The Strongest Gene

Chapter 109: Nip the problem in its tadpole form


far away.

Muyuan also encountered the same problem.

However, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. It was his genetic ability - spiritual eyes, and his super powers of observation that allowed him to discover the problem in an instant.


He captured those particles easily.

Production successful!

"Is it harder every time?"

Muyuan sneered, in front of his spiritual eyes, nothing could be hidden.

at the same time.

In the competition field, everyone showed off their skills.

In this situation where it is almost impossible to be seen, only super observation and rich production experience can solve the problem.


Someone is thinking hard.

Someone made a mad dash.

Wang Yue…

Zhang Lin…

Everyone pushes their own strengths to the limit.

And this time.

Zhang Wei's eyes once again passed by Chen Feng.

Failed four times.


Exactly the same as last time!

He was not surprised, because Chen Feng and Wang Yue had completely different paths. If we had to analyze it, Wang Yue had a standard academic background, but what about Chen Feng? Wild road! However, even if it is a different path, the basics must be up to standard, otherwise it will easily capsize in the gutter!

This is the purpose of the basic assessment.

Only make

Not at all!

If you have never experienced the genetic rookie competition, you will never know how cruel it is!

In the game…

Maybe even dead!

In comparison, the assessment in front of them is just a child's play, and the screening of basic strength is also to protect this group of producers who are not too strong.

"Chen Feng..."

Zhang Wei stared.

virtual community.

Many people in the live broadcast room also noticed Chen Feng's condition. He failed the same way four times. Many people who left early last time refused to leave this time even if they died.

"I don't believe he can still succeed."

"that is!"

“Sit back and wait for the next failure.”

Countless people watched.

What is there to see in Wang Yue

It's boring to succeed every time. On the contrary, Chen Feng has not been eliminated so far, which is the biggest highlight!

Interestingly, because of this strange situation, the popularity of Chen Feng, a live broadcast room at the end of the crane, has surged, surpassing Wang Yue.

And this time.


Chen Feng’s fifth simulation begins.

"here we go."

Everyone was excited.

As onlookers, they have God's vision. They can clearly see the hidden problems in the surrounding environment, and they even know when they appear and are mixed into the production! Seeing the producer looking miserable and unable to find any problems, they actually liked it.

In the field.

Chen Feng walked to the center.

They took out the materials and started making them. At this time, everyone could clearly see some shining strange particles mixed into the wooden bear's essence and blood.


Everyone was excited.

It’s exactly the same as when Chen Feng made it for the first time!

These particles will mix into the blood essence and change the genes of the wooden bear. If these particles cannot be discovered in this step, it will be impossible to succeed in the future!


Chen Feng continues to produce.

"He didn't notice."

"6666666, it seems I can't escape this time."

"Hun, I thought he could find it."

Everyone was speechless.

Then he watched Chen Feng complete the production as usual.

"It's going to fail again."

"It seems that Chen Feng is really going to be eliminated."

"Hey, I failed several times in a row, but I didn't make any progress at all."

Everyone hates the fact that iron cannot become steel.


Chen Feng finally sealed it.

manufacture complete!

Virtual scene jump.


Everyone's eyes suddenly opened wide.

what happened

It actually succeeded

Depend on!

How can it be

"this… "

Everyone was confused.

They remembered clearly that Chen Feng clearly did not deal with those light particles! They clearly saw those light particles mixed into the blood essence!

what happened

"Those particles can change several aspects of the wooden bear's genetic formula, so it should be fine."

Everyone whispered.


Everyone rushed to tell each other, and the popularity of Chen Feng's live broadcast room increased again.

"I don't believe he will be okay next time."

"Look more carefully next time."

Everyone's eyes widened.

The sixth time, start.

This time, those particles were mixed into the genes during the gene reaction stage. It stands to reason that these particles would react with the genes and change the genes again.



Chen Feng's plain production is completed, a success!


Everyone was shocked.

What the hell is going on

Seventh time!

The eighth time!

The ninth time!

Different environment, different particles!


Cold place…

Various strange circumstances have appeared, however, it doesn't work!

Chen Feng seems to be immune to those particles. Any particles entering his world will not have any impact, allowing him to successfully create it!

"How can this be?"

Everyone can't understand.

Look at Muyuan!

When someone destroys particles, you can clearly know that he has used his spiritual eyes to let you know that those particles have no way of escaping in front of him, and then destroy them. Several other people also have their own abilities or experience methods, but only Chen Feng? quietly.


He didn't even notice!

"Genetic abilities?"

"With so many genetic abilities, he is only E-level, right?!"

Everyone was speechless.

And this time.

Jincheng Branch.

The staff member responsible for the virtual program of the competition also noticed this. A series of reporting messages made him think that there was a bug in his program.

"what's the situation?"

The staff looked at it in a daze.


He looked at the data, and it was right!

At least the data displayed on the data panel is correct. These particles are special genetic particles that can easily react with genes and have tracking capabilities!

for example-

Chen Feng’s special particles.

The staff took a look and found that almost all of these particles had certain recognition and tracking capabilities. They would automatically avoid other genes, and would find the Ao gene of the wooden bear, and then react with it to change its properties. This is the most common interference program in simulation programs.

This method is impossible in reality!

But virtual worlds

It is easy to simulate the environment. Moreover, these special particles are very spiritual. As long as they enter the simulated digital world, they will never fail!



Chen Feng, I have a problem.

The staff's expression became serious.

Some people's genetic abilities are indeed suitable for cheating, but because of the greatness of the Gene Production Association, no one has dared to challenge them for a long time.


The staff sneered.

"One more time?"

He took a look.

Chen Feng has completed it nine times and is still short of the last one.

"Start particle tracking."

The staff member said calmly.

"Particle tracking activated."

A cold mechanical sound sounded.


A special particle enters tracking mode.

Following the environmental particles, they entered the digital world in Chen Feng's virtual world. Under particle tracking, each particle could be seen extremely clearly.

"I want to see how you cheat!"

The staff sneered.

Ten environment particles and one tracking particle!

In the office, every movement trajectory of these particles is being recorded on the huge light screen, and the staff did not blink an eye.

Entering the essence and blood goes smoothly.

Looking for genes…



Environmental particles continuously search for target genes.


A soft sound.

found it.

The environmental particles found a certain gene particle in the wood bear's gene and rushed over excitedly. However, at this moment, something amazing happened.

The originally serious face of the staff suddenly became dull.

"Depend on?!"

"This counts..."

The staff member opened his mouth wide enough to put a goose egg in, but he didn't close it for a long time.

Oh my gosh!

What did he see? !

Those environmental particles carrying special tasks were actually intercepted by other genes on the way, and then forcibly reacted to render them ineffective

The staff was stunned.

Really, he has never seen such a shocking situation in his decades of working here.

This is how he is programmed.

It is set that the target gene in the wooden bear gene is regarded as a 'beautiful girl', and the environmental particle is a 'handsome boy', who is responsible for taking care of this beautiful woman and making her ineffective. However, before he could reach the beautiful woman, he was forcibly dragged away by a group of strong men and raped.


The staff didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

What the hell is going on? !

Ordinary people solve problems when they encounter them, while some people use mechanisms to nip problems in the bud. What about Chen Feng? The problem was killed while it was still a tadpole!