The Strongest God

Chapter 114: Dreamland


The reason why Jiang Shaoqing asked Liu Chuan to ask for leave is indeed quite helpless. JOJO accidentally broke the network cable at home, and there is no shop that sells network cables near the community. Jiang Shaoqing has no choice but to drop by after get off work tomorrow. .

Xu Ce angrily pointed at his nose and scolded it: "What are you biting? You know how to make trouble! I won't bring you next time."

"Wang!" The big dog raised his head to look at Jiang Shaoqing with a pair of wet eyes, wagging his tail at him to please.

Jiang Shaoqing had no choice but to stop Xu Ce and say, "Forget it, what do you care about with it, it doesn't understand..."

JOJO wisely ran over and hid behind Jiang Shaoqing.

Jiang Shaoqing touched its head, and JOJO immediately rubbed Jiang Shaoqing's palm with his big head.

—Xu Ce, the original owner, looks like an outsider.

In just one day, this unscrupulous dog defected and became closer and closer to Jiang Shaoqing.

Xu Ce glared at his pet with a dark face, and reluctantly said to Jiang Shaoqing, "I've caused you trouble. I'll accompany you to buy an internet cable tomorrow."

"..." Does this mean that you will not leave tomorrow

Jiang Shaoqing asked politely, "Xu Ce, did you sleep well last night?"

Last night Jiang Shaoqing wanted to give him the bedroom, but Xu Ce insisted that he was a guest and should sleep in the study. Jiang Shaoqing couldn't beat him, so he had to spread out the foldable sofa in the study for him to use as a bed. In the middle of the night, Jiang Shaoqing got up to go to the toilet, and found Xu Ce curled up into shrimp on the sofa, looking a little pitiful.

People who have been pampered since childhood, how can they be willing to sleep on the sofa there...

Jiang Shaoqing really couldn't figure it out.

He asked Xu Ce if he slept well, but the meaning was obvious: "My place is too small, if you can't sleep well, go to a hotel."

As a result, Xu Ce turned a blind eye to Jiang Shaoqing's intentions, and instead said happily: "I slept well, and slept until dawn. I'll sleep here tonight, the sofa is very comfortable."

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

How can such a tall man sleep comfortably on the sofa

Jiang Shaoqing frowned slightly: "Your assistant hasn't booked a hotel for you yet?"

Xu Ce said: "I don't live in a hotel anymore, and I plan to find a suitable house nearby to rent it. If I go out to a hotel, it's not convenient to take JOJO with me. Many hotels don't allow pets... The place where I go to work is very different from yours. Now, I'll help you for a few days before I find the house, okay?"

Xu Ce looked down at him with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

The big dog next to him started rubbing Jiang Shaoqing's hand with his soft fur again, as if to please him.

"..." Jiang Shaoqing said helplessly, "Okay."

The cheeky Xu Ce, and his big pet JOJO, just depended on Jiang Shaoqing and didn't leave.


The Taoist priest and Yu'er asked for leave at the same time, and Zewen's glasses fell off, so Liu Chuan had to send a message to the power trainer and ask the power trainer to help a few people hang up and upgrade.

The other two roommates hadn't come back yet. Liu Chuan went to chat with Li Xiang when he was bored. Li Xiang's computer opened the official website of the Professional League. The dark blue page looked very familiar.

Liu Chuan leaned over and took a look, "Are you looking at the standings?"

Li Xiang nodded: "Well, the official speed is quite fast. The list was updated immediately after the game ended today."

There are two areas in the standings. The top spot is the team standings, and the bottom is the individual project leaderboard.

In the current team standings, the first place is Qixingcao with 9 points, and the second Bronze Sparrow also has 9 points. Today's two games of 9:0 made these two teams jump to the top of the standings immediately. When the points are the same, it will be sorted by the first letter of the pinyin, so the seven-star grass is in front of the bronze sparrow. Then there are Xuelang team with 6 points, Guose with 5 points, Fenghuo with 4 points, Chang'an with 3 points, and all other teams with 0 points.

This is just the current points ranking, some teams haven't played a game yet, so the points are temporarily 0.

The two strong teams, Shengtang and Luohuaci, have not made any shots at present. Last week was a warm-up for the opening ceremony. Today, the Guangzhou stadium officially kicked off two games. Starting tomorrow, there will be games in major cities such as Shanghai, Xi'an and Beijing. After many games, the standings will definitely be shuffled on a large scale.

Below the team list are the ranking lists of the four single-player projects—

The ring list: Qin Ye is the first, Su Shilun is the second, Lu Xiang is the third, and Xie Guangyi is the fourth. They have 3, 3, 2, and 2 kills respectively in the arena stage.

Killing list: 1st place Su Shilun, 6 heads. The second place Lu Xiang has 5 heads, Shao Zehang and Ye Zhou of Qixingcao also have 5 heads each... This kill list is calculated according to the "last blow" of the team battle. "Whoever kills a person, the head counts as his."

Assist list: No. 1 Xiao Sijing, 12 assists; No. 2 He Fang, 10 assists... The assist list is based on the number of times of "assisting teammates to kill the enemy". Two people in Qixingcao have more than 10 assists, which proves that everyone The generation of heads is the result of the concerted efforts of teammates, and this list can best reflect the unity of the entire team.

Although Qin Ye played perfectly in the ring match of the first match, he killed the opponent's three people by himself and temporarily ranked first in the ring, but he hardly gained anything in the team battle stage, so all the team project rankings were ranked first. Can't see his name.

- This is how important the team is to the players.

Only good players can perform at their best in a good team.

The arena looks at individual ability, and teamfights look at teamwork. Qin Ye's stay in Chang'an was too talented, and the data on this leaderboard was quite obvious.

The last list is the very important "MVP Leaderboard".

The first MVP (player value rating) is Su Shilun, with a score of 97.7. This score is very high. It is based on the technical statistics and team contributions of the judges. Su Shilun's birthday halo bonus in today's game is indeed very good, and it is worthy of a high score like 97.7. There will be more games in the future, and the score of each game will be different. In the end, an average score will be calculated. The average MVP value is also the only reference standard for the final award of the "Most Valuable Player".

- Liu Chuan has won the most of this award.

The MVP reflects the team's contribution. In the past, Liu Chuan, his brilliant performance in almost every game determined the success or failure of Huaxia. In one game, Liu Chuan even scored a terrible score of 99.5, so perfect that even the judges were embarrassed Deduct his points.

For Su Shilun to get such a high score, the key is Team Xiao's command and cooperation. In the Seven Star Grass team, Su Shilun is the absolute main output, so the teammates will deliberately give him the head, and the players who get the head in the team battle will have it The additional effect of "Attack Bonus" increases by 5% for killing one person, up to 25%. It's a waste to take kills for assistants and healers. It is also the consensus of teammates to let teammates who are the main output take kills.

Similarly for the Tongjak team, teammates will give Lu Xiang their heads first, so that Lu Xiang can play better.

- This is the power of teamwork.

If everyone only thinks about themselves, and each person takes one head, the effect will definitely not be as good as one person taking 5 heads.

After Li Xiang watched the list, he couldn't help but began to feel bad for Qin Ye again. Among the ranking lists of so many projects, people like Su Shilun, Lu Xiang and others not only occupy several lists, but also their teammates are on the list with them. The names of many members of Qixingcao and Tongque are written on the list. See Get up loud.

Only Qin Ye, the entire Chang'an team hangs there alone...

Seeing that Li Xiang didn't respond for a long time, Liu Chuan couldn't help but say, "What are you thinking? Are you dumbfounded by the list?"

Li Xiang was silent for a moment, then turned around and said, "I think Qin Ye is not easy, you see, Su Shilun, Lu Xiang and the others are on the ring, kill, and MVP rankings. Team Xiao and Team Shao are also on the rankings. , even the healing girl from Qixingcao is on the assist list, Qin Ye is only on one arena list, and the rest of the Changan team doesn't even have a shadow... Qin Ye's level is obviously no worse than Su Shilun and the others!"

Liu Chuan looked at Li Xiang's indignant look, and sighed helplessly in his heart.

Qin Ye's level is not bad, but unfortunately, the Chang'an team has already started to go downhill rapidly.

I don't know if Yang Jian's temper is over or not. The 20-year-old Liang Haibin has already recovered. What he said to the reporter today made Liu Chuan feel at ease with Huaxia. But Yang Jian is still going his own way. If Yang Jian doesn't quickly correct his mentality, it will only get worse.

Being a captain at 20 is indeed a bit younger. Yang Jian is the only child again, and his family is in good condition. He probably hasn't suffered any setbacks since he was a child. He fell from a championship to a low point, and the blow was too great. He also had to face many poisonous reporters. Everyone can understand that he is uncomfortable with making things difficult for him...

But this kind of evasion is not what a captain should do.

The captain didn't dare to show his face, what do you ask your teammates to think? What do fans think? What do other teams think

It's really unfortunate that Qin Ye has such a captain. All the good things were taken over by Yang Jian, and all the bad things were taken care of by Qin Ye.

The biggest mistake of Chang'an's old captain Lin Liming was that he chose the wrong successor when he retired.

No one would have imagined that the young man who would obediently call his senior when he saw Qin Ye would become what he is now. Surrounded by flowers and applause, he can no longer recognize himself, so he is so vulnerable when faced with setbacks...

"If only Qin Ye could come to our team!" Li Xiang's words suddenly made Liu Chuan come back to his senses.

Liu Chuan looked at each other in surprise: "Why do you have this idea?"

Li Xiang said: "I think he is very boring in the Chang'an team. It is better to just leave the team with a mess of sand."

"It's fine for you to say this in private, but don't say it in front of him." Liu Chuan rarely became serious and said in a low voice, "Qin Ye has a very deep affection for the Chang'an team. This team is composed of him and Lin. The captain built it together for five years, how can you just leave?"

Li Xiang frowned and said, "I know he has a deep affection for the Changan team, but what about the Changan team?"

Liu Chuan: "..."

In Li Xiang's words, Liu Chuan was speechless for a while.

Because he was in a bad mood, Li Xiang's brows could not help but wrinkle even more, and he said angrily, "If Chang'an team still has any feelings for Qin Ye, they should at least stand up and say a few words to him when he won three points in the ring competition. Is it difficult to say a word of encouragement? But what are the Changan team doing? I happened to be at the scene that day, and all I saw was the indifference and indifference of those people! They didn’t pay attention to Qin Ye’s efforts at all. inside!"

Li Xiang recalled the scene at that time. While feeling distressed for Qin Ye, he also felt that the pig teammates of the Changan team were really hateful, so he couldn't help clenching his fists, "Although I don't know how to manage a professional team, but today's teammates are really hateful. Seven Star Grass and Bronze Sparrow, the atmosphere of the team is very harmonious. Qin Ye is isolated in Chang'an, anyone can tell, what is he still waiting for? He has a very deep affection for Chang'an team. But Chang'an is no longer the Chang'an it used to be!"

Liu Chuan: "..."

Unexpectedly, Li Xiang, a layman, could see things so thoroughly, obviously because he paid extra attention to Chang'an team and Qin Ye.

— Qin Ye is still the Qin Ye of the past, but the Changan team is no longer the Changan it used to be.

Since the old captain and old teammates retired one by one, the Chang'an team has long been different. Qin Ye still stayed in Chang'an, firstly because the contract had not expired, and secondly because he had deep feelings for this team... He was reluctant to leave.

But now, he has no choice but to leave. The conflict between him and Yang Jian has led to a split within the team. Fang Zhiyan can even plan tactics for this weakness... Watching others take advantage of Chang'an's internal differences to defeat Chang'an, could it be that Qin Ye Isn't it uncomfortable

- He's the one who hurts the most.

Liu Chuan was silent for a long time, then reached out and patted Li Xiang's shoulder lightly, and said, "Qin Ye's contract with Chang'an just expires after this season, I told him about our team, and he said he would consider it. ."

Li Xiang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he turned around immediately: "Are you serious? Will he come to our team?"

Li Xiang almost jumped up from his chair in excitement.

— Qin Ye will really come to our team? So can I play games with him

Thinking of this, Li Xiang's mood suddenly became extremely excited.

Liu Chuan hit him mercilessly: "Qin Ye said he would consider it, but he was just polite. What I worry about is that he is too tired this season, and he will directly announce his retirement after the tenth season."

Li Xiang was stunned: "No... Retire?!"

Liu Chuan nodded, "You know Qin Ye's character, he's a very proud person, he's not easy to explain to Chang'an fans when he moves to another team, it makes more sense to retire directly, and he's getting old and retiring. Everyone can understand what he said... He didn't mention it in front of me, he only said that he would consider a transfer when his contract expires, but I guess his real thought should be to retire."

Li Xiang:"… "

Qin Ye never mentioned his retirement to Liu Chuan, but Liu Chuan had this bad feeling.

With Qin Ye's temper, which team could he transfer to? Seven star grass? Bronze Sparrow? Prosperous Tang or Falling Flowers? Each of these teams is very strong, but each has its own style. When Qin Ye goes to another team, he has to adjust to the atmosphere of the team. He has been in Chang'an for too long. These teams were his opponents before. It's really hard for him to change himself and adapt to the new team.

What's more, many players of the team have had some disputes with him, and the grievances in the professional circle are also a mess that can't be sorted out. How could someone so proud of Qin Ye put down his self-esteem and force a smile on those who hated him, and instead go back to fight his old boss for peace

If he goes to another team, what if he meets Changan in the arena? For this team that he brought up with his own hands, can he make a move

Therefore, it is the best ending for him when the contract expires, announces his retirement, and dedicates all five years to the team he once loved the most.

Liu Chuan was almost certain of this. According to Qin Ye's personality, the possibility of retiring is far greater than changing teams.

Li Xiang was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "I won't let him retire like this."

Liu Chuan was surprised: "Can you keep him?"

"I haven't thought of it yet." Li Xiang said, "People are alive, and there will always be a way."

Liu Chuan: "..."

You are so optimistic!

Optimists are always like this. They are extremely optimistic at all times. Li Xiang is a typical optimist and looks good all day long.

He cared about Qin Ye very much, which made Liu Chuan very gratified.

"Then think about it slowly." Liu Chuan said with a smile, "When you have free time, communicate more with your idol, and it is not convenient to tell him some things from my standpoint. You just don't understand the professional circle, say He won't blame you if you say something wrong. Get into a good relationship with him first, and then take the cliché from his mouth... If he really wants to retire, let's find a way."

Li Xiang said without hesitation: "Okay!"

As long as Qin Ye can be pulled over, he can do anything!


Liu Chuan returned to his position, and after Li Xiang closed the webpage, he logged into Qin Ye's trumpet account.

Liu Chuan asked a power-training studio to upgrade everyone. Qin Ye is a professional player, and his registration information is not easy to leak. To be on the safe side, Li Xiang decided to give him the leveling himself. Now that he has no classes in his senior year, he can also help every night during the day. Of course, Li Xiang's own training efficiency cannot be compared to the studio's in brushing dungeons and doing quests. However, as long as the level gap is kept within five levels, Qin Ye can team up with everyone to play dungeons after he goes online.

In fact, Qin Ye didn't care about the trumpet's level and equipment at all, but since he handed the trumpet to Li Xiang, Li Xiang would never let his trumpet fall behind!

After five rounds of dungeons, nothing to do, Li Xiang stood at the door of the dungeon alone in a daze.

Recalling the gentle hug of Team Xiao when Su Shilun stepped down from the stage, and the scene of Qin Ye drinking Coke alone after he stepped down, Li Xiang couldn't help but feel a little distressed. He especially wanted to talk to Qin Ye, but he couldn't. It's good to know what to say, and I'm afraid that I will disturb the other party by sending a message rashly.

After hesitating for a while, he mustered up the courage to type a line: "Are you busy?"

After I posted it, I felt that I was too naive, so I hurriedly added: "If you are busy, you don't need to reply. I have nothing to do, I just want to ask you, how are the preparations for tomorrow's game? I can't go to the scene to watch it, I will watch it online. The live broadcast cheers you on."

After a while, I received a reply from Qin Ye: "It's almost done, thank you for your concern."

Isn't he busy? !

Li Xiang hurriedly typed and said, "Then you should rest early! If you have insomnia, try listening to light music. I packaged and sent a compressed file to your QQ mailbox, which contains some music suitable for listening before going to bed, which has a hypnotic effect. , you can take it out and try it when you can't sleep. Relax and don't think too much."

Looking at this long-winded text message, Qin Ye couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly.

He can actually feel the concern of classmate Li Xiang for him. The kind of careful attention and love for idols is like a considerate little fan, standing behind him, silently caring for him and supporting him, He is also happy to help him share his worries, help him with trumpet training, hang up to help him kill his murderous spirit, or send music files to his mailbox... Li Xiang cares about him very much, but he never asks about his secrets, smart keep a friendly distance from him.

However, because they have met each other and have a mutual friend like Liu Chuan, the relationship between the two seems to be closer than the relationship between fans and idols.

In the past, Qin Ye didn't like to get too close to fans, but now, when Qin Ye found out that he received a text message from Li Xiang, not only did he not feel impatient, but he couldn't help but bend the corners of his mouth - because he could imagine Li Xiang Think of the expressions on the faces of your classmates when they send text messages.

Although he had only met him once, Qin Ye clearly remembered Li Xiang's appearance.

A college student in his early twenties, tall and handsome, with a bright smile like sunshine, his body is full of vigor and vitality. Although he is a bit more talkative, he is very caring and very frank and sincere.

Li wanted to give him the feeling that he was like a little padded jacket in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, warm and thick.

Qin Ye couldn't help laughing, and sent him a text message: "I received the music, thank you, I'll listen to it on my phone. I'm ready to go to bed, good night."

Li Xiang immediately sent a reply: "Good night! Have a good rest!"

Qin Ye lay on the bed, put on earplugs and listened to the song sent by Li Xiang, and fell asleep after listening.

I don't know if it was because the light music was hypnotic, or because he relaxed, but he slept very peacefully that night.

In the dream, he actually dreamed of the scene where he met Li Xiang in the hotel corridor. The two stood face to face in the quiet corridor. The boy clumsily handed a large box of dolls from the lottery to him, and Qin Ye chose from them. I got a little Emei doll...

But the strange thing is that after the dream, the little Emei doll in his hand turned into the appearance of Li Xiang.

The miniature version of Li Xiang stood in Qin Ye's palm, looked up at him and said, "You go to bed early, if you can't sleep listening to soft music, I sent a compressed package to your mailbox... Also, I'm here for your trumpet. Help you level up, come to the new area to find us when you have time... Also, you can't even enter the main city of Red Name, so that's not good, you can't upgrade if you can't take the quest, I want to help you hang up and kill your anger. By the way, remember to feed the sweaty horse, if you don't feed it, the horse will starve to death..."

The Q version of Xiao Li Xiang was so cute, he kept mumbling.

Qin Ye couldn't help but stretched out his finger and poked his head, and said, "I see, you are so long-winded."

Xiao Li wanted to be stabbed by him, and fell to the ground with a snap, screaming in pain.

Qin Ye hurriedly possessed him, picked him up, and stuffed him into his pocket...

Li Xiang's head came out of his pocket again, and he was still muttering: "Is the game ready for the day after tomorrow? Don't work too hard, staying up late will make you grow old..."

Qin Ye pushed him back: "It's too much to talk about."

Although he was scolding him, he felt warm in his heart.

This strange dream continued until dawn.

When Qin Ye woke up, he found that there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. Sure enough, a fun dream would make people feel better.