The Stronger Their Opposition, the More I Know I Made the Right Choice

Chapter 41: The three heroes of the border begin to show their talents


The next day. Early morning.

It snowed a little last night, and the snow piled up on the metal dome, forming a thin layer of rime. In a moment of carelessness, it turned into snow water and slowly flowed down along the cracks.

There is no sun in the winter morning. The sunlight is obscured by the mist. The faint light flickering in the air is just pure white snow water.

The Sixth Cathedral Hall of the Church of Alchemy and Mechanics.

The examination preparation area on the second floor of the church was filled with examinees. They looked down through the glass windows with nervous expressions, and from time to time they checked to see if the magic combination they had chosen was correct and whether they could pass the exam.

They had privately inquired about yesterday's examiners.

Ashley Sean is a talented sorcerer from the magical family Sean. She is the first among the younger generation in the research on the combination of magic positions.

If they were opponents of such geniuses, the magic combinations that he had researched would probably be seen through by the other side at a glance.

On the third floor, there were priests from the Vatican, who gathered around a round table, recording the scores and discussing in low voices the performance of each candidate.

"Prepare No. 43."

Ashley said calmly, "It's so cliché. You're really boring."

The best performing candidate previously only lasted six minutes and thirty seconds.

A little bit rustic, a little bit ordinary.

She was never subtle in her comments.

A letter of authorization woven from light appeared in her hand. At the same time, the same letter of authorization also appeared in Ashley's hand.

She would rather sleep by the fireplace than deal with these boring outsiders.

[Glorious Lion Cub]

Ashley said lazily, "We will reach a completely fair agreement - I will be exactly the same as when you signed the authorization. And the results of the exam will be completely assessed by the Scales of Order."

"Ah" the girl shrank her neck.

Handsome and tall, with golden eyes like a lion, golden hair hanging down, and a confident smile that seems to dispel the winter haze.

No. 59.

One reason is that he was the second one to hand in his paper yesterday, and the other is because of his appearance.

Arthur looked at Anzu, who nodded to him slowly.

At this moment, Arthur was like a paladin - a sacred and great knight.

The candidates around him were full of expectations for him, and their morale was low at the moment - Ashley had tortured the candidates badly.

This is exactly the exam commitment letter from yesterday.

"Let me see your magic choices: Holy Light, Healing, Damage Replacement, Light Sword. Do you want to go the route of exchanging injuries for injuries?"

The alchemical magic device played the name of the next candidate, and a little brown-haired girl responded quickly, standing up hurriedly and walking nervously to the stage.

It smells really bad.

"Sign the authorization." Ashley didn't even look at Arthur, and didn't even address him as "you".

With the signing of the authorization, this top-level magic circle slowly started up.

He was wearing an expensive high-level magic robe, with a golden armor shirt inside, and alchemical trousers made by a master with sun patterns on the trouser legs. In his hand, he held a huge golden staff.

Looking at this rustic 'self', Ashley said jokingly, "Then let's get started."

Even Ashley's equipment had changed: it was exactly the same as the examinee's.

And Arthur is that hope.

[In order to be completely fair, through the authorized alchemy array, the examiner will completely copy all your conditions when you enter the examination room, such as appearance, equipment, physical condition, and magic books in the four spell slots]

We need a leading figure to boost morale.

Priest Ashley yawned slightly in boredom.

Apart from the fact that titles cannot be copied, of course, they cannot be copied either—after all, God-given titles are bestowed by God on his own initiative and have sacred uniqueness.

She especially disliked people from the border because she always felt that they smelled.

It's Arthur Sonny's turn.

boring boring.

He walked slowly toward the second floor and headed straight for the center of the hall.

This is what the authorization letter says.

She couldn't muster up any interest, firstly because the weather was cold today, and secondly because the examinees were so boring.

He is the first of the three border people to take the exam, and he will be the first to take the lead.

Ashley's hair changed, her originally golden hair color gradually turned brown, and her delicate and proud face was stained with some freckles - she was slowly turning into the little girl in front of him.

Facing everyone's gaze, he slowly stood up, his eyes firm and confident.

"Sign this authorization, and the holy-level alchemy array 'Authorization Conversion - Alchemy Bionics' will be activated."

That's why Ashley hates being an examiner, she will temporarily turn into one of these ugly creatures.

"What a weak and boastful man." Ashley said sarcastically.

She quickly signed her own release.

Ashley didn't like the guy from the border, and she thought the man in front of her was boastful and boring. This was also an exam that would end quickly.

Her senior brother warned her to be careful of these troublemakers at the border. They were just small fry. What was there to be careful about

"I need to prepare before signing the authorization." Arthur looked at the authorization letter that appeared out of thin air in his hand and answered brightly.

"—Anyway, the exam will be over soon, what are you going to prepare for?"

Arthur exhaled slowly, and the passionate words of Boss Anzu last night floated in his ears: "Courage is the source of strength."

“?” Ashley was stunned.

The next second, her pupils trembled!

The pupils of all the examinees in the room trembled. They couldn't believe what they saw.

They have the hardship to witness with their own eyes today—

They witnessed the coming of the Great Light.

But Arthur pulled off the noble robe and shirt, revealing his broad and majestic chest muscles and six angular abdominal muscles, and then quickly took off his trousers. His whole body was as white as holy light, and the only decoration was the golden underwear hanging on his crotch!

"Wow." Some girls exclaimed.

Although they were far away and couldn't hear what Arthur and the examiner were saying, the scene was very exciting at first glance!

"Sign the authorization!"

Before Ashley could react, Arthur signed his name in a flamboyant manner.

[Confirm authorization]

[The examiner will completely copy all the status when you sign the authorization, except for the title]

Including equipment.

That pair of golden underwear is Arthur's only equipment!

Ashley was shocked and horrified to find that all her clothes had disappeared.

She has a strong body, six well-defined abdominal muscles, broad and majestic pectoral muscles, and golden panties on her crotch!

She was naked in the cold early winter wind.

And her soul was colder than her body.

It's bone-chillingly cold.

"You you." Ashley stared at Arthur, staring at the big words "Glorious Lion Cub" on his head. Is this how glorious a glorious lion cub is

The inferior people coming from the border are born in such a lowly way!

Ashley gritted her teeth. She had already decided that she must humiliate him severely in the most cruel and insulting way.

First look at the magic he chose and use it to quickly crack the magic combination.


Why is there no magic in the four memory grids

Ashley was blinded.

"In the exam manual, it says 'You can freely choose magic to equip on the memory grid'."

Arthur smiled confidently and said, "Equipping nothing is also a kind of free equipment!"

"Boss Ansu said that with my amazing intelligence, the best combination is no magic combination."

Is there anyone like you who takes advantage of loopholes like this? Ashley gritted her teeth and forced herself to calm down.

"Then why did you bring the staff?"

"Who said this is a staff?"

Arthur slowly raised the stick in his hand. At this moment, he believed that he was like a paladin standing on the battlefield, just like his countless predecessors in the sun, about to draw his sword.

"This is my holy sword."

Ashley's expression was completely numb.

How can this big lump of yours be the holy sword

This is the warlock exam, brother.

"You once said that courage, persistence, and wisdom are the three key principles for passing this exam."

Arthur raised the staff and made a sharp sword gesture. "And what I am about to show you is the courage of the Glorious Church!"

He had no armor, no clothes, no body protection, and no magic items. All he had left was his indomitable courage.

This is the dream of Arthur Sonny, the brilliant young lion.

This is the glory of the Sun Family.

Is your glorious courage the exhibitionism of that guy

Ashley covered her bare chest muscles. She just felt that the man in front of her was a complete pervert!

"The courage to face the wind and snow, the courage to overcome difficulties, the courage to be upright—"

Arthur drew his staff from its sheath and said with admiration, "Just as Brother Ansu said, this is my [awakening] as a knight."

In the stands, Ansu smiled with relief.

Who is Brother Ansu

Is he their leader

Was this guy the one who gave you the idea

Ashley suddenly remembered the name Ansu. Yesterday, this guy seemed to be smiling at her.

Lowly and lowly pariah, Ashley gritted her teeth.


"Draw your sword, Knight Ashley," Arthur said loudly.

"This is an exam for magicians, not an exam for paladins." Ashley said with a grim expression.

She is a magic genius, not a paladin genius!

She's not some Shirley Knight!

She is a liberal arts major!

"I've had enough of this red tape—"

Arthur attacked directly, came straight to Ashley, swung the stick in his hand high, and smashed it down hard!

"Power is the reason for being a warlock!"

There were bursts of noise in the stands, especially from some girls who were shouting particularly loudly.

Even though they didn't know what happened,

But seeing two handsome muscular naked men wrestling with each other, fighting in only golden shorts, what a feast for the eyes!

Today is the first battle of the "Glorious Young Lions", and from now on, a more resounding name will resound throughout the imperial capital.

One of the three heroes of the border, [the bare-bottomed oil louse]—Arthur Sonny!

I believe his father who is far away at the border would also be proud of him.

This one has three thousand words!

Please give me monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)