The Stronger Their Opposition, the More I Know I Made the Right Choice

Chapter 46: Your holy water is messed up


Ashley really felt that she had made a mistake.

Are all the people like this on your border

Originally, seeing that the guy in front of me was dressed very anthropomorphically and his clothes were very tasteful, I thought that he was at least a human-like creature, but I didn't expect him to be even more introverted and sultry than the last naked streaker.

Now she understood why this guy had to wear pure white pants, because if he peed, everyone in the audience would see it!

This kind of play is even more perverted than running naked all over the field.

Ashley clamped her legs tightly together, bit her lips, and bent her whole body slightly like a shrimp, only then did she struggle hard to get rid of the urge to urinate.

She looked at Liszt unwillingly, but saw that his expression was still the same, still elegant and graceful, and she was also confused.

Why was Liszt able to persist even though he was hit by the same spell

She couldn't understand.

My willpower is not as strong as Liszt's

Or is it that Liszt's talent in using magic is even more subtle and sophisticated than his own

why is that


Ashley would never approve of that.

No matter what the reason was, Ashley would not agree to it. Her pride as a genius magician would not allow her to lose.

She slowly straightened her back and took a deep breath.

I will endure it.

As long as he can endure the test for ten minutes, the scales of order will not give this guy a full score.

— She said to herself in her heart.

Whatever tricks you have, just use them.

"Candidate Ai Shirley, can you really hold on?"

Liszt calmly pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses. He had an elegant smile on his face and a humane tone of concern. "Can you really hold your urine for ten minutes?"

"If that doesn't work, I'll give you a few drops first."

Such humility, such gentleness, such respect for women, such nobleness and consideration,

This is exactly the perfect aristocratic spirit that Liszt pursued throughout his life. This is also the gentleman soul of countless ancestors and celebrities since the establishment of the Moon Family thousands of years ago. Now, it has finally been passed down to Liszt.

I believe that the spirits of his ancestors in heaven would also feel happy for Liszt.

Damn it, you are the examinee!

I am the examiner!

This guy actually started to rebel against Tiangang!

This guy with glasses, when fighting with others, they always say "I'll let you have a few moves first", but this guy with glasses says "I'll let you have a few drops first", which is simply insulting to the extreme.

Ashley looked at Lister with murderous eyes. She gritted her teeth and said viciously, "Border barbarian, use whatever tricks you have."

I will hold back.

Liszt sighed slightly helplessly, and said calmly, "Then I am sorry for the offense."

"Examiner Ashley, ancestors, please bear witness—"

Listron said loudly, "Please witness my enlightenment!"

The third move of Nezha’s Sea-Trouble School.

He raised his staff, and light blue water elements gathered around him. The surrounding water vapor suddenly rose.

Brother An Su once told Liszt that Nezha was a young hero who stirred up the sea, and Liszt felt that at this moment, he was the hero who stirred up the sea and conquered the tides.

[Water Element Gathering]

[Intermediate Magic]

[Attack Magic]

[Magic Points Consumption: 4]

[Forms a tidal vortex that can attract surrounding water and eventually form a giant water bomb. If too few water elements can be attracted, the attack will fail.]

There is no water around here.

If the urine volume is normal, it will not be attracted by the gathering of water elements.

However, there were six bottles of holy water in their bodies, which were now doubled by the [Water Flow], reaching a total of twelve bottles of water, just reaching the threshold for the gathering of water elements.

But despite this, it still can't be done. Ashley couldn't understand it even more. [Water Element Gathering] is an offensive magic, and it can't be used directly on the enemy like blessing magic like [Water Flow] or detection magic like [Water Surface Waves].

When facing blessing magic, the human body's magic resistance will be low, while the opposite is true for offensive magic.

Use the water element to gather and suck the urine out of Ashley's body

This is simply impossible. Anyone who could come up with this trick does not have enough understanding of magic.

That Anzu is actually a magic idiot

By the way, [Water Surge] cannot act on the liquids in the human body, that is, body fluids. It cannot double the blood in the body or fill the brain with water.

According to Druid creatures, the total body fluids account for 80% of the body weight. Body fluids are divided into external fluids and internal fluids, both of which are protected by magic resistance.

However, since organs such as the excretory cavity, reproductive cavity, mouth and nose are in direct contact with the outside world, the liquids in them are not considered body fluids, such as saliva, snot, urine, etc., which are not body fluids and have very weak magic resistance.

An Su also saw this point and chose the surging water.

But why did he use [Water Element Gathering]

Why did you choose this offensive water magic

Ashley couldn't understand, couldn't comprehend at all—

But the next moment, her pupils trembled violently, as if she had suddenly realized something.

Realizing that possibility, her shoulders trembled slightly.

She fell into a misconception.

According to the train of thought of this border-born person, since blessing magic is used on enemies, then who should the attack magic be used on

The answer is, use it on himself.

Liszt, this perverted and terrifying guy with devilish glasses, gave up the magic resistance and used [Water Element Gathering] on his own body. He wanted to suck the urine out of his bladder to make a -

Giant attack urine bomb!!

The target of this urine bomb was Ashley.

Her pupils trembled violently. Ashley couldn't imagine this ending. Just thinking about it gave her goose bumps all over her body.

This would be an ultimate insult even more than leaking urine. When that giant urine bomb hit her face in public, all her dignity and pride would disappear. She couldn't imagine what a bleak future that would be.

Ashley realized another horrible fact. It was because she used [Water Flow] on Lister that Lister had enough urine to use [Water Element Gathering].

It was his own imitation counterattack that made Lister's urine bomb possible.

Are my own behavior and my own reactions also part of the calculations of the 'Brother Ansu' that Liszt mentioned

What a devilish wisdom this is!

Why don't you use this brain to do something useful

Ashley bit her lips hard, cold sweat dripping down her forehead.

This time, can I imitate and fight back


She can't do it.

She didn't have the courage nor the awareness.

Abandon your own consciousness like that.

She couldn't do it, she couldn't do it like Liszt—

Because using [Water Element Gathering] on yourself is equivalent to peeing directly!

Peeing would mean social death, and being hit by a urine bomb would also mean social death. No matter which choice she makes, Ashley would have no chance of turning the situation around.

There is only one way now, before Lister's urine bomb is formed,

Choose to give up.

Let Liszt, the border barbarian, get full marks.

Ashley clenched her palms, her nails digging deep into her skin.

But her pride would not allow her to surrender to an inferior person!

It’s the last day of the month, and I’m begging for everyone’s monthly votes.

This chapter also explains the doubts raised by some readers in the previous chapter. Since it can be used on urine inside the body, why not use it on blood or brain matter

In living things, the excretory cavity, mouth, and nose are in direct contact with the outside world and are not part of the body, and urine is not a body fluid. However, blood and other things are body fluids.

(End of this chapter)