The Strongest Gene

Chapter 85: Divine power



Chen Feng was excited.


Really mutated!

According to the data, ordinary phantom snake genes increase mental attributes by 10-20 points, agility by 5-10 points, and physical fitness by 5-10 points. But here, everything has transformed!

A total of 50 points, the basic attributes are greatly improved. However, what Chen Feng valued most was still the core ability of this genetic reagent, Qian Huan.

"Qian Huan..."

Chen Feng read it twice and was suddenly stunned, because at the end of Qian Huan, there was such a sentence - it needs to be integrated with other genetic abilities.

"What does this mean?"

Chen Feng was a little confused.


What makes him regretful is that there is no more detailed data showing that the phantom snake gene is rare, and the mutated version is almost impossible to encounter! Genetic scanning is not a panacea. It can only be used for reference and evaluation, and the information given is relatively vague. For more detailed information, Chen Feng can only explore it himself!

"Do I need to integrate other genetic abilities..."

Chen Feng's eyes flickered.

And this time.


A soft sound.

Wang Chun, breakthrough completed!


Powerful forces gathered around Wang Chun.

Chen Feng could clearly feel that Wang Chun at this time was much stronger than before!


Wang Chun took a long breath and opened his eyes.

"Are you promoted?"

Chen Feng was a little surprised.

The scale of the phantom snake is just an ordinary E-level two-star reagent, and its function description is simply outrageous - to extract part of the phantom snake's genes. Chen Feng initially thought that Wang Chun made the Phantom Snake Scales to consolidate his realm, but he never thought...

It can actually improve your strength!


Wang Chun's heart was surging, "It's improved a lot!"

"how come?"

Chen Feng was speechless.


Wang Chun smiled and then revealed the truth: "The core of my ability is to materialize everything in that book! Although I have made a breakthrough long ago, I have never had enough genes related to materialization, and the Phantom Snake is all-encompassing, and it just has it. Such a part of the embodied gene.”

"I see."

Chen Feng was stunned.

Was Wang Chun's goal originally to materialize genes

that book!

Obviously it is Wang Chun’s core gene!

As long as he continues to improve his embodied genes, he will definitely be able to summon everything in that book and possess terrifying power!

This is Wang Chun's path.

"So… "

"It's time for me to go my own way."

Chen Feng took a deep breath.


He drank the Phantom Snake gene in one gulp.


Terrifying power shook Chen Feng's body. Countless powers escaped from the gene fusion reagent and spread to every corner of Chen Feng's body. A strong pain came, but for Chen Feng who had experienced genetic enhancement, he did not feel it. How hard it is to accept.

Gene fusion has begun.

Opposite Chen Feng, Wang Chun looked confused.

Gene fusion

Chen Feng has just started gene fusion? !

He always thought that Chen Feng had already broken through to E-level and had integrated powerful auxiliary genetic abilities, so the genetic production was so powerful!

But now, Chen Feng has just merged genes


It seems that's not all.

The gene fusion reagent made by Chen Feng was actually made for him!

Wang Chun looked dull.

He felt that his outlook on life had been greatly impacted.

Improving genetic attributes is easier than genetic production, so even if many people reach E-level genetic warriors, they are still stuck at the elementary production level!

And high-level producers

The mental power must be very strong!

If you don’t have enough mental power, you won’t even have the minimum requirements to make genes!


He has never seen a situation where Chen Feng's level of gene production is unparalleled. He can successfully produce E-level four-star products, but he has not yet integrated the E-level gene ability.

Make your own gene fusion reagent

It’s simply a fantasy!

"What the hell."

Wang Chun rubbed his head and took a long time to accept the reality.

At this time, Chen Feng's breakthrough had reached the final stage. All the phantom snake genes were perfectly integrated with his body and turned into a part of Chen Feng's body.

Gene fusion, completed.

Chen Feng: E-class genetic warrior

Spirit: 200 units

Genetic abilities: Wind Blade, Thousand Fantasy


Chen Feng was excited.

A touch of mental power seemed to float through his hand, and Chen Feng could clearly feel the surging energy in his body, ready to burst out. This was the true strength of the E-class.


Chen Feng's wrist moved slightly.

call out!

A small wind blade appeared in his hand.

With the rapid improvement of his mental power, Chen Feng's control of the wind blade is now more flexible, and even the wind blade's bursts will be faster than before.

It used to be ten times a second, but now it will be more

He was looking forward to it.

As for Qian Huan...

Energy flashed in Chen Feng's hand, but in the end he did not dare to use it.

"If you use it, my tent will be gone."

Wang Chun said angrily.


Chen Feng scratched his head.

"Let's go."

"Now, it's time for a showdown with our Captain Ant."

A trace of coldness flashed in Wang Chun's eyes. Ant dared to betray him, causing the divine clothes to die twice in a row. He was too injured and fell into a deep sleep. He must avenge this!


Chen Feng smiled.

He also wants to see how powerful he is now that he has just broken through!


The two walked out of the tent.

not far away.

Ant and Qin Jie are guarding there.

"Is the production finished?"

Qin Jie was delighted.


Chen Feng nodded slightly.

"Well done."

Qin Jie laughed, "That mysterious man didn't dare to come out at all, we..."


A cold light flashed through.


Chen Feng and Wang Chun's expressions changed greatly.


No, not Ant at all!

Ant was two or three meters away from Qin Jie at this moment, so Chen Feng and Wang Chun were not worried that he would suddenly take action. However, no one expected that the person who took action was actually—

Qin Jie’s shadow!

The dark shadow suddenly erupted and inserted its black hand into Qin Jie's chest.


The dark palm crushed his heart.


A cold laugh came.

"you… "

Qin Jie opened his eyes in disbelief.

He wanted to detonate the genetic reagent in his hand, but the mocking voice of the black shadow came, "My mental power is locked by me, what do you use to detonate it?"


Qin Jie fell to the ground unwillingly.

he died.

Chen Feng and Wang Chun stared at the black shadow in front of them.


The dark shadow turned into a young man with an evil face.


"Today's genetic warriors are really weak."

The young man played with the genetic reagent in his hand, half-smiling: "Is this the 'Earth Dragon Mutation Gene Reagent'? Haha, no matter how good the genetic reagent is, you have to have a chance to use it, right?"

"Who are you?"

Chen Feng asked in a deep voice.


"Just call me Shadow."

The young man shrugged, looked at Ant, and said with a smile: "Ante, I haven't seen you for so long. Are you so useless now?"

"It's none of your business."

Ant glanced at him coldly, then looked at Wang Chun and Chen Feng: "Now, you can go die!"

No nonsense.

There is only endless indifference.

Now that the most vigilant Qin Jie is dead and Chen Feng foolishly handed over his biggest trump card, he can easily deal with these two people.


Chen Feng suddenly threw out a bottle of Razer mutated gene reagent.


Ant dodged easily.

The reason why the Razer mutant gene is worth 1 million is because its usage conditions are very low. It can be used at F level. In a circle where everyone is F level and occasionally E-level juniors appear, a Razer gene with the peak power of E-level , it’s simply a big killer!

But facing Ant

It's no use at all!


Ant comes to kill again.

A cold light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, and he was about to unleash his new strength. However, at this moment, a terrifying figure suddenly came from behind.


The brilliance explodes!

The ground collapsed!

A figure abruptly blocked Ant's attack.


Ant looked suddenly.

The smoke dispersed.

In front of Chen Feng, a tall girl appeared. She was wearing a miniskirt, revealing her beautiful white legs.

In his hand was a broken knife burning with flames.

"The Lord of the Flame Crystal Palace - Divine Power!"

The girl replied coldly.


The broken knife pointed at Ant.

"Is it you who killed my sister?"

The girl looked at Ant coldly, with murderous intent.