The Stronger Their Opposition, the More I Know I Made the Right Choice

Chapter 203: Under Anzu's leadership, the Holy See prospered (2


Six o'clock in the morning, heaven.

[Duration: eighteen hours]

As the saying goes, a monk rings a bell every day. Although Ansu is only the temporary leader of the Kingdom of Heaven, he still has to attend the classes he is supposed to attend. The old gatekeeper's job is actually relatively leisurely. In addition to guarding the gate, he only has to deal with the visitors.

Ansu slept for three or four hours, regained his energy, put on the cardinal's standard robe, and carefully smoothed out some wrinkles at the neckline in front of the mirror.

Although the man in the mirror couldn't see his true face clearly, he could only see the complex and gorgeous light intertwined in the body, and the crimson robe tightly bound the light, giving people a mysterious and beautiful impression.

God is faceless and formless, so this is very consistent with the temperament of a demigod.

With a specific appearance, the quality will be reduced.

But the main reason is that this old boy Merlin doesn't know how to pinch his facial features.

[Arthur Sonny applied to visit]

An ethereal voice came to my ears.

Ansu frowned slightly, not expecting to attract the first guest so quickly.

Merlin allowed Arthur and Liszt to meet because of their undercover secret sect.

"Let him in."

As Ansu said this, he reviewed the quotations of the powerful demigods to avoid mistakes. He wrapped his red clothes tightly, found an excellent viewing spot, and stood on the tens of thousands of steps. The mountains and rivers rotate beneath your feet, and the stars change above your head.

Ansu stood at the top of the heaven, with his back straight and his hands behind his back, making a strong man's posture with his back to all living beings. The cold wind was blowing, and it was extremely cold at high places.

This is what is said about turning your back on all living beings, climbing high and looking into the distance, and fishing alone for eternity.

Since the boss Merlin trusted Ansu so much, Ansu must not let Merlin lose face.

After adjusting again and again to confirm that there was no problem with the posture, Ansu lowered his voice and spoke slowly.

"Who bothered me?"

The deep voice echoed between heaven and earth, ancient and unfathomable.

Arthur climbed up the steps with great interest. Looking at Ansu's motionless and arrogant back from a distance, he felt secretly frightened. He quickly saluted and said, "I am Arthur Sonny."

Arthur failed to realize that the person in front of him was Ansu. After all, Ansu had hair and his whole body did not glow.

After waiting for a long time, Merlin didn't turn around.

Arthur was a little curious.

His head tilted to the left and right, but he could never see Ansu's front - Arthur looked to the left, Ansu's body turned to the left, Arthur looked to the right, and Ansu's body turned to the right.

After pulling several times in succession, Arthur still couldn't see Ansu's front.

The emphasis of this set of strong postures is to turn your back to all sentient beings, and not to let any sentient beings look in front of you, otherwise you will lose your strength.

The peerless strongman Ansu secretly thought in his heart.

I see

Arthur also showed a look of sudden realization, and couldn't help feeling that Merlin's state was becoming more and more arrogant. His smart brain instantly thought of the answer. The reason why Merlin's back was turned to him was probably because he was not wearing pants in front.

He was only wearing a robe and no pants, so his back was turned to him.

This is what is said about turning your back on all sentient beings, climbing high and looking into the distance, like an eagle spreading its wings.

Arthur has done this kind of thing before, and he enjoys the feeling of emptiness and brilliance in his lower body. This unrestrained, upright, bright and frankness is the true meaning of brilliance.

It's a pity that the thinking of the contemporary Holy See is too old-fashioned, especially the Holy See of Order, which insists on saying that this is an 'exposed crime that endangers social order', and fined itself several hundred gold coins.

Arthur decided to do some publicity for His Majesty Merlin when he went back, so that others could know the majesty of His Majesty Merlin today.

"Arthur." Ansu maintained his strong character, continued to turn his back to everyone, and said inscrutably, "What do you want to do with me?"

"Your Majesty Merlin, I have a surprise for you!" Arthur announced with pride, "You will have a demigod girlfriend soon."

Ansu was silent for a while, and then he said, "Who introduced me?"

As a glorious knight, generosity is also a knight's virtue. Naturally, he would not take this huge credit all to himself. He immediately gave the credit to his two good brothers.

"Brother Ansu and Liszt introduced it to you!"

Ansu's back to the sentient beings swayed slightly, almost losing his composure as a demigod. He used his soul to quietly look at Arthur behind him, only to see that this guy's smile was as bright as the rising sun.

This guy is so despicable, Ansu thought in his heart, he even uses the same moves as me.

"I believe that your contribution is not small." Ansu said sadly.

"Everywhere, it's all thanks to Brother Ansu and Liszt, especially Brother Ansu!" Arthur quickly showed his humility, "This has nothing to do with me at all."

"I'm guessing, does this demigod have a curved front and back?" Ansu asked.

"You're right." Arthur was even more impressed.

"That person still has a close relationship with me?"

"How do you know?" Arthur looked surprised. Could it be that Merlin is the legendary love saint

"She has no hair?"

"It's simply amazing." Arthur's admiration for Merlin has reached the point of admiration. Could Merlin still prophesy

Ansu said with a smile, evil plans gestating in his chest.

"Is his name Radha Morris?"

His Majesty Merlin actually knew this already!

Arthur's whole body was shaken, his scalp was numb, and he thought to himself that since Merlin knew the name Radha, he should understand that the so-called demigod girlfriend was the result of Bishop Pain's sex change.

In this case, Your Majesty Merlin should be furious.

But when I heard His Majesty Merlin speak, he was not only lifeless, there was even joy in his tone.

This made Arthur confused.

"Hmph." Ansu said with a calm smile on his lips, "Actually, I have always been secretly in love with Radha, but it's a pity that I haven't been able to meet her since there is no difference in status."

Arthur's whole body was shaken violently, and his scalp was numb again. He never expected that His Majesty Merlin had secretly promised Bishop Radha a long time ago.

Arthur couldn't understand the big shot's view on love at all.

"You can introduce Lada to me, I am very happy and should have received a big reward." Ansu sighed with regret, "It's a pity, it turns out it has nothing to do with you, so I can only reward Ansu and Li Si Very special.”

Arthur's mouth twitched. He didn't expect the plot to develop like this.

The witty brain spins rapidly.

Taking a deep breath, Arthur's eyes narrowed, his golden eyes as blazing as the sun. After taking another breath, he slowly said,

"Your Majesty Merlin, now that things have happened, I no longer keep a low profile."

Arthur said solemnly, "Although Brother Ansu and Liszt have contributed a lot, this plan was all handled by me."

"So it's all your fault?" Ansu asked with a smile.

"At least half of it is my contribution." Arthur said righteously, "It's His Majesty Rada whom I introduced to you."

"In that case, I will make some preparations today." Ansu turned his back to everyone, and the smile on his lips became more and more cheerful, "You can come to me tomorrow to receive your merit, I will reward you greatly!"

"It is an honor for me to serve your Majesty." The smile on Arthur's lips was almost unbearable. He began to look forward to tomorrow's reward. The demigod's reward must be quite precious.

Your Majesty Merlin even had to spend a day preparing the gift.

"Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow."

Arthur saluted happily and said goodbye, opened the door and walked out of the kingdom of heaven.

As the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm, it’s not in vain that I woke up very early and arrived at six o’clock, and unexpectedly gained something unexpected.

I'm sorry. Brother Ansu and Brother Liszt, half of this gift will be accepted by me, Arthur Sonny, and the other half of the gift will be up to you two.

In order to repay His Majesty Merlin's great kindness, Arthur decided to vigorously publicize His Majesty Merlin's glorious deeds today.

Ten o'clock in the morning, heaven.

[Duration: fourteen hours]

[Liszt Munn applied for a visit]

"Your Majesty Merlin, I have a surprise to tell you."

Liszt pushed up his glasses gracefully,

"You will have a demigod girlfriend soon. It was introduced to you by Brother Ansu and Brother Arthur." He is an elegant nobleman, and humility is one of the virtues of the noble spirit.

Ansu turned his back to Liszt. He had already expected it. He was not surprised or spoke at all. He stood on the steps with his hands behind his back. He kept his back to everyone for a while, and went upstream to fish for eternity alone.

The cold wind is blowing, and it is extremely cold at high places.

Liszt waited for Merlin Mian from a distance for a long time, but did not see him turn around, and his brows furrowed slightly.

I see

Liszt also came to the realization, and couldn't help feeling that Merlin's taste was becoming more and more high-handed. His elegant brain instantly thought of the answer. The reason why Merlin's back was turned to him was probably because he was secretly curling up.

As expected of a Dharma God, his strength is so profound.

Liszt was full of admiration for Merlin. He asked himself that he could not reach such a powerful state. You must know that this was on top of ten thousand steps, the cold wind was bleak, and Merlin was still upwind, curling into the wind, which was terrifying. So.

The so-called turning your back on all living beings, swimming upstream, and wandering alone for eternity is like this.

Elegant and noble.

This requires a lot of physical fitness, and the bishops of our Glorious Holy See are really good.

Moreover, the kidney function is really strong, and it has not ended even after ten minutes.

Liszt decided to publicize His Majesty Merlin to let others know how powerful Merlin was.

Ansu stood in this posture for another ten minutes. Thinking that the atmosphere was almost heightened, he said slowly, "I already know your purpose of coming. To be honest, I have also had a crush on Bishop Rada for a long time."

This sentence contained so much information that Liszt almost stopped adjusting his glasses.

Firstly, it revealed that Your Majesty Merlin already knew that this demigod was a man, and secondly, even though he was a man, Your Majesty Merlin still liked him very much.

His smart brain was spinning rapidly. After Liszt analyzed it calmly and carefully, he raised an elegant smile on his lips.

"To be honest, I have actually contributed a lot."

"So is it all your fault?" Ansu asked with a smile.

"At least half of it is my fault." Liszt's tone was elegant and calm, full of aristocratic etiquette, but he was secretly happy in his heart.

They were all alive, Ansu's back was mysterious, and he was secretly happy in his heart.

You take half the credit and Arthur takes half the credit. This matter has nothing to do with me.

"In that case," Ansu coughed lightly, "come back to me tomorrow to receive the merit!"

"Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow."

Liszt took off his hat and saluted gracefully, showing his aristocratic demeanor in every move. He walked out of the Kingdom of Heaven with a smile on his lips.

The so-called "strike first" is not in vain. I woke up very early and arrived at ten o'clock, and there was an unexpected surprise.

I'm sorry. Brother Ansu, Arthur, this half of the gift has been accepted by me, Liszt Munn. The other half of the gift is up to you two.

In order to repay His Majesty Merlin's great kindness, Liszt also decided to vigorously promote His Majesty Merlin's majesty today.

After seeing these two people off, Ansu, who had turned his back to everyone all morning, slowly turned around.

The smile on the boy's lips became brighter and brighter.

What a fun position to be the ruler of the Kingdom of Heaven!

He couldn't help feeling that Merlin was so blessed that he actually thought about getting off work from such a fun job and switching to Ansu, where he could play until the destruction of the kingdom of heaven.

It seems that I am not only suitable to be the mayor, but also good at being the leader of the kingdom.

After perfectly handling today's two visitors, Ansu felt even better.

I just don't know how Merlin's date is going.

The date they had set was at three o'clock in the afternoon, and there were still five hours before the date started. Ansu seized these five hours and was determined to continue working hard.

The Holy See must thrive.

"Call the Magic Guild's written examination question group to come up."

Ansu rang the bell and called the priests and bishops who had been summoned by the Heavenly System to submit the question.

Merlin is not only the ruler of the Kingdom of Heaven, but also the vice-president of the Magic Guild. Naturally, he has the right to summon all guild members.

In the promotion exam seven days later, the first day of the test will be a written test. The test papers for the written test will be compiled by the Magic Guild. Twenty-one fourth-level priests will serve as team members, and seven fifth-level saints will serve as team leaders. A total of seven candidates will be selected. This set of test papers covers the seven major churches of Glory, Alchemy, Chastity, and Druid.

"You know why I summoned you today." Ansu turned his back to everyone, and the demigod's aura came over him, shocking all the priests and saints.

This heavenly demigod aura cannot be faked, it is exactly that of Merlin Crown Prince.

The seven team leaders who presented the questions were on the verge of crying but had no tears left.

They couldn't understand why His Majesty Merlin wanted to summon them.

"I have already read the test papers that you have published." Ansu snorted coldly, "Lack of innovation! The difficulty is too low."

In fact, Ansu has never seen it.

The team leaders who asked the questions were shocked. Vice President Merlin never asked about these promotion exams on weekdays, so why did he suddenly care about it today

Is it because of that rumor

His Majesty Merlin wants to recruit an heir through this promotion exam. So the difficulty of the test paper is increased

Everyone is sure that the first place in this big exam will be crowned by the princess.

Cersei received perfect scores in all written tests and was worthy of her reputation as a talented woman.

"My Majesty, there are only seven days until the exam, and it's too late to rewrite the test paper." The leader of the question preparation team of the Glorious Holy See said with a tearful face.

"Hmph, what does that mean?" Ansu snorted again, "I will write it myself! Take action now!"

His Majesty the God of Dharma wrote the test papers himself!

Everyone was overjoyed and favored like gold. He was the legendary Dharma God. The test papers he wrote with his own hands must be very valuable, and the questions he wrote with his own hands were absolutely invincible.

The seven saints quickly ordered their subordinates to take notes and handed Ansu pen and paper to Ansu. Ansu looked at the blank test paper, and the memory of his past life came to mind. With a wave of his hand, he began to write furiously.

The saint's soul is very useful and his memory is very powerful. Even the forgotten knowledge in the previous life was recalled again, and even all the details were vividly remembered. Ansu came up with the questions very quickly - or in other words, he didn't come up with the questions at all.

It's just that all the questions from the college entrance examination in the previous life were copied after localization and magic modification.

The test paper of the Holy See of Alchemy is about chemistry.

The title of the Holy See of Chastity and the Holy See of Order comes from ideological politics, the former is thought and the latter is politics.

The Druid Holy See and the Healing Holy See are living things, the former is about biological diversity, and the latter is about the probability of getting genetic diseases.

The Astral Church and the Radiant Church are both physics. The former is the trajectory and period of celestial bodies, and the latter is the wave-particle duality of light.

Ansu looked at his results with satisfaction and showed a kind smile. He felt that the questions he gave were very high-level, moderately difficult, and very tasteful.

In less than an hour, Ansu had finished writing all the questions for seven subjects. His speed in writing questions was so fast that all the saints were eye-opening.

Moreover, even they couldn't understand some of the questions.

There is even some knowledge that they have never seen before and are completely unable to understand.

As expected of the legendary Dharma God, the saint looked at Ansu with awe, his eyes full of reverence. The Dharma God knew a lot.

The depth of his knowledge is astonishing.

"Your Majesty, may I ask what the master, master, and ordinary hands in magic practice mean? How can I write an 800-word argumentative essay to explain their connection?"

"My father has a recessive genetic disease and my mother is a normal person. What is the probability that their son will have the disease?"

"The spacing between interference fringes becomes larger. What kind of monochromatic light can be used to make the distance between the double slits and the light screen smaller?"

The topics are becoming more and more abstract and suffocating.

Looking at the densely packed terrifying questions on the test paper, the saints looked gray and even despairing.

They tried to figure out the intention of the teacher who asked the question, Mei Lin Mian, but they couldn't figure it out at all.

Is this killing someone

Can anyone really answer this

If there really is a saint who can answer this question, what a genius he would be!

(End of chapter)