The Stronger Their Opposition, the More I Know I Made the Right Choice

Chapter 8: Does this guy know how to bribe?


The old priest turned into the church, first greeted several deacons, and then tiptoed to look inside.

When you complete an achievement for the first time, if the god you believe in is optimistic about you, he will bestow the corresponding title on you.

For example, the first sacrifice of the Mother Goddess of Life, and the first prayer of the Glorious Church—

All titles bestowed by gods are essentially the same and can only be distinguished by their names: for example, the titles bestowed by evil gods sound very evil, and the titles bestowed by righteous gods sound very righteous.

God-given titles are rare. Even the largest church in their border city can only give out one per month at most.

The old priest saw the priest on duty, Lord Lu Wen, from a distance: this Lord has always been diligent and hardworking, and even in winter he is the last one to return home. Following him is the saint-to-be, Lord Luo Jia.

The old priest could not see clearly to whom Monsieur Lu Wen was speaking.

As soon as he saw Lord Lu Wen and Lord Luo Jia, he was ready to greet them first: this is why the old priest has been working at the door for so long, he knows how to read people's expressions and has a good eye for things.

If you are noticed by the people above you, you might even become a quasi-saint.

"Excuse me for a moment."

The priest had a smile on his face, and the wrinkles on his forehead were almost pushed aside. He could be considered amiable. He asked for permission to pass to the believers next to him, and then squeezed next to Lord Lu Wen.

"Your Majesty Lu Wen."

He made the sign of the cross on his hands and then clasped them in front of his chest. He bowed first and then took off his hat to greet the future saint Lorga. "Your Majesty Lorga, may the divine light shine upon you two."

"Hello." Luo Jia didn't know who this old man was, so he nodded coldly in response.

Her attention was no longer here.

Luo Jia pursed her thin lips slightly and stared at someone, her bright golden eyes revealing some doubts. She tilted her head like a cat that was surprised by the world.

"Father Danny," Lu Wen remembered the old man's name, "hello."

"Which talented man has won the favor of the goddess? Can you introduce him to me?"

The old priest complimented, "It's a real honor."

After he finished his auspicious words, he turned around and looked around using detection magic.

Detection magic is the most basic magic, which can be used by ordinary people and basically does not consume magic points.

The effect is also very simple, which is to see the title of the blessed person and the introduction of the title.

The old priest looked around at the believers, looking for the person blessed by the goddess. It was not the nephew of Deacon John, nor the daughter of Father Sonny.

Wait, Father Danny also saw the man and blinked in disbelief. His movements were also very funny, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes expanded and relaxed with the movement of his eyelids.

"Hello." An Su walked over to him with a bright smile and said to him.

There were three big characters on the top of the head: [First Born]

Father Danny suddenly felt unwell.

Compared to Danny's shock, Miss Luo Jia was even more confused.

What is the title of the newborn

But it sounds quite positive.

The first birth gives people a feeling of vitality.

She also received a title when she prayed for the first time. That title was quite shining: [The Star Shining on the Future of Naraku]

The reason why Luo Jia was surprised was not because someone received a God-granted title after praying for the first time - as a quasi-saint, she had seen a lot of this.

Instead, the one who received the goddess’ blessing was Ansu.

As far as I can remember, this was the first time in the border church that the Goddess of Light blessed the Son of the Curse.

Perhaps, Ansu is really pure and kind in heart - Luojia thought so.

Look at his title introduction:

[Title Introduction: He is so kind-hearted at such a young age. If this boy is not removed, he will become a giant in the Church in the future.]

The sacrifice to the Mother Goddess of Life was probably a helpless act he came up with to save them. "Young man," Priest Lu Wen said to An Su kindly, patting his shoulder, "You are a child of the Morning Star Family, right? Congratulations, you have really exceeded our expectations."

"Your Excellency,

Ansu recognized the priestly emblem on Lu Wen's body, a sun surrounded by violets, and recognized his identity.

"May the goddess bless you."

After that, he turned around again, made the sign of the cross to Luo Jia, and performed the sacrament, "Your Majesty Luo Jia, we meet again."

Anzu winked at Lorga triumphantly.

Luo Jia looked at him. The young man had a gentle smile on his lips, his long gray hair fell on his shoulders, and his dark green eyes were as clear as the sky washed by rain.

"Hello." She deliberately put on a stern face and said coldly to An Su.

"Believers who are blessed on their first prayer may not necessarily pass the saint test, but those who pass the saint test must have received the goddess' blessing." Father Lu Wen said with a smile, "I am looking forward to your performance in a month."

"I'm honored." Ansu said.

The old priest was now sandwiched between several people and felt uncomfortable doing anything.

Especially since he had made things difficult for Ansu before.

He wanted to take advantage of the lively conversation among the people and slip away quietly, but before he could take a step, An Su changed the topic.

"To be honest, I have always longed for a sacred church,"

Ansu said, "I wanted to contribute to the holy cause of my Lord, so I brought a tithe. Mr. Priest, please return the gold coins I left with you for safekeeping."

As soon as these words were spoken, the church fell silent.

Father Lu Wen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Father Danny froze completely.

He stared at An Su in disbelief. He didn't expect the latter to dare to say such words. Was he going to break the principle of silence and report him

This is about giving and receiving bribes. Is this the first time this guy has given bribes

According to the canons of the Holy See, neither bribery nor bribery is allowed.

According to church rules, even if Danny deliberately makes things difficult for Ansu, Ansu cannot bribe or give gifts to church staff privately.

Anyone who commits such an act will be excommunicated regardless of the reason.

So Danny took the money, feeling completely relieved that the guy wouldn't dare to report it.

In fact, Danny had collected money from those noble children more than once, and there had never been any mistakes.

He was barefoot and not afraid of those who wore shoes. He just lost his job, but those noble sons who were found to have taken bribes lost their status as quasi-saints.

The most important thing is that he was not the only one in the entire Vatican who accepted bribes.

Everybody charges money.

Not only the priests, but also the saints, the deacons among the saints, and even several high-ranking priests, all have more or less some exchange of interests.

This kind of thing, everyone sees it but no one talks about it.

Maybe this kid is too stubborn and doesn't understand the principle of silence.

The old priest pretended to be confused. "I don't know what you are talking about. Is this true? Can you recall it carefully?"

What I mean right now is that we are in the same boat, so you'd better think carefully before you speak.

Danny has been in this business for so many years, and he has never spit out the gold coins in his pocket.

(End of this chapter)