The Strongest Gene

Chapter 45: A desperate confrontation


Green hills and forests.

The area where the wind fox is located.

A cutting-edge showdown is still underway.



The wind blade exploded.

The always arrogant mutant's lips turned white at this moment, and he fired the wind blade with a trembling face. Looking at the continuous wind blades on the opposite side without stopping, he was almost desperate!

How can it be

The mutants were terrified.

Normally, the Wind Blade has no cooldown time. However, due to the need to condense the formation, accelerate the launch, and stagnate the movement after release, the wind blade can only be launched once per second on average. If you master some special skills, the launch speed may be accelerated to achieve multiple rounds.

This is the essence of Wind Blade Continuous Fire!

As a mutant with the blood of the Wind Fox, he almost completely understands the Wind Blade. When he releases the Wind Blade, there is no stagnation at all!


He can achieve an absolute hundred consecutive shots.

Not relying on special chances, just relying on one's own strength to achieve a hundred consecutive shots.

You know, the wind blade consumes 1 point of mental power at a time, and he has 100 points of mental power, so the minimum standard every time is 100 bursts. Once the special chance is triggered, he will release more wind blades. He believes that after breaking through E-level, he will become even stronger!

And speaking of extra combo chances…

This is also something he is proud of.

The wind blade combo rate for ordinary humans is 5%, but for him, as a mutant with the blood of the wind fox, it is 20%, a frightening number! Coupled with the possible second and third bursts, the wind blade he blasts each time is between 120 and 150!

A number that scares everyone.

Therefore, even if the gene mutated and he became a mutant, he never regretted it.

But now...



A series of wind blades fell.

The mutant looked pale and counted the numbers, two hundred and eighty!

This damn human has fired a full 280 wind blades in a row. He shattered all the pride of the mutants and brutally fucked them again.

"He must be almost exhausted."

The mutant prayed in his heart.

However, he sadly found that his 100 points of mental power were almost exhausted.

Of course, he never thought that from the beginning, he had misunderstood that Chen Feng's 100-shot and 200-shot bursts had nothing to do with the speed of the wind blade, but simply the chance of a combo!


Another series of wind blades fell.

Two hundred and ninety!

Three hundred ways!


The mutants couldn't bear it after all.


The whole person was blown away.

Wind blade showdown!

He lost. this happening

The mutant looked confused.

"good chance."

A cold light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Chen Feng took action again with the wind blade in his hand without hesitation. The terrifying force penetrated the mutant. Although Feng Hu beside him was anxious, he never took action. But when Chen Feng's wind blades were about to kill the mutants, a sudden change occurred!


An astonishing and terrifying force burst out from the mutants.

The terrifying power reaches into the sky.

"This breath..."

Chen Feng's heart skipped a beat.

Class E! This guy actually pushed his limits


The mutant laughed wildly.


The size of the mutant increased dramatically, and white hair sprouted all over the body. The original only ears and tail were completely covered, and only the face still looked a bit like a human.

Human head and fox body!

This is the real mutant!

Chen Feng felt awe-inspiring.


The mutant laughed wildly, "Breakthrough, I finally made a breakthrough. We mutants don't need to integrate genetic reagents at every level. Hey, I just need to devour you..."

"Your abilities!"

"Your genes!"

"Everything you have is mine."

The mutant's face was ferocious, and his handsome appearance looked extremely distorted at this time.



He walked out step by step, and the terrifying power shook his body. Although breaking through the limit only improved the attributes by 1 point, the mutant's E-level allowed the power of the wind fox's blood to bloom, and his body became more animal-like, with thicker hair and richer blood, and his combat effectiveness was greatly increased.

"Wind blade duel, right?"

"I will let you know who is the real bloodline of the Wind Fox."

The mutant roared.

"call out!"

The wind blade erupted again.

However, Chen Feng just looked at him coldly, "Who the hell is comparing you to the Wind Fox bloodline?" Seeing this guy break through E-level, the leader of the wind foxes watched with eager eyes, and the surrounding ordinary wind foxes also attacked him. Chen Feng threw out a blue-white light without hesitation.


The mutant was stunned for a moment.


The leader of Fenghu, who had always been vigilant, felt something was wrong and threw him to the ground.


With the thunder and terrifying power, the leader of the wind fox was directly thrown away, and he fell to the ground with blood spattering, and he never got up again. The ordinary wind foxes around were blown to death by the Razer genetic reagent, leaving no one alive.

Mutant, seriously injured!

"Pipi Fox!"

The mutant howled and struggled to get up. He looked at this scene in horror. He never expected that just after breaking through E-level, he would be greeted by this move!

"He's not dead yet?"

Chen Feng felt a little pity.

The leader of the wind fox reacted so quickly that he actually used his own life to protect the mutant. It seemed that he really regarded him as one of his own tribe! Moreover, after this mutant beast broke through E-level, its thick fur took a lot of damage for him!

And this time.

Unexpectedly, the mutant looked deeply at the leader of Fenghu, then turned around and ran away!

"Want to leave?"

Chen Feng slashed with several wind blades.

However, at this time, the mutant had already broken through to level E. Although he was injured, his speed was still faster than Chen Feng, and he quickly disappeared from Chen Feng's sight.

"Can't catch up."

Chen Feng shook his head.

This is Fenghu's territory, and letting this guy escape would be a big trouble.

"Get out of here first."

Chen Feng looked at the ground.

Many wind foxes were killed, but those ordinary wind foxes were scorched by the violent destruction of the Razer gene, let alone the gene activity. Only the rough-skinned, fleshy and powerful wind fox leader's body was still intact. Lossless.


Chen Feng absorbed the genes of the leader of Fenghu and left quickly.

However, just about a minute after leaving, Chen Feng felt rustling sounds coming continuously, and wind foxes appeared from various places, constantly searching the area. The mutated beast has returned, with hundreds of wind foxes constantly searching for Chen Feng!

"So fast!"

Chen Feng felt awe-inspiring.

Now he is deep in Fenghu's territory, unable to escape in a short time, and the mutant has never forgotten Chen Feng's genes...

"There's some trouble."

Chen Feng took a deep breath.

The speed at which the mutant summoned the wind foxes was far beyond his imagination, and the number of them seemed to be greater than when they first encountered them!

"Is it because you broke through to E level?"

Chen Feng guessed.

"what to do?"

Chen Feng took a deep breath.

He knew that the mutant wanted to trap him here.

"unless… "

Chen Feng looked at the gene in his hand.

This is the gene that was just taken from the leader of the wind fox. Its genetic attributes are very high. If successfully fused, Chen Feng's mental power will be increased from 62 points to 81 points, a full increase of 19 points, and other attributes will increase dramatically. , strength, constitution and agility will also soar to 50 points!

This is a super comprehensive improvement!

His combat power has been greatly increased, and coupled with the infinite wind blade, he may not be able to fight!


Chen Feng suddenly thought of what Mu Yuan said, unknown danger.

Fusing genes that exceed one's own physical strength and will will cause unknown dangers. Chen Feng hesitated, but then smiled bitterly. Does he have a choice now

The Wind Fox leader's genes may lose activity at any time. If he hesitates any longer, he may not even have this only hope!

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

Chen Feng murmured to himself.


He injected the gene into his body. At this time, he had no choice but to fight!