The Stronger Their Opposition, the More I Know I Made the Right Choice

Chapter 193: Ansu I am the New Age Radiant Warrior (two-in-one


The old priest looked at the young man in front of him with a vigilant expression, watching every step he took to prevent him from causing trouble.

Since the last chaotic stronghold was burned down by Anzu, the Theocracy was furious and ordered a strict inspection of the fire safety measures of each stronghold. The persons in charge of several strongholds were arrested for withholding materials for alchemy circles and embezzling the supply of sewage magic power. .

This time the old priest was fully prepared, equipped with three fire-extinguishing magic devices in the chaotic stronghold, and also reset the water magic alchemy circle. Even if Ansu suddenly merged with the fire element, he could extinguish it instantly.

Ansu felt uncomfortable being stared at by this old man.

He thinks that he is just a simple and good boy, a warm-hearted and glorious saint, who just wants everyone to be more lively and prosperous.

He smiled kindly at the old priest. The young man's smile was also very simple and simple. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his blue eyes were full of friendly smiles, which made the people around him feel creepy.

Especially the esoteric believers whose bodies were about to be taken away from them on the ceremony stage.

The eyes they looked at Ansu were even more horrifying.

After a series of tests, only five believers were left alive on the stage, and the rest either had their bodies occupied or their souls could not be recovered after fusion.

This is the essence of the Tantric Cult. If a believer is eliminated, the organization will crush all the organs in his body and even his soul to achieve perfect use.

These esoteric cultists usually kill, wound, and loot without hesitation. No matter how many people they kill, their expressions never change. But when they face life and death, they won't be so calm. What's more, this ceremony also involves their own souls. .

The only thing they can pray for now is that Ansu, like the previous geniuses, will not choose human soul fusion.

Ansu is the last tester. As long as they survive this test, they can survive.

The esoteric cultist's face was pale, his pupils were trembling, and he stared nervously at the young man with a delicate smile.

Ansu also looked at them, with a bit of regret and regret in his eyes, as well as a faint sense of pity. There seemed to be deep sorrow in the depths of his eyes as clear as a lake, which made several esoteric believers rise in their hearts. hope.

Ansu felt sad and regretful. He felt that the Chaos Holy See did not utilize the abandoned believers at a high enough rate. It would be great if they all were sacrificed.

"Have you chosen the materials?" the old priest asked Ansu, "Whose body are you planning to invade?"

Ansu looked back at the old priest, smiled and shook his head, "I don't choose anyone."

The five nervous believers were relieved immediately, and they all showed smiles of escaping death. According to the rules of the secret sect, the lucky individuals who can survive this experiment will be readmitted to the organization.

This boy is really kind!

The eyes of the esoteric cultists looked at Ansu with gratitude.

The esoteric cultists who had narrowly escaped death were already imagining in their hearts which town they should massacre as a reward after returning from the imperial capital, in order to relieve the shock they suffered today.

Chaos Stairs also gave up on choosing humans.

The esoteric geniuses in the audience discussed that this was a matter of course. After all, chaotic geniuses never follow the normal route.

However, no matter how chaotic this kid is, it is difficult for his performance to surpass that of the Chaos Elevator. After all, fusing elements with souls is too shocking - they have already made a conclusion in their minds.

Elf held her chin, with a smile on her lips, watching the young man on the stage with interest, wondering what kind of show he could perform this time.

There are two scoring sessions for this test. The first part is the magic circuit 'soul separation'. Ansu recited the magic softly, and the light blue magic rippled. The soul followed the guidance of the magic circuit and left quickly. body.

The speed of leaving the body is very fast,

And when Anzu's soul appeared in public sight, it caused quite a stir.

The blue spirit body swayed in the night sky, as if a corner of the blue sky had fallen, and landed in this dimly lit noble hall. The pure white long hair swayed in the wind, creating ripples one after another.

Although Merlin's magic acted as a cover, covering up most of Ansu's original soul, it still amazed everyone.

The clearer and more specific the shape of the soul is, the higher the quality of the soul is.

Before the Stairs of Chaos, the one with the strongest soul was the ocean genius who fused with oysters. His soul was so clear that he could separate his fingers.

The reason why that genius soul is powerful is because he was born in the Church of Life, sacrificed many times and was baptized by the Mother Goddess, and the quality of his soul is far superior to that of others.

The soul of Chaos Staircase is so clear that even the hair can be subdivided, and the facial features can even be faintly seen.

This means that the soul strength of Chaos Staircase has reached the fourth level, even approaching that of a saint.

A third-level cultist has a fourth-level soul strength, and his soul exceeds his body. This means that whether he is learning magic or writing magic, he can surpass a warlock of the same level. He is born for magic.

What the esoteric geniuses didn't know was that the reason why Ansu's soul could not be seen clearly was only because of the protection of the magic god Merlin's transformation.

Ansu's true soul, his facial features have been fully revealed, and he is already the soul of a saint.

"It's just that the quality of the soul is slightly better. It still depends on the specific magic."

Chaos Elevator snorted coldly. He was bound to win the top spot this time, but he had trained for a whole year in advance, and he must not let the stairs steal him again. No matter what, element fusion was the most powerful, and the advantage was his.

Ansu's soul separation was successfully completed, and the next step was soul fusion.

He took a deep breath and began to chant the second legendary magic [Radient Light Illumination]. The magic power continued to circulate, and the light continued to converge towards Ansu. A grand light suddenly enveloped the entire stronghold.

Everyone was shocked for a moment. Looking at this posture, the Chaos Staircase actually had to incorporate elements, and it was also the element that the Esoteric Cults hated the most, the [Light] element that symbolized the Glorious Holy See!

The whole audience was in an uproar, and the demigod Radha stood up from the bench brazenly. Since he became bald, he has been particularly sensitive to light. Now that he sees thousands of beams of light converging towards Anzu, the anger in his heart has reached its maximum. It's a pity that he is currently projected into the scene, otherwise Ansu's soul would have to be captured first and tortured.

The guards at the stronghold also unsheathed their swords at the same time. They stared at Ansu with evil expressions. They only waited for the order from the demigod Radha before they all took action to capture Ansu.

"Wait a minute." Chaos Saint Elf frowned. She noticed something strange and interrupted the demigod Radha. "There seems to be something wrong. Its fluctuations and lines are different. This light has been distorted. light.”

Demigod Radha frowned. He listened to Elf's words, let go of his soul perception, and carefully felt the radiance around him, and immediately discovered the difference.

The grand light that enveloped them was only a superficial cover. The real light released by Ansu was hidden outside this grand light. It could not be seen by human eyes, but was an invisible light.

It wandered in the gaps in the space, causing waves of strange ripples. These ripples seemed to resonate, trembling one after another, making the entire calm sea of light muddy and chaotic.

"He is tarnishing the Light."

After coming to this conclusion, Elf said excitedly.

Her eyes were as red as petals. She stood up and stepped forward with bare feet. Her crimson skirt trailed on the carpet. The turbid light penetrated her body, bringing an icy temperature. Elf was bathed in this strange light. , with a smile on his lips,

"This is really chaos. This is really blasphemy!" Elf laughed so hard that she stared at the young man in the center of the ceremony stage. She had never met such an interesting and bold guy before, and he actually set his sights on the Holy Light. Got it!

"It's so interesting, so fun!"

Talents like this should be locked up in a ladder sect for the rest of their lives to provide themselves with entertainment.

Defile the Holy Light.

The meaning of this sentence is clear to all believers.

Since the establishment of the Glorious Holy See, the Holy Light has been the root of their faith and the element most hated by the esoteric believers. Countless believers and even bishops have spurned the Holy Light throughout their lives and fought to tarnish the Holy Light, but they all failed in the end.

Because the Holy Light has the powerful authority to expel evil, any esoteric believer who tries to transform the Holy Light will eventually be swallowed up by the light.

No one expected that the initiative of tarnishing the Holy Light would be accomplished by the third-level cultist in front of him.

In fact, radiant light was invented by Bishop Guanghui, but this does not prevent Anzu from infringing on his copyright.

Bathed in that blasphemous light, some of the ordinary believers present at the third level and below had red and swollen skin, some were dizzy, and their mouths and noses were bleeding. This [Radiated Light Illumination Technique] is after all a legendary magic, even for the fourth level. The esoteric geniuses also felt strong psychological discomfort.

The most uncomfortable ones were the old priest closest to Ansu and the five secret cultists who thought they had escaped death.

They were closest to the radiation source, and they felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and something seemed to be growing again deep in their bodies.

Everyone knows that this light is very dangerous.

"This light is exactly what our sect dreams of!"

Bram, the demigod of the ocean who had been silent all this time, now showed an expression of excitement and joy. As a demigod of the Ocean Sect, he instantly saw the nature of this light - it could induce lesions in living organisms.

The once glorious Ocean Sect has lost its former glory. Since humans have over-hunted and fished, there have been fewer and fewer strange monsters in the depths of the ocean, and the followers of the Ocean Sect have been reduced to driving seafood.

But if the young man in front of him joins his own school, projecting this radiation into the ocean, or using it to illuminate ordinary seafood, it can cause changes in its organizational structure, and Bram can create thousands of Thousands of deformed sea monsters will return to land and seek revenge against the Grand Duke of the Sun. It will no longer be a dream.

As long as the seafood mutates and grows legs, they can fight their way back to land!

Bishop Radha also thought carefully about whether if he let this light shine on his scalp every day, he would be able to grow hair.

Well, he cherishes Ansu's talent again and must find a way to bring this talent into the Star Sect.

Ansu didn't know that he had attracted so much attention. All his attention now was on controlling these lights and letting them merge into his soul.

My ability to control magic cannot be as exquisite and freehand as that of bones.

You can only spend all your energy and concentrate on controlling these lights and let them gather in your soul.

Most of the esoteric believers have felt the changes. Their physical discomfort has lessened, the light around them has gradually weakened, and the light scattered in the hall has begun to converge towards the center.

"How is this going"

"The lights are changing and they are converging towards a center?"

"It's the Chaos Staircase. The soul of the Chaos Staircase is absorbing these tainted lights."

"Could it be that this light is what he wants to fuse with his transformation technique?"

"Crazy, simply crazy, this is beyond the concept of 'transformation'!"

Everyone realized what Ansu was doing. He actually wanted to integrate these weird lights into his own soul. This was simply crazy. Even the craziest life believers cannot understand Ansu's death-seeking behavior.

Everyone has personally experienced how weird this light is.

Its danger level is far greater than the 'electricity' fused by the Chaos Elevator. This light has the defiling power to distort living beings, but Ansu actually wants to incorporate it into the most fragile soul. This is no longer risking his life, this is suicide. !

The radiation quickly converged towards Ansu, and the flowing light was like a whirlpool in the ocean, or a storm in the sea of light. Anyone who passed by would be in awe of this twisted storm, and Ansu's soul stood in the center of the storm, pure white. With his long hair flying against the sea of light, he is the eye of the storm.

Demigod Radha and Demigod Bram were even more nervous. They had just begun to cherish talents and thought of recruiting this young man into their own sect to train them. However, before they started taking action, this young man began to self-destruct. What's up

Only the Saint of Chaos was even more excited and joyful. She integrated the fallen light into her soul. This idea was so chaotic and interesting. She raised her arms high and stared at Guanghai with a slightly sickly look. Ansu among them.

The doctrine of chaos is to taint everything, disrupt everything, and live in disorder in a disorderly universe, because the essence of the universe is chaos, and the essence is entropy increase. In the end, everything will eventually return to the chaotic and unnecessary original state, and peace. Everything Sue does perfectly echoes the definition of chaos.

She was curious about what Ansu would look like in the end.

The five believers closest to Ansu had distorted faces, bleeding from their mouths and noses, and fell to their knees. They were facing the output of the legendary magic of the God of Law. They were only third level and could not hold on. Now they are all here. Cursing in my heart, I might as well take away my body!

On the other hand, Ansu's soul was not affected at all even though he was of the same rank.

He felt warm and warm.

Many people were worried about Brother Staircase's soul, but as time passed, everyone had a strange feeling

How do you feel about Brother Staircase’s soul? It smells so good.

Under everyone's salivating eyes, Ansu had completely absorbed the Holy Light. He closed his eyes slightly and silently said 'Transformation' in his heart.

But he saw that the tainted holy light continued to grow and build, building his new body with a blasphemous body.

His gaze kept rising.

The combination of two legendary magics, [Radiant Light Illumination Technique] and [Holy Light Transformation Technique], created Ansu's new posture.

The esoteric geniuses' eyes widened. They raised their heads and looked up at Ansu's growing figure.

For some reason, perhaps due to auditory hallucinations caused by radiation, they all suddenly heard tinnitus in their ears. The sharp tinnitus screams were connected together, with rhythm and notes, and finally turned into a hymn.

A twisted choir sings this twisted hymn to praise this blasphemy!

For lower-ranking believers, as long as they look at that indescribable face, their souls will boil and become distorted. This time, the distortion is no longer the body, but directly affects the soul!

They quickly lowered their heads humbly, and a ridiculous idea arose in their hearts:

'Don't look directly at God'

The five secret cultists beside Ansu had already fallen to their knees, their souls completely diseased. If they put aside their bodies and looked directly at their souls, they could see the strange shapes with three heads and six arms.

The entire space stronghold was crumbling. The huge blasphemous body stepped on the floor. Every step he took would leave blasphemous footprints. Ansu stood up slowly. He raised his hand, and every trace of the lines in his palm was It is constructed from twisted light.

He will strike in radiant form.

Just call this form the 'New Century Radiant Warrior', Ansu thought in his mind.

(End of chapter)