The Stronger Their Opposition, the More I Know I Made the Right Choice

Chapter 182: The three female guests all left the light for Ansu (two in one


The three candlelights flickered, making everyone's shadows grow long. The yellow-brown corpse oil dripped along the candle flames and condensed on the floor, forming a thick layer of viscosity.

The atmosphere of the entire space was oppressive and disturbing, and the indescribable gaze swayed slowly with the flames.

The geniuses who have been watched by the Mother Goddess stand on both sides of the stairs.

This ceremony not only tests their loyalty to the Mother Goddess, but also tests their qualifications in the esoteric religion.

So far, ten esoteric cultists, including Liszt and Arthur, have three candles lit at the same time, which also means that they have withstood the gaze of the three Mother Goddess apostles, and their characters are adapted to chaos, life, and pain. The three great esoteric religions.

The brighter the flame of the human oil candle, the higher the corresponding degree of adaptation.

However, this ceremony is mainly to detect whether there are saints or undercover agents of the other four esoteric sects lurking among them.

The next task is of great significance, carefully identifying whether there are heretical beliefs mixed in.

Staircase Saint Elf yawned lazily, her crimson eyes filled with boredom. She had no interest in such boring and incomplete rituals.

The other boy also looked ordinary.

Compared to her indifference, Bishop Rada looked proud.

Ansu breathed a sigh of relief and walked up the steps. The faint rancid smell of human oil candles filled the air with the thick smoke. He first registered, adjusted his breathing, and followed the guidance of the priest in front of him, step by step. Came to the three candles.

With his bald head on his head, he looked at the members of the Orangutan Order with satisfaction.

Every word and deed of the believers was in the perception of Staircase Saint. When she heard the conversation between the two people under the stage, she only thought it was funny and ridiculous. Her crimson eyes flashed past the two of them and looked at them. So thorough, this man called Elevator was still drunk, and he was talking nonsense here.

If he is captured and sacrificed to the Holy Son of the Ladder Sect, he will get more rewards.

Ansu was very moved, and he sincerely blessed Brother Lift, "Brother Lili, the position of quasi-holy son of our sect belongs to you."

The wine in the chaotic elevator was not fully awake yet, so he staggered down the steps amidst the exclamations of everyone, and patted Ansu on the shoulder in a very friendly manner.

The believers were watched and cherished by six mother goddesses at the same time, which has broken the cognition of the religious believers.

So for Elf, this kind of incomplete ceremony of lighting three candles does not matter to her at all, and it is not worth attracting her attention. Maybe there is some future for believers who can light three candles at the same time, but That's all.

To put it bluntly, this three-god ceremony is incomplete, and its main purpose is to identify spies from other sects.

'The flame of the Mother Goddess burns for her alone'

"waste time."

Chaos Elevator put his arm around Ansu's shoulders again. Although he said too much praise, the smile on his face couldn't deceive anyone. It seemed that he liked hearing this very much.

Elf participated in the Seven Gods Ceremony at the age of eleven.

Ansu felt that Brother Lift was a good person and had even planned how to arrange the meals.

"No, no, Brother Stairs is overly praised."

The rank is even lower, only the third level.

Rada's eyes flashed between the believers of the Ladder Order, and fell on Ansu in particular. He narrowed his eyes slightly. For some reason, this young man gave him a particularly cold feeling. From the first moment he saw him When he saw it, Bishop Rada felt an inexplicable chill on his head.

It is also impossible to rely on incomplete rituals to select the so-called saints and saints of the sect.

"If I become the eldest brother in the end, I will definitely promote the virtuous younger brother. If the eldest brother has a piece of meat to eat, the wise younger brother will have a bowl of soup to drink."

The chaotic elevator in front of him has also finished its three candles. This man, who is firmly seated at the top of Ansu's sacrifice menu, has indeed lived up to Ansu's expectations. The three candles are the brightest in the whole place. I guess it must be a good one. Eat delicacies on a jade plate.

There is a complete ceremony in the Theocracy of Awadh, which is called the Ceremony of the Seven Gods.

The Staircase Saint held her snow-white cheeks and watched the performance with great interest.

Ansu failed to notice Rada's scrutiny. He was now more concerned about the believers' candle tests.

Because mother goddesses have different personalities, beliefs, and preferences, some mother goddesses have different teachings and are even hostile to each other. The last one to receive such a great favor was the Blue Witch 30,000 years ago.

According to the outside world, she had three candles that were always as bright as day. In fact, she had six. This achievement broke the history of the Theocracy and was sealed in the archives.

When she was young, she participated in a similar ceremony. The three candles were as bright as daylight, but this didn't mean anything. Elf had never been proud of it. To her, it was just a matter of course.

On the other hand, the Ladder Sect is not as creative as their own sect.

This esoteric genius who once made things difficult for Ansu was very friendly towards Ansu at this moment, with an expression like "I am the elevator boss covering you", and said in a arrogant and majestic manner,

"My dear brother, there is no need to be nervous. Relax your mind. Even if your grades are poor, big brother will protect you."

There were four members of the Orangutan Order who all lit up three candles. Sure enough, the Pain Secret Cult was about to flourish, especially the Snake of Pain. The candles were lit so creatively, which made Rada feel very proud.

That is to place seven human oil candles in a row, symbolizing the seven esoteric sects respectively. They will be presided over by seven bishop-level figures from each esoteric sect. Thousands of people will be sacrificed with blood. At that time, the seven gods will truly come to the world.

After drinking strong alcohol, he could not help but feel great pride and fantasy in his chest. Chaos Elevator felt that all the esoteric geniuses in the world were nothing more than that, and even the terrifying Staircase Saint was just a female. It's not that the number of candles is limited, he can't play it.

There is only one shadow for the Staircase Saint who has been perfect in her life, and that is the last time she sneaked into Saitian Town with a soul projection with a playful attitude, and was forced to take lessons for a month by that bastard.

In the end, she chose the Chaos sect that was closest to her personality. Shortly after joining the religion, she was crowned the Saint of the Stairs, and was given the title "Chaos Ladder" by God.

It's a pity that his true form was not present, otherwise he could have taken a closer look.

However, the funny performances of these two people can be regarded as one of the few joys in this boring ceremony.

Sure enough, he was not mistaken.

If seven lights are placed, Chaos Elevator also thinks that all seven of its lights will be on.

The old priest shouted that it was Ansu's turn next.

Attracting the attention of the six mother goddesses means that Elf was born for the secret sect and can freely choose the six major sects.

It is impossible to say that I am not nervous at all.

Although Ansu clearly understands that he is not a good person,

But at least he can barely be considered a saint.

I have entered heaven, met demigods, and only had a half-white and half-black guardian angel.

Although Arthur and Liszt managed to get through it, their secrets might be exposed when they get here.

Since entering this space, Merlin has never replied to his words.

Ansu now knew that he had been cheated.

Exited the service area of Dharma God.

He was holding the little star Merlin handed him in his pocket, thinking of crushing it as soon as the secret was revealed.

Although daily calls are not possible outside the service area, emergency calls can still be made.

"Look ahead and relax."

The old priest in charge of the ceremony said to him, and the priests on the left and right applied mercury and blood on Ansu's forehead, the tip of his nose, and his lips respectively. "This will help you wake up."

The lit sage incense filled the air, slowly relaxing people's minds; the bright fire light kept swaying, dazzling people's eyes, the alchemy circle was activated quietly, and the priest patted Ansu's back , and asked him to walk into the center of the altar.

"Use your most relaxed and perfect posture to face the gaze of the Mother Goddess and embark on this path." The priest said in a low voice, "Do something to relax you."

He quite likes the young man in front of him, and there shouldn't be any weird signs like a beautiful girl.

"Can I do anything?" Ansu asked politely.

"It's up to you, as long as you can adjust your mentality."

The old priest said that people in Tantric Buddhism pay attention to doing things as they please, without so many complicated and old rules. "When you step into the candlelight, you will see various illusions. These illusions are generated by your memory experience. Don't mess up your mind, otherwise it will displease the gods and lead to disaster."

Ansu felt that what the old priest said made sense, so he quickly took out the gift 'Heart of Water and Moon' sent by the Marquis of the Moon.

This necklace flickers gently, and its cold breath calms the restless soul.

At the same time, the special effects of the necklace started to activate, laying flat on the long steps. The complicated stars rotated and swayed back and forth, accompanied by exciting and cheerful music. In an instant, the solemn and weird evil god ceremony turned into a nightclub scene.

"I'm looking up, above the moon"

Ansu's nervous state was relieved very well.

"As expected of Brother Ansu, there are even special effects for the appearance." Liszt was horrified. As a noble and elegant nobleman, he forgot such details. It was really a failure.

If I had known I would have done some special effects on time!

Suddenly, Ansuji shocked everyone.

On the side of the Painful Order, Bishop Rada was even more shocked. He thought that his own order was already the most creative, but he didn't expect that the boy from the Chaos Holy See would be the one to become a blockbuster.

The Ladder Order also showed admiration for Brother Ladder. What these chaotic elements pursue in this life is happiness and chaos. Brother Ladder is indeed Brother Ladder, and he is literate.

Especially the Staircase Saint, she found this appearance so fun that she even wanted to ask Ansu to make one for herself.

The Ocean Sect is not interested in this, they are only interested in sacrificing people.

Under the cover of Merlin's special transformation technique, Ansu seemed not to be liked by the Mother Goddess of Life, and could not be called a delicacy.

The only person in the audience with an ugly face was the old priest responsible for interpreting the ceremony. He really regretted asking the guy in front of him to do what he wanted.

He has been in this business for more than thirty years, and this is the first time he has seen such a strange product.

All the effort put into the ceremony was gone.

If word of this gets out, colleagues will laugh at you!

For such a flashy guy, all three lights must go out!

"Go away." The old priest urged Anzu with an evil look on his face.

By confusing the old priest's mentality, Ansu fully adjusted his own mentality. He showed a gentle smile to the old priest and walked into the candlelight.

The first human-oil candle had a skull tattooed in front of it, symbolizing the Mother Goddess of Pain.

An illusion appeared in front of Ansu's eyes. He seemed to have returned to the small town of Saitian and the Painful Cadre School. Scenes of experiences flashed through his mind. They were all ordinary daily routines. The next step was to do the test papers and take a shower. Open defecation is prohibited in the room.

The strength is average.

Ansu smiled, but soon, his smile gradually solidified.

There is fraud.

This is not the Painful Cadre School, this is the Hengshui Holy Academy in the previous life!

Liszt and Arthur looked at Ansu's expression and discussed, "In the painful candlelight, you will see the most painful experience in your memory. I don't know what Brother Ansu saw."

"My memory is that I was beaten half to death by my father when I was three years old." Arthur asked Liszt curiously, "Where's the one?"

Liszt was silent for a while, showing an expression that he couldn't bear to look back on, and said slowly, "When I was ten years old, I confessed to my seventeenth first love."

"Then what?"

"Then Dad said that was my seventeenth sister." Liszt said with a painful expression.

Arthur's expression also became painful along with Liszt's.

"I don't know what Brother Ansu saw, but he looked more painful than me." Liszt looked at Ansu curiously.

The pain candle became brighter and brighter, getting brighter and brighter at an astonishing speed. Everyone around them showed a look of astonishment. They did not expect that this boy from the Chaotic Holy See had such an astonishing understanding of pain.

Bishop Rada began to plan whether to poach people from the Staircase Saint.

The fire bloomed and reached an extreme level. When the believers thought it was over, the flames suddenly started to surge again, and Ansu's expression became even more painful.

After six years of studying at Hengshui Saint Academy, Ansu will be greeted by five years of studying medicine!

Finally, when the pain candle lit up like an incandescent lamp and the flame took on the shape of a book, Ansu woke up.

The book symbolizes his path, the old priest secretly thought in his heart, and the flame represents the esoteric cultist of the book. He is often paranoid and calm in character, and is good at finding loopholes in the rules. This is a characteristic that is extremely suitable for the path of a warlock.

Ansu's shoulders trembled slightly. He took a deep breath and came back from the painful memory.

Stepping out of the illusion, stepping out of the area covered by the Pain Candle, and walking into the area covered by the Chaos Candle.

A new illusion began to form, and this time it seemed normal. It was just a small matter that he messed up a border city and killed tens of thousands of people. It was not a big deal. However, the believers present did not think so. Ladder The believers even stood up directly.

The Chaos Lamp is brighter and hotter than the Pain Lamp. The steaming fire rises directly and burns upward continuously. The flame rotates to form a vortex, and the vortex keeps rising. At the end of the vortex, is the flame. A huge scepter forged.


What this means, the old priest knows better than anyone else after interpreting fire statues for so many years.

It means that this young man’s future path will at least start as a district bishop!

The Staircase Saint looked at the flaming scepter, her crimson eyes shrinking slightly, showing an expression of extreme interest.

The flames were as grand as the flames she lit back then.


Ansu continued to walk forward, this time stepping into the area covered by the candle of life.

Just the moment he stepped in, Ansu felt something was wrong.

Anzu began to have brand new visions.

Wine, table, delicious dishes.

The space trembled slightly, and the indescribable sight suddenly rose, and all the surrounding believers were about to be pulled into the illusion.

The other two candles were almost extinguished at the same time. Only the life candle burned fiercely. It had never burned so fiercely. The fire was beautiful and ancient.

Crazy and complicated knowledge and information poured into my mind, and the strange and beautiful red moon was reflected in my mind.

For some reason, the believers thought the boy on the table looked delicious.

Only the old priest couldn't believe what he saw. At that moment, he was the only one who noticed that this was definitely the most outrageous thing he had ever seen.

The flame on the life candle punched the other two candles, almost extinguishing them...

(End of chapter)