The Strongest Gene

Chapter 30: This wave is not a loss!


"Su Jin."

Chen Feng thought of this name.

Oh, by the way, the girl the original owner once had a crush on. Because Chen Feng's grades were among the best, the relationship between the two was actually quite good.

"How did you become like this?"

Su Jin said quietly, "You were very humble and kind in school."

Chen Feng: "..."

"We all know that you failed the college entrance examination and are impetuous, but how can you say this to the teacher? Teacher Xie was very good to you in the three years of high school. Even your scholarship was applied for by the teacher for you, otherwise how could you buy it? Can you afford spiritual genetic reagents?”

Su Jin said seriously.

Chen Feng: "..."

He felt that Su Jin in front of him was filled with holy light. The rich white light even formed several characters - White Lotus.

Is this the girl the original owner likes

The taste is very strong.

Chen Feng simply couldn't complain.

At this time, the other students were also aggrieved. Su Jin's words obviously aroused the emotions of all students, that is, how can a human being be like this

"Is what he said true?"

Xu Fei was also curious.


Chen Feng also didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "My grades are number one in the school. If not me, who else can I give the scholarship to? He wanted to give it to someone else, did he give it to me?"

I see.

Zhou Ling and others suddenly realized, my God, even the scholarships awarded by the school have become a favor from the teacher

Schools are terrible now.

"Teacher, there's no need to talk nonsense to him."

Wang Yue suddenly said, "I will protect the students, and you go deal with those guys."

"Do you have any idea?"

Xie Kangzhong knew that this student had a lot of background, but he had fawned over him many times, and Wang Yue had been lukewarm to him. Why did he stand up now


Wang Yue smiled calmly.


His wrist floated, activating a chip.


A faint protective shield of energy enveloped all students.

"E-class energy protective shield can block a blow from an E-class genetic warrior."

Wang Yue said calmly, "Of course, teacher, if you let them rush over and attack, my cover will not be able to stop them at all."

Wang Yue felt a little regretful.

Because he is too weak, he can only use E-class energy shield chips at best, otherwise...

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

Xie Kangzhong smiled coldly, "It's just a few E-level wild dogs, I don't take them lightly. By the way, I also want to see if you, Chen Feng, can still be arrogant without these dogs to support you?"

"Teacher, don't hurt him."

Su Jin said softly: "Chen Feng has a good heart."

"Will not."

Xie Kangzhong smiled at her: "Just teach him a lesson, otherwise with his current character, his life will be in danger if he offends others in the future."

Su Jin then retreated.

Chen Feng: "..."

His performance towards this girl could only be described as amazing.

And this time.

Xie Kangzhong has already taken a step forward.


The terrifying momentum of the D-level genetic warriors tilted down. Even though Xu Fei and others had reached the peak of the E-level, they still felt a terrible pressure.


Xu Fei smiled.

Does this head teacher who was promoted to D level in school really think that D level can completely abuse E level? Or even completely defeat five E-level peaks

"Then give it a try."

Xu Fei showed a cruel smile.

And this time, on the other side.

Wang Yue looked at Chen Feng with a half-smile, "You found a few wild dogs as your backers, and you think you are great, right? Although Xie Kangzhong is not a good person, I want to see how he deals with you today."

"Did you buy this E-class energy shield chip new?"

Chen Feng looked at this light curtain in amazement. There was such a thing in this world.


Wang Yue was proud: "This is not something trash like you can touch..."

"No wonder I didn't see it when I beat you last time."

Chen Feng was stunned.

Wang Yue's hands shook and the veins on his head were exposed.

The surrounding students then remembered that someone seemed to have seen Wang Yue injured a few days ago, but they didn't expect that it was Chen Feng who hit him.


Wang Yue looked at Chen Feng coldly, "Chen Feng, let me see how long you can be arrogant? Are you not worried about your friends at all? They will probably die soon."


Chen Feng shook his head: "I'm not worried about them, but I am worried about you."

"Worried about us?"

Wang Yue suddenly felt bad.


"Are you sure this thing of yours can withstand an E-level attack?"

Chen Feng was curious.


Wang Yue was disdainful: "This is produced by Storm Technology..."

He hadn't finished his sentence yet.

Chen Feng slowly took out a bottle of genetic reagent that shone with white light from his pocket, threw it far away, and landed on the energy protective shield.


Endless thunder thundered down.




In an instant, the thunder exploded, and the awesome energy protective shield in Wang Yue's mouth was blasted away before it could exert its power.

Everyone was shocked!

What the hell is this

The protective shield that could withstand one attack from an E-class warrior ended up like this

How can this be

Wang Yue looked collapsed and looked at the light screen on his wristband, which showed a terrifying number - energy exhausted!

In other words, at that moment, the attack caused by Chen Feng had exceeded the limit that the energy shield could withstand. Not only was the energy shield destroyed, but the energy stones he had prepared were all used up.

How can this be? !

"you… "

Wang Yue pointed at Chen Feng for a long time, but didn't dare to speak.

Because at this time, Chen Feng slowly took out a genetic reagent bottle that was shining with the same brilliance, shining like that under the light of blue ice crystals.

"Want to try again?"

Chen Feng said leisurely, flipping the reagent bottle back and forth in his hand.


All the students swallowed and looked at Chen Feng in horror, fearing that the thing would fall from his hands.

And at this time.

Xie Kangzhong, who was about to go all out to kill Xu Fei and others, stopped when he heard the noise behind him and looked at the reagent bottle in Chen Feng's hand in disbelief.

"Is this also what you gained this time?"

Xie Kangzhong's eyes were cold, "Very good, you actually threaten me with my students."

"Let's go."

"I let you go!"

Xie Kangzhong roared, "Get out of here quickly."

Chen Feng watched his performance with a smile.

"Let's go."

Xu Fei said.

They really don't want to communicate with these guys whose IQ is obviously not online.


Chen Feng nodded slightly.

Suddenly, he stopped, looked at the students, and said calmly: "I believe this guy Xie Kangzhong, you will regret it sooner or later."

"get out!"

"Shameless guy!"

Several students cursed angrily.

"Insensitive, Chen Feng, you actually dare to threaten the teacher with us."

"It's just, it's too much."

Many people were angry.

"How did you become like this?"

Su Jin was disappointed.

"These damn guys actually dare to threaten me with you, it's really..."

Xie Kangzhong said angrily.

"Teacher, don't be afraid of him, we thought we would avenge you!"

"Yes, we are all quasi-college students."

"When we get to college..."

Many students comforted.

"You guys..."

Xie Kangzhong was pleased.

Although he was angry on the surface, he was not that angry in his heart. It looked like he was insulted by Chen Feng, but he got the favor of all the students!

Why did Xie Kangzhong, who was obviously the strongest, retreat in humiliation in the end

For these students!

Are you very touched

You can tell by looking at the eyes of these students. Except for Wang Yue, who is too lazy to blame him, the eyes of the others are full of gratitude.

This wave is not a loss!