The Stronger Their Opposition, the More I Know I Made the Right Choice

Chapter 224: Ansu Then, let's sterilize her


"Would you like to live in my house?"

"Meow." The Chaos Saint meowed coldly and stretched out her cat paw.

"Great, from today on, you are a member of my family."

Ansu showed a satisfied smile. He knew that he was very popular with small animals. He happily held the cat's paw handed over by the Saint of Chaos. The snow-white moonlight leaked from the gaps in the sycamore leaves, reflecting his pale face. Qing's pupils looked so sincere and innocent.

As a cat lover, Ansu naturally has to be responsible for his pets, and he immediately made a commitment very responsibly. He opened his thin lips lightly and said brightly and authentically -

"Very good, let's start the sterilization operation now!"

You damn meow. The Saint of Chaos retracted her cat claws.

But he found that Ansu's claws were tightly grasped and he couldn't drag him.

Elf blinked her eyes, her pupils widened slightly, and she subconsciously shrank back. Her face was full of disbelief, and she twitched her cat ears, seriously suspecting that she was hallucinating.

She raised her head and stared at Ansu carefully to make sure that the boy was not joking.

Elf looked pitifully at Luojia again, showing an aggrieved look, hoping to arouse the woman's love and condemn Ansu's birth behavior.

"Indeed." Luo Jia nodded seriously, her expression even more determined than Ansu's, "We must perform sterilization surgery to prevent this kitten from going into heat at will!"

Whose cat is going into heat

Elf's face was covered with black lines, and her hair suddenly exploded. As a noble Saint of Chaos, a person favored by the Seven Gods, and the youngest saint in the contemporary era, no matter where she goes, she is admired by everyone and feared by all people. She has never been like this before. Such a shame!

She always believes that sexual pleasure is the lowest form of all pleasures. Sensual pleasure is just an illusion caused by physical hormones, or even a fleeting illusion. Only the joy of the soul and the spiritual pleasure are Taboo is eternal pleasure.

For example, take a peek at the Little Holy Book of the Glorious Holy See.

After being insulted, Elf bared her teeth and claws at Luojia, and then heard Ansu next to her saying immediately,

"Look, this kid is so grumpy now. This is a typical symptom of estrus."

This key

Elf put away the exploded cat hair with black lines on her face, closed her mouth, and placed the cat's paws together in front of her body, indicating that her mood was stable and she was not in heat at all.

She never thought that she would have such a day. A chaotic saint would actually be reduced to pretending to be a good cat in order to prove that she was not in heat and to escape the fate of being castrated.

If the followers of the Esoteric Cult who worship and respect Elf as a goddess knew about it, their dreams would be shattered on the spot.


Elf's paws clenched tightly. If it weren't for that knowledge, she would have jumped over the wall.

Ansu saw the cute appearance of the Chaos Saint and showed a satisfied smile. As a cat lover, it is not easy for him to hold a keycap.

He thought that he would give up as soon as he was ready, and just threaten and beat her appropriately, so as not to really push the Holy Maiden of Chaos into trouble.

"Since she seems so reluctant, let's forget it." Ansu said, anyway, it was just to scare Elf.

Elf's expression softened a little.

Although even if she is sterilized, the damage to her body will not affect her true nature, but such a painful experience will definitely be engraved deep into her soul and become a psychological shadow that will be difficult to erase throughout her life.

I thought this matter would be over, but I saw the little saint beside me shaking her head.

She carefully took stock of the benefits of sterilization, counting them one after another on her fingers.

"There is still a need to sterilize cats, not only for environmental reasons. Female cats will no longer have abnormal estrus behaviors after sterilization. Secondly, it can also avoid diseases such as cat mammary tumors. Finally, it can also reduce the risk of sterilization in cats. The risk of running away from home or falling off a building"

The more serious Luojia became, the more solemn Elf's expression became.

Is this woman serious

"Don't worry, don't be afraid."

"It doesn't hurt at all."

Luojia stared at the little black cat seriously, showing a kind and gentle smile. She was really as holy as a goddess coming to the world, but the words uttered in her thin lips seemed to come from the deepest hell, making Elf feel like Falling into the ice cave,

"It's up to me to help you. When I raised cats in the past, I handled it myself. When I was in the country, I also helped my friends make several cats... I'm very experienced. , Well, let me see, Ansu hold her paws for me."

Ansu was already holding one of Elf's cat paws. After hearing Luojia's order, he separated his index and middle fingers and held down her other cat paw, holding the kitten in his palm like a prisoner. under.

Woo. Woo.


Elf looked aggrieved and was pinned down by Ansu's hand. She had never been bullied like this before. Damn Ansu's hand was so strong that she couldn't break free for a while.

This cat spirit body was so fast that even the demigods couldn't catch her.

But once someone is holding him down, no matter how fast he goes, it's useless.

She stared at Luojia again with frightened and suspicious eyes. Although this guy claimed to be experienced, Elf always had an ominous premonition.

"What are you going to do?" Ansu said that Luo Jia's methods were more advanced than his own.

"Ah, first use a knife to cut a small opening in that part." Luo Jia said gently, "Then remove the uterus and ovaries, and then use healing magic to suture the wound. Our border doctors are all very professional."

What a devil's word.

Elf's crimson eyes almost turned pale with fright, and her cat eyes were rounded.

Even the cruelest Painful Holy See does not have this kind of torture, and it has to use scissors to cut it open and travel around to cause destruction for so many years. The Chaos Saint has never seen a birth method more chaotic than this.

"It's a pity that I don't have a knife with me now." Luo Jia frowned slightly and said helplessly.

"I have it here." Assistant Ansu quickly handed his 'Quenching Redemption Sacred Blade' to Miss Luojia.

"Ah, that's great." Luo Jia happily took the long blade as thick as an arm.

Elf stared at the scene in front of her with dull eyes.


What does 'that's great' mean

She tilted her cat's head and looked at Ansu for a while, then turned her head to look at Luo Jia, then turned her head to look at Ansu. She looked back and forth from the two of them several times, feeling that something was wrong with the world. , or something went wrong with me.

After Elf confirmed that she had no auditory hallucinations or hallucinations, she looked straight at the ferocious and evil magic knife with hot evil energy escaping from her body, and swallowed deeply.

The pungent smell of the 'Devil's Ghost Pepper' was escaping from the pattern of the Demonic Sword.

If this was struck with one blow, the whole cat would ascend to heaven.

Elf's cat paws were clasped tightly.

How fortunate that in just a few seconds, the Saint of Chaos witnessed a way that was even more chaotic than cutting it with scissors, slicing it with a pepper knife! It’s just that Ansu was born as a key person, so are you, a saint of the Glory Holy See

He gave it to you and you actually took it!

She was so angry that she was ready to glare at Luojia, hoping that the other party would wake up from her angry eyes, awaken her remaining conscience, and sever ties with the evil Ansu.

After being stared at by the cat for a while, Luojia seemed to understand something. She lowered her head and carefully looked at the blade Ansu handed over. Her golden eyes studied it slightly. After a while, she nodded as if she suddenly understood,

"Well, there's no need to sterilize the flame-attributed knife. It's just the kind of knife that's suitable for surgery."


Elf's eyes turned gray.

Putting aside the nature of this knife, the terrifying sharpness and length alone make it impossible to use it as a scalpel. Are the sterilization methods of border people so crude

There are even blood channels on it.

She stared at Luo Jia with a gloomy kitten face. Is this girl really a professional

Elf instantly realized the key point in Luojia's previous words - "Just heal the wound and suture it." "

Since there is healing magic, you can do whatever you want!

"Meow meow!"

The Saint of Chaos raised her head and stared at Luojia, who still had a gentle smile on her lips. That smile was like the white snow that has not yet melted in the sun, so pure and gentle, without any trace of malice or filthiness. , completely different from the innocent smile An Su put on,

Luo Jia seemed to really think that her sterilization method was very professional.

The soul of a saint can feel this completely

Elf was silent.

I didn't expect that this little girl looked so innocent, but turned out to be even more sinister than Ansu!

Pure blackness is his pure blackness!

She finally understood that the couple in front of her were working together!

The creatures produced on the border, whether male or female, are all born as animals.

The Saint of Chaos curled up into a small black ball, trembling and staring at the perfect smile of the Saint of Glory. She really felt that the positions of the two parties were reversed, and she should give up her position as the Saint of Chaos to Luo Jia.

Ansu also looked at the little saint with admiration and smiled happily.

Unexpectedly, in the first showdown between the Saint of Glory and the Saint of Chaos, Luojia would force Elf to the point of annihilating her children. She was worthy of being the beloved daughter of the Goddess of Glory, which was impressive.

Luo Jia didn't know the psychological game between the two people. She just wanted to solve the problem for the kitten to prevent more stray children from appearing in the Guanghui Church parish in the future. After adjusting her breathing, she was ready to encourage herself. He took a breath, held the handle of the tempered holy blade, and approached Elf.

In order to prevent the kitten from being frightened, Luojia's movements became gentler and gentler every time she got closer, but to Elf, this silent approach was like the footsteps of the God of Death lingering at the door.

As soon as her cat eyes closed, her soul was ready to leave this body at any time. Although Elf did not care about anyone's life, including her own life, in pursuit of pleasure, there were always things in this world that were more painful than death.

But her mind wanted to leave, and even the God of Dharma Merlin couldn't stop her.


Just when she was about to slip away, she heard Ansu leisurely say, "Okay Luojia, let's do it next time."

"Why?" Luo Jia tilted her head and looked at Ansu.

"She's too young. Let's wait until the kitten grows up before doing it." Ansu said seriously, "And it's late now. It's dark and it's not convenient to perform the surgery."

Luo Jia looked up at the sky. The moon that was still in the sky just now had been covered by thick dark clouds. The night was already deep and the lights around the parish had been extinguished. This light was indeed not suitable for surgery.

"Okay then. What you said makes sense," Luo Jia nodded with regret, "It's so dark. If we do the surgery at this time, it would be bad if we hurt the kitten."

"." Elf opened her eyes silently. She stared at the big knife in Luo Jia's hand and thought to herself that you are still worried about hurting me.

A few days ago, she had spilled blood all over Ansu's face, which shocked the young man and caused quite a psychological shadow.

This stingy guy even wrote it down in his notebook.

But now, Elf realizes what true terror is.

Compared to the shock she experienced, the small grievances she suffered on the chaotic stairs were nothing worth mentioning. They were just blood splattered all over her body after being shot in the head. It was a child-level cartoon animation.

She stared at Luo Jia with fear. This was the first time in history that a woman had left a psychological shadow on the Saint of Chaos.

In contrast, Ansu looked pretty, kind and cute since she was a little girl. She hid behind Ansu with her short legs and huddled up, for fear that Luojia would sterilize her again.

Since there is no danger for the time being, Elf's soul has not abandoned this clone.

After stealing Ansu's book of glorious knowledge, it's not too late to sneak away. It's just for fun anyway.

As soon as you steal one, leave immediately!

I will never be greedy again.

The final winner of this game must be her, Lady Elf!

All the humiliation she is suffering now is just a preparation for her final joy. The more grievances and humiliations she has received, the sweeter the joy will be when she wins and tastes it!

Seeing this, Ansu nodded with satisfaction and showed a proud smile. He was indeed a good saint who was loved by small animals.

He also managed to scare Elf, it was a good day today.

He definitely can't really let Elf's soul leave. This Chaos Saint likes to cause big things all day long. If she doesn't cause trouble here, her restless fun heart will be vented elsewhere.

This girl was born to do a lot of work, and she will do anything for fun.

The fall of the Imperial City has only revealed the tip of the iceberg, but what is certain is that the Saint of Chaos was definitely behind the fall of the Imperial City in the original work. When her consciousness returned to her true form, she became the most powerful saint below the level of demigod, much more difficult to deal with than this little kitten now.

Instead of setting off this time bomb and leaving to engage in unknown big things, it would be better to tie her by your side and spend her energy on glorious knowledge.

Anyway, you can never finish learning the knowledge of Glory. If you finish learning the knowledge of Glory, Ansu will still have knowledge of optics and even advanced mathematics.

Anyway, she was just pursuing pleasure, and there was nothing wrong with her.

Maybe you can get some benefits out of it.

And Ansu's smile became brighter and brighter when he threatened her with sterilization. You know, compared to the pleasure of being cut off with a knife, this kind of fear that has to be on tenterhooks all the time is the most pleasurable chaos!

Luo Jia returned the blade to Ansu and asked, "What name should we give her better?"

"Hei Buliuqiu, let's call her Xiao Hei." Ansu ignored Elf's furious objections and named her casually, "Okay, it's getting late, it's time to go to bed, and we should go home."

"The aunts in charge of the dormitory in the monastery will no longer care about my affairs. I don't go home at night and so on." Luo Jia pursed her lips and suddenly said softly.

"I also have the dormitory aunt to investigate." Ansu said.



(End of chapter)

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