The Stronger Their Opposition, the More I Know I Made the Right Choice

Chapter 218: Chaos Ladder Ansu, wait for my brother Chaos Ladder


Magic Guild.

The midsummer afternoon breeze was warm and genial, and the sycamore trees on both sides of St. Peter Street swayed in the wind. The fine and dense sycamore leaves chopped the sunlight into little bits of light, all of which splashed on the gorgeous mosaic glass of the Magic Guild.

The student saints who came to the imperial capital to report had registered at the front desk. They were all filled with pride and joy, and all had confident and bright smiles on their lips.

For these young people who have just arrived in Falore, the future is beautiful and worth looking forward to. They are young and talented, and nothing in this world can stump them.

There was arrogance deep in their eyes, and they looked down upon the saints in the imperial capital around them.

After all, in their eyes, these Imperial City saints were just born with good household registration, strong family connections, and able to stay in the Imperial City Main Church after graduation. They were all young men who did not do practical things. At most, they had been to the Holy See where their lives were not in danger.

It is estimated that the same is true for Ansu Morningstar and his two eagle dogs, who have become famous recently. After all, their families are very powerful.

These guys have never personally hunted witches in reality - after all, it is difficult to find esoteric believers in the national capital.

But these local saints are completely different. Those who are qualified to come to the imperial capital to take the exam are all killed from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Each saint has considerable achievements in their hands.

At this time, they gathered together in twos and threes, talking loudly and communicating with each other about their harvest last month, deliberately letting the saints in the capital hear.

"Hey, not much. Just last month, two third-level ones."

"Haha, I was lucky. I found two dens during my patrol and got four Life Cultists."

"Which district are you in? Do children come here to make nests? Is it so easy to get out?"

"I'm just lucky. If you ask me, Brother Xia Leng is more powerful. Brother Xia Leng, I remember that you recently hunted down a fourth-level esoteric cultist, right? Tell us in detail."

The brother Xia Leng they call, whose full name is Xia Leng Azhak, is a young man with long golden hair and a perfect smile. His strength is at the highest level of the fourth level, and he is the highest level person in this exam except for the princess of the imperial capital. Man, he seemed to be the leading saint among the saints in these parts.

"No, I'm just lucky enough." Xia Leng smiled kindly, "I can't compare to the Cursed Child on the border."

He specifically singled out the identity of Anzu's Cursed Son, and all the local saints fell silent. After a while, they continued with a smile,

"The Cursed Son is definitely not as good as you."

"I would say that he is so popular now, maybe because he has taken advantage of his family."

At this time, the door of the Magic Guild was slowly pushed open. The priests at the door all covered their noses and pushed open. They were greeted by a strong smell of blood, and a powerful aura of evil taboos. All the saints were exposed. A look of fear.

Its rank is at least level four.

"afternoon everyone."

Ansu dragged a series of esoteric cultists behind him and politely walked into the guild gate. Although he had long blood stains, his body was clean and spotless, and his long gray-white hair draped softly around his waist. , his blue pupils are so clean that they can scatter light, and he wears a noble robe and a white shirt. Wherever he looks, he looks like a polite and quality noble boy.

If you ignore the string of esoteric believers on his hand.

This combination looks so weird and scary.

The candidates all turned their faces away and ignored Ansu.

Ansuti kept the esoteric disciple in his attire and walked among the saints. During this period, he slowed down and made sure to let the candidates see the details clearly, although the saints tried hard not to look at Ansu's harvest.

But when Ansu passed by, he still couldn't help but glance at it out of the corner of his eye, and then couldn't help but let out a slight exclamation.

It's really in great condition.

From Chaos Cultists to Pain Cultists to Life Cultists, there are all categories, and each one is higher in rank than the last. They can't deal with them at all. They can't imagine how Ansu did it.

"Seven." Ansu said familiarly, "They're not big, they're all fourth level, that's all."

The candidates' faces darkened. Who asked you

Seeing that Ansu was only fifteen or sixteen years old, hunting seven fourth-level saints at this age was simply a fantasy.

They all turned their heads and forced their envious gazes away.

"The one I caught yesterday was a bigger one, a sixth-level demigod." Ansu said with regret on his face, "It's a pity that he ran away. Today's harvest can only be said to be barely adequate."

Demi god

Are these still human words

The originally confident regional Saints' mentality collapsed.

They didn't believe Ansu's bragging, but they didn't have the strength to refute, and they all suffered from internal injuries. Looking at the crooked melons and cracked dates they had hunted for several months, they didn't even have the confidence to speak!

This freshman even dragged him to the gate of the Magic Guild. He was simply indifferent!

This guy only dared to bully outsiders like them.

The capital saints, who had been shown off by the regional saints for most of the day, showed gloating smiles. It was finally your turn to be tortured by Ansu's birth.

An Suzheng's movement quickly attracted the attention of the Holy See of Order. Priest Patsy led the Knights of Order and trotted over menacingly along the bloodstains. He wondered who was so arrogant.

I wonder if Farol is building civilized urban areas across the country recently? How can we build civilized urban areas when the streets are covered in blood

Once the culprit is caught, Priest Parsi will definitely ask him to stay in the police station for a few days.

"Explain carefully what you have done!"

This is what you asked me to explain carefully!

But when he saw Ansu's innocent smiling face, Priest Patsy's face instantly became embarrassed.

He never expected that this little boy would be born again.

After finally being clean for a few days, this little baby is back again!

Priest Patsy still vividly remembers the incident where he took this minor into the police station a month ago and fined him, but he extorted thousands of gold coins.

Despite being embarrassed, Priest Patsy was also surprised by how quickly Ansu's strength improved.

You must know that a month ago he could only sneak into the fourth-level world, and half a year ago he was a candidate who was personally invigilated by Patsy.

But now this little boy's strength is already at the fourth level, and he can even kill so many secret cultists who are also at the fourth level!

Priest Patsy was shocked by Ansu's growth rate. Fortunately, he had been promoted to a saint in the past six months, otherwise the young man's rank would be above him in a short time.

Unlike Pasi, who looked ugly when he saw Ansu, Ansu was very happy to see Pasi, and his enthusiasm almost overflowed.

This boy has never been so cooperative with an investigation. He enthusiastically introduced his harvest today to the Parsi priest, introduced in detail how he captured these esoteric cultists, and explained all the details in detail.

Ansu also said that his behavior had seriously affected the appearance of Farol and should be posted as a big-character poster to severely criticize him throughout the imperial capital.

Priest Patsy's face was stiff, and he began to regret why he was on duty today. Ansu even forced the Parsi priest to take notes, took out the paper, and wrote clearly:

'On June 26, Ansu Moningstad arrested seven fourth-level esoteric cultists in Sendingbao Street, polluting the environment of the imperial capital,' and signed and stamped them.

When he heard that the place where Anzu caught these secret cultists was across the street from where he was patrolling.

Priest Patsy's mentality also began to collapse.

Such a great achievement slipped away before his eyes, and Priest Patsy felt his heart twitching slightly.

Ansu said that his crime was unstoppable and the law could not tolerate it. He wrote today's criminal deeds in a confession and sealed it in his personal file.

"You are a minor, and the [Farore Minor Protection Law] protects you, and all records do not need to be entered into the archives." Priest Passi said with a smile. He never thought that he was still lucky that Ansu was A minor day.

"That's a shame." Ansu sighed.

Watching Anzu torture a priest with the rank of saint to such an extent that he even relied on the law for help, the saints in the area gained a new understanding of Anzu's shamelessness.

Under the scrutiny of the Balance of Order, these seven fourth-level esoteric cultists are all undercover agents who have been lurking in the Imperial Capital for nearly a year. The harm of undercover agents in the imperial capital is huge. According to the undercover law, each fourth-level esoteric cultist can be exchanged for one hundred dedication points. The seven esoteric cultists gave a total of seven hundred offerings.

"You guys are finished!"

During this time, the leader Chaos Staircase woke up. He found that he was covered in blood and was in the Magic Guild. He looked at Ansu viciously and yelled and cursed, "Wait until my big brother 'Chaos Staircase' comes." , you are all going to die!"

"It turned out to be the legendary chaotic staircase." Ansu looked horrified, which made Priest Patsy very curious and asked what this chaotic staircase was about.

"According to legend, this chaotic staircase has a very high level of talent and is quite famous among the esoteric geniuses."

Ansu explained seriously, his tone full of fear for this Chaos Staircase, "And he is untainted from the mire. Although he was born in a secret sect, he is generous, righteous, humble and polite. He is really a rare good man. talent."

Seeing that Ansu praised the Chaos Staircase so much, he actually couldn't fix the Chaos Staircase.

He blinked and stared at Ansu, thinking to himself, why do you know better than me

Priest Pasi immediately showed a serious expression. The guy who could make Ansu admire him so much must not be a good person and should not be underestimated. He immediately told his subordinates,

"Any saint who kills the Chaos Staircase will be rewarded with three hundred dedication points."

"Is it only worth three hundred?" Ansu was dissatisfied.

According to the established rules, the higher the bounty, the higher the card value.

"Then" Priest Patsy said tentatively, "Four hundred?"

"No cards."

"Four hundred is fine, right? This is the maximum reward amount I can apply for!" Passi's face darkened, why did Ansu start bargaining again!

The matter was settled.

After everything is done, Ansu is waiting to receive the reward from the soul of the Chaos Staircase.

Ansu asked the knights of the Holy See of Order to help escort these mystics back to his residence. As the first witch hunter, Ansu had the right to be the first to interrogate and execute these mystics. Each piece of information can also earn contribution points.

Of course, if the torture goes too far and the undercover agent accidentally dies, no one will say anything.

Ansu believes that sacrifice is also a special form of torture.

After all these chores were taken care of, the sky gradually turned dark, and the afternoon sunshine turned dim. The saints in the area had a fragile mentality and were eager to go home to comfort their wounded hearts. Everyone tried not to look at Ansu's harvest to avoid complete collapse. Change your attitude towards taking the exam

Only the leader, Mr. Xia Leng, was not intimidated by Ansu's death. After all, he had hunted down the fourth-level secret cultivator. He was confident that with his own strength, he would never lose to this cursed man. The child’s son immediately showed a confident smile,

"Brother Ansu, do you still remember me? I'm from the next district. We met at the border church when we were kids."

Ansu didn't remember this guy's name at all. He was waiting to go to the upper level of the Magic Guild to exchange magic, so he just said a few casual words.

Xia Leng was not annoyed either. He was from a glorious family, and he had been surrounded by noble people since he was a child. For example, the [Glorious Man] Cavins Black from the border next door was his playmate since childhood.

I just don’t know why Brother Cavins suddenly fell ill and didn’t come to take the Saints exam.

Instead, it was ridiculous to let Ansu, the son of the curse, lead two ridiculous eagle dogs to occupy the quota.

Xia Leng had an elegant smile on his lips and continued to greet Ansu, "By the way, where have Brother Liszt and Brother Arthur gone? Are their tastes still as humorous as before?"

The implication is, where are those two idiots hanging out now

"Are you talking about my two daughters?" Ansu replied with a smile, "They should be coming down soon."

Xia Leng didn't understand what Ansu meant and just thought he was joking. Just as he was about to say something, he heard light footsteps coming from upstairs.

The light of dusk dimmed the years, and the color-blocked glass dispersed the rose-colored sunlight. All the saints heard the sound of their hearts pausing. They stared at the two beauties walking from the top of the building. One was cold and elegant. Leng Yue, a lively person like the sun, a perfect combination of coldness and brightness, is so intoxicating.

The visitors were none other than Arthur, who wanted a one-week experience card, and Liszt, who had a one-month experience card.

".I seem to be in love."

Xia Leng stared blankly at the two beautiful women and murmured.

When Arthur and Liszt saw Ansu, they showed embarrassed faces. They felt extremely aggrieved. They had obviously made such great achievements, but Merlin was so repaying kindness with hatred.

Confiscated all their little brothers!

Who would have thought that the second magic circuit was that damn thing!

If I had known earlier that I shouldn't have been a solitary eater, I would have given this credit to Brother Ansu.

If they had known that it would be so difficult to become the eldest child, they shouldn't have tried so hard.

They won't need to use magic for the Esoteric Transgender Test that will be held soon!

Just add all the juice and flavor!

"Do you want their contact information?" Ansu whispered in the ear of Xia Leng, who was stunned, "One hundred points for one."

".make a deal."

(End of chapter)