The Strongest Gene

Chapter 5: The magical gene-making technique



Fenghua Hotel.

All the students in Class 2, Grade 3, were celebrating each other's admission to college. Suddenly someone thought of something, "By the way, why didn't you see Chen Feng coming?"

"I guess I'm too embarrassed to come."

Someone laughed and said: "I usually rank first in the school, but I failed the college entrance examination. If it were me, I would be embarrassed to come."

"Ha ha."

"Isn't it?"

"You don't know. My mother tells me every day, look at Chen Feng. He is the best in the family with such conditions. It's so annoying! Guess what when I go back this time, my mother won't say anything. ,Ha ha."

Another student laughed.

Obviously, Chen Feng, who has been ranked first all year round, is quite jealous.

"How to talk."

Class monitor Wang Yue scolded them, "No matter what, they are still classmates in their own class."

"Tch, let's not tell the truth."

Everyone laughed and laughed.

"It's okay if he doesn't come."

Wang Yue said calmly: "With his performance, I'm afraid it won't be very pleasant when he comes here. I probably won't have a chance to see each other again, so it's best to just say goodbye."

"It's long overdue."

Someone sneered: "If high school didn't insist on practicing some basics and not improving, just relying on the resources behind us, would a poor guy like him get the first place? Bah! Even if he gets into college, he will be far away from us. What’s more, I haven’t even been admitted to college now.”

Many people echoed.

Wang Yue smiled and said no more.

At this moment, Wang Yue's wristband vibrated, and a message appeared quietly. Wang Yue glanced at it, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Chen Feng is actually still alive

That kid has obviously been...

"Come on, congratulations to our squad leader Wang for being admitted to the gene production department of Qingbei University."

Someone made a toast.

"Haha, thank you."

Wang Yue turned off the light curtain and stood up to return the greeting.

There was laughter and laughter in the box.

And at this moment.

In the dilapidated rental house, Chen Feng was preparing for gene production.

Gene production is divided into three steps.

First, gene search. Enter the digital state and find the genetic material needed for the formula in the essence and blood.

Second, genetic response. Let these genes trigger reactions under the influence of mental power to generate the genes ultimately needed.

Third, gene fusion. Derive and copy individual genes, react with fusion reagents, and finally produce gene fusion reagents.

"Digital state?"

Chen Feng thought about it for a moment.

The so-called digital state is a purely genetic world deduced by mental power! Here, you can only see genes! Convenient for you to carry out genetic modification!

"Try it first."

Chen Feng looked at the wooden bear essence and blood in front of him.


He carefully wrapped the wooden bear's essence and blood with his mental power. The moment the wrapping was completed, the mental power in Chen Feng's body exploded at that moment.

Digital world!


The brilliance flows before my eyes.

A semi-illusory world blossoms before your eyes.

Countless rays of strange light are constantly flickering and flowing around. This is the genetic fragment of the wooden bear's essence and blood!

"So this is the digital state?"

"Enter a genetic world that is invisible to the naked eye?"

Chen Feng understood.

The first step of wood bear genes is not difficult, gene search.

According to the introduction of the formula, three Ao genes, six Bx genes, and four Nw genes are needed to make the wooden bear gene. The formula is described in detail and even has patterns. This is not difficult. Among tens of thousands of genes, the number of these genes is very large.

Chen Feng found these genes easily.

Step one, done.

The first step in gene production is beyond imagination.

What about the second step

Chen Feng took a closer look and found that it seemed simpler.


The gene reaction is based on the mutual reaction of the thirteen genes found by Chen Feng. Under the catalysis of mental power, just let them react one by one. It seems difficult, but in the wooden bear gene formula, the reaction sequence and mental power are The use of catalysis is introduced in detail.

Which two genes react first, which gene fusion reacts, etc...


Thirteen genes have been reacted, leaving only one reacted gene.

And this is the wood bear gene that is ultimately needed!

So simple and crude!

The second step, genetic reaction, is completed.

"The first two steps are not difficult."

Chen Feng took a deep breath.

As long as the recipe is there, the first two steps only need to be followed step by step. The original owner had done it many times, so Chen Feng looked back on his memory and did it easily.


The really difficult thing is the third step!

And this step is also a threshold that the original owner has never crossed!

The third part, genetic fusion!

The required wood bear genes have been made in the first two steps, but those wood bear genes only exist alone in a digital state and cannot survive at all! Therefore, the most important third step is to truly derive and replicate this individual gene fragment into a genetic reagent.

This step is difficult.

"How to do this step?"

Chen Feng studied it carefully.

Gene fusion involves wrapping the genes with mental power, placing them in genetic breeding reagents to derive and replicate them, and evenly distribute the copied genes to every corner to ensure absolute balance. Then the mental power is removed, and the real wood bear genes are That's it.

"It doesn't seem to be any trouble."

Chen Feng thought for a moment and decided to give it a try.


He carefully extracted the wood bear gene and placed it into the prepared gene breeding reagents. They were some completely transparent substances. As the wood bear gene was dripped in, they quickly turned blue. Chen Feng watched with his own eyes. Those blue colors continue to spread and merge.


The entire surface of the petri dish turned blue!

nailed it

Chen Feng was slightly excited.


Chen Feng slowly withdrew his mental power.


The liquid in the petri dish suddenly boiled, and Chen Feng suddenly felt that something was not good.


All** exploded instantly!

Splashing everywhere.

Chen Feng: "..."

The third step, gene fusion, failed!

Chen Feng studied it carefully.

The original owner had also reached this most critical step. He tried many times but never succeeded, and the reason was the same - the copied genes were not evenly integrated!

The balance here can only be controlled by yourself!

When genes are replicating, they will become extremely active. At this time, you must use your mental power to quickly integrate these genes into the reagents. Only in this way can the balance of the reagents be ensured!


"balance… "

Chen Feng frowned.

This kind of feeling can really only be tried again and again.

No wonder the success rate is only 0.1%!

For the first and second steps of gene production, you can ensure that there are no problems as long as you contact them a few times, but this last step is really difficult!

At least for ordinary people, that's the case.

But if the lucky halo is turned on, will these genes be evenly distributed into the genetic breeding reagents under the influence of the lucky halo

Chen Feng is looking forward to it.

Just do what comes to mind.

Chen Feng started gene production again.

The first and second steps were easily completed, and the gene fusion stage was reached again.

"Lucky halo, turn on!"

Chen Feng turned on the lucky halo without hesitation.


There seemed to be some subtle changes in Chen Feng's eyes.


Chen Feng carefully placed the gene into the gene breeding reagent and watched the blue color amplify rapidly, just like blue ink dripping into the water and quickly integrated into the entire genetic reagent. Slowly, the entire ** It turned into a clear blue, so bright.


Chen Feng slowly withdrew his mental power, without any ripples in his blue body.

Did you make it

Chen Feng was excited.