The Strongest Gene

Chapter 23: Prohibition


This is a prohibited commission.

A high-level junior producer is required to accompany them on their adventures in ancient ruins and help them lift the restrictions encountered on the road. Upon completion of the task, a five-star formula will be awarded.


Chen Feng checked it on the Internet and suddenly understood.

The so-called restriction, explained by his thinking, is actually a password lock sealed by essence and blood.

Among the monuments.

After the death of some mutated beasts, their essence and blood merge into the ground, and after years of evolution, some special spiritual patterns are generated, forming this strange restriction. Any place covered by the ban cannot be passed. If you force it through, you will be counterattacked by the power of essence and blood, which is very terrifying.

Only gene makers can unblock the block in a digital state!

"So that's it."

Chen Feng was thoughtful.

Checking the time, Chen Feng saw that the interview happened to be today, so Chen Feng was going to go over and have a look.

He knew how lacking his level actually was. He might not be able to complete this level of restriction, but as long as there was a chance, he couldn't give up.

This is a five-star formula!

If you can get it...

Chen Feng clenched his fists.

According to the address written on it, Chen Feng arrived at Hall No. 23 on the 7th floor. The interview had already begun. Many junior producers were below, and on the stage were several impressive young people. It could be seen from the light aura emanating from them. Look, these people are E-class genetic warriors!


Chen Feng frowned slightly.

It seems that their requirements are definitely not low.


The young man at the head of the stage pressed his hands.

The hall quickly fell silent.

"My name is Xu Fei."

The young man nodded with great satisfaction: "Thank you everyone for coming on time. This time we are going to explore a historical site and need the assistance of a gene maker, so we entrusted the Genetic Association to hold this interview. Due to limited conditions, we only Being able to choose a junior producer.”

At this point, he paused slightly: "The strongest one."


The atmosphere in the hall became tense, and all the producers looked at each other with hostility.

This is a five-star formula!

Different from the formula data taught by the Genetic Association, normal formulas are encapsulated in chips and can be traded before being opened! Even if they don't learn it themselves and sell it, they can still make a lot of money! It is enough to support many people to improve their production level by several stars.

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes and watched calmly.

"Today, your interview is also very simple."

Xu Fei took out an ancient disk, which was full of blood-colored cracks. The red blood essence in the middle was always shining with scarlet red light like eyes.

"This is a prohibition disk, which contains a drop of ancient blood essence. This is a prohibition that is beyond your current difficulty. You do not need to complete it. Everyone has two minutes to see who can collect the most effective genes within the limited time limit. Whoever wins is the ultimate winner.”

Xu Fei finished speaking calmly, "So, who starts first?"

"I come."

One person was the first to walk out, and said proudly: "I, Huo Shi, have been on an expedition with others, and I am definitely more skilled than others in breaking the restrictions."


He walked to the prohibition disk, closed his eyes slightly, and a faint light flickered, entering the digital state.


Chen Feng saw with his own eyes that the lines on the disk began to appear, covering hundreds of marks around it, and a faint light began to light up.

Ten ways, twenty ways, thirty ways...


It stopped abruptly at the ninetyth level, Huo Shi woke up, and the light on the disc's restraint disappeared silently, as if it had never appeared.

"Ninety points, not bad."

Xu Fei sighed in admiration, and the man stepped back triumphantly.

Immediately afterwards, other people went up at once, thirty, fifty, twenty, eighty... There were all kinds of people, but none of them could surpass Huo Shi.

"A bunch of weaklings."

Huo Shi was very proud.

"Is the ninety-seventh path the strongest?"

Xu Fei frowned slightly and looked at each other with a few friends. With the formula rewards they released, how could they only attract producers of this level? It would be a bit reluctant to go to the ruins with them at this level.

"It's a matter of time."

"If we can play for two days, we will definitely find the best one."

Zhou Ling, the only woman in the team, reminded.


Xu Fei nodded, "Then it's him."

"Your name is Huo Shi, right?"

Xu Fei glanced at him, "Since you are the strongest..."

However, at this moment, Chen Feng suddenly walked out and said, "Excuse me, can I try?"

The hall fell silent for a moment.

"Who are you?"

Xu Fei looked over.

"Junior producer, Chen Feng."

Chen Feng introduced himself.

"Let me take a look at your authentication data."

Xu Fei nodded. This is the most basic part of the interview. Chen Feng needs to publish some of the data in his digitization panel for Xu Fei to see.


Chen Feng sent his authentication data.

Xu Fei glanced at it and was suddenly stunned, "One star?"

The whole hall was silent, and then burst into laughter.

one star

Is this kid here to amuse them

Although the task is written for junior producers and there is no star rating requirement, is it too much for a newbie to want to accept this task

How much better can a one-star production level be

"Are you going to steal business from me?"

Huo Shi, who was worried just now, rolled his eyes wildly. The current producer is really...

"Feel sorry."

Xu Fei smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid that to this extent..."

"Look down."

Chen Feng smiled.


Xu Fei looked at Chen Feng's calm expression and continued to look down. When he saw Chen Feng's personal certification as the author of the "Wooden Bear Gene-War" formula, his face finally became solemn. He could possess it at the junior producer level. A recipe you developed yourself? This level…

Only then did Xu Fei look at Chen Feng seriously.

He knew that some producers liked to be very edgy and would never change the formula without thorough research. And the person in front of him seemed to be that kind of producer

Even if he only has one star!

He had also heard a little bit about the incident between Chen Feng and Professor Tao some time ago. He did not expect that the protagonist of that incident was actually standing in front of him. Chen Feng...

Xu Fei pondered for a moment, "Okay, come and try."


Chen Feng nodded slightly.

The role of fame came into play at this time.

The expressions of the people around him became a little strange. What exactly is written on this young man's qualifications that can make this E-class genetic warrior look at him with admiration

"This guy… "

Huo Shi's eyes became filled with surprise and uncertainty. Did he really meet some peerless genius


Chen Feng walked forward calmly, his hands hovering above the disk, and he instantly entered the digital state.


The brilliance exploded before his eyes.

Countless genetic streamers are emerging around.

In the dark and nihilistic background, the ancient original disc became huge, and the lines on the disc became extremely clear. Chen Feng could easily feel that every line and every mark required a specific gene to be activated. , this restriction can only be opened after activating all genes.

So, is this a ban

Chen Feng was thoughtful.

One second…

Two seconds…

Ten seconds…

Chen Feng studied this so-called restriction carefully.

At this time, the producers and producers around him were all amused when they saw that Chen Feng had not moved for a long time.

"Sure enough, one star is one star."

“Junior producers today are so arrogant.”

Everyone laughed.

It's not scary to have no strength. It's your fault to still come here to grab business if you don't have the strength.

"I really thought too much."

And Huo Shi showed unabashed disdain. Just now he thought this guy had some trump card, but after working on it for a long time, he was really a novice.

"This kind of rubbish still wants to compete with me for business?"

Huo Shi laughed and peed.

Xu Fei watched silently.

Twenty seconds.

Thirty seconds.

One minute.

There was no reaction from the traces on the disk.

This means that within one minute of your time, Chen Feng did not activate any of them! Not even a single gene was found! This level…

"A total novice?"

Xu Fei sighed, it seemed that he had made a mistake.

It seems that Chen Feng's ability to create the mutated wooden bear gene was really just a fluke.

He has given up.

The rest of the team members were waiting to see the joke.

However, no one expected that at this moment, suddenly, the lines on the disk would light up crazily at an incredible speed.

Ten ways!



In just eight seconds, the number of lines that lit up soared to eighty.

"How can it be?"

Huo Shi was shocked.

Eight seconds to activate eighty channels? How could a junior producer do that? ! What kind of luck and speed do you need to be so fast

"Luck, it must be luck!"

Huo Shi comforted himself.


The next second, his heart felt cold.

Above the disk, the shining light continues.


One hundred ways!

Chen Feng surpassed him without any suspense.

"How can it be?"

Huo Shi was shocked: "He only knows one genetic formula... He is a pure newcomer with only one-star production level. How can he be so strong!"

Not just him, everyone was frightened because the shining red light continued.

Two hundred ways!

Three hundred ways!

All the lines on the ancient disk gradually lit up at an incredible speed, and were finally fully activated in one minute and fifty-five seconds.


Red light shines, and brilliant brilliance blooms from the disk.


The closed disk suddenly opened wide.


It's actually open!

Everyone was shocked that the restriction on the disc was actually opened by Chen Feng!

"Holy shit."

Huo Shi was stunned, his mouth could be opened wide enough to stuff an egg, what kind of monster is this, with only one-star production level, but he has such heaven-defying strength

Let no one live anymore!

"Okay, okay!"

"I saw it right!"

Xu Fei was ecstatic, even he didn't expect that someone among the junior producers could actually unlock this restriction! As for Chen Feng, he only has one star level...

who cares

They don't need Chen Feng to fight.