The Strongest God

Chapter 102: past


Every year from July to September, Wulin will update its annual expansion pack and open a new area. The fifth telecom area is called "Yulou Spring" and opened in the summer of two years ago.

At that time, Jiang Shaoqing had just graduated from college and was working in sales for a company in Changsha. He had never played online games before. The reason why he learned about the game "Wulin" was because the alumni group established by middle school classmates had been there for several days in a row. Talking about this game, there are still many people posting screenshots of various games, discussing dungeons, genres, tasks...

Seeing the lively discussion among the classmates, Jiang Shaoqing asked out of curiosity, "Is this an ancient style online game developed in China?"

The small black number 5 that he typed out was soon drowned in the screen of a group of people with various colored fonts and pictures.

Jiang Shaoqing also felt that his question was a little mentally retarded, so he stopped asking it and silently dived to watch them chat.

Looking at the screenshots of the game everyone posted, his first impression was: the scenery and characters of this game are very beautiful and attractive.

Unexpectedly, a private chat message suddenly popped up in the lower right corner. It was sent by a person named Cema Jianghu: "Are you interested in this game? Come to the new area and I will show you."

Jiang Shaoqing was a little puzzled and asked, "Who are you?"

Zema Jianghu: "… "

The other party was obviously depressed by this question, a series of ellipses.

After a long time, there was an expression of vomiting blood, followed by three words: "You are at the same table."

Only then did Jiang Shaoqing realize that this high school alumni group was filled with all his high school classmates. He didn't like to be lively, so he rarely spoke in the group, and usually he dived to watch everyone chat. None of these old classmates modified the group business card, and everyone's net name was messed up, so that Jiang Shaoqing didn't recognize who the other party was for a while.

Cema Jianghu followed: "Don't tell me you don't remember."

Jiang Shaoqing blushed a bit when he was told, and hurriedly replied, "Of course you remember, it's Xu Ce?"

The other party typed the word "um".

Xu Ce, Jiang Shaoqing's three-year high school classmate.

The year he graduated from high school, he went abroad with his parents, and then lost contact with him. He hadn't seen him for a few years. Although he was born, he didn't forget him. After all, he was a person with a super strong sense of existence. When he was in middle school, he was a man of the school. He was tall and handsome, and his grades were good. Sitting next to him, Jiang Shaoqing could only be a green leaf for him. However, Xu Ce's character is very arrogant and domineering. Jiang Shaoqing has always been cautious when he gets along with him, but even this can make this ancestor angry. Xu Ce's anger is inexplicable like a gust of wind crossing the border, Jiang Shaoqing only Feeling extremely headache.

What impressed Xu Ce the most was the day when he graduated from high school and returned to school to fill in the volunteers.

At noon that day, it suddenly rained heavily. Jiang Shaoqing did not bring an umbrella.

Xu Ce walked out of the teaching building, and when he saw Jiang Shaoqing, he walked up to him and asked, "What school did you fill in?"

Jiang Shaoqing said, "The local Polytechnic University, how about you?"

Xu Ce was silent for a moment before saying, "I'm going abroad."

Jiang Shaoqing looked up at him in surprise and asked, "Going abroad to study? Where?"

Xu Ce whispered: "Britain, maybe it won't come back."

Jiang Shaoqing said, "Oh, Britain, it's pretty good."

Xu Ce: "..."

With a hurt expression on his face, the boy suddenly stretched out his hand and firmly pressed Jiang Shaoqing's shoulder, glared at him fiercely like a beast, and said word by word, "I may not come back in the future, we may never meet again... do you understand?"

Jiang Shaoqing was crushed by the force of his fingers until his bones were almost shattered. He frowned and said, "Immigrating abroad is not bad, why are you angry?"

Xu Ce: "..."

The fingers tightly clasped on his shoulders suddenly loosened, Xu Ce gave Jiang Shaoqing a deep look, and turned to leave.

Jiang Shaoqing just felt confused.

It rained heavily that day. Before leaving, Xu Ce tucked the umbrella into Jiang Shaoqing's hand, but he rushed out directly from under the eaves. On the body, it outlines the slender and sturdy body curve of the teenager.

For some reason, when the boy walked away in the rain with his head down, his tall back seemed to be indescribably lonely.

That scene has always remained in Jiang Shaoqing's mind.

He always felt that Xu Ce's words were not finished that day, but he still couldn't figure out what he said wrong to make Xu Ce angry.

Xu Ce is a proud and conceited person. He is like a lonely wolf in the forest. His eyes are as sharp as a sword. torn to shreds...

During the three years that Jiang Shaoqing had been with him, he had never been regarded as a friend. Although they were at the same table, they did not share much common language. Jiang Shaoqing had been cautiously keeping a distance from Xu Ce, fearing that he would Saying the wrong thing makes the man angry again. At the beginning, Jiang Shaoqing was just helping a girl he knew in the next class to pass a letter to him. This person got angry for no reason. In a rage, he swept all the books on the table to the ground, causing Jiang Shaoqing's workbook to be pulled. become two halves...

Although he didn't say it, Jiang Shaoqing always felt that Xu Ce was a little crazy.

Maybe a mania? Otherwise, why do you keep getting angry at him

However, on the day of graduation, the boy shoved his umbrella into him and rushed into the rain without saying a word. Jiang Shaoqing held the umbrella with the other person's body temperature in his hand and watched Xu Ce leave his sight step by step despite the rain. ... The tall back of the boy with his head down made Jiang Shaoqing feel a little uncomfortable.

Did you miss something

It's a pity that he was too young at the time, and he didn't know what Xu Ce cared about him at all.

After many years, they contacted again, but almost did not recognize the other party's QQ nickname. Jiang Shaoqing felt a little guilty, so he took the initiative to ask: "Are you still abroad?"

Xu Ce said, "I'm back in China, in Shanghai."

Jiang Shaoqing asked, "Have you worked?"

"Working in my dad's company." Xu Ce paused, then typed again and asked, "How about you? Still in Changsha?"

Jiang Shaoqing said, "Well, I just graduated from work."

The two were silent for a moment, and Xu Ce sent another screenshot of the game in the QQ window: "Are you interested in this online game? If you are interested, come find me in the new district, Yulouchun, the fifth district of Telecom, my name is still Cema Jianghu. "

After that, he added: "I will take you to upgrade."

Jiang Shaoqing happened to be annoyed by work at that time, and he also became interested in the game after looking at the screenshots posted in the group, so he downloaded the Wulin client that night and logged in to Yulouchun, the fifth district of Telecom.

The novice who played online games for the first time was confused about the twenty-four genres, and didn't know what to choose when creating a character. Finally, I fell in love with Wudang in the martial arts preview, and felt that Wudang's blue and white Taoist robes looked immortal Gu is very handsome, so he created a Wudang account named "Jianying Wuhen".

After entering the game, he found Xu Ce and added him as a friend, and Xu Ce immediately ran to the newbie village to take him.

Jiang Shaoqing wanted to say that you don't mind me, I will do the task myself, but Xu Ce is stubborn like a cow and doesn't reason with you at all...

Jiang Shaoqing had no choice but to follow him to gain experience and watch him clean up all the mobs with a single slash.

At that time, the fifth telecom district had been open for more than a month, and when Jiang Shaoqing entered the game, Xu Ce had already reached his full level.

With a full-level expert belt, Jiang Shaoqing's speed of leveling up is like riding a rocket. He will reach level 70 in less than a month. He washed all the skill points, and then concentrated on playing Wudang Sword Sect. His hand speed reached 220, which is considered a top level in the online game family. With Xu Ce taking him, the game was very fast, and he soon became a master of the arena. defeat.

Xu Ce built a guild in the game, called the "Passers-by Alliance", which specially recruited those folk masters who did not have a big guild. The total number of the guild was less than 50, and many of them were his buddies and classmates. Xu Ce likes to be alone, plus he has an arrogant personality, and hates all guild diplomacy that is false and condescending. Therefore, the "Passerby Alliance" does not deal with any guild. It is like an independent group of relatives and friends. , don't ask about world affairs, and don't fight for any world boss.

In the game, there are actually many guilds with a small number of relatives and friends. Most of them are casual dungeon parties. Players who want to play PVP are still used to finding large guilds to join.

- What is shocking is that this "passers-by alliance" guild with less than 50 members has even alarmed the professional circle!

The reason for disturbing the professional circle is that Xu Ce's Mingjiao account "Cema Jianghu", at the end of the seventh season, rushed to the top ten of the national service heads-up list.

The martial arts rankings are based on the results of the whole region and the whole server. For example, Haina Baichuan ranks first in the Tangmen competition list, and Yeshi ranks first in the Emei competition list. Professional players have their own tuba, trumpet, and competitive events. More than 80% of the top 100 on the list are professional players from various major teams.

Whenever a folk master rushes into the top 100, it will attract the attention of professional spies, not to mention the top ten!

The top ten of the national service heads-up list, how terrible is this win rate? !

The qualifying game in the game is not only a 6V6 team battle mode, but also a 1V1 arena challenge mode, but the 1V1 mode has too few bonus points and fewer people play. Most people still prefer to play team battles.

But Xu Ce is different. He especially likes to play 1v1. He has played more than 10,000 heads-up matches. Therefore, his arena points ranked in the top ten in the national service heads-up list.

Such terrifying points and winning percentage naturally attracted widespread attention in the professional circle. Many teams sent people to offer sky-high prices to take him to the professional league, but Xu Ce rejected them with the simple and rude three words "no interest".

The spies who were blocked by "no interest" became more and more interested in this Ming Cult.

After investigation, everyone was shocked to find that although there were only less than 50 people in this "Passers-by Alliance" guild, everyone's arena actually reached the sixth battle rank, and many people even rushed to the seventh battle rank! Even if the elites of the large-scale clan guilds such as Seven Star Grass and Bronze Sparrow are at the level of the sixth battle rank, it can be seen how powerful Xu Ce's scattered guild is!

Although the number of people in this guild is small, they are all elites among the elites!

However, the passersby's experts have little interest in professional leagues, and they don't pay much attention to official competitions. They play arenas in their spare time, and in reality, they all have their own jobs.

The spies of the major teams are really not reconciled!

So many masters, it's a pity that they can't speak! It's like having a big piece of cake in front of you but you can't eat it at all!

Therefore, for a period of time, the passers-by alliance sneaked in a lot of undercover agents, using various methods to attract these masters to play in the league, almost provoking disputes within the guild. In a fit of anger, Xu Ce directly closed the guild application and friend application, and said, "If you want to play the game, quit the guild immediately."

As the president of the guild, Xu Ce was extremely authoritative in the Passers-by Alliance, and everyone respected him as "boss".

At the beginning of the guild, it was a non-governmental organization. Everyone listened to Xu Ce’s words. Everyone knew that the president rejected the professional circle. Therefore, everyone followed Xu Ce’s method and turned off all friend applications and private chats with strangers. prevent harassment.

However, Xu Ce had a lot of calculations and was invincible, but he never thought that someone would actually attack Jiang Shaoqing beside him!

The spies of the Qiankun team approached Jiang Shaoqing in various ways, and became friends with Jiang Shaoqing.

"It's a waste not to play in the professional league at your level."

"I'm not bragging, your skills are among the best in the professional circle. As long as you go to the training camp to cultivate and cultivate, you will definitely become a first-class master."

"It would be best if you could persuade that brother named A Ce, you join the Qiankun team together, our team will definitely be even more powerful!"

"Don't worry about the salary, it must be higher than your current salary. You are not very happy with your work, right? In the future, you can play games as your own job, you can play games every day, and you can make money, how wonderful!"

Jiang Shaoqing was said to be very moved.

Since entering martial arts, he has gradually liked this game and found that it has more and more interesting features. Unlike Xu Ce, who does not exclude the professional circle, Jiang Shaoqing is actually very interested in the professional circle and has been following the various major teams. I also dreamed of becoming a professional player...

Although his level was a bit worse than Xu Ce's, he was still a first-class expert in online games, otherwise he wouldn't have reached the seventh battle rank in the arena.

I saw a lot of spies from the team come to Xu Ce before, but they were blocked by Xu Ce with "no interest". Jiang Shaoqing didn't say anything, but he was a little envious of Xu Ce in his heart - if he was as good as Xu Ce, he would Wouldn't there be a team looking for it too

- I didn't expect that a team really took a fancy to him.

Jiang Shaoqing was very excited, just as excited as his level was finally affirmed.

The next day, Jiang Shaoqing chatted with Xu Ce privately with joy, and told him that the Qiankun team had found him.

Unexpectedly, Xu Ce not only was not happy for him, but turned his face on the spot: "Team Qiankun? What's the point of going to that garbage third-rate team? Don't think about it! At your level, you still want to play in the professional league? You even play against me. but."

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

Xu Ce always speaks so rudely, and with a single sentence, he will blow people to the ground.

Jiang Shaoqing felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he still wanted to play games, and wanted to try to see if he could become a professional player.

In fact, his job after graduation was unsatisfactory, he was very tired every day, and the sales job made him not enthusiastic at all. His immediate boss was a menopausal woman who always found fault with newcomers and tried to embarrass him. He sat in the office every day. It's hard to breathe...

To be a professional player, while playing the game you like, while still getting paid, why not do it

Therefore, Jiang Shaoqing made a decision, submitted a resignation report the next day, and then went to the game to say goodbye to Xu Ce.

"I decided to go to the Qiankun team for trial training. This number may rarely land in the future."


For some reason, Xu Ce was very angry that day, so he called Jiang Shaoqing directly, with a very excited tone: "I said that it is a third-rate team, what future can you have in that kind of third-rate team? Do you believe it or not?" Xu Ce sneered and gritted his teeth, "What's so good about the professional league? It's tiring and hard work, practicing those boring basic operations all day, how can it be so easy to play online games? Don't look at how good you are in online games. Yes, compared to professional players, you are a rookie! You will definitely be abused when you go to the league. Is it okay to be a little self-aware? That Qiankun team is a third-rate team, how old are you to go to the novice training camp?!"

Jiang Shaoqing's heart felt sad for a scolding scolding.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Shaoqing said in a low voice, "Xu Ce, I know you have always looked down on me, and I admit that I am inferior to you in every way. However, I really want to play, and I want to go to Team Qiankun to try it out."

"I... I look down on you?!" Xu Ce took a deep breath, resisting the urge to climb over the phone line to beat someone, and said coldly, "Don't go to Qiankun team, listen to me! This team's results are not good, You're just wasting your time going to this kind of team."

However, Jiang Shaoqing was very stubborn at the time. He had already submitted his resignation report and made up his mind to become a professional player.

Jiang Shaoqing said calmly, "I've already agreed to leave tomorrow."

Xu Ce angrily said: "Jiang Shaoqing, have you always regarded my words as a deaf ear?!"

Jiang Shaoqing didn't want to quarrel with him, so he hung up the phone silently.

Xu Ce: "..."

With a gloomy face, he hit him again, but Jiang Shaoqing refused to listen.

Xu Ce angrily threw the phone on the bed, so strong that even the battery fell out.

- It's like this again, every time it breaks up!

- When will you know what I mean

Xu Ce opened the game irritably, but saw this message in the lower left corner: "Jianying Wuhen has left the guild."

Open the friend list, Jiang Shaoqing's Wudang account is no longer online.

Xu Ce stared blankly at the dark avatar in the friend list, and his heart suddenly tingled.

Idiot, do you know that I refuse all invitations from teams not to play in the professional league, just to be able to accompany you in online games!