The Strongest God

Chapter 135: chance encounter


That night, Ye Chenxi had a long dream, and he dreamed again when his master was still leaving the team in Luohua.

It was the end of the fourth season. After two full years of running-in, the Luohuaci team has formed a very mature double play style. It has overcome all obstacles and is almost unstoppable in the regular season. The team with the greatest championship hopes in the entire league.

After Lan Weiran's father was diagnosed with liver cancer, the entire team went crazy with the blue team to train day and night. They knew that the captain's father also turned on the computer to watch the live broadcast every day in the hospital, so they wanted to follow the team even more. The captain will come back with a championship together...

Ye Chenxi was still a rookie in the training camp at that time and had no chance to play at all, but he could fully feel the depressed atmosphere of the entire team.

Many times, when he woke up in the middle of the night, he found that the lights were on in the training room, and the master fell asleep alone on the stool in the corner, frowning tightly even when he fell asleep. Ye Chenxi felt extremely distressed, and tiptoed to cover the master with a blanket. He couldn't help but want to reach out and gently smooth the man's brow, but every time, the moment his fingers touched the other's cheek, She shrank back tremblingly.

His admiration for his master could only be hidden in his heart, and he dared not let anyone know.

At that time, he was still too young, and his level of playing games was not high, so he couldn't help Master to solve problems.

Looking at Lan Weiran's haggard day by day, Ye Chenxi wished that she could immediately become the strongest player in the entire league and bear all the pressure for him.

When the playoff list came out, the entire Luo Huaci team was in a bad mood. Many people scolded Liu Chuan in the training room. The curse of losing three times in a row made many people have a psychological shadow on Liu Chuan. As the captain, he could only comfort everyone with a smile: "Don't be under pressure, Liu Chuan is not a god, this time, we will definitely be able to defeat him."

In fact, everyone knows that the most stressed person is definitely Lan Weiran himself.

Although the entire Luohuaci team practiced hard under the encouragement of the blue team, Ye Chenxi had a very bad premonition. Huaxia was not in a good state at that time, but young players such as Xie Guangyi and Liang Haibin were already able to play. The game is over, after a period of running-in, maybe he can play well under the leadership of Liu Chuan, but Luo Huaci did not defeat the powerful stumbling block Liu Chuan so smoothly.

Lan Weiran was overdrafting himself. He took the outcome of this game too seriously, even more important than his life.

- In the arena, the more afraid of losing, the easier it is to lose.

The mentality of the game is very important. Lan Weiran is too concerned about winning and losing, but Liu Chuan is very relaxed and open-minded. The Luohuaci team is like a tight string, and it is easy to break if you are not careful, while the atmosphere of the entire Huaxia team is very relaxed. Once the two meet, the outcome is uncertain...

Ye Chenxi was very worried in his heart, but he didn't dare to say these words, the master was about to collapse, and he could no longer hit this man.

Sure enough, as expected by Ye Chenxi, in the historic confrontation between Luo Huaci and Huaxia, the spirit of the entire Luohuaci team was highly tense, while the Huaxia team led by Liu Chuan was extremely relaxed. As a result, Lan Weiran It was just an accidental mistake, and Liu Chuan immediately seized and counterattacked, directly overturning all the advantages established in the early stage of Luohuaci, and destroying the three paths of upper, middle and lower!

This is what makes Liu Chuan terrifying. He can seize any opportunity, even if he is at a disadvantage, as long as you give him the opportunity, he will be able to make a comeback.

Luo Huaci lost regretfully.

It was only a little short, but it was that little gap that made them disqualify for the finals.

After the game, the Huaxia team politely walked over to shake hands with Luo Huaci.

In Luohuaci, one of the more irritable team members threw the keyboard and left on the spot, but Lan Weiran smiled and shook hands with Liu Chuan, and said, "Congratulations."

— That was the last shot he left for professional league reporters.

For the next few days, Lan Weiran stayed with his father in the hospital all the time. Ye Chenxi went to bring him meals every day. Seeing that he was ignoring the taste of his food, his hair was messed up and his face was haggard. He hugged him tightly, and said to him, "Don't hold on any longer, okay?"

Lan Weiran lasted until the day his father left, Luo Hua resigned all the staff to attend his father's funeral, and for the first time saw the captain cry.

He knelt in front of his father's tombstone and wept silently, but his proud back was still straight.

After the funeral, he gathered everyone in Luohuaci and said, "I'm sorry, everyone, I want to retire..."

No one persuaded him. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for even a hard-hitting person to persist. Everyone knows the importance of Lan Weiran's father to him. At the juncture of his father's death, it is too embarrassing for him to insist on being the captain. . Many people in Luo Huaci had a hunch about Lan Weiran's departure, so they all accepted it very calmly.

Lan Weiran continued: "After I leave, who will be the captain? You can put forward any opinions you have."

A veteran who founded Luohuaci with him suddenly said, "I also want to go, and go back and find a stable job. What's better than playing a game?"

As soon as the man opened his mouth, several people immediately stood up and expressed their intention to retire.

"I've also retired. I'm in my twenties, and my family doesn't want me to play games anymore."

"Me too, my mother told me to go home to work."

"I also want to retire, it's really pointless to fight again."

Lost at the last minute for four consecutive seasons, and many people lost their confidence. Before, everyone had been united and insisted. It was precisely because Lan Weiran was there. Now that Lan Weiran's father is gone, the Blue team will also retire. What do they stay for

All the main players wanted to retire at the same time, and Luo Huaci was in danger like a high-rise building with its foundation removed. Lan Weiran was silent for a moment before saying, "Since you all want to leave, then Luo Huaci will be dissolved. I will discuss with the manager. Discuss, let everyone calculate the bonus for this season. It's just that the people in the training camp... "

Lan Weiran's eyes swept across the few teenagers in front of him. These teenagers have a promising future. He is the captain. Even if he leaves, he should settle the new talents in the team. Lan Weiran thought about it and said, "A few newcomers in the training camp. , I will contact the other captains to ask, Seven Star Grass is short of people, and the newly established Tongjae team this year is also recruiting a lot of new people, you guys are all good, don't worry about the future."

"I don't want to go to another team." Ye Chenxi suddenly stood up and said seriously, "Don't disband Luo Huaci. If Master is at ease, leave the team to me."

"..." Everyone looked back at him in disbelief.

In everyone's impression, this teenager is thin and pale, looks like he is ill, and has almost no presence in the entire training camp. If it wasn't for Lan Weiran who suddenly accepted him as his apprentice, most people wouldn't know him.

The aura of "the captain's apprentice" brought Ye Chenxi into everyone's attention, and was gradually familiar with everyone. However, most of the old players still have no impression of him. This young man is too low-key, like a ghost. The team was about to disband, and he suddenly came out and said he was going to take over. Is this a joke

Lan Weiran looked at the 18-year-old boy in front of him, frowned slightly, and said, "Little Ye, don't be impatient, managing a team is not so easy. If you want to continue playing, you can go to the Seven Star Grass, Team Xiao is a good captain. , I will recommend you to him."

"I'm not going to Seven Star Grass." Ye Chenxi's eyes were very firm, "I know it's not easy to manage a team, but I don't want to watch Luo Huaci disband."

Being by Master's side every day, he is very aware of the difficulty of managing a team. He always wanted to share some of the pressure for Master, but at that time he was too weak to stand side by side with Master. Now that Master has decided to leave, it is time for him to carry the burden.

Ye Chenxi looked at Lan Weiran seriously, and said word by word, "Master, please give me the Luo Huaci team, and I will lead this team well."

Lan Weiran was stunned, and after a long silence, he said, "Okay, I'll discuss it with the manager before making a decision."

The result of the negotiation was that all the old players decided to retire, leaving only a few newcomers who were familiar with Ye Chenxi in the training camp.

The Luo Huaci team fell apart. In the afternoon, the official website posted the news that the blue team and several main players would retire together. The news of Ye Chenxi taking over as captain was mixed in the last row of small print. Almost no reporters paid attention to it. On Lan Weiran who left, E-sports Weekly reported on Silan's retirement in a large-scale page.

At that time, everyone thought Luo Hua was finished. No one thought that the young man named Ye Chenxi would regroup the broken team.

Lan Weiran packed up his luggage, patted the little apprentice on the shoulder lightly, and said, "Come on, Xiaoye. I'll give you the flower speech."

Ye Chenxi looked at him and said word by word, "Master, I'll wait for you to come back."

Lan Weiran said, "I won't come back."

The corridor that day seemed to be extraordinarily empty. At dusk, the orange light of the setting sun came in from the window, as if a soft halo had been put on Lan Weiran's body. He quickly left the Luo Huaci team, walked very casually, and did not look back once.

Ye Chenxi kept watching his back disappear at the end of the corridor, and said over and over again, "I'll wait for you to come back."

- When one day I become strong enough.

- One day I am qualified to walk side by side with you.

-Please come back, come back to our Falling Flower Ci, sit in your favorite place, listen to songs, bask in the sun, and play your games happily.

- I will bear all the burdens for you, I will solve all the problems for you, I will be by your side, always with you.

- Master, I will wait for you to come back.

The vows made in my heart when I was young have always inspired Ye Chenxi.

After Lan Weiran left, Ye Chenxi became the captain of Luo Huaci. He grew up rapidly under constant setbacks and tempering. His youth gradually faded away, and he learned to disguise himself with a smile. The excellent observation and analysis ability of the battle situation has gradually cultivated the Luo Huaci team, which was on the verge of disbanding, into a top-notch team.

A year and a half later, Luo Hua Ci was like a curse again. In the first round of the playoffs, he encountered the Huaxia team led by Liu Chuan. Ye Chenxi completely defeated Huaxia, and brought Luo Hua Ci to the finals and won it smoothly. the season championship.

However, Lan Weiran was completely silent.

No matter how brilliant the Luo Huaci team was under the leadership of Ye Chenxi, Lan Weiran never appeared again.

Ye Chenxi always had a smile on his face, but he knew that there was a big gap in his heart, the gap left when Lan Weiran left. In my dreams over the years, I have dreamed of the scene where Master left many times—the golden sunlight, the empty corridor, and the back of his leaving. It seemed that at that moment, it merged into an eternal picture, which suddenly appeared in the passage of time. Quietly.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed, and Lan Weiran still has no news. Ye Chenxi still keeps his seat, but she knows in her heart that that person will not come back.

The scene of the master leaving repeatedly appeared in the dream, which seemed to be an ominous omen...


Because of having a nightmare all night, the next morning, Ye Chenxi's face was very ugly. When they were having breakfast in the dining hall, several newcomers from the training camp saw Captain Ye's face and were too frightened to approach. Hide far away and bow your head to eat the buns.

Unexpectedly, Captain Ye suddenly glanced at them halfway through the meal, walked over and said, "Why are you hiding from me?"

A row of cold sweat broke out on the backs of a group of people, and they hurriedly said, "No, Team Ye..."

Ye Chenxi smiled, sat down opposite a few people, and asked, "What did you gain from PK with Liu Chuan's teammates during this time?"

One of the more courageous teenagers said: "Liu Chuan and the others just reached their full level the day before yesterday. We went to the arena to find them yesterday and found that there was another Mingjiao in the spectator stand. I don't know if it was their teammate, whose name was Zema. Jianghu, look at the information is from the five telecom districts."

Ye Chenxi frowned: "Cema Jianghu? This name seems to be familiar... I'll go back and check, you can continue to discuss with them, don't be lazy."

Several newcomers immediately nodded and said, "Got it, Captain!"

Lin Yufan also came over with breakfast, sat next to Ye Chenxi, and said with a smile, "Captain, the team leader just told me that the ticket to Harbin has been booked, and we will depart at 3 o'clock this afternoon."

A newcomer said: "The next opponent is the Snow Wolf team, right? Captain, cheer up."

Ye Chenxi smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I know what I know."

Lin Yufan said: "The competition is just scheduled for the National Day, and we have to go to the venue ahead of time to avoid traffic jams on the road... By the way, Xiao Zhou, will it be cold in Harbin at this time? Should we bring some jacket or something."

A newcomer surnamed Zhou happened to be from Harbin. After listening to the question from the deputy captain, he quickly said: "The temperature is just cooling down these days. The average temperature in Harbin should be around 7 degrees. It is no problem to wear long sleeves indoors during the day, but to go out. It's better to wear a coat or windbreaker, it will be colder at night."

Lin Yufan nodded: "It seems that we have to bring our jackets. It's really troublesome for the game to fly everywhere. Why should the Xuelang team be so far away from Harbin..."

Someone joked: "Xuelang team, it has something to do with snow when you hear it, and the selection in Bingcheng is worthy of the name."

Someone said: "The Snow Wolf team played very well in the opening ceremony, but they have been losing in the last few games."

Someone echoed: "Yes, I lost 0:9 to Qixingcao and 4:5 to Guose. Isn't it the biggest dark horse this season? It's not as powerful as the legends say?"

Lin Yufan said with a smile: "Don't jump to conclusions, new teams are generally like this, they are not used to the rhythm of the league at the beginning, they still need to hone and hone, wait for the second round of the big cycle to see, that Captain Fang Zhiyan is amazing, and that pair of twins..."

A group of people chatted and laughed, Ye Chenxi always had a smile on her face, but she didn't listen much at all.

He always felt a little uneasy, probably because of the influence of the nightmare last night


The seven-day National Day holiday is a rare time for many people to relax, but for professional players, these seven days are the busiest time.

From October 1st to October 7th, the schedule for the entire National Day holiday is quite close. Luo Huaci will go to Harbin on October 1st to compete with Xuelang. On October 4th, they will face Huaxia in Shanghai. On October 7th, they will fly again. Chengdu played against the prosperous Tang Dynasty. The high-pressure rhythm of a game for three days may not be used by many young players. If they lose a game and cannot adjust their mentality, it is easy to collapse continuously.

Fortunately, the Luo Huaci team led by Ye Chenxi didn't have to worry about this. Although the average age of the players in the Luohuaci team is only about 20 years old, most of the players started playing at the age of 18 and have been playing for two or three years. There will be big problems.

The relatively young teams in the professional league, Luohuaci, Tongjae, Shengtang, Guose, Fenghuo, and this year's new Xuelang. The average age of these teams is around 19-20 years old. In the e-sports circle In other words, it was the peak period.

Among the old teams, Qixingcao is the strongest one, but I have to admit that Lao Xiao and Su Shilun are about to retire, and the future successors of Qixingcao are also being trained. The score was 6:3. The most important reason was that Xiao Sijing sent several newcomers to the field. Although they lost a little bit, Ye Chenxi knew very well that Lao Xiao was using them as sparring, and was looking for an opportunity to grind. A newcomer to practice seven-star grass.

In this match against Xuelang, Ye Chenxi was very confident.

Objectively speaking, in fact, Ye Chenxi's analysis and grasp of the game situation is stronger than his master Lan Weiran.

Moreover, his intuition is very accurate. Sometimes when the battle situation is stalemate and he doesn't know what to do, he can judge accurately by relying on his intuition against the sky.

That night, Luohuaci team and a group of more than a dozen people settled in Harbin. After checking in at the hotel arranged by the alliance, Ye Chenxi called the team members together and briefly explained a few words, then asked everyone to go back to rest early, and get up early tomorrow to go to the venue.

Harbin is a new stadium this year. It has not played a game yet. The duel between Snow Wolf and Luo Huaci is the first opener of this stadium. It also coincides with the National Day holiday. Many students who are on vacation have bought tickets. I went to the scene to watch it. Therefore, when the game was played the next morning, the entire game site was full of people.

Although this is the home of the Xuelang team, Xuelang is a new team this year, and there are not many fans, but they are falling behind. As a strong team, there are also many die-hard fans in Harbin. The cheers on the scene were deafening. Few people cheered Luo Hua Ci from afar.

Lan Weiran was sitting in the auditorium, listening to the sound of "Come on," and feeling the long-lost warm-blooded atmosphere, his mood suddenly became a little complicated.

Several girls around were obviously die-hard fans of the Luohuaci team, and their voices were almost hoarse. Several girls excitedly waved the signs that read "Team Ye," but they never thought that they would sit next to them. The man was the master of their favorite Ye team, Si Lan, the founder of Luo Huaci team.

At ten o'clock sharp, the two sides officially started the war. Today is the Snow Wolf team choosing the map.

Lan Weiran didn't know any of the players sent in the ring battle in Luohuaci. After listening to the cheers around him, he realized that the first player to play was the deputy team Lin. Lin Yufan was a player who played the genre of free melee and folding fans. His movements were gentle and elegant. The shot was extremely decisive, he killed the twin brothers of the Snow Wolf team by himself, and always supported the opponent's third person to play...

After Lin Yufan was killed, Luo Huaci, the second player on stage, decisively killed Xuelang's third player, and successfully won three points in the ring competition.

Team Snow Wolf's arena strength is relatively weak, which has almost become a consensus.

However, the Snow Wolf team, which is very strong in team battles, doesn't seem to have any chance of winning in front of Luo Huaci. Originally, today was their home court, and it was the map they chose by themselves, so they should have a terrain advantage, but Fang Zhiyan found out that this smiling Captain Ye Chenxi was really scary, and he wanted to ambush and attack. , but he was countered by ambush and killed in a wave - no one could really guess what Captain Ye was thinking.

The Snow Wolf team was finally defeated by Luo Huaci, and it was another 0:9 disparity score.

After the game, according to the usual practice, the winning side goes to the soundproof room on the losing side to shake hands, in order to express "friendship first, competition second, and more humaneness". Ye Chenxi took the members of Luo Huaci to the Snow Wolf team, smiled and shook hands with them, and patted Fang Zhiyan on the shoulder and said, "Come on."

Fang Zhiyan had no choice but to say with a smile, "Team Ye, I admire it."

The subtext is: so young but so ruthless, to kill people in the arena simply and neatly, it is indeed admirable.

The two captains looked at each other, knowing that, Ye Chenxi smiled and passed him by.

Lan Weiran watched that scene from the audience and couldn't help but smile.

- The little apprentice has grown up, and now Ye Chenxi is a mature man. He is not humiliated, and always shows people with a smile. In the few waves of team battles against Xuelang just now, he commanded quite beautifully, Lan Weiran couldn't help but think, Even if it is replaced by himself in the heyday of that year, maybe he can't be as calm as Xiaoye, right

—Xiaoye, you are a very good captain, Master can rest assured.

-Luohua Ci is in your hands, obviously better than mine, and it really did not disappoint Master.

At the end of the game, Lan Weiran got up and left with the audience.

After the person with Luo Hua Ci was interviewed, he also left the arena through the back door, but was blocked by several reporters at the door to ask questions. Because Ye Chenxi won the game, she was in a good mood, and patiently answered questions from several reporters. She glanced around, and suddenly saw a familiar shadow not far away—

The man was wearing brown slim trousers, a blue casual shirt, and a white knee-length trench coat. He tucked his hands into his large pockets, and stood there squinting, with a nonchalant look.

He was waiting for the green light on the sidewalk. After the green light came on, he walked forward quickly, listening to songs with earplugs as usual, like a jaguar walking in the forest, relaxed, laid-back and comfortable, the sun shining on him On his body, his slightly long chestnut hair seemed to be dyed with a soft light.

Ye Chenxi recognized him almost at a glance.


The people at Luo Huaci saw Team Ye's expression suddenly change, and then they left a group of reporters behind and rushed out of the encirclement like crazy!

Everyone looked at each other and looked at the direction in which he disappeared. The leader of the team was stunned, but Lin Yufan, the deputy captain, noticed something and hurriedly said: "Ahem, Team Ye should have seen an acquaintance running to say hello. Friends from the press, We're going back to the hotel, and there will be a game in two days, so please take it easy, take it easy, thank you."

Lin Yufan brought the team back to the car, and the teammates asked, "Would you like to wait for Team Ye?"

Lin Yufan said, "Don't wait, it's estimated that he won't be back in a while..."

Beside the street, Ye Chenxi stood where Lan Weiran had just stood, looking around anxiously.

This is a crossroad. The green light just lit up, Lan Weiran disappeared in a flash, there was a sea of people, and there was a lot of traffic. He couldn't find where that person was. Lan Weiran just disappeared into the sea of people, just as he was in the past. Under his gaze, he disappeared at the end of Luo Huaci's corridor.

The sun above his head was dazzlingly white, and the pedestrians on the street came and went in a hurry. Ye Chenxi searched the street back and forth several times, but still found no trace of that person.

Ye Chenxi's eyes suddenly became hot.

I don't know when the wind blew on the street, and Ye Chenxi's hair was ruffled by the wind. She was standing on the street wearing a team uniform of Luo Huaci. In one scene, I just felt a chill in my heart.

-Since you came to watch the game, why didn't you come to me

- Do you know how much I miss you

Volume 4 Nine Dragons Gather