The Stronger Their Opposition, the More I Know I Made the Right Choice

Chapter 180: Ansu But I wish to die in the same year, same month and same day (two in one


The wine Arthur carried was not a vulgar thing, it was called 'Wine of Vulcan', it was the private brew of the Sun Lord.

He stole the wine from his father's wine cellar. Since it was the wine drank by demigods, it could make even demigods drunk.

There were twenty-four elites present, and each of them had half a glass. They thought it would be okay to drink to strengthen their courage, but they never thought that as soon as the wine was in their mouths, their heads would start to wander. The taste was quite sweet, but I didn’t figure out the taste. After another gulp, my thoughts began to become chaotic.

This little thing is quite powerful.

The Tantric cultists were worried that drinking too much wine would be bad. They looked at Ansu and the others, but saw that they were also holding wine glasses and drank them all in one gulp, so they were relieved.

Ansu was holding the wine glass, his face still as usual. His ability to drink was not good, and he was almost drunk at the graduation ceremony in his previous life.

But he was more insidious. He looked like he was drinking it all in one gulp, but in fact the wine was flowing down his neck and into the collar of his shirt. Due to the extremely high concentration of the Vulcan wine, it quickly drank in less than a few seconds. The ground evaporated.

And Liszt is also a master. As a 'border master', his father naturally has many superb skills in manipulating water magic. The Marquis Norman has a trick to run the magic circuit to force the water element that enters the body out of his fingertips. Liszt had learned the technique since he was a child, and now he was using his magic power to force the water element out of his fingertips.

When it came to Arthur, he was the heaviest, not as flashy as the first two. He secretly thought, "This thing is not just beer." He drank it all in one gulp, burping, and his face was as rosy as usual. He drank this wine. He grew up drinking from a thief.

When his mother was breastfeeding, she would add some alcohol to the milk powder.

Ansu raised the fish-raising wine glass in his hand and said loudly,

Ansu declined first and looked embarrassed, then Arthur shouted that if he didn't go on stage and say a few words, he would not give me face. Ansu then couldn't help but arouse everyone's interest and reluctantly walked into the center of the crowd.

Never surrender = can be killed directly.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"After tonight, we may all die, but the glory will coexist with you and me. I, Youxin of the Chaos Staircase, and all my compatriots will meet here. As the saying goes, we are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away. Why don't we become brothers?"

"The atmosphere is high now, and it's a good time for someone to come out and say a few words." Liszt spoke first on behalf of the Holy See of Life, which attracted unanimous approval from the people around him.

"Brother Staircase, we want to treat you as our eldest brother!"


The hot wine flowed down their throats and into their lungs, and a stream of hot air rushed straight to their foreheads. The power of the Vulcan wine was instantly revealed. They only felt a surge of pride rising from their chests. They looked around at their colleagues and thought of my three great brothers. With such heroes in the cult, why worry about accomplishing great things

As soon as the Vulcan wine entered his throat, his reason evaporated and the fire in his chest was ignited.

Everyone follows the crowd, and the esoteric cultists are no exception. What's more, they were already drunk and immediately followed the trend to make Ansu come on stage and say a few words.

The esoteric geniuses looked at each other. They were all undercover agents lurking in the imperial capital. It was okay that they were members of the same church, but they didn’t know the members of the other two churches. Even if they knew the titles, they would still be ashamed of themselves. How could they choose? Someone everyone knows comes out

At this time, Ansu took a few steps back, used the magic 'Friendly Communication', and changed his voice into a low voice, "I think Brother Staircase from the Chaos Holy See is good."

"The Empire has pushed the Theocracy to the edge of the cliff. Behind us is the Theocracy of Avad. We have no way to retreat!"

"I did it!"

Even the most unpopular life believers find him amiable.

"The evil glorious scum Ansu Morningstar has occupied the border of chaos, and together with his two lackeys Arthur and Lister, these three newborns have deeply tarnished the glory of our faith. After tonight, our mother God’s loyal dog will definitely make these three people pay the price with their blood!”

"I am honored to meet you all and participate in this great cause."

Everyone was drunk.

Ansu, Liszt, and Arthur have long been on the assassination list of the Esoteric Cult. These three people have long been famous among the younger generation of the Esoteric Cult, especially Ansu Morningstar, who is despicable and shameless, and has tarnished the Holy Spirit of Chaos. Female, she is the culprit behind the transformation of the Scarlet Order into the Orangutan Order.

Just waiting to assassinate him during the big exam!

At this time, the dusk had also dissipated, and the Crow Alley was dim. Ansu looked around, but did not speak. There was just a long silence. The night covered his straight shoulders, lengthening his shadow, like a black Like wings, it was reflected on the mottled courtyard wall in the alley. When the believers around him saw Ansu's momentum, they suddenly held their breath and concentrated.

Ansu waved his arms vigorously, which can be said to be a shout.

Ansu smashed the wine glass in his hand on the ground, making a loud noise for a moment, adding to his momentum. By the way, he didn't need to drink the remaining half glass.

"I agree." Arthur also echoed, "But we have to choose the one who is the most popular as the representative! Let's all choose one together!"

Arthur and Liszt quickly took a few steps back, and then used friendly communication, changing their voices, and cheering in a flowing manner.

"Yes, choose the Chaos Staircase!"

Practice hard = you can get more contribution points.

"Okay!" Liszt and Arthur applauded.

Seeing these three people drinking it down honestly, the geniuses of the Esoteric Cult could not lose their majesty as men. If they showed their timidity in the wine shop, how could they be elected as the quasi-holy son of the sect

Why convince the public


When the mood strikes, I just raise my head and drink.

The rain has also dissipated, dusk is about to fall, and the blood-red light of twilight shines on everyone. They look around each other, and they only feel a passion like the sun rising from their hearts. They usually look at other people who are not pleasing to the eye. The sect actually seems a bit familiar now.

"My colleagues, after tonight, in the countless long nights in the future, some of us may be imprisoned, and some of us may die, but no matter which of the most dangerous situations we face, we will practice hard. We will never surrender!"

Ansu moved to another position and changed his voice to a passerby's voice, "I choose Brother Staircase, he is the one everyone hopes for!"

Ansu's words made the esoteric geniuses' blood boil with excitement.

Ansu introduced himself everywhere before entering the venue, and all the esoteric geniuses had an impression of Ansu.


Even if I directly rebel right now, kill the bastard of the Seven Gods in the Temple, and chop off the bald head of the glorious head, why not? The bald head in the world is what Merlin did, but I can't do it


Chaotic Stairs

The drunken believers all showed thoughtful expressions. Indeed, they knew the Chaos Staircase.

Looking at the increasingly excited brothers in the audience, Ansu had tears in his eyes.

Moreover, the title Chaos Staircase is both profound and easy to remember.

"Please go up the stairs and say a few words."

The brains of the esoteric geniuses have been burned down by the wine of Vulcan, and now they only have pride in their minds.

Seeing that what Ansu said was so impassioned and inspiring, and that so many brothers were following him, he had to do the same, so he immediately smashed the glass and said, "Well said!"

The wine glass crackled and shattered on the floor.

Especially the chaotic elevator that first entered the door to find Ansu's fault. At this time, I was moved to tears, and it was a brotherhood.

"Now that we have sworn sworn brothers, we should tell our true names!" Chaos Elevator said first.

Esotericism also has a set of sworn rituals, presided over by the high priest. Under the watchful eye of the Mother Goddess, a soul contract is made through blood and flesh, and then prayers are recited.

But conditions were limited at this time, so he kept everything simple. Ansu made three statues symbolizing the mother goddess with mud mixed with rainwater, and led everyone to worship in front of the mud.

"Chaos above."

"I, Lorne, have made a contract with all my compatriots. I offer my soul as a sacrifice. We will support each other in life and death, help each other in good and bad times, help each other in good and bad times, and support each other in times of adversity. From now on, we will have a profound friendship with each other. If there is If you break the contract and betray your gratitude, you will sacrifice it on the altar and eat your flesh and blood!"

Chaos Staircase’s real name is indeed Lorne, and Ansu didn’t lie.

The little star soul made by Merlin is also in his pocket.

"The blood moon is above." Liszt also said, "My son Rosca has made a contract with you."

Arthur's blood boiled with excitement when he heard it, and he almost forgot that he was a member of the Orthodox Church.

"I, Assyria, the Serpent of Pain, and all my compatriots." Seeing three people standing up in succession, the Chaos Elevator could not be left behind. "Chaos is above, I, Galvin, the Chaos Elevator, have concluded a contract with all my compatriots."

More and more esoteric geniuses took advantage of the young man's enthusiasm and prostrated themselves in front of the clay statue.

"I'm John of the Ladder"

"My birth name is Pope Jacks."

When the twenty-four esoteric geniuses completed their sworn vows, Ansu smiled happily.

First, write down the real names of these twenty-four people.

With a real name, the rate of return can be increased again when making sacrifices.

Report it to them first, and exchange it for magic dedication points in the Magic Guild.

Then seven working days before the Holy See held a meeting to investigate, they sacrificed to them first, in exchange for the life points of the Mother Goddess of Life.

Finally, in Glory, you can collect faith points that can increase the magic value. These brothers and sisters are completely mobile wealth.

Win three times!

The smile on Ansu's lips became more pure and warm.

But we can't take action now, we can't alert the enemy.

Play the long game to catch the big fish.

Although these esoteric geniuses are all geniuses, they are just small fish, the real heavyweights above them.

"Brothers, I, Lorne, and everyone else do not want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but we want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day!"

He was so impassioned that the brothers around him applauded in unison.

They all clamored to die in the same year, month, and day. They were very brotherly, which made Liszt and Arthur feel that the mixed sect was more upright than the mixed sect.

After the sworn vows were completed, the ranking began. Ansu took out a notebook and wrote down the list of sworn sworn friends, and handed it to everyone for review.

The one who takes the top spot is Galvin, the Chaos Elevator who is about to be promoted to the fourth level.

The second child is the genius of the Holy See of Pain, and is about to become the fourth level.

The third and fourth children were photographed all the way down. When the list reached the end, Ansu and Liszt Arthur appeared. Everyone was very moved when they saw them.

They were all ranked according to their strength, without any favoritism. Even Ansu and the others were ranked too low.

Unexpectedly, Brother Chaotic Stairs ranked himself at the bottom.

Such humility, such understanding, and selflessness made the chaotic elevator burst into tears.

He held Ansu's hand and said in a trembling voice, "Brother Xian, my eldest brother has misunderstood you. Brother Xian, you should take the first seat!"

"Don't worry, I have already forgiven Brother Elevator." Ansu said with a smile, "This seat should be yours. You deserve it."

Because this is my sacrifice list!

His smile became calmer and he earned the most by ranking first.

Ansu's fair and humble handling, and the cooperation between Liszt and Arthur were astonishing. Everyone was convinced, and his invisible prestige rose among the many believers, giving him the true demeanor of a leader.

"Everyone." Arthur took out another gourd of Vulcan wine from his pocket and said boldly, "There are still five minutes before the meeting starts, let's continue drinking!"

"Okay!" The esoteric geniuses also said boldly.


"Don't worry, General Rada. Only blood and killing can produce generals. The true saints and heroes crawl out from thousands of withered bones."

The vice-bishop followed Bishop Rada with an inscrutable look on his face, "That's exactly what I arranged for the meeting."

"The first round of the selection ceremony for the prospective holy son of my sect has already begun in secret!"

Radha nodded calmly.

Everything was as expected.

This is also the training method of the Painful Military Academy. Hundreds of soldiers are placed in a small school and told to fight each other. They are trained like worms. The characters who graduate in the end are the real generals.

They held this meeting and deliberately delayed it for half an hour.

It was just to allow these twenty-four esoteric geniuses to gather in the small Crow Alley and give them half an hour to let the atmosphere ferment.

Due to the incompatible and arrogant temperaments of geniuses, verbal conflicts will inevitably break out and eventually lead to a fight.

In Esoteric Buddhism, only through competition can one become stronger, and only the truly strong can become the Son of God.

There is no need to take advantage of the mediocre people who have been eliminated.

Presumably by the time Bishop Rada arrived, the entire Crow Alley would have been covered in blood and corpses.

Through remote projection, Lada's shadow arrived in Crow Alley, and he heard singing first. The proud esoteric geniuses held hands and began to sing and dance, "Unforgettable tonight, unforgettable tonight."

"." The archdeacon fell silent.

Bishop Rada felt that he might not have woken up.

The scene in front of me can be described as weird.

Although life, chaos, and pain are all esoteric religions, they are not in the same spirit. They even have a blood feud with each other.

Especially the Holy See of Life, these lunatics are unorganized and undisciplined. They have no leadership from the patriarch. Various religious groups are dispersed. Even the esoteric believers have to sacrifice, but everyone is shouting for beatings.

This joint operation is the first time.

Each family has its own evil intentions and its own purposes.

Bishop Pain wants to seek debts from Merlin, Chaos wants to sneak into the border of Chaos, and the Holy See of Life is still the most innocent. They just want to sacrifice more people in the imperial capital.

Looking at the happy scene in front of him, Lada wondered if the demigod projections from the Ladder Order and the Life Order would come over later, and he would feel that he had become a good person.

He snorted coldly, and his majesty suddenly burst out.

Although the person was not present, the terrifying majesty in his eyes, like a sea of blood, spread instantly.

Everyone was sober in an instant. Wherever Lada looked, the esoteric geniuses all lowered their heads, not daring to look at the demigods.

Ansu wasn't very afraid. After all, he had just shaved this guy's head not long ago, so he had no fear, but he lowered his head along with the crowd.

I don’t know if it will be discovered.

Lada is projected here, so he must not be able to see through it.

The demigod's projection must not be able to see through Merlin's magic.

If his secret is exposed, he will crush his soul and ask Merlin for help.

When Bishop Rada's eyes fell in front of Ansu, he paused for a moment.

"You are called here today because we have a traitor among us."

"Perhaps there are saints who have infiltrated into our order."

"Our three major religious groups will re-examine your qualifications as the Holy Son, and through the ceremony, we will request the sight of the Great Mother Goddess to consider whether you have the qualifications to become the Holy Son of the Order!"

"If there are saints lurking among you, they will be invisible under the eyes of the Mother Goddess!"

(End of chapter)