The Strongest God

Chapter 113: definite answer


The news that Huaxia and Xuelang were shaved at the Guangzhou stadium quickly became the headlines of major e-sports websites today.

It was Su Shilun's birthday, and Team Xiao had already ordered the restaurant and birthday cake. In addition, they scored 9 points at one time today. It could be said that it was a double happiness. Every member of the Seven Star Grass had a happy expression on their faces.

On the Snow Wolf team's side, Fang Zhiyan had a graceful smile on his face. Only the twin brother, Lu Mingjie, had all his thoughts written on his face, and his face was almost wrinkled into a bun, and his brother patted his shoulder to comfort him. The twins have been distinguished very well, because the expressions of the younger brother are very varied, and his face is indignant, while the older brother is more stable, and there are few obvious emotional fluctuations on his face.

During the reporters' question time after the game, some reporters asked all kinds of difficult questions about the Huaxia and Xuelang teams who had their heads shaved today.

Fang Zhiyan said with a smile: "It's okay to lose a game. We are a new team and we still need to run in. Team Xiao taught us a lesson today. With the same map, we were convinced that we lost."

Liang Haibin's smile was still very shy: "Huaxia did not perform well today, but this is just the beginning, we will continue to work hard."

Compared with Yang Jian who lost his temper and left the team immediately after the last game, the way these two captains did after losing the game today are the truly qualified captains.

Liu Chuan watched Liang Haibin's performance in the post-match interview, and finally couldn't help but smile.

—Very good, Xiao Liang, being able to face up to his failures and face setbacks calmly is what a captain should be like! You still have a long way to go, and I can't go with you, but I believe that you will take over the burden of Huaxia and not let the supporters of Huaxia be disappointed!


When I left the venue, it suddenly started to rain heavily.

Such a sudden rainstorm caught many spectators by surprise. Many people forgot to bring their umbrellas. Many people were crowded at the entrance of the venue to take shelter from the rain, making it extremely difficult to take a taxi.

Li Xiang proposed to take the subway back, but the subway station is a bit far from here, and running over there will definitely be drenched in soup. But waiting for the bus here is obviously not very reliable. There are too many people waiting for the bus nearby. When will it be their turn

After weighing the pros and cons, Liu Chuan decided to take the subway, so the three boys rushed to the subway station together in the heavy rain.

As soon as they arrived at the subway station, when they looked at each other, the three of them turned out to be chickens, and they were all covered in water from beginning to end.

Especially poor Wu Zewen, the glasses were soaked in water, and the fog on the lenses made it impossible to see the road conditions at all. When he went down the stairs, he almost fell, and the glasses on the bridge of his nose fell to the ground with a slam, and he was caught by a panicked next door. The uncle who was on his way was trampled to pieces.

Wu Zewen: "..."

Wu Zewen suddenly felt a little depressed.

This is inconvenient for myopia. Once the glasses are dropped, it is impossible to see the road. Wu Zewen was about to narrow his eyes and try to recognize the road. As a result, there was a sudden warmth on his wrist.

"be careful."

Liu Chuan's low voice sounded in his ears.

Wu Zewen looked up and couldn't see his expression clearly in his blurred vision, but the body temperature passed from his wrist was clearly magnified at that moment.

—He was holding his hand.

This kind of cognition made Wu Zewen's heartbeat suddenly quicken the rhythm. The temperature from Liu Chuan's body was quickly transmitted to his heart through the skin of the contact part, and the wrist he held was even faintly hot.

Liu Chuan continued to pull the highly short-sighted scholar so that he would not be bumped into by the bustling crowd.

"Li wants to go buy a ticket, follow me later, be careful with your feet." Liu Chuan picked up the glasses on the ground, looked at the broken lenses, and said helplessly, "It seems that your glasses can only be scrapped. already."

Wu Zewen's focus was not on the glasses at all. Liu Chuan held his hand, making his heart beat for a while.

He has been highly short-sighted since he was a child, which is said to be inherited from his father. He started wearing glasses when he was very young. Once, when he was on the street, his glasses accidentally fell to the ground. Wu Zewen squatted on the ground anxiously, looking for glasses everywhere. , life and death can not find, anxious sweating. Later, his mother picked him up from the ground in distress, and he immediately put his arms around his mother's neck, because at the moment when he was picked up by his mother, the helpless child felt warm and at ease.

At that time, I was very young and seemed to be still in kindergarten, but the scene of that day was firmly remembered by Wu Zewen.

Over the years, he has also been careful to protect his glasses. For people with high myopia, glasses are like another pair of eyes. Without glasses, the whole world becomes blurred in front of them. The feeling of not being able to see clearly what is in front of you can be very bad.

Today, in a similar scene, Wu Zewen lost his glasses again, but he also felt warmth and solidity again.

- This feeling comes from Liu Chuan.

Unlike his mother's embrace back then, Liu Chuan just held his wrist lightly, brought him to his side, and made a protective gesture to prevent him from being hit by passers-by because he couldn't see clearly in front of him. arrive.

Just such a simple action made Wu Zewen extremely moved.

- He really did not see Liu Chuan wrong.

At critical moments, this person has always been reliable, and Liu Chuan will give the most effective help to the people around him with practical actions.

Being protected by Liu Chuan made Wu Zewen feel warm in his heart.

In fact, he really wanted to hold Liu Chuan's hand back. Interlacing his fingers or something would be best, but such a move would be too abrupt and would scare Liu Chuan back, so... let him hold it and pretend he doesn't mind. All right.

So Wu Zewen pretended not to care and let Liu Chuan hold hands and stood quietly beside him waiting for Li Xiang to come back.

Li Xiang quickly bought the tickets and came back. While wiping the rain off his face, he stuffed the subway tickets to the two of them respectively. He glanced at Zewen and asked, "Where are your glasses, Zewen?"

Wu Zewen said: "I accidentally fell to the ground and was trampled."

In a crowded place like a subway station, if something falls on the ground and is trampled, one can only consider himself unlucky, Li Xiang said helplessly: "Then you walk carefully, I know there is a glasses shop in front of the school, and you will get a pair when you go back. ."

Wu Zewen nodded and looked up at Liu Chuan: "Are you taking me away?"

Guys who don't wear glasses should narrow their eyes slightly when looking at people. Such a confused look is a bit unusual and cute.

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Okay, Detective Wu, let me be you a human crutch."

After saying that, he clenched Wu Zewen's hand, turned and walked towards the entrance of the subway.

"beware of the steps… "

Along the way, Liu Chuan acted responsibly as a human body navigator, and would remind him every time he went upstairs or downstairs.

Wu Zewen was enjoying his care, not only the wrist he was holding was hot, but even his cheeks started to get hot, and the tips of his ears were even more red.

It feels so good to hold hands. Liu Chuan's hands are very strong, and his slender fingers are dry and warm. Wu Zewen couldn't help but think, so this is how I like it? The first time you fall in love with a person, a little bit of intimate contact with him will make your heart beat like before.

After arriving at school, Liu Chuan and Li Xiang accompanied Zewen to the optical shop again, ordered a pair of glasses, and then returned to the dormitory.

The new glasses will not be ready until tomorrow. Seeing him slowly climbing the stairs with narrowed eyes, Liu Chuan couldn't help but ask, "Zewen, do you have spare glasses?"

Wu Zewen said: "There is a pair, which I used a long time ago. I put it away when the degree is low. You can wear it for a few days."

"That's good." Liu Chuan was relieved, "If you can't see clearly with your glasses on, don't come to the fixed group event tonight, there are power trainers anyway."

Liu Chuan's eyesight is very good, but he also knows that wearing glasses with inappropriate degrees will be very hard to see, and it is very exhausting to play dungeons, so there is no need to force Zewen to wear inappropriate glasses to play dungeons with everyone.


After returning to the dormitory, Liu Chuan asked Li Xiang to take a bath first, and Li wanted him to go first, so Liu Chuan rudely entered the bathroom, and it was easy to catch a cold when he was soaked in soup, so he felt refreshed after taking a hot bath.

When I came out of the shower, there were two unread text messages on my phone on the table.

Jiang Shaoqing: "Team Chuan, I'm sorry, I need to take a leave of absence for the regular group event tonight. JOJO just bit my home broadband, I need someone to fix it..."

There's also one from Yu'er: "Captain, we have a chorus show tonight, I'm going to be a staff member, can I take a leave of absence?"

Yes, today all kinds of situations are really put together, the Taoist family network is broken, Yu'er went to work as a staff member, and Zewen's glasses also fell...

Liu Chuan simply opened the QQ group and said, "Tonight's event is canceled, everyone should be busy!"

Seeing this news, Wu Zewen couldn't help but send a private message to Liu Chuan: "I tried spare glasses, I can play the game, and I can see clearly."

Liu Chuan said, "Forget it. The Taoist priest and Yu'er have something to do tonight. It doesn't matter if you take a day off. You don't have to force it. Go to bed early tonight."

Wu Zewen was silent for a moment, then sent another text message: "By the way, I have good news to tell you."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "What good news? Detective Wu, don't cheat with me, I can't guess."

Wu Zewen said seriously: "I have decided to join the team."

"!!!" Liu Chuan clenched his phone tightly and quickly typed a line of words, "Really? Your mother agreed?!"

Wu Zewen said calmly: "Well. Is this good news?"

This guy! Liu Chuan really wanted to rush to 401 to rub his head hard. Of course, that's good news, but he even cheated on me!

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Of course it's good news. It's great that you can be sure!"

Wu Zewen is the perfect partner in his mind, and he is also a strong arena player. Zewen can join the team, which makes Liu Chuan feel full of confidence!

Xu Ce, Jiang Shaoqing, Li Xiang, Wu Zewen, these four sure teammates, let Liu Chuan, the captain, finally put half of his heart back in his stomach. Other teammates can be found slowly. The addition of these main players has at least basically formed the team.

Liu Chuan was delighted, but Wu Zewen suddenly answered: "My mother doesn't know about e-sports competitions, so she reluctantly agreed to me, but she is still not at ease. She wants to see you, the captain, and come to my house during the winter vacation. ?"

Liu Chuan was stunned for a moment, and replied, "Okay! As long as you can join, I will come to visit with a gift!"

Wu Zewen, who was texting at the desk, saw Liu Chuan's call, his eyes lit up slightly.

Perhaps his decision was a moth to the flame, but now joining the team is not just for Liu Chuan alone, he is more and more interested in the professional circle, especially after watching Su Shilun kill three beautifully today, Wu Zewen even endured it. I can't stop thinking - I'm also playing the Five Poisons Gu Master. If I were on the field, would I be able to complete such wonderful operations as the Wheel God

The more you think, the more you expect.

The moment Liu Chuan held his hand today, Wu Zewen even had the urge to walk hand in hand with him. The closest place to Liu Chuan is Liu Chuan's team. Only by joining the team can you walk side by side with him, stay by his side all the time, and make him fall in love with yourself...

Even if this possibility is very slim, Wu Zewen is willing to try his best.

Therefore, after he returned to the dormitory, he hurriedly called his mother before he had time to take a shower.

"Mom, do you blame me for not wanting to work in that company in Beijing after graduation?"

Teacher Feng Dan couldn't help but be very surprised when he heard what his son said. This son has been very sensible and assertive since he was a child. It was the first time that Feng Dan had heard him discuss with him so seriously, as if he had to decide something very serious.

Feng Dan immediately became serious and asked in a low voice, "Then what kind of work do you want to do?"

Wu Zewen said: "I want to go to an e-sports competition."

Feng Dan said in surprise: "... an e-sports competition?"

Wu Zewen explained earnestly: "Well, the domestic e-sports league is very mature now, and you will get salaries and bonuses when you go to the game, which is a very formal job. You can search for 'Wulin Official Professional League' on the Internet. , the league is very large, there are a lot of professional players, the game will be broadcast live on TV, and the various systems are very formal. I met a few good friends at school, and I want to play games with them, including you before I met Li Xiang, the monitor of our class."

There are several classmates together, and there is the enthusiastic monitor, the live TV or something seems to be quite reliable.

However, Feng Dan was still a little hesitant. After all, her son suddenly mentioned unfamiliar words she had never heard of, which made her unable to make an accurate judgment for a while. She only knows sports events such as basketball and football, but she doesn't know that e-sports has become an official competition now... To put it bluntly, isn't that just playing games? Can gaming be a career

Wu Zewen continued: "Mom, I have never asked you anything since I was a child. This time I made a decision after thinking about it for a long time. Can you agree?"

"..." Feng Dan suddenly softened. Zewen has not had a father since he was a child, and he has never let her worry about it for so many years. This son who matures earlier than his peers has always troubled her. He has been working hard since he was a child, and he has to do his best in everything, she knows The son worked so hard just to keep her from worrying.

Her son has been working diligently in school and receiving scholarships every year. She knows all these...

Now that her son wants to do something he likes, her mother is not against it.

Moreover, she believed that her son would not mess around. Zewen has always been calm. Since the decision was made after considering it for a long time, it must have weighed the pros and cons of all aspects.

Feng Dan hesitated for a while before saying, "I don't know much about the e-sports league you're talking about. I'll call you when I know more."

Wu Zewen knew that this was obviously a sign that his mother was soft-hearted, and immediately followed her words: "Thank you, mother."

Feng Dan: "..."

Thank you so quickly, Mom hasn't agreed yet!

However, Zewen really knew his mother very well, and Feng Dan really couldn't bear to disappoint his son.

However, young people tend to be impulsive, and as a parent, they should take good care of him.

Feng Dan was silent for a while, and then said: "You can play the game if you want, but I need to meet your teammates. I can trust Li Xiang, who are the other teammates? I have to know who you are with. Don't waste your time if your teammates are unreliable when you are together."

It's normal for parents to worry like this, for fear that their son will get mixed up with indiscriminate people.

Wu Zewen said: "I know my mother. Our captain is also from Beijing. During the winter vacation, I will bring him to the house and let him tell you the details, okay?"

Feng Dan then nodded: "Okay."

Liu Chuan didn't know that, Wu Zewen dragged him out decisively.

He couldn't handle his mother alone. Wu Zewen wisely called the captain as his backing. He believed that the captain's eloquence would definitely convince his mother.

Therefore, Liu Chuan could only prepare for the winter vacation to visit his parents.

The author has something to say: [Small Theater]

Feng's mother: Which captain dared to abduct my son away, I slashed him with a knife!

Liu Chuan: Auntie, be merciful, be merciful! E-sports competitions are actually #¥#@%… ##… (Explaining while running)

Feng's mother: Anyway, kidnapping my son is a capital crime!

A throwing knife was thrown.

Liu Chuan: ... Die!