The Strongest God

Chapter 105: The team defender


Seeing this, Qin Ye couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart, and chatted with Zhang Shuping privately: "Liu Chuan asked you to come?"

"Well, I happened to be online just now, and he said that a master came over and let me watch from the sidelines to see how this person's level is." Zhang Shuping paused, and then added a line of explanation, "It is said that he is the chairman of the passers-by alliance of the fifth district of Telecom. ."

Qin Ye suddenly realized.

Many people in the professional circle of the Passers-by League know it, and Qin Ye is naturally very clear. Back then, Qin Ye wanted to find someone to contact this legendary expert to see if he would like to come to Changan to play in the game. However, Yang Jian said: "The so-called mysterious masters are just blown out. What if the win rate is high in heads-up competitions, many professional players don't play heads-up competitions at all", so Qin Ye gave up.

In fact, Yang Jian's words were half right—many of the professional players didn't play heads-up matches in online games at all.

The reason is very simple. Most professional teams focus on team battles. They need to cooperate with the captain's arrangement to conduct tactical training. People who are strong in one-on-one battles usually practice privately or compete with teammates. Wulin's one-on-one arena qualifying competition. It is a random matching system. Players in online games are of different levels. When playing heads-up games in online games, most of the time they are matched with players of average level, which is not very helpful for professional players to improve their skills.

For example, people like Qin Ye and Liu Chuan rarely go to the heads-up arena. If they want to play heads-up, they can directly build a free room to compete with each other or find a place in the wild to raise the flag. It is inevitable to open a trumpet to score points.

Therefore, although Xu Ce ranks in the top ten in the heads-up list, it does not prove that he is the top ten players in the league. This list does not even have the shadow of top players such as Su Shilun, Lu Xiang, and Liu Chuan. It can be said that this list is actually more inclined to the private list.

Of course, among the millions of online game players, if he can break into the top ten of the national server, the level of this person will definitely not be bad!

Qin Ye and Zhang Shuping found a better angle to watch, Wu Zewen and Li Xiang naturally also stood behind Liu Chuan, staring intently at his computer screen.

Xu Ce has a proud personality, even if many people worship the god of Sichuan, he doesn't pay much attention to it. The other party sent an invitation to discuss, and he accepted it.

After the countdown ended, Xu Ce immediately distanced himself from the opponent.

Find the right time, get close, wrap your back, and shoot! A set of movements is smooth and neat, and the weapon in the hand wields a sharp knife light!

Liu Chuan has experienced hundreds of battles, so naturally he will not be in a hurry. The moment he came close, he jumped up lightly, and landed in the distance like a roc spreading his wings. The thread in his hand tightened, and a follower appeared in front of the opponent at the same time. Humanoid puppets that are very similar to the sea!

Xu Ce's reaction was very fast. The moment he saw Liu Chuan's Qinggong flying up, he immediately stepped back. The puppet that Liu Chuan released fluttered in the air. The transparent silk thread in his hand shone slightly, and another puppet appeared behind Xu Ce. , but Xu Ce deftly dodged the attack of the puppet behind him, but a stealth disappeared!

The two exchanged tricks with each other, and they went back and forth a few times, and it only took less than five seconds. It can be seen how fast the two people's hand speed and reaction are!

If the bystanders didn't look carefully, they couldn't even see their moves. Tangmen and Mingjiao were fighting in the center of the ring. Two figures, one blue and one white, flashed by in front of them. The figures were as fast as ghosts, and Qinggong was even more so like a phantom.

The two puppets released by Liu Chuan passed the cooling time and disappeared automatically. He then added a human-shaped puppet behind him.

In the face of the invisible Mingjiao, you must not panic, otherwise you will be surrounded by the opponent, and if you hit it with a knife, it will definitely be a crit damage!

Liu Chuan calmly counted the time and waited for the other party to appear...

10 seconds later, Xu Ce suddenly came out from behind, and the top Mingjiao skill "Illusion Technique" was activated at the same time, and the Mingjiao in white was suddenly divided into three and three divided into nine! Identical phantoms surround Liu Chuan, and each phantom looks extremely realistic!

Everyone was amazed by the Mingjiao's top-notch technology in operating phantoms, but they saw that the silk thread in Liu Chuan's hand suddenly emitted a dazzling light - at the same time, a row of human-shaped puppets appeared beside him, and they dispersed at an extremely fast speed!

Seven puppets faced nine phantoms, and the entire arena was immediately occupied by the shadows of the densely packed Tang Sect and Ming Sect!

Wu Zewen and Li Xiang were stunned - what kind of play is this? More friends than anyone else

Mingjiao's highest-end phantom technique actually has two uses. One is to escape. When life is in danger, phantoms are released so that the enemy can't tell the difference between true and false, and then his real body quickly finds an opportunity to escape. The second is for a crit. When Mingjiao uses the phantom technique, the attack of the real body will be doubled in an instant, using dazzling blindfolds to make the opponent unable to tell where he is, and then quickly approach the opponent and cut the opponent's throat with a knife!

This extreme phantom style of play requires extremely high opponent speed. Without extremely fast hand speed, it is impossible to control so many phantoms. Uncontrollable phantoms are as stupid as wooden stakes and are easy to distinguish. If you want to control phantoms, Action commands must be given to each phantom quickly.

When ordinary people see so many phantoms of the Ming Cult, they are frightened and dumbfounded. How can they calmly escape

However, Liu Chuan was very calm and directly released his puppet.

You have a friend, and I also have a friend. You release nine phantoms, and I release seven puppets...

And your phantom can only be phantom, but my puppet can attack you!

Xu Ce originally thought that by relying on the phantom technique, the master's attack effect doubled, and a set of combos would disable the opponent. Unexpectedly, Liu Chuan's reaction was so quick, as if he had already guessed his intention, he put it out at the same time. After the Seven Killing Array of Puppets, he immediately hid behind the puppet group!

Want to bypass the puppet formation to attack the distant master, easier said than done

Xu Ce calmly manipulated the phantoms to deal with the puppets. Both Tangmen's puppets and Mingjiao's phantoms had a time limit. Mingjiao's phantoms existed for a shorter time than Tangmen's puppets. When his phantom disappeared, the other party would definitely attack and kill him. !

The time has come!

All the phantoms around disappeared, and only Xu Ce was left standing in the puppet's encirclement. Liu Chuan let the puppets rush towards the target. Unexpectedly, Xu Ce took the lead, bypassing the puppet's damage and sprinting to Liu Chuan immediately. The arc light slashed the opponent's chest!

When the blood sacrifice Mingjiao swings the machete, a cold white light effect will appear, but once it hits the target, it is the effect of blood splashing on the spot!

A cloud of blood spattered, indicating that the move was an accurate hit.

- He is going to fight with Liu Chuan!

Because he realized that the person in front of him was a master of top consciousness, and many of his ideas were seen through by the opponent, so he simply omitted the tactic of going around with the opponent to hide and seek, and rushed directly to the shopping and fighting!

Mingjiao and Tangmen go shopping. Naturally, Mingjiao has the advantage, because blood sacrifice Mingjiao can convert part of the damage into its own blood volume, which is equivalent to bringing half of its own treatment, but Tangmen can't, Tangmen loses no amount of blood. way to make up for it.

Only at this moment did everyone see the true hand speed of the Mingjiao in front of him.

-too fast!

- It's almost dizzying!

Draw the sword, cut the arc, cut the silver moon, cut the devil!

Mingjiao's set of swordsmanship combos, sweeping, splitting, slashing, and thrusting, the movements are completed in one go, with almost no interruption, and the connection is perfect!

The sharp knife light shrouded the opponent's entire body without dead ends, mixed with blood splashes when it hit, and the visual effect was extremely shocking!

Wu Zewen and Li Xiang looked at each other, and at the same time saw surprise and admiration in each other's eyes.

Since getting to know Liu Chuan, Liu Chuan has always been a top player who is one rank higher than everyone else. Liu Chuan and others basically hang and fight for dozens of seconds to end the battle. They are used to seeing Liu Chuan abuse people easily. This is the first time I have seen an opponent who can beat Liu Chuan to this level!

Even Jiang Shaoqing was very shocked. He hadn't seen him for more than half a year. He always felt that Xu Ce's style of play was more violent than before. With such a fierce momentum, even the Sichuan team was beaten to a tie by him. If it were him. , must have been taken away by his combo...

Liu Chuan himself is very calm, and he does not have the upper hand when he is sold by Mingjiao. However, he calculates the opponent's skills and mana very accurately. When Xu Ce slashed Liu Chuan nearly half of his blood in a series of tricks, Liu Chuan was the only one. Finally shot!


The master and the puppet forcibly exchanged displacement, Liu Chuan instantly moved to the other side of the ring like a shadow, and a puppet suddenly appeared in Xu Ce's position, and directly imprisoned Xu Ce in place with one trick!

Three puppets appeared one after another around, rushing towards Mingjiao and bursting beside each other - cross siege! Seven kills! Puppet Phantom Step!

The combo of the puppet Tangmen is simply dazzling.

One after another, the puppets appeared, sprinted, and exploded, surrounding the Ming Sect!

In all directions, the ubiquitous mechanism puppets, the precise operation of each puppet’s displacement—

This is the most gorgeous performance of the top masters of the famous puppet genre!

What if you can suck blood? I just wouldn't let you hit.

Liu Chuan had this simple intention. When the Mingjiao beat him half of his blood, he also beat the Mingjiao halfway down, keeping it under control and preventing the opponent from getting close.

Even if Xu Ce rushed out of the puppet siege and slashed Liu Chuan a few times to recover some HP, Liu Chuan would take the time to cool down his skills and then move back to his shadow, and continue to fly kites around you with puppets!

The two of you came and I went back and forth in the ring match, the Ming Cult's swordsmanship combo, the Tangmen's puppet summons, one melee, one long-range, one sharp-edged, one calm and calm, this top-notch confrontation, let everyone on the sidelines watch. Everyone was so excited, everyone couldn't take their eyes off of them, for fear that they would miss the wonderful picture!

In the end, Liu Chuan released the Tang Sect's great move, the puppet sacrifice, and suddenly exploded all the organs around Xu Ce, finally killing Xu Ce successfully!

At this time, Liu Chuan's own blood volume is actually not much.

Because Xu Ce's attacks have always been able to suck blood, this PK fight took a long time, exceeding 15 minutes.

After the fight, Xu Cecai said on the room channel: "As expected of the God of Chuan. But I don't accept you. It was you who was only one move away from death just now!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Do you want to come again?"

Xu Ce said, "Come on!"

It's been a long time since he had such a fun one-on-one fight with someone!

The ranking of the national service heads-up list is too high. Few people dare to play against him in online games, and many of those who are ahead of him have stopped playing. Xu Ce has not met an opponent for a long time. Today When I met Liu Chuan, a PK game was very exciting, even if I lost, I felt very enjoyable.

In the second round, Xu Ce did not use the method of going shopping directly, because he found that the calculation of blood volume was very accurate, and this method of shopping did not give him much advantage.

As a result, Xu Ce began to play high-end wretched tactics.

The most obscene style of play in the blood sacrifice genre is frequent stealth, slashing a few knives and running away—this is the pinnacle of obscene play, and is known as the "annoying vampire".

Because the blood sacrifice Mingjiao can take advantage of the feature of "converting damage into blood", when you lose blood, go up and cut a few knives to suck it back, hide in stealth, find an opportunity to kill and suck blood from the opponent, run away immediately after the blood, and annoy the opponent to death .

This play requires a lot of patience.

Xu Ce started to play lewd, so... Liu Chuan also began to play lewd.

—Who can be more jerk than Liu Chuan

If you ask this question to the captains of the major teams, everyone will definitely say: "Haha."

Liu Chuan is the originator of the Tang family's wretched kite play! The No. 1 hatred maker in the professional circle is not for nothing. If you annoy him with blood sucking, he can also annoy you with puppets. He hides behind puppets and keeps annoying you with puppets. , running around everywhere, anyway, so that you can't even touch the corner of his clothes.

The two of them were still in a violent shopping spree just now, but now they are playing a detour to avoid it, which annoys the bystanders.

You two are finished!

The bystanders all wanted to go up and kick them both.

Another fifteen minutes passed, and in the end, Liu Chuan's wretched tactics were even better, and Xu Ce said he was willing to give up.

He had lost twice in a row. Although he was unconvinced, Xu Ce knew very well in his heart that he was still a little behind him.

After all, Haina Baichuan is a veteran of the first generation. He has been playing for four or five years and has rich experience. It is estimated that the number of masters he has played against is innumerable. And although he ranked very high in the heads-up list, in fact, Xu Ce usually had a hard time encountering that kind of equal opponent. After ranking in the top ten of the national service, he felt a kind of loneliness that was too high— Winning every day is boring.

Although I lost the two games today, I have to say: I played very enjoyable!

Liu Chuan said on the room channel: "Do you still fight? If you fight again, you will lose."

This person has the ability to "draw hatred with one sentence" at any time.

Xu Ce originally admired him, but when he said this, he immediately became depressed, and sent a row of ellipses: "..."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Do you know why you lost?"

The corners of Xu Ce's mouth twitched, and he was too lazy to pay attention to him.

However, Liu Chuan said seriously: "The knife in your hand needs to be sharpened frequently to be sharp, and it will rust after a long time. People who play heads-up arena in online games have different levels, and you encounter some knives all day long. A rookie opponent who can cut to death is difficult to improve, isn't it?"

"… "

"The reason why you lost to me is not because your talent is worse than mine, nor because your hand speed and consciousness can't keep up with me, but because your opponent is not as good as me."

"… "

"My opponents are all top players in the professional league, Team Xiao, Team Shao, Team Tang, Team Ye, each of these people is very strong, I must always be prepared to lose to them, so my level is only It will keep improving. What about you? You play a heads-up match in an online game, ranking in the top ten of the national server, and you start to be complacent and arrogant.

"… "

"The captains I mentioned, any one of them can completely abuse you. All the major teams give you olive branches, but you don't care. In fact, your level in the professional circle is a middle-class, and it is placed in a strong team. Can't even hit the main force."

"… "

Xu Ce's face turned red and white - no one dared to discipline him like this since he was a child!

But the strange thing is that he can't refute what this sea says. !

That's right, how can you improve if you fight against rookies in online games every day? Only by constantly learning from masters can we make breakthroughs in thinking and consciousness. In fact, Xu Ce also felt that he seemed to have reached a bottleneck and couldn't break through himself. This feeling made him very irritable.

Everyone will encounter bottlenecks. When an actor's acting skills encounter a bottleneck, they may need an excellent director to give guidance; when a writer's creative inspiration encounters a bottleneck, they may need a relaxing trip to increase their knowledge...

When he encounters a bottleneck in the arena, perhaps, he needs to challenge a higher level opponent!

Today's two lively duels with Liu Chuan made Xu Ce realize that he was still a little short of heat, but he still couldn't understand where the difference was - it was like seeing a distant one emitting light from the heavy fog at night. The faint glow of the firefly can't be seen clearly and can't be caught.

He still wants to play a few more games with Heiner Baichuan, no, it is better to play dozens of games!


Jiang Shaoqing watched from the side, and he came to ask his teacher for guilt, but he was abused for two consecutive rounds. Being abused in front of the person he liked was not a pleasant experience.

Xu Ce was frowning and thinking, but saw the other party type another line: "How? Are you satisfied with the status quo and just want to abuse the rookie in online games? Or are you willing to go to the professional league with me and see the real Master?"

Xu Ce: "..."

"I sincerely invite you to join my team." Liu Chuan said, "You can think about it carefully and give me an answer."

Xu Ce was silent for a moment before saying, "I will consider it."

Jiang Shaoqing was stunned.

Xu Ce actually said that he would consider it? Right? Hasn't he always looked down on professional players

However, after Xu Ce left these words, he continued: "After I think about it, I will let you know in a few moments, goodbye."

After all, he simply went offline.

Liu Chuan immediately chatted with Jiang Shaoqing privately: "No matter what method you use, coercion, temptation, persuasion, you must pull him over."

"..." Jiang Shaoqing was very puzzled, "Strange, he has never been interested in the professional circle before, why did he suddenly say he wants to consider it today?"

"Probably the spies of those teams in the past held him up too high." Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Your friend is a bit arrogant, if I praise him, he will definitely lift his tail to the sky and despise me, To deal with such a person, it is right to be cruel, and after a few times of abuse, he will obey."

"… "

The captain seems to be right? Xu Ce really looked down on those who complimented him, but he would give due respect to the strong.

It's just... how should I persuade Xu Ce to join? This is a real headache!

After Jiang Shaoqing withdrew from the ring, Wu Zewen asked, "Liu Chuan, have you studied psychology? You really know how to deal with people."

Liu Chuan turned around with a smile on his face: "The captain for so many years is not in vain, I have seen a lot of such arrogant masters, if you want him to be obedient, you must be cruel. It will take a few times." After a pause, he added: "However, the words I said were all to stimulate him, and his level is actually more powerful than I imagined."

Wu Zewen asked curiously, "How powerful is it?"

"In the two rounds just now, I actually used the highest hand speed to beat him. Even so, it was very difficult." Liu Chuan said, "If he goes on to play the third round, I may be the one who loses."

Wu Zewen looked at him in surprise.

Liu Chuan rarely admits defeat, but even if he admits defeat verbally, his expression is very calm. After all, he is not a god. When there is always a defeat, as a captain, it is most important to have a clear and clear position for himself.

Wu Zewen nodded: "I think his speed is really fast, even faster than the twin Mingjiao twins of the Snow Wolf team. What do you think is the winning rate against him?"

Liu Chuan said: "If you play a few more games, the winning rate will be about 50-50."

Li Xiang said in shock: "Five to five? Isn't it? That means he also has a 50% win rate against you? This is too exaggerated..."

Liu Chuan smiled and said: "It's not an exaggeration, this person is very talented, but he still needs to grind."

Wu Zewen asked, "You said just now that Team Xiao and Team Tang would definitely win against him, but you were actually hitting him on purpose, right?"

"That's right." Liu Chuan said, "This man's level is too high, his personality is proud, his spirit is too sharp, and he is also full of hostility to the people around him. I am the captain, I must not praise him, only blow him At the bottom, he may recognize us."

Liu Chuan sighed softly and said with anticipation, "If the Taoist priest can persuade him to join, we will have hope in the future ring competitions."

"—This person will be the best defender in our team."