The Strongest God

Chapter 109: Master door


The next day was Saturday, and Liu Chuan called Zhang Shuping at nine in the morning: "Have you been to Guangzhou?"

Zhang Shuping said: "I'm here, I'm packing my luggage at the hotel. There's a game this afternoon, why don't we have dinner together at noon?"

"That's what I mean." Liu Chuan said, "I'll call my apprentice and take you to eat authentic seafood. I'll text you the address later."

"Apprentice? Why did you call Lu Xiang?" Zhang Shuping asked suspiciously, "Team Tongjak has a game in the afternoon, and Team Shao will definitely not let him out for dinner. If this foodie eats a bad stomach and affects the game, we are responsible for this. The two can't afford it, if Shao Zehang comes to kill you, I won't stop you."

"It's not Lu Xiang." Liu Chuan smiled, "It's my second apprentice."

Zhang Shuping was speechless: "Do you still have a second apprentice? Well, bring it here to have a look."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Chuan told Li Xiangyi this, and Li Xiang agreed immediately.

At 11 noon, the three of them took a taxi to the restaurant together. When he arrived at the restaurant, Zhang Shuping was already waiting in the private room. The man looked very young, with straight facial features and a well-proportioned figure. He was wearing white casual clothes with a smile on his face. As soon as he saw Liu Chuan, he came over and beat him hard. shoulders and said, "Long time no see."

Liu Chuan smiled slightly, stretched out his arms and hugged him hard: "Long time no see!"

The first captain and vice-captain of the Huaxia team, the veterans of the professional alliance, and the best comrades who once fought side by side to create brilliance together. At this time, one retired and left the alliance, and the other changed careers as an explanation. After a long absence, we meet again. There is a real sense of "things are not people".

Fortunately... you're still here, and I haven't left.

The two looked at each other with a tacit understanding and smiled, and then let go of the hug. Liu Chuan took the initiative to introduce: "This is Wu Zewen, the apprentice of the Five Poisons you just accepted. This is Li Xiang, my roommate, and my new recruit. apprentice."

Wu Zewen adjusted his glasses and shouted, "Hello, Master."

Zhang Shuping smiled and said, "Hello."

This little apprentice is exactly as he imagined. At first glance, he has a very serious personality. The boy wearing glasses is very gentle and has no expression on his face. His eyes are black and clear, and he is heartless and smiling. Liu Chuan, who was interested, stood together, but inexplicably gave people a very harmonious feeling.

Li Xiang also greeted warmly: "Hello, senior! What should I call you? Uncle Shi?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Don't be silly, he is Zewen's master, but not your uncle."

Zhang Shuping nodded and said: "Yes, I have no relationship with Liu Chuan. Your real uncle is Xie Guangyi, the current vice captain of the Huaxia team, and Tang Yufeng, the captain of the prosperous Tang team. These two talents are Liu Chuan's junior brother. ."

Li Xiang widened his eyes in shock.

- Vice-team Xie and Team Tang

When Liu Chuan told him that Lu Xiang was his senior brother, he already felt very flattered. He didn't expect Liu Chuan to have two such powerful junior brothers? !

At this moment, the beautiful waiter pushed the door and walked in, holding tea and a menu in her hand, smiling.

Liu Chuan took the menu and said cheerfully, "I'll treat you today, you can order whatever you want. Each person orders two of their favorites." After speaking, he ordered two dishes from the waiter, and then passed the menu to Zhang Shuping.

Zhang Shuping ordered a plate of lobster and crab very rudely, and said with a smile, "I'll just pick the most expensive one, and I can finally knock you out."

Li Xiang also ordered two dishes that he liked and gave them to Wu Zewen.

Wu Zewen glanced at what everyone ordered, and ordered a relatively cheap and affordable vegetarian dish. Liu Chuan leaned over and said, "Order one more?"

Wu Zewen said: "No. These are enough to eat, so I can save you some money."

Liu Chuan couldn't help laughing and said, "Do you hear me, Zhang Shuping, it's your apprentice who treats me best."

Zhang Shuping said, "It's enough for my apprentice to be nice to you, but I don't need to be nice to you? When I come to Guangzhou, I want to blackmail you!"

After saying that, he glanced at Wu Zewen and said with a smile: "Apprentice, Liu Chuan will open a dyeing workshop if he gives some color, don't be too good to him, this person must not be spoiled, or he will climb to your head. up."

Wu Zewen's ears couldn't help turning red. He was used to being frugal, so he wanted to help Liu Chuan save some money. The food in this store is very expensive. There is no need for four people to order so much. It is a waste to eat too much. I didn't expect to say it casually, but the master made a joke...


After ordering, Li Xiang came over and asked curiously, "By the way, Master! Tell me what happened to my two uncles, why haven't you mentioned it before?"

Liu Chuan cleared his throat with a cough, and then he said, "I haven't had time to tell you about the division. Xie Guangyi and Tang Yufeng are indeed my junior brothers and sisters. Xiao Tang used to be a member of the Huaxia team. Later, he decided to join the team. Fei, I created the prosperous Tang team by myself, but that was a long time ago, before Lu Xiang went to Tongjak, it should be the third season after we won the Grand Slam?" Liu Chuan asked. Looking at Zhang Shuping.

Zhang Shuping nodded and said: "Yes, Xiao Tang's solo flight is indeed a matter of the third season. At the beginning, I was very optimistic about him, and I felt that his new team was too unreliable. I didn't expect him to really successfully form a prosperous Tang team. Now , the level of the prosperous Tang Dynasty can be regarded as a first-tier team, and there is hope of sprinting for the championship."

Wu Zewen looked back at Liu Chuan and asked, "How many brothers do you have?"

Liu Chuan said: "My master had three apprentices back then. I, Xie Guangyi, and Tang Yufeng met each other when they were playing online games in the Telecom District 1. The three of us happened to belong to the three major schools of Tangmen. I was good at puppets and small. Xie is good at hidden weapons, Xiao Tang is good at bows and crossbows."

Li Xiang couldn't help admiring the legendary master, "Master must be very powerful, right? He can teach three such strong apprentices! The three major schools of Tangmen were directly contracted by your brothers?"

Liu Chuan, the top player of the puppet genre, Xie Guangyi, a well-known player of the hidden weapon genre, and Tang Yufeng, the strongest player of the bow and crossbow genre, actually came from the same division and directly contracted the three major schools of Tangmen. sky!

Liu Chuan agreed: "Master is indeed very powerful."

Wu Zewen asked, "What about your master now?"

Li Xiang also asked: "Yes, who is the sacred ancestor?"

"His identity needs to be kept strictly confidential." Liu Chuan spread his hands helplessly, "The old man has a weird temper. Who is it, can you guess?"

Zhang Shuping smiled without saying a word, obviously knowing what to do.

Li wanted to scratch his head, unable to guess at all: "I can't guess."

Wu Zewen was very thoughtful, and lowered his head to think seriously. Since the master asked the three apprentices to keep his identity secret, he should still be in the professional circle, and he must have a certain position in the circle, otherwise there is no need to hide it so deeply - is it the top of the alliance? Official top

In short, it is an identity that is not easy to disclose to reporters...

At the opening ceremony, a simple three-sentence speech from a middle-aged man suddenly flashed through his mind, and Wu Zewen couldn't help but said, "Wouldn't he be the chairman of the professional league?"

"..." Zhang Shuping knelt down immediately, you can guess this, apprentice, you are too amazing!

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Liu Chuan, who was drinking water, also sprayed immediately, your sister, can I still have a little secret in front of Detective Wu!

Seeing their reactions, Wu Zewen knew he had guessed right again, and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, we won't tell anyone."

Li Xiang said in shock: "No way? Is it really the chairman...?"

"That's right." Liu Chuan turned to meet Wu Zewen's dark eyes, and asked helplessly, "How did you guess this time?"

"This time it's just a guess." Wu Zewen explained, "Since your master doesn't let you reveal his identity, he must be worried that his identity will affect the few of you. The only thing that can affect the three of you should be The top of the professional league. I only know Chairman Li at the top of the league, and I met him at the opening ceremony."

Wu Zewen is really guessing this time. There are actually many people at the top of the alliance, but he only knows Li Hanzong, because only Chairman Li showed his face at the opening ceremony.

"Amazing! Blind guessing can be fooled!" Liu Chuan was so impressed with this little detective that he couldn't help giving Detective Wu a thumbs up, "You're right, Master won't let us say, it's true I'm afraid that it will be bad for us if the reporter finds out. After all, we are all captains and vice-captains, and every year-end award evaluation must be signed by the chairman of the league. If you know that we are his apprentices, you will definitely feel that He was selfish and partial."

Although Chairman Li has always been fair and strict, and the awards are judged by the jury, Liu Chuan has won too many trophies. If reporters know that Liu Chuan is the apprentice of the Alliance Chairman, it will definitely magnify this delicate teacher. Discipleship, thus ignoring Liu Chuan's own efforts.

Liu, Xie, and Tang went out of the same family and were the apprentices of Chairman Li. The elders Xiao Sijing, Qin Ye, and Su Shilun who had played in the district also knew it. became a secret.

After four or five years, the league has undergone several changes, and fewer and fewer people know about it.

Since Wu Zewen guessed right, Liu Chuan no longer concealed it.

It doesn't matter if his friends know about it, just don't let the media know. He believes that neither Zewen nor Li Xiang are people who talk too much in front of reporters.

Since both of them were interested in his mentor, Liu Chuan said in detail: "My master started playing this game during the closed beta test, half a year earlier than us. He was very famous in the game back then. The top master of Tangmen, wrote a lot of strategies and posted them on the forum. I admired him very much after reading his strategies, so I took the initiative to recognize him as a master, and later learned from him that he is a pure theoretical school. The speed is not very good, the actual operation is relatively bad, and it can't beat me at all... "

Liu Chuan paused and added: "However, although he can't operate well, his theories are very helpful to us. Many of Tangmen's characteristic playstyles are proposed by him, including the seven puppets that I am best at. The style of play was all researched by him, and a few of us used it to practice."

"Xie Guangyi is a master I met when I was playing games. I introduced him to master. Xiao Tang was a master I met by chance. After accepting Tang Yufeng, a closed disciple, my master quit the online game to prepare for the official first season of the game. The league... That's when we found out that he was from the professional league."

Puppets, hidden weapons, bows and crossbows, the top masters of the three major schools of Tang Sect came from the same division. If this inside story is known to reporters, it will definitely be earth-shattering news.

It is conceivable that the Huaxia team back then was a heaven-defying existence. Liu Chuan, Xie Guangyi, Tang Yufeng, the three brothers from the same sect, and the three styles of Tangmen's play style cooperated with each other and mastered each other. It's natural to have a tacit understanding, plus Zhang Shuping, the vice-captain, is the best among the five poisonous Gu Masters, and there are top players such as Liang Haibin and Xu Mo in the team...

Combining so many masters, Liu Chuan is also a tactical captain. He knows how to employ people, how to coordinate teams and arrange tactics. Such a lineup has also achieved the brilliant record of the Huaxia team's four championships in a year, and the Huaxia team has also been eliminated. Rated as "the cradle of God".

You must know that even a talented young man like Lu Xiang was only a small substitute in the Huaxia team that year, and he didn't even have the chance to play.

That year, China Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, in the first and second seasons of the professional league, as well as the T, G, A summer and winter Grand Prix, encountered gods and killed gods and Buddhas all the way. Four champions are simply unmatched.

Later, Tang Yufeng left Huaxia and established his own business. Seven-star grass rose rapidly under the leadership of Xiao Sijing. The old captains of Chang'an team, Lin Liming and Qin Ye, worked together to study the melee sword and shadow play. The style of play was also unpredictable, and the Huaxia team encountered repeated sniping from powerful enemies, and finally stepped down from the throne from its heyday.

Later, Lu Xiang joined Tongque and Shao Zehang to form a two-person melee cooperation. Under the leadership of Tang Yufeng, the Tang Dynasty gradually improved, and new teams such as Guose and Fenghuo rose one after another, resulting in today's professional league. situation.

Although Huaxia's Grand Slam results sounded very strong, in fact, Huaxia also had the right time, location, and people to win four championships in a row. Four championships in a row is extremely difficult to win two in a row.

It is precisely this situation of blooming flowers that makes the development prospects of the professional league better and better, the scale continues to expand, and the treatment of players is getting higher and higher.

It seems now that Tang Yufeng left Huaxia to establish his own business back then, which was also a very far-sighted approach. His solo flight ended the China team's monopoly on champions, and also opened a new chapter in the professional league.

At that time, there were reporters who reported this incident in a large-scale page, and called Tang Yufeng a "traitor of Huaxia", and pushed the sin of Huaxia's failure to win five consecutive championships to the Tang team, especially the Huaxia fans, who were really disrespectful to Tang Yufeng. Yonghei, Huaxia fans scolded him wherever Team Tang went. Some people even thought that Tang Yufeng had a conflict with Team Sichuan when he was flying solo.

In fact, there are many reasons for Huaxia to step down from the throne, and it is not Tang Yufeng's fault.

Liu Chuan's reply to this was simple: "Come on, Xiao Tang, I'm optimistic about you."

The Sichuan team blocked the discordant remarks of the reporters in one sentence. Tang Yufeng did not disappoint his senior brother. After a year, he brought back a brand-new prosperous Tang team. After many twists and turns, he also led the prosperous Tang to win. A championship.

Wu Zewen and Li Xiang listened to Liu Chuan's stories about the successes and failures of the past, and they were full of yearning for the professional circle.

No one can always sit on the throne of the champion. This is also the real charm of competitive events. It is not a good thing for the champion to be monopolized. It will be more exciting when a hundred flowers bloom. Every team has the possibility to win the championship, so every team will work hard. In the past, Huaxia, Qixingcao, Chang'an, Luohuaci, Tang Dynasty, Tongque... Every team had peaks and valleys, and only by persevering would they have the possibility to shine.

This year's new Snow Wolf team is the most dazzling dark horse this season. Next year, Liu Chuan will officially lead the team back!

Wu Zewen believes that in the past, Liu Chuan was able to cultivate countless top players in the Huaxia team, and created a peak record that no one can surpass. In the future, Liu Chuan will definitely leave a deep impression in the history of the professional league!

- At that time, by Liu Chuan's side, there will be his name Wu Zewen.

-I can't participate in your past, but I can rewrite a wonderful future with you.

The author has something to say: Captain Tang is Liu Chuan Mengmeng's younger brother :)

[small theater]

After a long time, Liu Chuan remembered the scene of inviting guests to dinner that day, he couldn't help holding Zewen in his arms, and said with a smile, "I understand now, my friends know how to blackmail me, and only my wife will think about saving me money... "

Wu Zewen clenched his fists with red ears and beat Xiang Chuan Shen in the stomach.

Liu Chuan hugged his stomach and cried, "Is domestic violence bad?"

Wu Zewen said seriously: "My master said that you shouldn't spoil you too much."

Liu Chuan immediately chopped Zhang Shuping into pieces in his heart.