The Strongest God

Chapter 116: Assassin (Part 1)


Li Xiang helped Qin Ye level up before, so when he went offline, Qi Yexue's account happened to stop at the entrance of the level 45 dungeon Lunjian Peak, while Li Xiang's own account was in Qinzhou, far away. After forming a team, you can click on the avatar to display the location of your teammates. Qin Ye glanced at his location and sent a message: "I'm coming to Qinzhou to find you."

Qinzhou is a large map, suitable for players from level 45 to level 55, including the main city "Qinzhou City" and four large experience areas in the suburbs.

After level 45, in addition to doing quests and dungeons, there is another way to upgrade is "wild experience group", that is, find an upgrade point in the wild with a faster refresh rate for mobs to play mobs to gain experience, this upgrade method is simple It’s fast, you don’t need to do tasks and run errands everywhere, and you won’t be killed by bosses like in the dungeon. You only fight small monsters in the wild, which is very easy.

The four suburbs of Qinzhou are the golden spawn points for wild mobs, and many experience groups hang up here.

Of course, with such a simple and rude way to upgrade monsters, the experience gained is the least, which is suitable for lazy people and power leveling studios.

Li Xiang and the others have all been handed over to the "Flying General Studio" to take care of them. The golden experience area here is the hang-up point of their studio. The characters such as Liufang Shishi, Mist Swamp, and Fish Swimming are also here. in the experience group.

Li wanted to accompany Qin Ye on a mission, so he told the power trainer and left the experience group to join Qin Ye's group.

Qin Ye ran towards Li Xiang on his sweaty and bloody BMW, a fiery red mass that looked menacing, attracting the attention of passers-by wherever he went.

Li Xiang saw the dazzling red ball from a distance, and immediately greeted him, typing on the team channel and saying, "Why do you have time to play today?"

Qin Ye said, "The game is over, let's rest for one night."

Li Xiang said happily, "Then why don't you join us tonight?!"

Qin Ye said, "Okay."

Li Xiang thought about it and suggested, "Liu Chuan and the others haven't come back yet, why don't we go and clear the Qinzhou map task first?"

"Yeah." Qin Ye agreed.

After that, he sent an invitation to ride together, put Li Xiang on the horse, tightened the reins, turned around and roared away.

The weather effect changed, and the map of Qinzhou suddenly began to drizzle lightly. The next door to Qinzhou was Jiangnan, and the scenery on the whole map was very close to Jiangnan Water Village. There is a poetic old-fashioned charm.

The two ran forward on a horse, Qin Ye pulled the reins to control the direction of the horse, and Li Xiang, who was sitting behind him, gently hugged Qin Ye in his arms. In the drizzle, the beautiful scenery on both sides swayed quickly in front of my eyes, and there were splashes of water splashing where the horses hooves passed.

The feeling of riding a horse and running in the game is very enjoyable. In addition, the surrounding scenery is beautiful and in the quiet atmosphere, only the melodious music and the sound of horses' hooves stepping on the bluestone are left in his ears. Along the way, Li Xiang feels that his own The sound of the heartbeat also seemed to gradually merge with the sound of the horse's hooves, thumping, pounding, and beating non-stop in his chest.

He even had a strange idea - it would be nice if the target NPC was a little further away from here.

Preferably infinity so that they can ride all the way down.

Qin Ye is usually too busy and rarely logs on to this account. The time he spends alone with Qin Ye is really pitiful, and Li Xiang's tasks as a couple are often handled by himself by opening two accounts. It was rare today that Qin Ye was online, and Liu Chuan and the others were also offline. The two of them traveled all over the map of Qinzhou together. Although it was raining, Li Xiang's mood was as bright as a clear sky.

Maybe because Qin Ye is his idol? As long as he is with Qin Ye, no matter what he does, he feels very happy.

Qin Ye has always acted resolutely, and quickly found the NPC at the starting point of the mission, and took over the first link of the Qinzhou mission mainline.

Every mission on the big map of Wulin will have a very clear plot line. The NPC's head is displayed with a golden question mark, and the experience rewarded by the main line mission is also the most abundant. In addition, there are many NPCs around with silver question marks on their heads, indicating that these are branch lines that can be done or not, for players to choose freely.

Qin Ye happened to be idle and bored today, so he took over all the side quests, and the two of them started from the first quest together.

Find people, send messages, kill mobs, escort NPCs...

Of course, these simple tasks were not difficult for them, and they were very easy to do along the way. After completing seven or eight main missions, Qin Ye's trumpet also rose by one level.

Time passed very quickly. Before I knew it, it was seven o'clock in the evening, and it was pitch black outside the window, but Qin Ye didn't notice it.

He's totally into the game.

It's strange to say that he hasn't played online games for many years. He has always been concerned about various games, maps, and tactics. He has long lost interest in the dungeons and tasks in online games. But today, he is doing tasks from scratch with Li Xiang, but he is in a trance. Suddenly I regained the feeling when I first entered the game - relaxed and happy.

At that time, there was no professional league, and everyone felt very relaxed when they played games.

Later, when there was a professional league, the cruel competition caused the pressure to increase day by day. Playing games became his job, and it gradually lost the pure fun that he used to be.

- Fortunately, today, he found that fun again.

The two fought an elite monster together. Li Xiang steadily held back the hatred of the elite captain. The elite captain carrying the big sword slashed all over Li Xiang. Qin Ye, who was beside him, was not hurt at all. It's so easy.

Qin Ye's hand speed to deal with elite monsters in the game is like cutting vegetables, and Li Xiang has now become a thick-skinned god T... The two of them team up to do the task, 1+1 is the speed of a rocket, and it only takes one afternoon In the time, I completed all the main tasks of the huge Qinzhou map.

On the way back to hand in the mission, I came to a fork in the road. Li Xiang was about to talk to Qin Ye when two people suddenly ran out of the woods next to him and came straight at Li Xiang!

The Tangmen knights [people have joys and sorrows] have started a vendetta against you!

The Tang Sect knights [Moon has Yin and Qing Yuan Que] started a vendetta against you!

The names of these two people, at first glance, are good friends, and at the same time they have a vendetta against Li Xiang, which is obviously a bad visitor.

Li Xiang was forced to become popular, and his blood volume began to drop rapidly.

Qin Ye couldn't help but sneer.

- Just the two of you, still want to kill Li Xiang in front of me

Since the other party dared to do something to Li Xiang, Qin Ye naturally wouldn't be polite to them. His eyes turned cold, his left hand was slightly raised, and the five fingers immediately gave birth to solid black nails, and the sharp nails pierced the opponent's chest!

With a neat move, Emei pierced the heart, and almost pulled out a hole in Tangmen's chest!

When the two saw that Emei was a female number, and was carried by the master in his arms, they thought she was a little white soft girl.

Qin Ye used Emei's passive skill to increase attack speed, aiming at that "people have joys and sorrows" is a set of Emei combo, the bleeding effect is quickly stacked in three layers!

The man next to him also shifted his target to fight Qin Ye, trying to save his partner, how could Li Xiang watch Qin Ye be besieged by them? Without further ado, a dragon claw hand grabbed him by the collar and grabbed him, Fo Guang Puzhao forced him to attack himself, while typing on a nearby channel: "Come and hit me, buddy, your target is me."

"..." sent a string of silent ellipses to Fa.

Qin Ye couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth when he saw this line of words. This Li Xiang was also quite irritating, and it was estimated that the other party was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

He took that person away, obviously wanting to relieve himself of some pressure so that he could quickly get rid of the person in front of him. Li Xiang's thoughtfulness at the critical moment freed Qin Ye from the worry of being besieged. His hand speed exploded, and he immediately knocked out the opponent in front of him. He immediately turned around to help Li Xiang.

The two quickly worked together to solve the second person.

Qin Ye then typed on a nearby channel and asked, "Why did you kill him?"

- Such an obvious way of protecting his shortcomings made Li Xiang so happy that he didn't know what to say.

Qin Ye didn't think much of it. Anyway, if someone dared to touch Li Xiang's hair in front of him, he would never agree.

When the two killed saw Qin Ye's question, they did not answer, but remained silent.

Li Xiang frowned and said, "You two, do I have a grudge against you? Why did you kill me?"

The other party remained silent.

Qin Ye became a little impatient: "I have nothing to do, and I owe a vendetta, right?"

The two still didn't reply, lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

Qin Ye looked at the names of the two of them and said, "I have written down the two of you. It's best not to let me meet in the future, kill me once I see you!"

He has such a soft-hearted personality, and whoever dares to bully the people around him, he will definitely give back tenfold!

After adding those two people to the list of enemies, Qin Ye got on his horse and said, "Let's go."

Li Xiang ignored the two, and simply mounted the horse with Qin Ye, and went back to hand in the task.

At this moment, a line of system prompt appeared in the lower left corner: "Your friend [Fish's Water Swimming] is offline."

After a while, it was another: "Your friend [Fish's Water Swimming] is online."

In this way, going offline and online is obviously changing numbers.

Liu Chuan left the contact information of the power leveling studio to everyone. In the future, everyone can just say hello to the studio when they want to go online. When I am not online, the studio will help to upgrade the experience. Free arrangement, this is equivalent to the account being online 24 hours a day, and can be upgraded to full level before November at the fastest speed - Liu Chuan's private customized package is so convenient and considerate.

Yu'er usually goes online at around 7:00. Li Xiang guessed that it was Yu'er himself when he saw the news, and took the initiative to chat privately: "Is Yu'er here?"

I quickly received a reply: "Hmm! It's me! Master, what are you doing?"

Yu'er applied to join the team and found that there were only two of them in the team. He was a little curious: "Why are you two? Captain and them?"

Li Xiang said: "The captain went with Wudu to get glasses, and he will come over later. The network failure at Daoist Qingfeng's house was the same as you last night."

Yu'er suddenly realized: "Oh! No wonder I saw in the Q group that the fixed group activities were canceled. It turned out that everyone had something to do!" After a pause, he said, "I brought takeaways back, and I went to eat first, and by the way, I hung up the hook and fished. Call me when the captain is here!"

After speaking, he teleported to the Land of Fish and Rice, found the pond where he was fishing before, sat down and hung up, opened the purchased dinner and ate it.

Li Xiang and Qin Ye continued their mission, and just after taking a few steps, they saw Yu'er's HP drop rapidly in the team list, and then suddenly turned gray.

The avatar is grayed out, which in-game heralds the death of the character.

Is this attacked

At the same time, a line of reminders appeared on the team channel: "The teammate [fish swimmers] was brutally killed by [the world's heroes out of our generation] in [the land of fish and rice]."

Li Xiang typed on the team channel and asked, "Fish?"

The other party did not respond for a long time.

Qin Ye also asked, "What's going on?"

Qin Ye's impression of Yu'er has always been good, probably due to the fact that he is also Emei. I still remember that when he came to the game to play 3V3 battles, this little dad with his face rolling on the keyboard could not even survive for 5 seconds under Liu Chuan's hands, but during this time, under Liu Chuan's guidance, this guy made rapid progress. , when I fought Elder Qianzhu that day, I was able to pull the boss along with Wu Zewen all the way, and it was completely different from the original goddess of destroying the group.

When someone he knew was killed, Qin Ye naturally couldn't stand by and asked, "Why did that person kill you?"

The fish did not respond.

Li Xiang was anxious: "Fish, fish, fish? Talk, talk, talk!"

Still no reply from the fish.

Far away in Harbin, in a student dormitory of a certain university, a 17-year-old classmate Yu'er was digging into the chicken legs with the lunch he bought. He was starving today. At this time, his attention was completely on the chicken legs, and he didn't notice anything behind him. Computer - Emei's little grandma had already fallen into a pool of blood.

Today's chicken drumsticks taste good, and the school canteen is still a bit conscientious...

Classmate Yu'er thought happily.

Li Xiang and Qin Ye asked for a long time, but found that he had not responded, so they had to rush to the Land of Fish and Rice to see the situation.

At the scene of the crime, only the poor corpse of the fish was lying on the edge of the pond, and there were a lot of fishing rods and bait beside it. The perpetrator had long since disappeared.

Li Xiang circled around Yu'er's body, and then typed a line on a nearby channel: "Fish?"

The other party still did not respond.

Li Xiang was depressed: "I'm going! Isn't he in front of the computer when he hangs up and fishes? I don't even know if he was killed!"

Qin Ye frowned slightly: "The person who killed Yu'er had something to do with the two people who killed you?"

Li Xiang was surprised and said, "No way? Yu'er is just a dad, he has never PKed with anyone, and he has never offended anyone."

Qin Ye said, "You haven't offended anyone, haven't you?"

After a pause, he added firmly: "It must be Liu Chuan who offended him, and he will offend people the most."

"..." Li Xiang silently agreed.

Just as he was talking, there was another dazzling red message in the lower left corner—

Your friend [Liufang Baishi] was brutally killed by [Tang Bushuai] in [Qinzhou Western Suburbs].

Your friend [Mist Swamp] was brutally killed by [Tang Buli] in [Qinzhou Western Suburbs].

In the game, only when someone forcibly commits a vendetta, a text prompt message will appear on the friend channel.

The characters of Liu Chuan and Zewen were also killed. The key point is that Liu Chuan accompanied Wu Zewen to get the glasses outside the school. Before they came back, they were not on the account at all. The power leveling studio can be killed even if it hangs up and brushes its experience in the wild... What kind of revenge is this

Li Xiang frowned and said: "This is obviously for our fixed team, right?! How much hatred did Liu Chuan pull? Is this? All his teammates were killed?"

Qin Ye said, "Wait for him to come back and ask what's going on."

At the same time, the news that Liu Chuan was killed was also sent to the friend channels of the major guild presidents.

The presidents were all shocked, especially the president of the Seven Star Grass Guild, Broken Heart Grass, who saw the news and immediately chatted with Liu Chuan: "Brother, how did you get killed?"

"I'm a power trainer!" The studio boy growled and replied.

The power leveling brother of the Fei General Studio really wants to vomit blood - my brother is driving several computers, and helping a few people get on the account and open the experience group is already in a hurry. I feel that my eight hands are not enough, how can I still have enemies Looking for such a fucking thing!

At this time, Liu Chuan was accompany Wu Zewen to get glasses in the optical shop, and inexplicably sneezed a lot.

Liu Chuan touched his nose and looked back at Wu Zewen.

Yesterday's new glasses were ready. Wu Zewen tried to wear them. This time, Liu Chuan personally chose the frames for him. The pure black frame made his complexion even more fair. Pleasant to the eye.

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Yes, is the degree still appropriate?"

Wu Zewen rubbed his eyes: "It looks a little dizzy."

The enthusiastic boss hurried over to explain: "The new glasses are like this. You will feel dizzy at first. You can wake up tomorrow morning and put them on. You can get used to it in a day or two."

Wu Zewen nodded: "Well, thank you boss."

After that, go to the side to swipe the card to pay the balance.

It was at this time that Liu Chuan received a message from the power leveling brother—

"Dude, the enemy in your game has been killed, and all of your teammates have been killed. Do you want to go online first and settle the grievances and grievances? Otherwise, our studio will be very difficult to handle, and we will be chased and killed all day long. The experience you finally acquired is lost once you die, and if you get killed once like this, our work this afternoon is equivalent to nothing."

Liu Chuan said doubtfully: "Enemies? I don't seem to have any enemies, do I?"

The power trainer said, "One is called Tang Bushuai and the other is called Tang Buli, who killed you and Wudu, and your teammate called Yu'er was also killed after leaving the team just now."

Liu Chuan frowned slightly and replied, "I see. You go offline first, and I'll deal with it."

When Wu Zewen came back after paying the money, seeing Liu Chuan frowning, he asked with concern, "What happened?"

Liu Chuan nodded: "Let's go back first, something happened in the game."

Wu Zewen asked, "Is it serious?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "It is said that someone assassinated us. I want to see who is so courageous!"