding of Ansu's birth, this magic might be some evil superhuman magic, such as holy light hypnosis or something.

He has been doing this for more than thirty years, and has seen all kinds of difficult magic. He has been awarded the title of appraisal expert for several years in a row. Even the magic of demigods, he has been lucky enough to observe, but Ansu handed over Why can't he understand this thing

The magic circuit can be understood, and the magic operation can be understood, but together, it is completely incomprehensible.

[X-ray illumination]

After all, there is no such concept in this world.

Many taboo images came to her mind.

"See for yourself." Duck said.

[Consumption of magic power 1]

Is this just a basic magic

Because it cannot be understood, it cannot be reproduced just by relying on this magic circuit.

What are X-rays

It's no wonder that the experts couldn't understand it. Even Miss Bones, who was a demigod during her lifetime, was confused for a while when she encountered Ansu's X-ray illumination technique.

More and more experts are joining in the appraisal.


You can't learn it yourself.

[Basic healing white magic]

[Effectiveness: Using X-rays to create a light source can be used for all-round detection of lesions. At the same time, X-rays have a certain radiation effect on the human body]

Seeing the constipated expression on Old Dak's face, the experts from the Alchemy Church thought that he was deliberately playing tricks on everyone, so they asked, "What's wrong, the elementary magic still stumps you?"

[Unknown attribute]

Ashley felt something bad in her heart when she saw two appraisers in a row showing confusion.

There are generally about seven experts in the appraisal room, but due to the influence of the previous border magic, a total of seventy experts came to the room.

It can be described as an expert consultation.

This kind of lineup, not to mention elementary magic, can also clearly detect semi-god-level magic.

But what was far beyond Aixili's expectation, and even what shocked Aixili, was that none of the seventy experts present identified it, and they even started a meeting to discuss it.

The light spread to the outside world in this way, enough to be listed in the first column of "Magic Weekly".

The discussion lasted ten full minutes.

"You guys should go back first and let you know after the specific rating comes out." They said to Ansu.

The efficiency of the Magic Guild is so slow.

Ansu's face was full of reluctance.

These old people.

Ashley hurriedly pushed Ansu and the others out. She was afraid that Ansu would do something again.

After they left, the entire identification room fell into a brief silence.

"This magic should belong to the Holy See of Glory."

The Dak expert of the Glorious Holy See was the first to make a conclusion, "From the beginning to the end, Ansu Morningstar has been a loyal saint of our Glorious Holy See." "And the magic circuit used for reference is the [Holy Light Illumination Technique] of the Glorious Holy See. , so there is no doubt that this so-called x-ray is also a type of holy light."

This shameless guy has started again.

The other experts thought secretly.

"Based on the results, this X-ray should belong to the Healing Holy See."

Experts from the Healing Holy See said.

It consumes low magic power and can perform comprehensive physical examinations.

Not only can white magicians use it, but even doctors in hospitals can use it.

Whether it is used by civilians or warlocks, it is highly practical.

Because this magic cannot be reproduced yet, they still don't know that Ansu's X-ray illumination technique can completely ignore the user's external magic resistance and directly detect the inside of the body.

Otherwise, their expressions would be even more exciting.

This means that this elementary magic can not only check the body of elementary sorcerers, but also intermediate and high-level sorcerers. In theory, it can even check the physical condition of saints.

Then the versatility will be greatly enhanced.

Similarly, because they don't understand, they can't know what the so-called 'radiation' means, but it shouldn't be a bad thing, right

Seeing that the scene was about to get noisy again, an expert from the Holy See of Order spoke,

"We can't reproduce this magic now, so we have to hand it over to more advanced appraisers for appraisal."

According to the rules of the Magic Guild, the creator himself cannot participate in the appraisal process to prevent it from affecting the appraisal results, otherwise they will ask Ansu to demonstrate it again.

"Since Ansu is going to meet His Majesty Merlin, why not leave it to His Majesty Merlin for appraisal."

"In addition, this magic should be qualified to be dedicated to gods, but Ansu is not a deacon now and has no rights for the time being."

"Then what are the results of our identification?"

"Just give me a provisional score."

I didn’t know that the discussion inside was in full swing.

In the lounge, Ansu ordered a few more cups of coffee and two blueberry cakes. He remembered that Luo Jia seemed to like eating this stuff. After waiting for so long, he had to at least recoup the cost of his time. Arthur next to him was not polite either. Only those who can eat and drink are Sun Knights, stuffing cakes into their stomachs one bite at a time.

The attendants all stared at Ansu with strange eyes. These three people had already eaten ten cakes, thirteen cups of strong coffee, and six portions of chocolate.

Are all the saints today like this

He even dared to come to the Magic Guild to ask for food.

Only distinguished people above the deacon level can come here. They are all here for magic rating, not for eating and drinking.

A priest has already come to drive Ansu away.

"What's your name, please?"

"The three of us are called Cavins." The three border heroes spoke.

"His name is Ansu Morningstar." Ashley said, covering her face.

"Mr. Ansu Morningstar, do you have anything to do when you come to our place?"

"I'll do the magic test."

"But as far as I know, you have been here for two hours. No magic appraisal would take that long, right?" the priest sneered.

"Yes." Ansu was filled with indignation and accused, "The efficiency of your association is too low, it's really shameless!"

"." The priest's expression froze.

You shameless thing, how dare you teach us a lesson

"If you have nothing to do, please leave." The priest said in a cold tone, "We are not welcome here—"

At this time, there was a sudden noise in the distance.

"Who is Ansu?"

"The evaluation is actually 'perfect'?"

“This is the highest rating among ordinary ratings!”

The magic screen in the center of the hall flickered, showing a new name.

[Ansu Morningstad]

[X-ray illumination]

[Comprehensive evaluation: ordinary. perfect (tentative)]

Goodnight everybody!

(End of chapter)