The Stronger Their Opposition, the More I Know I Made the Right Choice

Chapter 192: Anzu I will attack in radiant form! (Two combinations


"What? Isn't there an exam tomorrow?"

The strongest has its own strong hand.

Ansu thought that Elf was born two hours late, but he didn't expect that in this aspect, our fellow countrymen from the border were better.

Liszt and Arthur's shocking moves made Rada half-confused.

His face turned red from holding back, and the blood surged up in his bare Holy Light head. He drank from boiled eggs to tea, and even found it difficult to breathe. Ever since he became the General of Pain, no matter where he went, others treated him with courtesy. Ying, I have never suffered such grievances.

I actually waited here for two hours!

And last time, these guys drank too much before the meeting. This was not the most outrageous thing. The most outrageous thing was that even though I was present, no one toasted me!


What made him even more angry was the Chaos Saint next to him. Elf looked lost and desperate. She lowered her head like an eggplant beaten by frost, bit her silver teeth gently, and said regretfully, "I didn't expect that. I’m still early!”

Losing to the believers of other sects in the important matter of being late, it had a huge impact on the Saint of Chaos' Taoist heart.

She was determined to sum up this failure and make persistent efforts in the future. When the next gathering was held, she would be three hours late.

"Thank you, Brother Ansu, for the timely reminder."

On the other side of the magic communication, Liszt was still calm and composed. He regarded himself as an elegant nobleman. For such a trivial matter, he would not be as panicked as Arthur. "I'm just late for a while. I'm riding." Arthur will be here soon."

A lightning-fast voice came from the magic communication. At this moment, both of them reached the fastest speed in their lives.

Ansu could hear the whistling wind coming from the other side through the magic. It was like a hurricane blowing past his ears, or like thunder passing through the sky, it was so fast. Grand Duke Annan once said to Arthur that when a sun warrior reaches a critical moment of life and death, he will activate the sun blood hidden in his body, break through the shackles of the realm, and become a true warrior.

And now is the most critical moment.

Arthur has awakened.

Liszt rode on the back of the racing Arthur and came at a lightning speed.

"When the time comes to sneak in through the back door, maybe the bishop won't be able to find us!"

Liszt relied on years of late experience to quickly come up with countermeasures.

Fortunately, he thought to himself, Ansu arrived on time and reminded him in time. As long as they were running for life and death now, they would be only twenty minutes late at most.

"I was also two hours late." Ansu was silent for a while, and then interrupted Liszt's fantasy.

Liszt was silent.

"And this is a magic space, there is no backdoor." Ansu said.

Liszt's expression gradually became painful, and cold sweat ran down his forehead.

"Bishop Rada just named them."

Ansu said to Liszt gently in a kind tone like a doctor announcing to a terminal cancer patient.

"It's on you two."

Liszt smiled, relieved.

Arthur also showed a relieved smile, threw Liszt on his back to the ground, degenerated from the Sun Knight state, and slumped on the ground leisurely, with a sunny face.

No one expected that the second day of their undercover career would end early because they were late.

"Let's make up a reason for being late." Liszt pushed up his glasses, and he still tried to fight to the death. "For example, if I say that my father is dead, Bishop Rada will definitely understand us."

"Yes, I can say that my father is dead." Arthur said quickly, "For the great cause of the Glorious Holy See and for the life of my children, my father should be happy to pass away temporarily."

".I'm not dead yet."

Ansu was transmitting messages to the two people while observing Bishop Rada's face. However, in just a short while, Rada's head changed from a boiled egg to a braised egg. "Besides, I think with Rada's current Angry, he will be happy to send you down to be buried with your relatives.”

As soon as these words came out, the two people opposite showed relieved smiles again.

"By the way, what is the real reason why you two forgot the exam?" Ansu asked curiously.

"Money and women." The two scumbags on the other side replied instantly.

Ansu's eyelids twitched slightly.

Since the esoteric cultists figured out the human weaknesses of Arthur and Liszt, they began to do what they wanted, and began to attract them with beauty and money. In the end, Arthur and Liszt were attracted to the point where they forgot about the exam.

"I have a plan. If you want to survive, just listen to me." After all, he is the father of these two people. Ansu still plans to save his two eldest sons. "I will cover for you, but you will receive Give me a 10% share of the gift.”

Using this to extort benefits, Ansu is no less a scumbag than these two.

After hearing the plan compiled by Ansu, Liszt and Arthur immediately showed expressions of admiration. As expected of Brother Ansu, they had long known that Ansu was a genius in many fields, but they never expected to open their eyes and say He is also very capable of telling lies.

After explaining to these two people, Ansu hung up the magic communication and turned his attention to the bishops.

"Hoo, hoo. The relics are the emptiness of all dharmas. They do not increase or decrease. The relics are the relics."

Bishop Rada silently recited the holy chant he heard in heaven that day, and his mood gradually calmed down. Every time he was angry, he would recite this prayer of unknown meaning. It is strange to say that every time It works every time.

He was determined to kill these two guys again in the autumn. He breathed out slowly. As his mood calmed down, the red color of his bald head slowly faded. Bishop Rada looked around at the esoteric geniuses present, "We don't care about them anymore." . Let’s get started!”

This test is to test the esoteric geniuses' control over the art of transformation.

If you can't even do the basic body grabbing, you will be even less qualified to participate in the next stage of the test.

Chaos Transformation is a legendary magic. It only takes one day. It is very difficult to master it. This test is also a test of the qualifications of the secret cultists. Only true geniuses can master it in such a short time. , even further.

Following Rada's order, the deacons on the left and right walked to the side room, and soon there was the sound of iron chains dragging next to them.

The deacon kept yelling and lashing, and pulled the chain in his hand outward.

At the end of the chain, there were more than a dozen people tied up. Their faces were gray, their eyes were wandering, and they were wearing tattered hoods. They were driven to the stage by the deacon like walking corpses.

Ansu was surprised to find that these people were all secret cultists who had been eliminated just a few days ago.

"The waste was not qualified and unsuitable for this mission."

Bishop Rada said calmly, as if he was saying something that was taken for granted, "You will be exposed if you stay in the imperial capital. Their ranks are similar to those of Anzu and the others. Why don't you use your remaining heat and act as a target for your drills."

"There are two scoring criteria for this exam. The first is that the soul leaves the body, and the second is to achieve soul fusion. In addition, if additional innovative magic circuits are added, additional points will be awarded."

"If you fail to achieve anything." Lada sneered, "I will also think that your qualifications are unqualified."

The consequences of failure are too serious. All the Esoteric Cultists were sweating coldly, but only the real Esoteric Cult geniuses showed confident smiles. Not only did they succeed, but they also went a step further and made their own changes to the Chaotic Transformation Technique.

"I demonstrated Chaos Transformation to you guys on the way here." Elf lazily said to Ansu and the others, "Your standards are different from theirs. It must be interesting, at least to my satisfaction. "

Her crimson eyes stared at Ansu, the Chaos Saint wanted to have fun again.

The faces of Chaos Elevator and Chaos Escalator were a little subtle, and Chaos Crown's transformation level was far beyond their understanding.

The two of them are also members of the Chaos Secret Cult. In fact, they have already practiced the Chaotic Transformation Technique, which gives them an advantage over believers from other sects.

But Elf sneaked into the body of the coachman and completely deceived these chaotic geniuses.

Obviously, Elf's understanding of chaos transformation has reached a new level, adding her own concepts to form a new genre.

Ansu also recognized Elf's transformation skills, after all, he was able to hide it from Enya who was sneaking in his shadow.

But in turn, Enya's concealment magic also deceived Elf.

Although Elf's transformation technique is very powerful, Ansu is also very confident in his Holy Light Transformation Technique.

The firelight on the walls of the stronghold swayed, spreading dark shadows on the scarlet floor.

The old deacon began to recite the name, and the believers also came forward to test according to the number. They first recited the magic and began to separate the soul from the body. The faster the separation, the deeper the understanding of this magic circuit.

Deacons will also grade accordingly.

After complete separation from the body, soul fusion takes place.

The detached soul sneaks into the consumable's body and temporarily merges with the latter's soul. At the same time, it devours the latter's memories and emotions. The higher the degree of synchronization and the deeper the degree of fusion, the higher the score.

"Sixty points."


Of course, this is just what ordinary believers do.

These geniuses all plan to add a small piece of their own innovation to it, so that they can show their genius.

As long as you stay within the rules, you won’t take the ordinary path!

For example, the genius of the Ocean Sect did not try to fuse with these ordinary humans. Instead, he took out a box of clams bought from the seafood market and directly integrated his soul into these clams, which attracted everyone's amazement. What a cruel person!

After all, this is soul fusion, where memories and emotions will intersect for a short period of time, while lower-level animals have no rationality and only instinct. If you are not careful, the soul will be contaminated, or even lost in the animal's body, never to come back.

It is much more difficult to ensure that the soul escapes without being contaminated than to fuse the soul of a third-level cultist. This also means that his control over the transformation technique is better than that of ordinary people.

The genius of the Ocean Sect finally succeeded, and his soul returned safely, causing everyone to cheer.

Only leaving some residual effects, the marine genius unzipped his zipper and kept opening and closing it, using his clothes as a clam shell.

The Marine Genius scored a full eighty points.

The reason for the high score is that the surgery is risky.

"Chaos Escalator." The old deacon read the name of Chaos Escalator, and the escalator took a breath and walked up to a middle-aged man.

He is also very capable. He actually improved magic and adapted the Chaos Transformation Technique into the Chaos Transformation Technique. After his soul entered the body of a middle-aged man, the latter's beard faded, his chest gradually became fuller, and his appearance became more delicate. He actually turned into a A mature big sister.

"I like, I like, taking Ansu's body and turning him into a woman!"

For the fun of the Chaos Saint, she gave her a high score of eighty-five. The reason is very interesting. This score has already surpassed the highest ocean genius.

Everyone was also amazed, and it must be these Chaos Cultists who are better at playing.

"Chaos Elevator." The old deacon read out the name of the Chaos Elevator again.

The elevator is a wizard. He has a cold smile on his lips. This is the time for him to show off his skills.

No one knew that Chaos Transformation was his most unique skill. Chaos Elevator had long expected that today would happen. For today, he had practiced hard for a year before he created that unique skill!

The guys from the Ocean Sect have attracted everyone's admiration for being just fused non-human creatures, but the Chaos Elevator is going one step further.

The object of his soul fusion this time is not even a living thing!

But the elements!

In everyone's astonished eyes, they saw the thunder in Chaos Elevator's hand scurrying around. This was the elementary magic [Thunderbolt Technique]. Thunder is the most ferocious force in nature, and the soul of Chaos Elevator left the body and turned out to be Throw yourself into this thunder.

"He's crazy!"

"It's just desperate!"

The surrounding esoteric geniuses kept exclaiming with shock on their faces. Ansu secretly wondered why these guys were making such a fuss.

"The more it is integrated with low-order and disordered things, the easier it is for the soul to be affected, and Brother Elevator's soul is likely to be swallowed up by thunder if it is integrated with the purest elements!" Chaos Escalator explained to Ansu.

Thunder and lightning continued to merge with his soul, and eventually his soul turned into thunder and lightning, wandering in the air.

After merging with lightning, it can freely walk in the circuit and be very invisible.

"Ninety points."

Chaos Elevator got a high score of ninety points. He slowly pulled out of the current and returned to his body. Because he was numbed, he still walked with a twitch, and everyone exposed him. He was so amazed that even Bishop Rada was not stingy with his praise. This kid really has a lot of potential.

Brother Elevator, you are really awesome! "

Ansu said from the bottom of his heart, his words full of admiration, Chaos Elevator was quite proud.

If this guy is captured, made into an alternating current, and locked in a magic train, wouldn't it promote a new industrial revolution? At that time, all the souls of the esoteric believers will be put into the current, so that they can be used as electricity generators forever. machine.

"Next, Chaos Stairs!"

In the eyes of everyone, Ansu stepped onto the stage.

Everyone is wary and suspicious of him, especially the old priest. This guy just destroyed a Pain Cult stronghold in a test yesterday. Will this test destroy a Chaos stronghold again

However, it is just the transformation technique of a third-level esoteric cultist, so how powerful can it be

It can't be so excessive and dangerous.

Yesterday's accident was caused by a fire caused by gods.

Ansu breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he didn't know what the final form of his Holy Light Transformation Technique would look like. After all, Miss Bones' experiment stopped only halfway through.

All in all, give it a try.

The light in his hand flickered and he chanted magic softly.

Suddenly, radiation filled the entire stronghold.

(End of chapter)