The Strongest Gene

Chapter 40: The strongest genes!


And at this time.

Jincheng, rental house.

Chen Feng looked at the materials he had collected and was very satisfied. The thirty pieces of desert ant blood essence and blood were still the best genes he had carefully selected. This is how he collects the essence and blood of desert crazy ants. Bringing a large amount of cash to purchase is far more exciting than transferring money!

"Thanks also to those three idiots."

Chen Feng smiled calmly.

Since he knew the news in advance, how could he not feel for these three people? They have worked very hard, but unfortunately, they chose the wrong opponent.

"One golden ant genetic reagent requires ten desert ant blood essences."

Chen Feng calculated that all the money he had saved recently could only support him to make three copies.

"This is a bit expensive."

Chen Feng had a headache.

But there is no way, it is necessary.

The business of being a producer is all about investing heavily in the early stage, only to be able to make huge profits later! That's why an excellent gene maker is particularly valuable.

"Make one first."

Chen Feng made a decision.

He did as he was told, and began to study the data on golden ant genes like crazy. It took him two days to master the data and gather the materials, especially the culture medium required for the third step of gene fusion, which required countless precious materials to prepare. There is no room for error.

Gold ant genes are difficult.

Although Chen Feng's genetic production level has improved a lot, if he forcibly produced this five-star formula, the success rate would only be a pitiful 1%!

Fortunately, he has a lucky aura.

"It's time to start."

Chen Feng took a deep breath.



Light and shadow flowed, and Chen Feng entered a digital state.

Just like the production of Razer genes, the production of golden ant genes was equally difficult. With three hundred genes to search for, Chen Feng almost failed even with the lucky halo on!

The gene search for an F-level formula has already caught up with the difficulty of the ban created by Xu Fei

It is indeed a five-star formula!

Fortunately, after an expedition with Xu Fei, Chen Feng's gene search level has been greatly improved, and he was able to get it together at the final stage.

When making ordinary genes, Chen Feng doesn't have to worry about the first and second steps at all. As long as he spends 1 lucky point at the end for gene fusion, he can easily succeed. But when making such a difficult gene, even the first two steps, Chen Feng Don't dare to relax at all.

The first step, gene search, success!

Consumes 1 point of luck.

The second step, genetic reaction, success!

Consumes 1 point of luck.

The catalytic reactions of three hundred genes gave Chen Feng a headache. The current Chen Feng also made rapid progress and completed all the reactions in an orderly manner.

The third step, gene fusion, success!

Consumes 1 point of luck.

The focus of special gene breeding lies in the cultivation of the culture medium. When the independent gene is replicated in the culture medium, the gold ant gene is finally successfully produced!

Gene name: Golden ant gene

Gene Type: Special

Gene effect: Stimulate the gene potential in the body and permanently increase mental power by 20 points.

Restrictions: F-level genetic warriors can only be used once.

Gene introduction: With the essence and blood of desert crazy ants as the core, it is refined and cultivated with various precious materials to finally generate a special genetic reagent.


Chen Feng was excited. This was the first five-star difficulty reagent he had made, a full-status golden ant gene reagent worth 250,000 yuan! As long as he sells more, his twenty-star difficulty may not be a problem at all, but Chen Feng's enthusiasm quickly cools down.

This genetic reagent has full attributes, but there is still no mutation.

"Is there still no mutation?"

Chen Feng realized a problem.

Razer genes, no mutations! The golden ant gene still has no mutation! Is it because mutation is too difficult, or is it because these high-star formulas have no mutations at all

Chen Feng was a little worried.

His own advantage, which far exceeds that of others, is that he can tap into the unknown potential in the gene, no matter how small the chance is!


He had been looking forward to the arrival of the second mutated gene.

However, no!

The Razer gene and the Golden Ant gene don't even have ordinary mutations, let alone the hidden genes with unknown probability, there are none at all!

Mutated genes are, after all, only a minority.

"Is there really no mutation?"

Chen Feng checked online for a while and was very disappointed.

Perhaps, the first time he discovered the mutant gene of the wooden bear was really just a coincidence. It happened that the wooden bear gene had a recessive gene, and it would be lost to the public from now on

For some reason, Chen Feng felt a little unwilling.

Ever enjoyed the benefits of fame, even just a little bit...

Chen Feng was a little reluctant.

"Do I look like Professor Tao now?"

Chen Feng laughed dumbly, but he quickly thought of something.

How was the genetic formula unearthed

It was the predecessors who tried one by one, continued scientific research in the scientific laboratory, and after countless people’s research and years of improvement, we succeeded! So, since the formula itself was researched, that is to say, their research may have loopholes in itself

For example, the mutated gene of the wooden bear!


Is there something wrong with the recipe itself

Chen Feng's mouth was dry.

As a novice producer, he is questioning his predecessors!

It's not because the predecessors were incompetent, but if the probability of certain things is really low, maybe their current formula can't detect those things at all

If so, can I improve the recipe

Chen Feng's eyes were blazing.

For the first time, he felt so crazy.

"Try it."

Chen Feng demonstrated his fiery heart.

Now that he has an idea in his mind, he must try it, but how to execute it


"improve… "

Chen Feng fell into deep thought.

He has figured out the three steps of gene production. If he wants to change it, he must change all three aspects! Chen Feng worked hard for two days before finally getting everything ready.

The first step is to search for genes.


The light exploded before his eyes, and Chen Feng entered a digital state.

In the past, every time Chen Feng looked for them, he would grab them with his lucky aura and just collect enough genes, because he knew that the genes he caught must be the most suitable ones!

But is this quantity really okay

What if the optimal quantity required for the improved formula is not three hundred? In other words, even the requirement type of the formula itself is different


Chen Feng slowly closed his eyes.

He used his mental power to block his five senses and six consciousnesses, blocked all states, and entered a special digital world. This world was dark!

He couldn't see anything, but he could feel it.


Chen Feng started grabbing casually.

Don't look at the type, don't care about the quantity, just grab as much as you can. Everything depends on face! This is Chen Feng's strongest production state!

Chen Feng calls it a super-dimensional state.

His plan is simple, in this special state, complete the transformation of the formula!

The strongest genes!

I must make the strongest gene!

Chen Feng thought silently in his heart.

Based on Chen Feng's will, the lucky halo began to activate. Some mysterious power began to run wildly, and the luck value in Chen Feng's body was also slowly declining.

here we go!

1 o'clock…


3 points…

The luck value stopped when it reached 5 points and was no longer consumed. Chen Feng knew that this step of gene search might have been completed!

When he opened his eyes and took a look, Chen Feng's heart trembled.


Five hundred and sixty genes!

A completely different gene than the previous three hundred!

This is Lucky Halo’s own filter!

Step one, done.

"very good."

Chen Feng took a deep breath.

As long as there is an effect, it is good. Then, start the second step - genetic reaction.


Chen Feng closed his eyes.

He must maintain this state, because if he opens his eyes, he will definitely be disturbed by these genes and affected by familiar genes!


The order of all genes is messed up.

Chen Feng grabbed genes one by one and began to react.


One by one it works!

Chen Feng didn't care about the order at all, and this level was obviously the most difficult. The luck value in Chen Feng's body was decreasing crazily, almost frighteningly fast. When Chen Feng completed all genetic reactions, a full 10% of the luck value in his body was consumed. Point, it’s terrifying!


Step two, done!

Chen Feng did not dare to open his eyes.

He knew that the second step of the genetic reaction had been completed, and he might have already produced the special mutated gene. Next was the third step, gene fusion!

As long as the fusion is successful, this most powerful gene may be born!

However, this step is the most troublesome.

Not only is it the replication of genes, but the most important thing is that there is no culture medium needed to replicate genes! He must use the existing materials to personally create a culture medium that can replicate the mutated gene.

This is a strange gene and a strange culture medium.

If you want to complete it, you can only rely on the lucky aura.

"Lucky light..."

Chen Feng was about to continue when he suddenly felt dizzy.