The Stronger Their Opposition, the More I Know I Made the Right Choice

Chapter 21: Cavens couldn't sleep


It was eerily quiet.

Cavens could see the old altar, the blood scabs on it that had turned black from years of not being cleaned, the candlesticks filled with rancid maggots, and the dim and chaotic light of the fire.

—Everything was exactly the same as the evil god’s altar in his memory.

The only difference is that there is no one on the altar.

Not to mention the priests, even an ordinary believer was not seen.

This den of thieves is as clean as if it had been licked by the Mother Goddess of Life.

Cavens was holding his breath now. He was filled with righteous indignation and blood, and rushed up with great passion.

The emotions were running high, just like a virgin who was flirting with his female pen pal and was ready to go for the date, but he never expected that she would stand him up at the hotel!

He couldn't swallow this breath of hot blood, nor could he spit it out. He was about to suffocate.

"Maybe we received the news in advance,"

The captain of the Paladin also saw this empty scene.

In order to ease Cavens' embarrassment, she half explained and half flattered him,

"Those timid secret believers were afraid of your majesty and fled ahead of time."

The location of the esoteric strongholds has always been the most valuable information of the Holy See, and it cannot be bought even with money. His father actually got six locations for Cavens' promotion, and this background is indeed terrifying.

It is a perfect fit for the esoteric sect to have its stronghold here. If there is no esoteric sect altar here, it would be a waste of this beautiful land.

The valley wind howled through the ravines, making a wailing sound like weeping and complaining.

Behind this is the centuries-old heritage of the Vatican family, the people of the Holy Light Banner, which is incomparable to Ansu's stinky family from other places.

The blood-red moonlight painted on the plain,

If one group of secret followers flees, there is always another.

The leaden dark clouds cast large shadows, which mixed with the bloody moonlight and formed a dark red plain. The valley breeze blew past, and every dry grass swayed with blood.

Cavens walked out of the cave, climbed onto his horse, straightened his messy clothes first, then followed the position he remembered, whipped the horse, and led the paladin to gallop further away.

The other saints had no temper and had to follow Cavens on horseback, completely obeying the latter's leadership - until now, the saints still did not know the exact location of the cult's stronghold, so they could only follow him.

This is to prevent other saints from poaching the secret believers.


The second stronghold was farther away, located on a barren plain, with a cliff on the left and a valley on the right. The surrounding area was even more deserted, far away from the noisy border city.

"Let's go to the next one."

Enjoying the envious looks from the saints around him, the corners of Cavens' mouth rose slightly.

Cavens' expression eased a little, and he thought to himself that he must not lose his composure and maintain the elegant and noble image of a saint.

This explanation is actually quite far-fetched.

This atmosphere, this feeling—

Anyway, he will be promoted to a second-level believer soon - this is Cavens' confidence.

He smiled perfectly again, "That's not a problem. We can go to the next base. Father has collected the locations of six esoteric bases."

And I will drive this cursed child back to where he belongs.

"That must be it."

The attendants on both sides also echoed the idea. It was not that they were unwilling to flatter this kid, but the fact was that this kid's father, a priest, was their direct superior and they really could not afford to offend him.

Cavens smiled with satisfaction.

There shouldn't be any problem here.

He saw the altar from a distance, but the further he walked, the worse he felt, and his heart sank.

It was really too quiet around, and there was no sacrificial atmosphere at all.

The perfect smile that she had been showing all the way slowly stiffened.

There is still no one here.

Cavens froze on the empty altar, feeling so quiet that even the air around him seemed dead.

The gazes of the other saints fell on Cavens, piercing him like needles - although their eyes were still gentle, the emotions inside were very sharp:

We have been following you for most of the night, where is you

In this witch hunt, they did not ask for meat, but only for a bowl of soup. But now there is not even any soup.

"It seems that the secret believers have escaped in a group." The captain had a high EQ and immediately gave Cavens a way out. "What a cunning secret believer."

The enemies formed a group and fled. The corner of Cavens' mouth twitched slightly. This reason sounded difficult to understand. Which bad guys would form a group when escaping

The occultists have never been united.

They were enemies of each other and both wanted to sacrifice the other.

But no matter what, he had to go down the stairs.

"Yes, these two bases must be communicating with each other."

He turned to explain to the other saints, "I don't know who leaked the news. It's really abominable. Maybe it was done by Ansuna's cursed son."

He knew that what he said was absurd, but no matter what, he put the blame on Ansu first. Who told him that he was born a child of curse

The Saints stared at Cavens as if he were a fool, wondering who else could have leaked the news.

Isn't it you

Who would do so many things before a witch hunt

We all used to operate in secret.

First, they made a big fanfare in the church, knelt down in front of the statue and prayed early in the morning, and said to the saint, "All the honor tonight is dedicated to you," which attracted a crowd of onlookers to watch.

This witch hunt was even reported in the Haibin Evening News, with the headline #Eliminating violence and upholding justice! Paladin Cavens' secret witch hunt#.

Secret witch hunts make headlines.

The popularity of the discussion among the public even overshadowed the once popular #Cursed Child and Maid Lady's Sadomasochistic Legend# series of novels.

In fact, the saints all understand the reason behind this. It is nothing more than to win the hearts of the people and establish his image so that the people will vote for him in the future priesthood election.

But after all, the captain had said so, and the Saints couldn't go against Cavens, so they all echoed,

"Your Majesty, let's just go to the next place."

"Yes, there must be one in the next one!"

"It's impossible for them to escape as a group!"

Cavens nodded solemnly, and he assured her emphatically, "These two bases are too close to each other, so we'll inevitably hear the news. The next base is far out in the sea, so we won't be able to escape."

After making the promise, he jumped on his horse again and led the team away at a gallop.


after an hour.

It's already three o'clock in the morning.

On the coast, under a hidden cliff.

The cold sea breeze blew on everyone's cheeks.

It was so cold that it seemed as if the air was freezing.

Cavens and the Paladin Captain looked at each other.

The altar here is much cleaner.

Not only is there not even a single secret believer.

It is also tidy, clean and tidy without any odor.

All the ritual utensils were neatly arranged and polished to a shine.

There was no grease on the candlesticks, no blood stains on the altar, and there were even one or two water stains that had not dried yet - because it was winter, the water stains dried slowly.

Everyone recognized one fact: those secret believers mopped the floor!

When they disappeared, they mopped the fucking floor!

Which group of bad guys would mop the floor when they are running away in a group!

None of them would have thought that Enya Morningstar was a very professional, serious and unique maid.

When her master told her to "clean up the scene", she naturally had to clean it up in the shortest possible time, as this was her area of expertise.

'Cleaning' of course also includes mopping the floor.

The whistling sea breeze passed awkwardly in front of them.

"It seems like they have escaped in a group." The captain was very intelligent and immediately gave Cavens a way out. "What a cunning secret believer."

".What kind of loving family is this!"

Daily ticket request.

(End of this chapter)