The Strongest God

Chapter 110: Cheering team


Zhang Shuping suddenly took out two VIP grandstand tickets from his pocket and handed them to Liu Chuan, saying, "I have two more tickets here. If you are interested in the game in the afternoon, you can go to the scene. There is one more ticket, I will wait for it later. Ask Su Tong to…”

"Don't ask for it." Liu Chuan took the ticket from him and smiled, "Luxiang gave me one before, plus the two you gave, the three of us just happened to watch it together."

Zhang Shuping said in surprise, "Have you met Lu Xiang?"

Liu Chuan nodded: "I've seen it twice, and he sneaked out without the knowledge of Team Shao."

Team Shao manages Lu Xiang strictly. This is something everyone knows. Lu Xiang, a big road idiot, may get lost even in Guangzhou.

Zhang Shuping smiled: "What do you think of the two games this afternoon?"

Liu Chuan said: "The score between Qixingcao and Xuelang is still uncertain, but since Lao Xiao has watched the last game, he will definitely have targeted tactical arrangements for Xuelang, and he will not be beaten by Xuelang like Chang'an. Collapse... As for the second game, I guess it is difficult for Huaxia to get points from the bronze sparrows."

Zhang Shuping was silent for a moment, then whispered: "After you retired, hasn't Huaxia's state been adjusted yet?"

Liu Chuan retired for nine months, and Zhang Shuping left Huaxia for more than three years. After all, it was a team they had been in before. They still had some feelings for Huaxia, and they watched the powerful team of the past become what it is today, as the old captain. And the old vice-captain, the hearts of the two of them will definitely not feel good.

Liu Chuan sighed lightly: "There are many reasons for Huaxia's decline. I hope Xiaoliang can survive."

Zhang Shuping nodded: "Fortunately, Xie Guangyi is here, he should be able to help him."

Liang Haibin is too soft-hearted, has a good temper, and has no pretense of being a captain at all. Even if Deputy Team Xie accompanies him and supports him, it is really hard to say whether he can survive this difficulty. It was true that Liu Chuan chose him as his successor after taking into account the situation of the entire team, but whether Liang Haibin could lead Huaxia out of the slump was beyond Liu Chuan's control. Liu Chuan helped him pave the way, and how far he can go depends on his own good fortune.

Mentioning the old club Huaxia team, the private room fell silent for a while.

After a while, Zhang Shuping looked down at his watch and said, "The game starts at 2:30. It's time for me to go. I have to go to the venue in advance to prepare."

Liu Chuan also stood up and said, "Then let's go too, just take a taxi together."

The four took the elevator to the downstairs. Wu Zewen and Li Xiang went to the bathroom together. Liu Chuan took out his credit card and went to the front desk to pay.

The front desk clerk was checking the bill. Zhang Shuping suddenly leaned into Liu Chuan's ear and said softly, "By the way, there is something else I want to tell you. The two of them were there just now, so I can't say it conveniently."

Liu Chuan looked back at him suspiciously: "What's so mysterious?"

Zhang Shuping said, "Silan is back."

"..." A hint of surprise flashed in Liu Chuan's eyes, "Si Lan? You mean... the one who made the flower speech?"

Zhang Shuping nodded: "Yes, it's him."

Lanlan Lanlan, this very special ID is very familiar to the veteran players in the professional circle. It's just that this person disappeared for too long, and Liu Chuan was a little unbelievable when he heard Zhang Shuping mention his name.

After a moment of silence, Liu Chuan asked, "How did you know?"

"I happened to meet him on the plane back to China half a month ago." Zhang Shuping explained, "He was sitting diagonally behind me, and I took the initiative to greet him."

"What was his reaction?" Liu Chuan asked.

Zhang Shuping spread out his hands helplessly: "He said... Sir, you have identified the wrong person."

Looking back on that scene now, Zhang Shuping still feels extremely embarrassed.

On the plane, the man sat diagonally behind him, less than half a meter away. With his position, as soon as he turned his head, he could clearly see the man's front—

The man was wearing a light blue shirt, his skin was almost transparent, and his slightly long chestnut hair was tied in a ponytail behind his head, which glowed softly in the sunlight. The man's neutral appearance is very handsome, leaning back on the chair with a relaxed expression, half-squinting his eyes, like a cat sitting comfortably on the sofa basking in the sun.

He was listening to music with earplugs on, his clean, slender fingers tapped rhythmically on the lowered table—that was his habit for years, his index finger would bend whenever he thought of something. Knock gently and continuously. There used to be a popular saying in the professional circle: "Silan has started to tap his fingers, and another team must be unlucky." Silan tapped his fingers, just like Liu Chuan smiled at you, this is a very dangerous signal.

The founder of Luohuaci has a strong tactical literacy and is not inferior to the Sichuan and Xiao teams of the year.

It's just that the blue team's hand speed is not high, and they play the genre of Happy Feather Fan. His game character is also strolling around with a fan all day long, looking gentle and elegant. He likes to play support, and he created the play style of Free Teleportation Array. It's a pity that he left the alliance and disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Shuping was naturally very happy that an old friend whom he had not seen for many years could meet on the plane, and he took the initiative to turn around to say hello: "Silan? Is it really you? Long time no see, where have you been in the past few years?"

The man raised his head, glanced at Zhang Shuping lightly, then smiled politely and said, "Sir, you have identified the wrong person."

Zhang Shuping looked at him in surprise.

Those clear eyes are like the silent lake in autumn, calm without waves and without a single ripple.

The smile on the man's face is polite but distant.

Listening to Zhang Shuping's narration, Liu Chuan couldn't help frowning slightly: "Could it be that you really made a mistake?"

"Impossible," Zhang Shuping was very determined: "His appearance hasn't changed much, and his little habit of tapping his fingers is the same as before, that is, he is much thinner than before. I will never admit him wrong. He deliberately pretended not to know me. of."

"..." Liu Chuan was silent.

Zhang Shuping paused and suggested, "It's when you're reorganizing your team that you're short of people. Do you want to consider inviting him to your team?"

"Do you think he will agree?" Liu Chuan said with a wry smile, "In the entire league, the person he hates most is probably me."

Silan hates Liu Chuan, this is something that all veteran players in the league know.

Although Team Xiao and Team Chuan are known as the league's number one mortal enemy, there is actually no deep hatred between Xiao Sijing and Liu Chuan, just different positions. They used to be good friends when they were in the first district. Team Xiao was a dungeon idiot, and often asked Liu Chuan to make a cameo in the Seven Star Grass Guild to command various large dungeons.

The blue team is different. He loves to study dungeons and likes to post various professional strategies on the forum. He and Liu Chuan have been tit-for-tat since the dungeon record in District 1 that year. Later, he led the team to play in the professional league, and was attacked by Liu Chuan all the way. Chuan fan purred his hope of winning the championship, and he must have hated Liu Chuan so much that his teeth itch.

-If it weren't for Liu Chuan, Luo Huaci would have won at least two more championships!

According to the statistics of the professional league, the teams Chuan and Team Xiao played the most games in the finals, but Team Chuan and Team Blue played the most games in the first round of the playoffs. For two full years and four consecutive seasons, Luo Huaci was tragically eliminated by China in the first round of the playoffs and lost the chance to compete for the trophy for four consecutive times. Luo Huaci always has a chance to win against other teams, and even can beat Qixingcao by a large margin, but every time they play Huaxia, Luohuaci always loses inexplicably, which is like an incredible "hit nemesis". , so everyone thinks that the blue team must hate the Sichuan team.

When Silan retired that year, Liu Chuan sent him a message in the game very unscrupulously: "If you can't beat him, you will run away, look at your great achievements!"

System prompt: Lanlan Lanlan has added the sea to the blacklist!

Zhang Shuping's suggestion is really bold, he actually asked Liu Chuan to bring Silan, who hated him to the bone, into the team...

"Aren't you going to try it?" Zhang Shuping continued, "Although he hasn't played games for a few years, he has a solid foundation and a first-class consciousness. If he wants to return, you can pull him over, which will definitely be the strongest for your team. help.”

This is the strongest help that can be described. If you can pull Silan, it will be like giving birth to three heads and six arms to Liu Chuan. The captains of other teams will probably have a headache. Liu Chuan and Silan are two foxes in case of hooking up Together they are embarrassed, everyone will be calculated by the two of them so that they can't even find their underwear.

The Sichuan team is strong in the overall situation and tactical analysis, but the blue team is the strongest in psychological warfare. He has studied psychology by himself, and is very good at all kinds of insidious tricks and damage tricks. Bringing into the semi-finals shows how powerful this person is. It is a pity that he left the league in the fifth season and gave up halfway, which almost led to the dissolution of the Luohuaci team. The E-sports Weekly that year also dedicated a commemorative page to report his retirement.

He is like a dazzling shooting star, who has left the most dazzling scene in the history of the league, but he is also fleeting like a shooting star and disappears quite completely.

For three whole years, there has been no news, and now it suddenly appears, is it really just a coincidence

Liu Chuan touched his chin and recalled the first time he met that person in the arena many years ago, and was a little lost for a while.

"Sir, your bill."

The voice of the waiter pulled Liu Chuan back from his thoughts.

"Thank you." Liu Chuan took the bill and signed it, turned around and walked out with Zhang Shuping, and said in a low voice, "This idea of yours may not be realized. He's just looking for a needle in a haystack." Liu Chuan sighed helplessly, "He pretended not to know you, his attitude was obvious, he obviously didn't want to be associated with the alliance anymore, probably because the knot in his heart has not been completely solved... "

Li Xiang and Wu Zewen just came back, so they stopped the topic.

Wu Zewen was keenly aware that something was wrong with Liu Chuan's emotions, so he couldn't help walking to Liu Chuan's side and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

Meeting his concerned eyes, Liu Chuan couldn't help but smile and said in a low voice, "It's okay. Let's go to the venue first, don't be late."


The four of them took a taxi to the venue together, Zhang Shuping entered from the backstage, and the three of Liu Chuan came to the VIP auditorium together to find their seats.

The two tickets given by Zhang Shuping happened to be connected to each other, but the ticket given by Lu Xiang was in the other row. Li Xiang took that ticket and wisely ran to change seats with others. He had a cheerful personality and a smile on his face. , whispering and not knowing what to say, the girl smiled and agreed, and went to the back row with her bag.

Li Xiang sat down only then and waved to Liu Chuan and Zewen to sit down too.

Liu Chuan sat in the middle, Li Xiang and Zewen sat on the left and right, they came too early, the game time had not yet come, the headlights of the stadium were on, there were many spectators around looking for their seats, and the lights were on on the stage. , I can clearly see the soundproof rooms on both sides, and many staff in the soundproof rooms are checking computers and networks.

The Guangzhou stadium was renovated this summer, and its size has doubled. The upper and lower floors can accommodate tens of thousands of spectators. There is still half an hour before the game, and the scene is almost full. It can be seen that the expectations of the audience for today's two games are quite high.

A group of spectators on the right are wearing the uniforms of the Tongjak team, and the whole area looks very spectacular - this is obviously the fans of the Tongjae team who came to watch the game in an organized manner. The Tongjak club is located in Guangzhou, and the local fans are naturally There are a lot of them. A little bit of organization will make them huge. Many people are holding signs with slogans such as "Bronze Sparrow Come on", "Fawn Eat More", "God Beggar Mighty", and "Team Shao Sweeps the Field". .

At 2:30, the warm-up host finally appeared, and there was a burst of applause and cheers.

"Bronze Sparrow, come on! Copper Sparrow, come on!"

The neat cheers can almost overturn the roof, and even the players preparing in the background can definitely feel the warm atmosphere of the scene.

The cheers behind him were overwhelming, Li Xiang looked back at the cheering legion, and couldn't help saying: "The popularity of the Bronze Sparrow team is really high!"

Liu Chuan said: "The Tongjak Club is located in Guangzhou, so it will naturally have a home field advantage. Besides, today is the Tongjak's first game of the season. I estimate that the presidents of the Tongjak Association will also be dispatched collectively. People like Quewu might be there."

Li Xiang smiled and said, "If they knew that a few of us were also there, would they have any ideas?"

Liu Chuan said: "It is estimated that he will want to PK with a real person, and come and beat us directly."

"..." Li wanted to shut his mouth immediately, it would be a tragedy if the thorn bird sat behind him, the real PK, the three of them were definitely not the opponents of the bronze sparrow fans in the audience. On other people's sites, it's better to keep a low profile!

Wu Zewen also looked back at the area where the Bronze Sparrow fans were, and said, "The cheerleaders of the Bronze Sparrow team are really disciplined. Huaxia is playing here today, and there must be a lot of pressure, right?"

Liu Chuan said: "That's right. Fortunately, Huaxia are all veteran players. I have seen this kind of scene a lot, and I should have been used to it long ago."

Although he said so, Liu Chuan had a bad premonition in his heart.