The Stronger Their Opposition, the More I Know I Made the Right Choice

Chapter 223: Anzu destroyed the Chaos Holy See's stronghold again


"Is there really no problem?"

Looking at the trajectory of the cat hair leaving, Luo Jia asked with worry on his face.

"There's no problem." Ansu assured seriously, "A cat's reaction speed is seven times faster than cat hair. If she feels uncomfortable, she will leave on her own."

What kind of nonsense is this? Luojia couldn't stand up to Ansu and rolled her eyes at him.

They chased Mao Mao in the direction he left, passed through several alleys, turned two corners, and came to a hidden alley. This alley seemed to have been abandoned for a long time.

There is a huge sycamore tree planted at the end of the alley. Its green branches pierce the courtyard wall and cross diagonally in the sky. The thick leaves cast layers of shadows, blocking the frost-like moonlight.

This is the den of the Saint of Chaos.

Ansu's perception is very good. He looked from a distance and saw stacks of information hidden among the branches of the trees. Various Vatican subjects were listed in categories. At the top, he could also see the saints. There were dozens of newly stolen homework assignments.

He even saw the names of the two guys "Arthur" and "Liszt" inside. These two people had accumulated the most homework, so more was stolen. They were stacked on top of the sycamore tree like a mountain.

Just don’t steal your own homework, right

Ansu was furious, Elf was not a good cat at all.

As the most devout radiant saint, Anzu could no longer stand the evil behavior of the Chaos Saint.

Ansu had a sneer on his lips.

He is determined to destroy this den of chaos, save the homework of all the saints, and fight against this evil force to the end. Presumably when the saints know this, they will also feel grateful from the bottom of their hearts for their righteous deeds.

Luo Jia was attracted by another movement. She saw the strange little black cat under the sycamore tree.


Elf cursed. It was difficult for her to describe what she was feeling now. The pain was not a stinging pain or a dull pain, but a burning pain from the flames burning her skin from the inside out. She tried hard to catch herself. The tuft of cat hair on her tail, but as soon as her body turned, the tuft of hair behind it also turned. She turned back and forth to the left a few times. When she realized that this was not the solution, she suddenly stopped -

Then turn right.

Ansu and Luojia watched Elf spinning in silence.

Transformation still has certain side effects.

Rao is as smart as the Saint of Chaos. During the period when her soul was possessed by the black cat, her way of thinking was more or less affected by this body. The longer the possession lasted, the deeper the impact. In addition, At this moment, Elf was so anxious that she spun around for more than ten times in a row, her head almost spinning.

She staggered a few times before swaying to a stop.

Elf blinked her crimson cat eyes, came to her senses, raised her head, and saw the young man with a calm smile on his lips.

That young man had gray hair and blue eyes, and his eyes were so innocent that they were almost transparent. He was the Ansu Morningstar who deserved to be killed by a thousand cuts.

"You see, she really likes me." Ansu proudly showed off to Luo Jia, "She started spinning around happily when she saw me."

After thinking for a while, Luo Jia nodded, "That seems to be the case."

The cat hair all over Elf's body exploded. Her current unlucky appearance was definitely related to the boy in front of her. She hunched over, bent down, and raged at Ansu with her teeth and claws bared.

If she were here, she would have taught Ansu a lesson long ago.

The crimson pupils of the Saint of Chaos flickered, and she saw Ansu's magic circuit thoroughly. The magic he used just now was undoubtedly the [Return of Order] from the Holy See of Order, but Elf did not expect that Ansu would How to use magic like this.

"Are you really going to adopt this cat?" Luojia tried to get closer to the black cat, and stretched out her white fingers towards her. Elf shouted at Luojia threateningly, and the little saint held out her hand. Received it back.

Let Ansu adopt him

Elf gave a disdainful meow. She was the most noble saint of the Chaos Secret Cult and a person favored by the Seven Gods. How could she be manipulated by this kid? She jumped towards the wall so fast that even Ansu couldn't react. , she landed lightly on the branch of the tree, trying to escape into the depths of the shadows.

She wanted to leave, but no one could hold her back.

"Ah - I'm leaving again." Luo Jia said distressedly, "It's like this every time."


Ansu had a pure smile on his face. He picked up a bunch of cat hair that Elf had just scratched from the ground. Under the reflection of the silver moonlight, his smile became more and more charming, "We will continue to use [Order Return] to track him. alright"

"Let's do it again."

He took out the tempered kitchen knife. The ghost pepper toxin flickering between the inscriptions on the blade was so strong and rich in Elf's sensitive perception. It was wrapped in an evil and terrifying aura and rushed towards Elf.


Elf came back dejectedly.

Can this curse magic still hit continuously

She couldn't imagine the consequences of being burned by ghost peppers twice in a row. Just once could make Elf spin in circles. If it happened again, she might have trouble going to the toilet tomorrow.

I don’t know if the cat hospital here has anorectal department.

Luo Jia watched the little black cat go and come back in surprise, ".Is this child back again?"

Ansu showed a proud smile, put his hands on his hips, and raised his head, "I told you that the little animals like me very much. I didn't lie to you."

"You can't bear to leave me."

Elf rolled her eyes at Ansu. She had a new understanding of this little boy's shamelessness. If it weren't for the chili knife behind you, she would have escaped long ago.

But if Ansu were to adopt her, she wouldn't be able to do it, because it would be very meaningless.

The Saint of Chaos also has the dignity of a Saint.

Elf's soul can abandon this body at any time and leave whenever she wants. At worst, if she feels uncomfortable, she can just leave.

For her, lurking in the imperial capital was just for fun and to pass the boring time.

If things weren't fun anymore, she would just leave.

These funny saints thought they could catch her.

Elf's crimson eyes were full of teasing, her pupils gradually dilated and dilated, ready to pull away from this boring body at any time.

"By the way, I heard from His Majesty Merlin that he personally wrote the questions for this exam. Yes, it was Merlin Andre who wrote the questions himself. They were all written by him. So there are many new and glorious question types. I have them here. There is a summary of knowledge points and lists that I just happened to know.”

Ansu turned around deliberately and said to Luo Jia, "Do you want one?" "

Elf's cat ears stood up and her eyes widened.

New glorious knowledge! Her cat ears twitched and she listened carefully.

Luo Jia frowned slightly. She turned her head and stared at Ansu with her snow-white eyes seriously, seeing the bad thing clearly. She was silent for a while and then said, "Your Majesty Merlin, did you miss the question?"

"No, I swear in the name of the Goddess of Glory that Your Majesty Merlin did not miss a single question for me!"

"Didn't you cheat?" Luo Jia asked, tilting her head.

"There is absolutely no unfair transaction." Ansu said seriously, "These are all review outlines and key points of knowledge that I compiled myself, that's all."

He didn't lie, Merlin did not miss a question for him.

After all, he came up with all the exam questions himself.

Elf listened more seriously.

"How much?" Luo Jia said warily, she was afraid that she would be deceived by this bad thing again.

"It's given to you for free." Ansu said magnanimously, and he deliberately lowered his voice, "This is top-secret information that can't be bought outside." Top-secret information!

Elf's expression became serious, and she was determined to stay and do something big.

She had never successfully sneaked into Ansu's residence, so the sycamore tree was full of homework, but she only missed Ansu's.

The reason is the maid in the mansion.

Miss Enya kept the entire residence in order and did not let any wild cats sneak into the young master's room.

This was the first time that Elf saw a girl with a talent close to her own. This expressionless and cold maid had entered the rank of a saint at such a young age.

Although it is not as good as Elf's true form, it is more than enough to deal with cats.

But now, the opportunity to sneak into the mansion in an open and honest manner has arisen.

The light in Elf's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Why do you want to give it to me for free?" Luo Jia struggled with this question. She always felt that Ansu was unkind.

"I'll just give it back to you." Ansu noticed Elf's intention and continued to throw out the bait.

"Repay me?"

"Have you forgotten?"

Ansu took out a notebook from his bag and flipped through it from the front, skipping the part where he wrote about Luo Jiaqiu, and flipped to the front.

I saw lines of beautiful and exquisite handwriting on it, divided into categories and the key points of knowledge in each subject. They are all the most basic saint examination questions, starting from the origin of the empire, the glorious development of history, the figures of Esotericism and Orthodoxy, as well as the summary and key points of knowledge about the holy scriptures. Outline and write everything seriously.

Luo Jia was surprised to find that it was his own handwriting.

She blinked her golden eyes and raised her head to look at Ansu.

"It should have been a year ago. When we were still in the border city, I was going to take the written test for the Saint Examination in a week. I was still a scumbag at that time."

Ansu said, "The day you left, you gave me this compiled notebook."

At that time, Ansu had just awakened the memory of his previous life. He didn't know anything about Naraku's history and politics, geographical origins, religious relations, etc., but it could be said that he didn't understand anything at all.

"Do you still keep this book?"

Luo Jia remembered that that day they had gone to the largest cake shop on the border to eat blueberry cake. It was the end of summer, and the warm sunshine was sparkling on the bumpy stone slabs of the border trail.

The next day, Luojia, as an official saint, took the magic train and left the border town, came to the prosperous and unfamiliar imperial capital, lived in a monastery with many rules and regulations, and became a good child that everyone liked and was satisfied with.

Until Anzu's arrival.

If you think about it carefully, so much time has passed.

The days go by so fast.

Everything is vivid in my mind, as if it happened yesterday.

She tilted her head and looked at Ansu. At that time, the 'cursed child' whom no one expected had overcome all secular prejudices and became a glorious saint. But now they could talk like this in the imperial capital parish, sneak away together, and Or catch that annoying kitten together, this world is really amazing.

"So I'll pay you back. The list of knowledge I compiled this time is very impressive."

Ansu said seriously, this was something Ansu had planned for a long time.

Give Luo Jia a direct answer. With her serious temperament, she will definitely not accept it.

So Ansu specially compiled a piece of information. With the terrifying learning ability of the little saint who was the top pick in the previous year, he should be able to pass the exam within four days.

Moreover, it was just enough to catch the Chaos Saint.

Ansu could feel that the eyes of the little black cat on the wall were wide open, and he even forgot about the burning butt hairs.

He clearly understands that he is definitely not a good person, he is born from the bottom up, and everything he does is only for his own benefit, including this time.

This time it wasn't a return of favor. Ansu knew that if he hadn't changed the test paper, the little saint would have been able to pass the written test with ease.

"This notebook." Luojia paused. Her rime-like snow-white eyelashes drooped down, covering her golden eyes. No emotion could be seen. She could only see the slight ripples in her eyes. "Why do you still keep it?" "

She didn't care about the exam four days later or the advanced knowledge that even the Saint of Chaos coveted. Instead, she paid attention to this strange little thing.

"Bring it to record important things." Ansu was a little dazed. He didn't expect Luo Jia to ask such a question. He paused and replied.

Use it to take your revenge!

"That's it."

Luo Jia nodded slightly, lowered her eyes, paused, pursed her thin lips gently, pinched the hem of her clothes with her slender fingers, and finally let go. She raised her head, and finally smiled at Ansu, That smile was like the late snow in early spring, "Thank you for keeping me."

"I will also keep what you gave to me."

The bright moonlight leaked through the gaps in the sycamore branches, and the cicadas chirped among the mute green trees. Luo Jia lowered her voice softly.

"I will also use it to record important things."

Hum. It’s all mine!

Elf on the side showed a stern smile, and she meowed softly. The forbidden knowledge compiled by Ansu was already in her possession. Not only the notebook, but as long as she sneaked into Ansu's home, it would all be hers. .

She can take away the information in the chaotic city, the glorious knowledge, and even the body of the child Ansu!

Then that annoying maid will only have to look at her!

The thought of being able to see so much forbidden and evil knowledge made Elf's cat eyes even more excited. This is the true meaning of chaos, twisting everything and blaspheming everything for pleasure,

Elf felt that her understanding of chaos had improved to a higher level. If she continued to improve like this, sooner or later she would be able to break through the final bottleneck of the saint level.

However, Elf felt uncomfortable at the thought of having to endure it temporarily under Anzu's hands.

"Then let's make an agreement." Ansu showed a satisfied smile. He wanted to take the exam for the bottom five, and he needed exactly five saints. The three heroes of the border plus the princess of the imperial capital, so there was just the last place left. Now It's just fine.

The quota allocation is completed, and the remaining plan is to kill the candidates.

"how about you?"

After everything was settled, Ansu showed a kind smile to the little black cat in the corner and extended his hand. He is a very caring cat lover, "Would you like to come to my house?"

Let you be proud for a while first.

Elf stared at Anzu and showed a teasing smile.

"Meow." She meowed coldly and stretched out her cat paw.

(End of chapter)