The Strongest God

Chapter 133: team variables


Lan Weiran retired so resolutely, and even cut off contact with the entire professional league, Liu Chuan naturally couldn't move people with just a few words. In order to show his sincerity, Liu Chuan simply called all his teammates online and asked them to open a room in the ring area of the martial arts conference.

Liu Chuan was logging into Hua Feihua's trumpet and asked Li Xiang to help call someone. Li Xiang opened a room and told Liu Chuan the room number and password, so that all teammates could enter.

Only then did Liu Chuan say, "Silan, go see a few of my current teammates, and you will make a decision after reading it."

Only then did Lan Weiran believe that Liu Chuan was serious, and even his teammates called out to show him? Although he never thought about returning to the league, Lan Weiran was quite interested in Liu Chuan's regrouping. After seeing the room number and password sent by Liu Chuan, he entered with his Happy Account called "Sky". arena.

There were five people waiting in the arena room, five poisonous Gu masters, Buddha Shaolin, Qin Emei treatment, a blood sacrifice to Mingjiao, and a Taiji Wudang.

Lan Weiran understood Liu Chuan's basic teamfighting idea at a glance. Taiji Wudang was obviously a support position, Qin Emei was used for treatment, Fo Shaolin was in the front row, Wudu and his Tangmen were two long-range main players. As for Mingjiao , you can play the assassin's position, or you can go to the ring.

The lineup configuration is quite qualified, but there are too few people.

Liu Chuan said: "How is it? These are my new teammates. You can try their level."

After he finished speaking, he called Xu Ce out and said, "Xu Ce come down quickly and have a fight with this master."

Xu Ce in the bystander was a little unhappy - your sister, are you summoning a pet!

Jiang Shaoqing glanced at him: "The captain called you, go and fight."

"..." Xu Ce had to jump down and took out his Orange Martial Blood Shadow Blade.

Lan Weiran smiled and said, "That's right, I changed to Orange Wu so early."

Xu Ce said, "...Stop talking nonsense! Come and fight."

Lan Weiran has not discussed with others for a long time. Seeing that the other party is so arrogant, he can't help but feel a little itchy. He takes out the folding fan in his hand to adjust the field of vision, and presses the ready button.

The five-second countdown is over, and the PK officially begins!

Xu Ce immediately killed with the blood shadow knife, but Lan Weiran didn't move at all. At the moment when his knife was about to cut over, he suddenly raised his right hand, and the folding fan in his hand directly supported the opponent's machete. With a sound, the sound of the handover of the swords sounded in his ears, Lan Weiran successfully dismantled the move, and then, the folding fan in his hand fully unfolded with a "swoosh", and slammed the opposite door directly. colorful!

The design concept of Xiaoyao Sect is the word "wenya". When the folding fan is unfolded and folded, it brings out a soft green light effect. Very gorgeous, and the character's moves are also gentle and elegant, like a gentleman.

Lan Weiran likes to play Free and Easy, precisely because the attributes of this sect fit his liking very well.

Xu Ce was almost slapped with blood by the sudden attack of "Luoying Colorful", so he hurriedly turned sideways to dodge. The two of them saw the move and quickly got into a fight in the center of the ring. Players of different styles were fighting hand-to-hand, and obviously they all showed the highest hand speed. The silver-white blade light attached to the Mingjiao machete and the light green soft light emitted by the Xiaoyao folding fan were mixed together, making everyone dazzled and dizzy...

The battle of the masters, just watching from the sidelines can make everyone's blood boil.

What's more, Xu Ce's style has always been a desperate style of play. Even the experienced Lan Weiran was a little difficult to beat by his desperate combo, and he had to use 100% concentration to prevent him from being set by him. Even strokes burst to death.

Originally, Lan Weiran thought that the teammates Liu Chuan was looking for were all newcomers, but unexpectedly, there would be a master like Xu Ce.

Lan Weiran hasn't PKed with a master for a long time. If he doesn't play the game for a while, he will be born with his hands. Besides, he has retired for too long, and he has never touched this game during his time abroad. As for him, he was actually beaten to death by Xu Ce in the end.

Xu Ce said proudly: "Accept!"

Lan Weiran: "..."

Liu Chuan gloated and chatted privately: "How is it? My teammate is not bad, right? See how embarrassing you lost."

Lan Weiran wasn't angry either, and said with a smile, "I haven't fought for three years, my hands are born."

Liu Chuan smiled and said: "Come back, in fact, your condition is not bad, I see that you have a set of even strokes just now, obviously you haven't forgotten how to fight in Xiaoyao melee. It's normal to have a hand, and I won't fight for a while. Hands are born, after a week or two of practice, the feeling will come back.”

Liu Chuan said cheekily: "The Mingjiao you just played with you is the best one in my team, and the others are better than him. It's too embarrassing for you to lose in a row. I won't let them follow him. You hit."

Lan Weiran was surprised, this Mingjiao is the most delicious one? isn't it? The most dishes can be strong to this point

Think about it carefully, and immediately understand. This guy Liu Chuan is full of bad water. It is definitely impossible to tell him the truth. It is estimated that this Mingjiao should be the strongest one in his team, so Liu Chuan sent him to fight. The others are obviously real newcomers. Equipment will know.

Lan Weiran was not interested in bullying the newcomers, and asked, "This Mingjiao is really good, what are the characteristics of the other newcomers?"

Liu Chuan said: "Five Poison's hand speed is similar to mine, and he is a genius in science data, and he is also very sensitive to terrain. Do you remember Yan Ziyi, the leader of the Tang Dynasty? Relying on the analysis of the terrain, the Tang Dynasty turned around in many adversities. I'm sure that our family's five poisons will become a more terrifying existence than Yan Ziyi in the future." "This professional player who played Wudang for a while was disbanded by the team and left the league. His talent has not been discovered. I Let him play Taiji Wudang instead, and play pure support in the future. This person is very calm, steady, and has a strong overall view. He will definitely be an excellent support player when trained."

"Master is my apprentice, and his hand speed is also good. The main reason is that he is very optimistic, and he can bear hardships and pressure. I will be very relieved to let him play in the front row."

"The treatment is a talented young boy, but his consciousness is a little messy. I am helping him to adjust, and play more games to hone and hone, and he will definitely become a god."

Liu Chuan paused and said seriously: "I told you all my cards, I really want to invite you to join my team. To be honest, my goal was originally the playoffs, there are too many strong teams in the league now. , after going back to the thirteenth season, it is a success for me to be able to bring these newcomers to the playoffs. However, if you can join my team, the level of the entire team will be directly raised by a notch, and my goal is also Adjust accordingly.”

"It should be said, our goal - is the championship."

"Let's go and win the championship together."

Lan Weiran looked at Liu Chuan's words and fell silent for a while.

Based on what he knew about Liu Chuan, although this person was often mad when he ran the train with his mouth full, but at the critical moment, this person was always the most reliable.

He called himself to meet his teammates today, obviously sincerity, and the last few paragraphs can be considered from the heart. Lan Weiran is very clear that Liu Chuan is not bragging, the potential of these newcomers is immeasurable, plus Liu Chuan's personal guidance, plus the existence of his psychoanalyst and the existence of variable factors in the all-encompassing team, Liu Chuan's team will be very scary!

A new team trying to win a championship? If someone hears it, they will definitely think this is a nonsense.

But Lan didn't know that Liu Chuan had enough confidence to say this.

Team Sichuan and Team Blue join forces and bring in so many potential newcomers, creating an unpredictable and diverse team. Is it impossible to win a championship

I am afraid that even Lao Xiao and the others dare not say that this is impossible.

However, it was incredible to turn an enemy into a friend and fight side by side with Liu Chuan. Lan Weiran never dreamed that one day Liu Chuan would invite him to join his team, and they had been fighting each other for so many years.

Liu Chuan said: "Think about it, don't be in a hurry to deny it. I know you want to go back with a championship too. It's an explanation to your father, isn't it?"

"..." Lan Weiran's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of pain, but he quickly calmed down and typed, "Let me think about it."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Okay, I'll wait for your reply."


Winning the championship was once Lan Weiran's dream when he was young.

At that time, he was only in his early 18th year. He founded the Luohuaci team with a few friends. The various mechanisms of the initial alliance were immature, and the operation of the initial team was very difficult. Low, the money you get every month can only barely solve the problem of food and clothing.

Lan Weiran is from Shanghai, and the family conditions are very good. His parents are well-known painters. They often hold art exhibitions in various places and make a lot of money. Knowing his son's hard work, his father took the initiative to give him a card and let him use the money whenever he needs it. . As the captain of the team, Lan Weiran put money into the team when the team was about to run out of money. He, the captain, let alone making money, but kept giving the team money.

To be honest, he never wanted to be famous or make money when he played games. He didn’t care about these external things. He went to the league because of his personal preference. Give him a sense of accomplishment.

After the difficulties of the first season, with the efforts of Chairman Li, many sponsors joined the professional league, and the situation of the major teams gradually improved.

The Luohuaci Club rented a very spacious office on the first floor in downtown Shanghai as a training room for everyone. Lan Weiran likes the innermost position by the window. The light in that place is very good, especially at dusk, when the sunset is orange. The ray of light just shone on the tall buildings in the distance, and the halos reflected from the glass windows seemed to coat the bustling city with a layer of dazzling gold, gorgeous and dazzling.

Lan Weiran likes this kind of golden sunshine. Every day, he likes to sit there drinking coffee, basking in the sun, and typing on the keyboard for daily training.

A group of energetic young people, training desperately, just to get a championship trophy back

The champion will not only give the team a large amount of money, the customized championship trophy will be given to the team, the championship flag will be handed over to the club for placement, and each contestant will also have a small gold medal commemorative medal - that is the best reward for hard training and the highest symbol of honor.

However, their Luohuaci team seems to have fallen into a vicious circle. They have encountered China in the playoffs for four consecutive seasons, and Liu Chuan has smashed their hopes of winning the trophy.

Lan Weiran is not so vulnerable. If he simply lost to Liu Chuan four times in a row, he would not be disheartened and retire directly.

The real reason he retired...was because his father was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer in season four.

His father loved him very much since he was a child. When he went to play games, he even took out his family's savings to support him. He smiled and said to him, "Not yet, do what you like, and dad will support you."

"Weiron, isn't the game you play called Martial Arts? Dad also created an account a few days ago, and played a free and easy game like you. I was killed by a mobs in Xinxian Village. I think Xinxian Village has a good mission. Difficult, you young people are really amazing..."

"Not yet, my father has risen to level 30. He was kicked when he went to play the copy of Ming Jiange. They said I was a rookie!"

Lan Weiran: "..."

Every time he saw the text message from his father, Lan Weiran would not know whether to laugh or cry.

Father Lan Siyuan has a gentle personality, and is very humorous, with a childlike innocence. When many parents still don't know how to surf the Internet, he has already played Sina Weibo, bought things on Taobao every day, and bought a lot of messy things to send home. His mobile phone is always the latest Apple model. , I also bought a tablet computer to download various games on the popular charts to play. Although I am handicapped, I have a lot of fun.

He used to only play small games such as Ping Dianping, Lianliankan, and Landlord Fighting. Since his son went to play in the professional league, he also downloaded the martial arts client, opened a small account to join in the fun in online games, and was caught by many people. It took him two months to get to the full level, and he even ran to the arena of the martial arts conference with great interest, saying that he wanted to compete with his son in the ring.

People from Luohuaci knew that the captain's father had come to make an appointment, and they were all excited to watch.

As a result, Lan's father was killed by Lan Weiran in one move.

Dad Blue got up in dismay and said, "Son, what was the trick you just did? The damage was so high?"

Lan Weiran reluctantly said: "What kind of broken equipment you are, don't wear it when you see it, the three styles are really enough to mix and match..."

The group of players in Luo Huaci were all overjoyed, and felt that the captain's father was very cute.

Dad Lan's mentality is very good. He spends all day watching the scenery in the game and playing dungeons. He doesn't mind being scolded by Xiaobai. He also opens a large vegetable field in the land of fish and rice, grows wheat every day, and sets an alarm clock to steal vegetables. .

As long as there are competitions that Luo Huaci participates in, he often buys tickets to watch live...

The relationship between Lan Weiran and his father cannot be described in words at all. They are not only father and son, but also close friends. Therefore, when his father was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer, Lan Weiran almost collapsed.

It was the end of the fourth season.

He will soon enter the playoffs. As the captain, Lan Weiran cannot affect the performance of the entire team because of his family, so he has been gritting his teeth and insisting.

Sometimes I can't sleep all night, thinking of the appearance of my handsome father who had become yellow and skinny due to the torment of illness, thinking of the countless monitor wires on his body and the dense pinholes on the back of his hands, Lan Weiran's The whole heart felt as if it had been hollowed out.

How I survived those days, I can't even think about it now.

All he knew was that his heart was full of anger and he tried his best. Tell the father: The son succeeded.

However, just like a curse, that season, Luo Huaci unfortunately met Huaxia again in the knockout stage of the playoffs.

That game became a must-see classic textbook for many newcomers later. Liu Chuan used vision suppression tactics to lead Huaxia to a successful comeback in a disadvantaged situation. Luo Huaci lost almost at the last moment. At that time, a gray message popped up on the screen. "Failure", Lan Weiran even felt that the whole world had turned gray.

- He still failed to win the championship.

When he rushed to the hospital after the competition, the father in the hospital bed smiled and comforted him: "Son, it's okay to lose, there are still opportunities in the future, young people take it slow."

- There is no more.

Lan Weiran also resolutely made the decision to retire at that moment.

He suddenly felt very tired and lost to Liu Chuan for two whole years. Maybe he was really not suitable to be the captain? Luo Hua Ci was in his hands, and it seemed that he would never be able to get out of this strange curse. Every time he met Hua Xia, he lost inexplicably. He has tried his best, and feels that his strength is about to be exhausted, but in the end, he still can't get a championship back.

Even if it is an explanation to the father who has been watching the game from the hospital bed...

But no.

That season's Luohuaci team was still a basket of water, and it was empty.

Not long after, his father died, and Lan Weiran announced his retirement directly after the funeral.

Many people in the professional circle say that Silan retired too suddenly. Many people think that he retired because he lost four consecutive times and lost confidence...

They didn't even know how much pain Lan Weiran went through back then. He played the game under the pressure of his father's critical illness. Only some veterans of Luo Huaci knew about this, so after Lan Weiran retired, many people also left in frustration.

Lan Weiran thought Luo Huaci would be disbanded, but he didn't expect that the young boy surnamed Ye would stand up and take the responsibility of the team on his own initiative.

He still remembered the day he left, Ye Chenxi stood in front of him, looked at him seriously, and said word by word, "Master, I'll wait for you to come back."

Lan Weiran said calmly, "I won't come back."

After speaking, he turned and left the Luohuaci team without looking back. He knew that the little apprentice had been watching him leave, and also knew that it was irresponsible for him to retire like this, but so what? He was really tired, he worked so hard for so long, and every time he lost at the last minute, even the last game his father watched him play in the hospital bed, he lost very thoroughly...

Even before his father died, there was no way to hand over a good answer sheet. What was the point of him still staying in the Luohuaci team as the captain? !

Lan Weiran just disappeared from everyone's sight, walking very casually, but also very resolutely. He deleted the account of "Lanlan Lanlan" in the telecom area, blocked all his friends, and completely cut off contact with the professional league.

Now, three full years have passed, and he is about to forget those past events in the professional league.

It’s just that I still have a big regret in my heart, as Liu Chuan said—

He is the only captain in the professional league who has never won any awards.