The Stronger Their Opposition, the More I Know I Made the Right Choice

Chapter 183: Bishop Rada Your mission is to take away Anzu


The old priest wiped the cold sweat on his head and secretly felt offended. He took out a magical fire extinguisher from the side and sprayed it on the three candles. However, he did not expect that the three candles would stop fighting. Sparks were flying everywhere.

The ceremonial candles were all made from the corpses of the best saint-level warriors. Ordinary water magic could not extinguish them. Sparks splashed on the desk nearby, and the fire instantly became bigger.

Ansu stayed pitifully and confused in the center of the circle, wondering why this thing is different from what I thought

The boy was now surrounded by a ring of fire, like a little suckling pig being roasted.

The fire surged upwards, and the alchemy circle was made of a large amount of mercury. When the liquid encountered high temperatures, it evaporated into mercury vapor. The poison enveloped the air, and soon the old priest was almost reduced to metal. poisoned.

The old priest has been doing this job for thirty years. He has never seen any kind of esoteric genius, but he has never seen such a weird and heavyweight thing like Ansu. He is about to be sent to the hospital!

His old face was as depressed as pig liver.

Other teenagers who pretend to be pigs and eat tigers are just slaps in the face, but you are killing people!

Space magic is completely isolated from the outside world. It is a completely sealed space with no ventilation at all.

As soon as Ansu did this, the smoke of the flames and highly toxic mercury vapor instantly filled the entire space, and the expressions of the twenty-four esoteric geniuses present also began to change subtly.

Only Ansu stood in the middle of the magic circle, as if nothing happened.

He has a relatively good physique and has been baptized and blessed by the Mother Goddess of Life many times. This kind of poison is like water to him.

"It is said that the birth of a demonic genius will be accompanied by visions and disasters."

Liszt took out a special homemade mask and covered his mouth and nose, and analyzed with a serious face, "I think Brother Staircase is a genuine magic genius."

"We should help Brother Ansu!"

Arthur is a sports student and has a Sun Knight physique inherited from his ancestors. This poisonous gas has no effect on him.

He felt that what Liszt said made sense, but seeing the fire in front of him, he thought that my talented deputy would help Ansu's prestige, so he immediately took out the last bottle of 'Vulcan Wine' from his pocket. Smashed directly towards the burning magic circle.

"Boss Ansu, let me help you!"

Everyone's eyes suddenly changed.

The Vulcan Wine brewed by Grand Duke Annan, also known as the Vulcan Dragon Brewing Wine, is an alchemical wine brewed with the heart of a high-level fire dragon. At this time, it just hit the oil fire of the saint-level people. The wine helped the fire, and the sun The power skyrocketed instantly.

The soaring flames burned around the wine and corpse oil, forming walls of fire one after another and spreading wildly outwards. Thick smoke and poisonous gas filled the air. In an instant, the entire space was filled with smoke. .

The faces of the esoteric geniuses looked as if they were dead.

You arsonist!

Although they had just become sworn friends and agreed to die on the same day, they didn't expect that they would die so quickly. They had just become sworn friends on the front legs, and they were about to burp together on the back legs.

Although a little poison gas has little impact on their lives, inhaling too much will make them dizzy.

In addition to the poisonous gas, what made them even more uncomfortable was that the flames were getting stronger and stronger. The ritual fire could not be extinguished with ordinary magic. This space was not connected to the outside world, and was narrow and cramped. They were like crabs in a steamer.

Although it can't kill them, it is quite torturous.

The genius's candle never goes out, but why did your candle cause a fire

The two bishops were projected into this space and could not extinguish the ritual fire.

At this time, unless the eyes of the Mother Goddess of Life take the initiative to leave, the flame will be extinguished. But what puzzles the bishops is why the eyes of the Great Mother Goddess still don’t go away!

Ansu was sweating profusely as he stood between the magic circles, cursing secretly in his heart, Mother Goddess, please stop peeking at me!

"Hee, so interesting."

As for Elf, the Saint of the Stairs, she laughed so hard that she almost burst into tears. Her crimson eyes were full of joy. She wished the fire could burn brighter.

She didn't expect that such a boring ceremony could lead to such a happy and chaotic scene. These guys have a future!

Especially the 'Chaotic Staircase', I didn't expect such a genius to emerge from the Staircase Sect!

It completely exceeded Elf's expectations.

The flames burned brighter and stronger, and the faces of the chaotic geniuses became more and more desperate.

They stared at Ansu in the center of the flames with gray eyes, never expecting to meet such a heavyweight in this life.

Especially the chaotic elevator who looked like a big brother before. He even said that he would protect the little brother Ansu, but he didn't expect that the little brother Ansu would kill him.

As the organizer of this ceremony, Bishop Rada looked proud.

At this time, the greatness of the Orangutan Order is reflected. The Pain Cultists have no hair on their bodies and are not easily burned.

Bishop Bram of the Ocean Sect said quickly, "Now we can only open up space and abandon the stronghold of Crow Lane."

He was afraid that if it was too late, it would cause problems for the esoteric geniuses.

When offering sacrifices, no price can be offered.

When it comes to giving up the stronghold, Bishop Rada feels more pain. After all, it took the Painful Cultists several months to build this spatial stronghold, and it only took a few days to abandon it. It is really a waste of manpower and material resources.

And it was not given up because of the search by the Holy See of Order.

It's because of an internal fire!

If this spreads out, it will really lose the prestige of the Orangutan Order.

But soon, Bishop Rada figured it out, and took advantage of the fire to report more false accounts to the headquarters. His thoughts immediately opened up a space, and the esoteric geniuses saw that a big hole was opened, and they hurriedly Ran out.

Ansu also walked out. The moment he walked out, he was able to connect to the signal from the Kingdom of Heaven. Merlin's lazy voice came to his ears.

"Oh, sorry, sorry, the signal just went out. I wasn't lazy."

The God of Magic pretended to be concerned and greeted Ansu, "I know, I know, the secret sect stronghold is dangerous, and the space magic created by these thieves is complicated. I am also working hard to decipher the magic structure of this space magic, and I am definitely not lazy."

Merlin looked at the newly created magic circuit and said to Ansu in a serious tone.

"There is no need to create a new magic circuit."

Ansu watched the fire rise in the space. The ritual fire began to get out of control since Ansu left the magic circle. The frantic fire snakes kept rolling in the different space. The space structure was crumbling, constantly collapsing and collapsing. With the magic power of the space, The structure was burned through, and the entire stronghold collapsed completely.

The flag symbolizing the Tantric Cult was burned in the flames and turned into ashes.

It was late at night outside, and the night wind after the rain was clean and clear. Stars hung on the deep black night, and the blue starlight slowly dripped down along the skyline, falling into the deserted alley of Crow Lane. , starlight covers the ashes.

[A secret cult space stronghold has been destroyed. Contributors: Ansu Morningstar (90%), Arthur Sonny (5%), Liszt Munn (5%)]

Merlin raised his eyebrows, what is this

He just fished for a while, why did the plot develop to this point

These little beasts completely destroyed their stronghold? Ignoring the Dharma God's astonishment, Ansu closed the call first.

His head is still dizzy now, not only due to the effect of the mercury gas, but also because of the vision he saw in front of the Life Candle.

Crimson stars fell from the sky, and the city continued to fall. On the dining table of the gods, every time the knife and fork fell, a star fell from the sky. Ansu sat at the end of the doomsday table, watching the world being destroyed by the crowd. God divides the food gradually.

"What is my fire aspect?" Ansu asked the old priest curiously.

Other esoteric geniuses also hurriedly joined in. This was the first time they had seen this situation.

Anzu's first two candles burned very vigorously, and the last candle started a fire.

Brother Staircase is really awesome.

The old priest rolled his eyes. His face was still a purple color and he didn't get over it. He took several breaths before he said to Ansu angrily,

"The 'book' shown by the pain candle shows that you will go further and further on the path of the pain warlock in the future. The 'scepter' shown by the chaos candle represents that you will continue to climb up in chaos, and the final "Candle of Life"

"The last candle of life?" Ansu tilted his head.

"There is no sign of fire." The old priest shook his head, "I didn't see anything. I think you may have offended the Mother Goddess of Life, which caused this disaster!"

Ansu felt that the old priest was right. He was a genuine saint, and it was normal to offend the Mother Goddess of Life.

Arthur was dissatisfied with the old priest's words, "What does it mean to offend the Mother Goddess? My Brother Staircase is obviously a genius of the Esoteric Cult. I think it is clear that the Mother Goddess of Life loves Brother Staircase too much and is as passionate as fire, which caused the fire. "

The old priest glanced at Arthur sideways and did not answer his lie.

I have been interpreting the will of the Mother Goddess for decades, and I am a famous divination master. How can this big boss of the painful Holy See understand the thoughts of the Mother Goddess

However, the old priest actually had another interpretation that he had not yet said, but he thought that it was too ridiculous and would only make people laugh if he said it, so he did not bother to say it.

Perhaps the entire space is swallowed up by the fire of life, which is the fire aspect shown in the ceremony in front of me.

In a mystical sense, space also symbolizes the world. If all this is true, all the old worlds will collapse in the flames of the young man in front of them, and the Serpent of Pain and the Son of Shengxian will help keep the fire of the world burning. Deputy.

But this is too ridiculous, it would be more reliable to offend the Mother Goddess.

In any case, this ceremony is finally over.

The esoteric geniuses who escaped from the sea of fire all had a feeling of survival after the disaster.

Bishop Rada looked at everyone with satisfaction. This time he could confirm that there was no undercover agent in the esoteric sect. Everyone was trustworthy and qualified to run for the sect's holy son.

Especially the kid named Chaos Staircase, whose candlelight was so bright that it turned into a fire. He was definitely a great villain.

Moreover, this young man's pain candle is also quite bright, which shows that he is also very suitable for the secret of pain.

And the fire sign that appears is still 'book'.

This shows that this kid is still very educated.

Bishop Rada wants to recruit Ansu into his orangutan order. With the help of this think tank, the cultural level of their order will definitely be greatly improved. They will no longer make people laugh, and they will be able to fight Merlin a lot better. Very sure.

He coughed lightly, and the demigod's pressure dispersed, immediately silencing the noisy scene.

Bishop Rada looked around at everyone majestically and said slowly: "It seems that everyone here is a trustworthy person."

"After observation by the three of us, we selected the most loyal candidates."

The deacons next to him handed out a list. Ansu took a closer look and saw that they were all esoteric geniuses with all three candles lit. His, Liszt, and Arthur's names were also on it, for a total of nine people.

"Those who are not on the list can leave now."

Bishop Ocean said in a gloomy tone, and all the esoteric geniuses below suddenly made a lot of noise, but no one dared to make a mistake in front of the demigods, so they had to swallow their dissatisfaction and left Crow Alley in dejection. inside.

Once most of the people left, the originally empty Crow Alley became empty.

Ansu observed the cultists around him. The ones left behind were all the elites among the elites, and their ranks were all close to the fourth level. Although they had withstood the torment of the ritual fire just now, their expressions remained as usual.

The Deacons of Pain cast a simple shielding magic at the entrance of the alley, blocking out all sounds from the outside world.

"All of you here are the most loyal believers to the three major esoteric religions." Bishop Rada said with satisfaction, "I am very satisfied with your performance, and it is time to hand over the Theocracy's most top-secret plan to you."

Liszt, who was present, nodded. He had always been a member of the Esoteric Cult of Life and was very loyal.

Everyone here applauds Arthur, he has always graduated from the Painful Cadre School, with a good foundation and a bright future. .

Ansu, who was here, agreed with his face. He was also very loyal. He was the mayor of Chaos and loyal to the Theocracy.

Merlin, the glorious bishop who was present in the magic communication, also recognized that the glorious bishop was the most loyal to the secret sects. Half of the magic of the God of Law was copied from these three secret sects. There is no need to say more about his loyalty.

The four of them listened attentively, wanting to know the Theocracy's top-secret plan.

Bishop Rada looked around and said seriously:

"We have been lurking in Falore for several months. The assassination of the saints during the promotion test is just the surface of our grand plan. This is a cover for the Theocracy's grand plan."

"Our real purpose is to take advantage of the chaos and emptiness inside the imperial capital and the demigods of the Holy See who are too tired to deal with internal assassinations and have no time to be distracted. We, the Pain Cavalry, will launch a blitzkrieg on the border and capture the imperial capital's border."

"In the end, the inside cooperated with the outside, causing the empire to fall."

"Before this, there is another obstacle, which is the three major forces within the border. If they resist, the Secret Cult will not be able to succeed immediately. When the demigods of the Holy See slow down and come to support, the plan will fail."

Bishop Rada's face was grim, but his heart was filled with pride. The plan they came up with was simply vicious and perfect.

This man Merlin would never have thought of such a terrifying and hidden plan.

"However, the three heirs of the three border families, Ansu Morningstar, Arthur Sonny, and Lister Moon, are currently in the Glory Holy See."

"They are of similar age and rank to you, and you have proven their loyalty to the Secret Cult, so they are the most suitable candidates. Through the transformation technique of Chaos Holy See, you can take away their bodies!"

Bishop Rada enigmatically said to the nine esoteric believers, including the Ansutha trio:

"Your final mission is to sneak into the Glorious Holy See and replace Anzu, Arthur and Liszt under your names!"

"Whoever succeeds will be the quasi-holy son of our three major sects!"

(End of chapter)