The Strongest God

Chapter 123: Western Regions Map


When everyone heard Liu Chuan say this, they immediately fell in admiration!

It turned out that the captain had an idea for a long time. He did not simply escape, but pretended to escape, and led the large troops of the prosperous Tang collectively to the level 60 map - the Western Regions!

Liu Chuan had never been a deserter on the battlefield.

Anyone who knows him knows that when Liu Chuan escapes, he must not chase him! This person is full of bad water and tricks. If you chase him, you will definitely fall into his trap! In the professional league, there are many captains who have suffered such bloody losses.

However, how could the people in the prosperous Tang Guild know that they were facing such a character

They also thought that Liu Chuan was frightened by the elite group of 30 people, and ran away in a hurry.

Western Regions, chaotic stone formations.

Liu Chuan stopped here, and then simply flew straight to the top of a huge boulder with a few neat tricks, and said on the voice channel, "Everyone come up with me, let's spread out our positions."

Wu Zewen immediately understood his intention: "Do you want to use the chaotic terrain of the chaotic stone formation to separate the 30 people in the prosperous Tang Dynasty and defeat them one by one?"

Liu Chuan praised: "Smart!"

The reason Wu Zewen was impressed with the map of the Lounding Stones is because Liu Chuan once mentioned to him when he was teaching him Qinggong: "In this game, the two best maps for practicing Qinggong are Shaolin's Plum Blossom Pile, and also There are rock formations in the Western Regions."

Because the seven, seven and forty-nine wooden stakes are of different heights and are scattered in different patterns, the plum blossom stakes can be used to practice the precise operation of light gong. But the plum blossom pile is static and will not change. As long as it is not a handicapped party, it is easy to pass the test a few times.

The rock formations in the Western Regions are different. Not only are the stones arranged in a disorderly manner here, but the weather in the Western Regions is unpredictable, often blowing sandstorms, and the rocks in the rock formations will be affected by the sandstorms and change, that is, Say, every time you come to the rock formation, the terrain will be different - this is a map similar to the "wild labyrinth"!

In the game, there is a "challenging quest of light power in the random stone formation", which has stumped countless players. It can be seen how complicated the terrain here is.

Liu Chuan has few people, and the seven people take care of each other, making it more convenient to command.

However, after a large army of 30 people in the prosperous Tang Dynasty entered the chaotic stone formation, the arrangement of the stones here was as complicated as a maze, and they often got lost and could not find their way. 30 people can still act together on the flat ground, but in such a rock formation, there are obstacles everywhere, and the large troops are separated by various obstacles, so naturally there is no numerical advantage.

—Utilize the terrain to fight more with less, separate the battlefield, and defeat them one by one!

- This is Liu Chuan's clear thinking.

Xu Ce didn't realize how powerful this captain was until now! He was chased and killed by the elite group of the prosperous Tang Dynasty just now. His first reaction was to turn back and fight back, 1 kill 5, kill enough, anyway, playing games is just a cool character, and he can be resurrected when he dies. Who is afraid of who

But Liu Chuan is different. This person's calmness at a critical moment is a bit perverted!

After being chased by 30 people, his life was about to die. He could still think of such a clever way to pretend to escape and bring the great Tang troops to the Rock Array in the Western Regions!

Xu Ce couldn't help but want to give him a thumbs up.

The unpleasantness of escaping with him at first quickly disappeared, and Xu Ce immediately jumped to the top of the stone following the captain's instructions.

Liu Chuan looked around and asked, "Zewen, look at this terrain, which position has the best view?"

At this time, Wu Zewen gave full play to his expertise. The chaotic labyrinth-like three-dimensional space seemed to have become precise coordinates in his eyes. After a quick analysis in his mind, he immediately found several positions: " From these positions, most of the situation in the stone circle can be observed."

Wu Zewen marked several stones in the high places. There is a relatively high stone in the east, west, south, north, and middle, which can overlook the scene in the stone circle.

Liu Chuan nodded and said, "Okay, let's go to the north side first! Zewen, Xiaoyu, and Shaoqin stood there to meet up, while Xu Ce, Li Xiang, and Qin Ye went down to melee and spread out. , don't fight, and lead them over separately! I will stand on it and use hidden weapons to deal with them, and make a quick decision!"

When the teammates heard the order, they immediately took their positions.

Xu Ce, Li Xiang, and Qin Ye flew out in three directions, while the other remote members stood above the stone formation to observe the situation.

Li Xiang encountered three Tang Sects at the corner, and one of them was thrown by the Buddha's light, and he turned around and ran!

He is not familiar with the terrain here, and it is easy to get lost in the rock formation. However, the observation point Wu Zewen found can clearly see the situation below, and immediately opened his mouth to give him directions: "Li Xiang, turn left ahead, right Turn, go straight for twenty paces and then turn right..."

Wu Zewen's calculation of the terrain was extremely accurate, and Li Xiang followed his instructions and successfully brought the three Tangmen to the ambush position!

The three Tangmen thought that the master was alone and was running away, so naturally they chased after him rudely. No one expected that what was waiting for them were Wudang's various formations, the overwhelming Tangmen's hidden weapons, and the five poisons. The viper!

Only then did the three know the plan, and they hurriedly reported on the voice channel: "President, there is an ambush here! All of them are here!"

Tang Wuyi frowned and said, "Report the coordinates!"

Several people hurriedly sent the coordinates on the team channel: "1801, 2117!"

Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen, who stood at the top of the stone formation and waited for work, had already prepared all their attacking skills. With the addition of the Daoist's magic formation attack, their attacks could be multiplied with half the effort. The two cooperated with each other, and they immediately exploded and quickly solved the problem. Drop these three Tang Sects!

Liu Chuan said, "Change positions! Go to the east!"

Wu Zewen quickly found another marked location and said, "Coordinates 1908, 2438."

Several remotes immediately followed Wu Zewen and flew over.

People from the prosperous Tang Dynasty rushed over here under the leadership of the president, but found that when they arrived, they were completely empty, and there was no one in this coordinate!

On the other hand, Xu Ce encountered two lonely guys in the rock formation, and he killed them decisively without explaining.

Qin Ye also led five people to the coordinates of the latest ambush of his teammates, and cooperated with Liu Chuan and Zewen to quickly eliminate a few fish that slipped through the net!

In just three minutes, 10 of the 30-member elite group of the Prosperous Tang Guild died inexplicably, and two of them were healers.

Tang's unintentional brows were so wrinkled that he could almost kill a mosquito!

"Damn, what are they doing? Are they fighting guerrilla warfare?" Vice President Tang Xin complained, "What should we do?"

"..." Tang Wuyi felt very embarrassed.

Aggressively brought an elite group of 30 people out to take revenge, but they didn't understand what was going on, and 10 died at the beginning, how could they fight!

What was even more depressing was that the opponent's elusive guerrilla warfare style made him suddenly feel... very powerless.

Up to now, ten people have died in the team, and the coordinates of the killings were different. Every time they went to the place where their teammates died, they did not find any trace of the enemy. They were an elite group of 30 people in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Since entering this chaotic stone formation, it feels like a prey who has stepped into a hunter's trap, being slaughtered by others!

- This is a complete IQ crushing!

-Who is the commander on the opposite side? !

It was only at this moment that Tang Wuyi suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

This was obviously a tactic planned since the Land of Fish and Rice. They deliberately brought 30 of them into the rock formation with complicated terrain, scattered them, and defeated them one by one.

And the president of his dignified Tang guild, with a group of guild masters, was helpless in the face of a team of 7 people wandering around like a loach!

Tang Wuyi sternly said, "Stay where you are! Add blood first, don't scatter!"

Everyone was helpless and had to stay put.

Standing in the same place for a long time, the entire rock formation still did not move, but the large wind and sand blowing from the Western Regions made everyone's screen become gray, and the visibility of the field of vision decreased rapidly, and even the surrounding teammates could hardly see clearly. .

The topography of the stone formation seems to have changed again.

The prosperous Tang masters in the team were a little anxious, and the feeling of being stared at by the hunter's back was really depressing!

At the moment when Tang did not hesitate to hesitate, an angry shout suddenly came from the rear of the team: "Damn! They are here!"

A buddy who was bitten by a poisonous snake immediately ran after him, and several people nearby who had a good relationship with him also chased after him. Sure enough, around the corner, he saw a small snake twisting its body and crawling forward quickly on the ground. Known as "The Viper of the Misty Swamp".

—Misty Swamp! The wife who has lived forever, who once pulled the powerful five poisons of Elder Qianzhu, has become famous in the new district!

The four of them immediately chased after them, but just after they reached the position of the little snake, a cloud of purple smoke suddenly rose, and the little snake actually died on the ground!

Everyone: "… "

Was this sacrificed by the master

Everyone looked around, where is the shadow of the master of the five poisons

On the contrary, there is a Wudang Taiji formation placed in advance, a two-meter formation! Behind him are Tangmen's Torrential Pear Blossoms and Mourning Soul Nails! Emei next to him pierced his heart decisively, and the beggar gang behind the stone swept the army with another move!

Several people were beaten to the point of wanting to vomit blood. They were also in a hurry. When they saw the little snake, they chased after them, but they forgot the key point that the owner of the five poisons and the pet are not necessarily together! This little snake is obviously the bait that the five poisons released to lure them...

The four people who were killed were all dead, and they were actually led into the trap by a small snake of the five poisons. It is really shameful to say it.

On the other hand, Liu Chuan smiled and praised: "Zewen, good work!"

Wu Zewen actually released his pet baby to attract people, which really made his teammates admire him. The sacrificial serpent completed a glorious mission for them.

More than half of the people on the opposite side lost, and Liu Chuan and the others have been taking advantage of the terrain to fight guerrillas. With the help of Yu'er and Shaoqing, they are still full of blood and blue.

Xu Ce asked: "The treatment on the other side is almost dead, kill him?"

Liu Chuan said, "Okay, let's go!"

7vs30 is a bit stressful, but now, 7vs14, the other side's healers are almost dead, and we have a powerful healer, so it's completely stress-free for them!

Professional-level gods like Liu Chuan and Qin Ye can sometimes play 1v3 against professional players in the professional arena, not to mention the masters in online games. Easy. Xu Ce is also a fighting maniac. Qin Ye once described him as a wild horse that could not be tamed. Then, Xu Ce who started a fight was a wild horse that ran loose... He couldn't hold it at all...


The elite group of the Prosperous Tang Guild was destroyed again, and this time it was extremely depressed.

They barely touched a few corners of their opponent's clothes, and they were killed in a mysterious guerrilla battle in the rock formation.

Tang Wuyi's face turned black!

At this moment, Tang Wuyi unexpectedly received a private chat message from Liufang Baishi in the lower left corner: "President, is it okay to stop the war? I'll bring the words brought to you by the heroes of the world, right? I just want to concentrate on leveling up, not We are enemies of your prosperous Tang Dynasty. You chase and kill us everywhere like this, making it difficult for us to do it."

Tang Wuyi: "..."

After being wiped out twice, Tang Wuyi, the president of the group, had long hated this legendary person for a long time—he wanted to climb out of his computer screen and strangle him to death.

However, as a guild leader, he still has to maintain a little demeanor, and said coldly: "You killed us twice, and that's it?"

Liu Chuan wondered: "Do you still want to destroy the group for the third time?"

Tang Wuyi: "..."

I rely on! How does this man speak! This is too rude, isn't it? Tang Wuyu was almost choked to death by his own saliva.

Liu Chuan continued: "Last time, I was ill-considered and killed a group of you. It's really difficult to explain to the members if the guild screen is screened. However, this time there is no screen screen for the guild. I remember that the map of the Stonehenge is not good. If you add murderous aura, the system will not call the police. I specially picked this place to save face for you, can you give me some face too?"

Tang was stunned for a moment.

Looking at the lower left corner, sure enough, the guild channel was quite quiet. Except for the 30 people who came to the Western Regions today, the other members did not know that their guild's elite group was wiped out.

The Stone Array in the Western Regions is a special map. Killing people is not murderous, and the system will not call the police. This is indeed a special setting in the game, in order to let everyone play maze and fight when they are bored. The other party's choice of this map is indeed to save some face for his guild leader, otherwise the Shengtang Guild will be swiped to the police again by the information of the group's destruction, and he will be ashamed as the guild leader.

But let him break his teeth and swallow blood and settle down with people like this? He was really unwilling.

The president is extremely tangled, and his eyebrows are almost wrinkled into a ball.

At this moment, a hearty voice suddenly came from my ears: "Everyone has worked hard! Come, come, the ice cream that Team Tang bought, each one!"

Everyone: "… "

Even if a big man likes to eat ice cream, he often buys it and sends it to everyone to share, which makes people unable to look directly.

Tang Wuyi got up with a stiff face to get ice cream, he really needs to eat some ice to reduce the fire!

Unexpectedly, as soon as I stood up, I was surprised to find that Team Tang and Deputy Team Chen actually came to the guild in person today. Deputy Team Chen was holding a large box of ice cream in his arms. Everyone eats.

Team Tang stood beside him, holding a box of ice cream in his hand, showing a paralyzed face.