The Strongest God

Chapter 117: Assassin (below)


Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen went to get their glasses first, so they hadn't had dinner yet. There happened to be a dumpling restaurant next to it, so Liu Chuan went in and ordered three dumplings to pack.

Wu Zewen wondered: "What do you want three copies?"

Liu Chuan explained: "Qin Ye was online when I came out just now, and Li Xiang was with his idol, and he didn't even have a meal, so let's bring him a copy by the way."

Wu Zewen: "..."

Li Xiang really did his best to accompany his idol and died, and his spirit is commendable.

The two returned to the dormitory building with food, and Wu Zewen picked a cabbage filling and went back to the dormitory to eat. When Liu Chuan opened the door of 301, there was only Li Xiang in the dormitory. Liu Chuan walked over and put the packed dumplings on his table: "I said, is it more important to accompany Qin Ye or eat?"

Li wanted to smell the aroma of dumplings, and immediately turned around and smiled at Liu Chuan: "It's all right, thank you!"

Then this guy rudely grabbed a box of dumplings and devoured it with his head buried, apparently starving.

Liu Chuan glanced at him helplessly, turned back to his desk, sat down and turned on the computer, while asking, "The booster sent me a message saying that a few of us were assassinated, you have been online this afternoon, tell me Say what happened?"

Li wanted to swallow a dumpling and drank the soup by the way, then turned around and said, "I was on a mission with Ye Ye, and met two people who had a vendetta against me, and Ye Ye killed them both. Yu'er went online just now. I was also killed in the land of fish and rice, and then I saw the friend channel prompt that you and Zewen's numbers were also killed in the wild."

Liu Chuan touched his chin thoughtfully, "It seems that this is targeting our fixed group?"

Li Xiang nodded: "It should be, otherwise it wouldn't be so coincidental."

Liu Chuan quickly logged into his account.

His account is still in Qinzhou, and apparently the booster went offline immediately after receiving his reply. If you get killed once, you will lose 5% of the experience. The higher the level, the more experience you need to level up. Once the 5% of the experience is lost, it is equivalent to losing all the experience of spawning monsters this afternoon.

No wonder the power trainer is so depressed. He has done hard work for nothing in the afternoon, increasing the workload for no reason, and he will definitely be unhappy.

- Who will assassinate them

Liu Chuan thought thoughtfully while eating dumplings.

The prompt "Mist Swamp Online" appeared in the lower left corner, and Zewen also climbed up, because both of them had just died, so the blood volume after resurrection was less than half.

Wu Zewen took the initiative to send a team invitation and put Liu Chuan in: "Have you finished eating?"

Liu Chuan ate dumplings with chopsticks in his right hand, and typed on the keyboard with his left hand: "I'm eating, halfway through."

Wu Zewen also typed with his left hand and replied, "I also ate half of it."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Eat slowly, and then talk about it when you're done."

However, someone was sent to be cannon fodder at this time.

—Tangmen knight [Tang Buli] started a vendetta against you!

Liu Chuan's expression did not change. The moment he caught sight of the green light of the Tangmen hidden weapon in the corner of his eye, he was usually invisible immediately after a conditioned reflex, followed by a beautiful light work around his back, brushing brush strokes! Three hidden weapons shot in succession, directly hitting the opponent's back!

Tang Buli didn't expect that he wanted to do a sneak attack, but he was killed by surprise!

Tang Sect fights Tang Sect, sect civil war, naturally knows each other's skill effects and CD time extremely well - who can understand Tang Sect better than Liu Chuan

Not to mention an online game player, even in the professional circle, Liu Chuan's status in Tangmen is absolutely unmatched.

"Also let people not eat well..."

While complaining in a low voice, Liu Chuan used one hand to control the keyboard and decisively and cleanly dropped the Tang Sect who came to kill him. By the way, he pulled the guy who wanted to assassinate Zewen in the distance with a single stroke of flying claws. Unceremoniously, they sent him back to the west.

No matter what, I have to wait until the end of the meal. It's so annoying to be interrupted in the middle of the meal...

Because he was busy eating, Liu Chuan showed no mercy to these two guys.

Five minutes later, Liu Chuan, who finally had a full stomach, wiped his mouth contentedly, cleaned up the lunch box on the table, went out to wash his hands, and then sat down at the table again.

Looking at the computer screen, I unexpectedly found that the bodies of the two people who came to assassinate them just now were still lying there and did not return to the city.

Liu Chuan typed: "It's not enough to kill once, but I am still in ambush and continue to kill. How much hatred do I have with you?"

The two didn't answer a word.

Liu Chuan didn't bother to care about them either, so he summoned a two-man horse to pull Zewen to the horse, and by the way, he brought in a few online partners.

Jiang Shaoqing hasn't been online yet, but the others have arrived. Li Xiang and Qin Ye joined the team one after another, but Yu'erfa's invitation to form a team never responded.

Liu Chuan turned around and asked Li Xiang, "What are the fish doing?"

Li Xiang said helplessly: "He hangs up to fish, and he is not at the computer."

After a while, Yu'er Shui Yu finally joined the team.

In the land of fish and rice, the fish lying on the edge of the pond finally crawled up in dismay, and asked suspiciously, "Why am I dead again?"

Li Xiang:"… "

Qin Ye: "..."

The two of us stood here worrying about you for a long time, but you didn't even know that you were killed

Li wanted to laugh or cry: "You don't even know that you were killed? Look at the battle records."

Yu'er immediately flipped through the battle records, and sure enough, there was a line of red words indicating that he was killed, and the name was very familiar: "It's this [heroes from my generation] again, he has been killing me for several days in a row, every time I He killed me when I was hooking up fishing, and when I came back I saw myself dead by the pond…”

Liu Chuan was surprised: "You didn't tell us that you were killed for several days?"

Yu'er explained embarrassedly: "I thought I had encountered that kind of madness that bored and murdered, so I didn't want to trouble you."

In the game, there are indeed a lot of crazy people who are idle and bored in the wild to kill and hang on the game. Especially in the land of fish and rice, people often come over in the middle of the night and kill all the players who are farming and fishing, and the fish thinks that they are unlucky. When I met such a person, I never mentioned it.

Of course, there is a more important reason - there are too many masters in this fixed team, he is the most naive and the youngest, and he always feels like he is hugging his thighs with them. The last time the captain and the others went offline and went back to the old district to meet with Mingjiao, Yu'er was left alone here. To be honest, at that moment, he felt a little uncomfortable, and he always felt like he was abandoned by these masters.

He knew that his level was incomparable to the captain and the others. As a goddess of destroying the group, it was already extremely lucky to be able to get into such a powerful fixed team.

So he didn't dare to ask for too much.

He is the last one to take things every time after finishing the dungeon. As long as Qin Emei's equipment, all other things are given up, because he knows his position in the team... He is just a dispensable little dad who destroys the group, and The others are top players.

He didn't want to cause trouble to the captain because of his own business, and he didn't want to be a burden and burden to the team.

It was a bit depressing to be killed a few times, and he lost a lot of experience, but he was still too embarrassed to ask for help from the captain when he was killed.

Liu Chuan actually knows what Yu'er thinks. In the entire team, Yu'er is indeed the weakest one at present. He has never mentioned the team to Yu'er. Naturally, this also has his considerations: on the one hand, this small He is not sure whether the teenager can play games with him. Second, Yu'er is a freshman in college. If he wants to play a game, it will involve decisions such as asking for leave or suspending school, so he needs to be careful.

Zewen and Li Xiang had just graduated when they participated in the competition, and Jiang Shaoqing and Xu Ce could also make decisions for themselves. After all, Yu'er was only seventeen years old, so Liu Chuan wanted to spend some time together and have a look.

The last time I left him, it probably made the little guy sad. He was killed for several days and didn't dare to tell everyone...

Liu Chuan is very sensible when he is young, but he appreciates this, and can't help but soften his heart: "Yu'er, what is the name of the person who killed you? Let's go and avenge you."

Yu'er was instantly flattered: "Isn't it necessary? It's a waste of time, why don't you go to the dungeon."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "It's okay, look at the list of enemies, what's that person's name?"

Yu'er had to type and say, "The heroes of the world come from my generation."

The captain wanted to take revenge for Yu'er. Several other people were killed today, and everyone gathered at the gate of Jiangling soon.

At this moment, Daoist Qingfeng among his friends also went online, and Liu Chuan immediately put him into the team and pulled him to the voice channel.

However, within half a minute, the blood bar below the head portrait of the Taoist leader in the team list began to drop rapidly, just like a blood collapse!

Before Liu Chuan could ask what was going on, an angry voice sounded in everyone's ears—

"Who dares to kill you? You're impatient!" This was Xu Ce.

"Wow! Wang!" This is JOJO.

The familiar background sound of one person and one dog from the Taoist priest, everyone said that they have become accustomed to being calm.

Jiang Shaoqing said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I'm late today, I just got the wireless network. By the way, why did someone kill me at the door of the copy?"

Unlike the experience group that Liu Chuan and others hung up in Qinzhou, Jiang Shaoqing happened to be at the door of the dungeon when he went offline that day.

Xu Ce said: "The person who killed you is called Tang Feixia. He is behind the tree over there, see? Go and kill him."

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

Xu Ce urged: "What are you doing, go and kill him."

Jiang Shaoqing said seriously and solemnly: "I'm currently playing the Wudang Tai Chi genre, and I am equipped with auxiliary equipment. You want me to kill that Tang Sect?"

Xu Ce's face darkened suddenly: "Who made you change genres!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Of course it's me. It's much more fun after changing, right?"

Jiang Shaoqing said, "Well, that's right."

Xu Ce: "..."

Everyone: "… "

As a result, it was rare for 7 people to get together and add a dog's voice channel, which suddenly became very lively.

"...Then you will be killed in vain if you switch to an auxiliary genre?" Xu Ce frowned, "Wait, I'll go to Yunfeiyang's account and go online to kill him."

Jiang Shaoqing looked back at him: "Forget it, what are you doing so angry, maybe it's just a manslaughter... Hey, I said forget it... Hey..."

The sound of footsteps receding, and then another footstep and a barking sound like JOJO's accompaniment.

... Jiang Shaoqing's side was just as wonderful as a sketch.

After a while, Xu Ce came over with his notebook, sat down beside Jiang Shaoqing, connected to the wireless network, and logged into Yun Feiyang's account.

Yun Feiyang used to play Wudang in the fifth district of Telecom. This time, he came to the new district to play a beggar gang account. The local tyrants are naturally equipped with excellent equipment. The boss obeyed, and the boss asked for an account without saying a word and gave it immediately.

Xu Ce put Yun Feiyang's beggar gang number into the team, and Yu'er asked suspiciously, "Is this Yun Feiyang the local tyrant who auctioned the red lotus jade pendant that day?"

Jiang Shaoqing explained, "It was my friend who temporarily landed on his account."

Yu'er suddenly realized: "Oh, your friend is the boss he keeps talking about, right?"

Jiang Shaoqing nodded: "Yes, we used to be a guild in the fifth telecom district."

During the time everyone was chatting, Xu Ce was already riding a rhinoceros rampage to the Wudang Mountains, and the players who passed by couldn't avoid it.

Xu Ce soon came to Jiang Shaoqing, found the man hiding behind the tree, and drove a beggar gang number, a dragon came out of the water and rushed towards the man, like a tiger!

- Dare to kill my family Jiang Shaoqing, court death!

He is best at playing Mingjiao, but he can basically play other melee sects. It is more than enough to deal with this little shrimp at his level, even if he changes his account, not to mention Yun Feiyang's equipment is too gorgeous, a full set of level 45. The purple outfit has actually inserted a lot of stones to strengthen it to full level, and the second person is very easy.

Xu Ce killed the man cleanly and looked back at Jiang Shaoqing: "When he gets up, I'll kill him again to help you relieve your anger."

However, I didn't expect that at the same time that Tang Feixia was resurrected on the spot, a group of Tangmen suddenly rushed around, surrounded the two, and directly shot them into hedgehogs with bows and arrows!

Jiang Shaoqing, died.

Xu Ce... gritted his teeth for a while, died.

Xu Ce threw the mouse angrily: "Damn it! This guy has helpers! So many helpers!"

Jiang Shaoqing was also very puzzled: "There are so many Tangmen at the entrance of the copy, is this a gang war?"

Liu Chuan was silent for a moment, and said, "I understand, this is someone who deliberately made it difficult for us. Today, a few of us were also assassinated in the wild. Those Tangmen at the door of the copy may be hiding in ambush and waiting for us to be delivered to the door. ."

Jiang Shaoqing said in surprise, "What's going on here?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "I don't know. Maybe someone didn't like us, so he sent someone to kill us?"

Yu'er said: "So it seems that the hero of the world who killed me these days is probably with them!"

Li Xiang scratched his head in doubt: "We haven't offended anyone, have we? We're still lying in ambush waiting to be killed. What a vengeance!"

Qin Ye said, "Captain, is it because you didn't pay attention to what you said and caused hatred again?"

Wu Zewen said seriously: "It is very likely that it was the Prosperous Tang Guild."

Everyone: "… "

He suddenly came up with such a sentence seriously, and his teammates all said... Thinking is not in the same dimension as Xueba

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Detective Wu, how did you guess, let's analyze it."

Wu Zewen naturally has sufficient arguments: "We have always remained neutral in the new area and have a good relationship with the Great Guild. Among the eight major guilds in the new area, Chang'an, Guise, and Fenghuo were very familiar with us when they played the dungeons, and they also asked us to learn the dungeons. Raiders, do not commit murder. Qixingcao wants to win us over, let alone kill us in turn. Huaxia and Tongque can also be ruled out. From the last time you beat the world boss, you can see that these two guilds have a low-key wait-and-see attitude. do this kind of thing."

Wu Zewen paused: "So, to organize so many people to hunt down our Great Guild, only Shengtang and Luohuaci who have never dealt with are left."

Listening to his analysis, Liu Chuan couldn't help but ask: "Why are you definitely a prosperous Tang, not Luo Hua Ci?"

Wu Zewen said seriously: "I just opened a first-class trumpet account and added one of them as a friend. I privately chatted about whether he could join the club. He replied: We do not accept rookies in the prosperous Tang Dynasty."

Everyone: "… "

Detective Wu, you won, and you even opened a trumpet account to investigate the case!

- Prosperous Tang Guild, this time it didn't run away.