The Strongest God

Chapter 138: The formation of the team (Part 1)


At 8:00 a.m. on October 3, Liu Chuan, who was dreaming, suddenly received a call from Wu Zewen. Wu Zewen asked, "Have you gotten up yet?"

Liu Chuan said in a daze: "Well... this is where... "

The captain likes to sleep in late, but Butler Wu was worried, and called him directly to wake him up, which was even more punctual than the alarm clock set by Liu Chuan.

Liu Chuan was woken up by Wu Zewen, got up from the bed, and found that Li Xiang had left a note on the table, which read: "I'll go to Xiaoyu first, and then call me after the lunch place is booked. Take Xiaoyu with you!"

Li Xiang was obviously afraid that Yu Xiangyang, who came from afar, was unfamiliar, so he went to take Yu Xiangyang to breakfast early in the morning.

Liu Chuan sent a text message to Li Xiang and asked him where he was. Li Xiang replied, "Xiaoyu and I just finished breakfast. He wants to buy some special products from Guangzhou to bring to his classmates. I will take him to Lianxianglou to buy a hand. Letter! Have you set a place for lunch? Send me a text message when you’re done.”

Liu Chuan said: "Okay, I will send you a group text message when the time comes. Take Xiaoyu with you, don't lose him."

Li Xiang said: "Don't worry, I am a professional tour guide!"

Liu Chuan smiled, put down his phone, went to the balcony to wash his face, brush his teeth, and tidied up his hair before calling Wu Zewen to go downstairs.

Wu Zewen soon came to the door of dormitory 301, and there was a knock on the door like a repeater, and Liu Chuan couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth, opened the door and said, "Zewen, come in first, I'll pack up and let's go to the bank together."

Wu Zewen walked in and moved a stool to sit down. Liu Chuan pulled out a more formal dress from the closet, ran to the bathroom to put on it, and after he came out, he looked in the mirror and asked, "How is it? Look at me dressed like this, Do you think I'm a very reliable captain just by looking at me?"

Wu Zewen raised his head and glanced at him. Liu Chuan was already very handsome, and he was really handsome when he dressed formally. He could go directly to the press conference, and his smile was also very charming. Wu Zewen's heart skipped a beat when he met his gaze, he quickly looked away, and said, "It's okay."

Liu Chuan smiled, came over and patted Wu Zewen on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, Butler Wu, let's go get the finances first."

The two went downstairs together and went to the dining hall for breakfast. During the National Day holiday, many classmates went out to play, and those who didn't go to play also slept in the dormitory, so there were very few people in the dining hall. Liu Chuan saw Ban Changjiangxue buying soy milk by swiping his card there at a glance. Jiangxue was wearing a simple white dress and light blue stiletto sandals. She looked very beautiful from the side.

Liu Chuan walked over to say hello, "Monitor, are you up so early?"

Jiang Xue glanced at Liu Chuan and said with a smile, "Are you going on a date dressed like this?"

Liu Chuan said: "Yes, I have a lot of people for dinner today."

Jiang Xue was a little curious: "Are you having a dinner with old friends?"

Liu Chuan nodded: "That's right."

The three bought breakfast together and found an empty seat. Jiang Xue was eating bread with his head down, and Liu Chuan suddenly said, "By the way, monitor, you turn around and tell President Zhuo Wenchao, the school team will gather tomorrow night, I want to know more about it. In the case of a few players, we should also train."

There are a total of 7 days for the National Day holiday. Liu Chuan set the gathering time for the school team on the 4th day. In the first 3 days, everyone should relax first, and they will officially gather for training on the 4th. The college league is signing up this month, and the competition in the South China Division will start every weekend next month. Now the training camp is already relatively late.

Jiang Xue hurriedly said: "Okay, Zhuo Wenchao has been asking me to urge you to hurry up. Your coach is not here, we don't know how to train."

Liu Chuan said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will bring two new people over tomorrow."


After breakfast, Liu Chuan took Wu Zewen to the bank, took out the 5 million fixed deposit, and then checked another card. At that time, Li Hui converted 10% of Huaxia's shares. It was deposited in cash into his card. Liu Chuan checked it carefully and found that it was more than 5 million... The start-up capital of Huaxia was less than 1 million when the team was founded. The first batch of players had a very hard life. In five years, the capital has increased tenfold, and Li Hui is indeed a very profitable businessman.

Liu Chuan took out all the two sums of money, used his ID card to re-issue a new card, and bound a child card to himself. The mother card was kept by himself, and the child card was handed over to Wu Zewen. , Wu Zewen can use this card to spend the expenses of various teams, because the two cards are bound to each other, even if one of them is lost, he can report the loss at any time, and Liu Chuan will also be clear about the capital expenditure on Wu Zewen's side. Chu, there won't be any disputes over money.

Liu Chuan saved too much money at one time, tens of millions, which alarmed the bank manager. The manager personally went out and handled VIP customer service for him, and also gave him the highest-level diamond card. Liu Chuan did not hesitate. Handed one of them to Wu Zewen.

Wu Zewen took the diamond card from his hand, his fingers were a little stiff. Millions of dollars! It feels like this card weighs a thousand pounds...

Liu Chuan smiled and said: "This card is good. You can download a wealth management software on your mobile phone and bind the consumption records of this card, so that you can keep your accounts. When I spend money, I always forget to keep the accounts, and hand them over to the account. I'm more at ease with your finances."

Wu Zewen nodded seriously: "I know." Then he carefully put away the card.

He has financial management software in his mobile phone, and he will record his daily expenses one by one. The monthly income and expenditure statistics are very clear. Now, Liu Chuan has handed so much money to him to manage the accounts. Be sure to open a separate financial management book and calculate the accounts clearly.

After coming out of the bank, Liu Chuan sent a group text message to his teammates, clearly stating the time and address of the luncheon.

He sent a text message to Luxiang Foods last night asking, "Where can I find delicious food in Guangzhou?" As a result, Luxiang directly sent him the addresses of dozens of restaurants, including various cuisines, Hong Kong-style desserts, Western restaurants, Pizza shop and so on, Liu Chuan really admired him so much, Lu Xiang must have a "eat all over Guangzhou" strategy in his hand...

After careful consideration, Liu Chuan chose a Cantonese restaurant that was easy to find and had private rooms from the list of restaurants sent by Lu Xiang. After a search on the Internet, the reviews were not bad, so he booked a large private room for ten people in advance.

At 11:00 noon, Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen were the first to arrive at the restaurant, and after explaining to the front desk clerk, they waited in the private room.

After a while, Li Xiang and Yu Xiangyang also arrived, went directly to the front desk and said, "Mr. Liu reserved a seat." The waiter brought them to the private room with a smile on his face.

When Yu Xiangyang saw Liu Chuan, he rushed over happily: "Captain! Li Xiang took me to Lianxianglou to buy a lot of cakes this morning. I found that there are many delicious food here in Guangzhou. I want to bring some back to my classmates. What are the plans for the next three days? Where are you going to play?"

Liu Chuan said, "Chimelong Paradise, Wildlife Park, do you want to go to these places?"

Yu Xiangyang's eyes lit up: "I want to go!"

Liu Chuan said with a smile, "Then let's go together tomorrow and buy tickets in advance." After speaking, Liu Chuan leaned into Wu Zewen's ear and said, "Starting today, all team expenses will be paid by you. The expenses of Yu's visit to Guangzhou this time are also included, as well as the consumption of the first dinner party today." Liu Chuan paused and added, "We will have many activities in the future, all from the team funds. "

Wu Zewen nodded: "I see."

This feeling of financial power seems to be good too? After dinner, every time I swiped my card to pay the bill, I really became a little housekeeper.

The few people were talking when the waitress pushed the door open again and came in. Behind her were two adult men, one of them was wearing a neat short-sleeved shirt and trousers. At first glance, he looked like a very strict company employee with a combination of facial features. They are very handsome together, but the expression on their faces is a little serious. The other was dressed very casually, with several buttons open on his casual shirt, revealing a piece of honey-colored skin, and a necklace around his neck, which was very valuable at first sight. He was very tall, with his hands in his pockets, his face He also wore a pair of sunglasses, which he took off after entering the door, and the corners of his eyes were slightly raised, looking quite proud.

It was Jiang Shaoqing who was walking in front, his eyes swept across the crowd, he smiled and asked, "Which is the Sichuan team?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Guess."

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

No need to guess, it must be you!

Jiang Shaoqing walked towards him, with a hint of admiration in his eyes and a shy smile: "Team Chuan, hello, I'm Daoist Qingfeng, Jiang Shaoqing."

Liu Chuan stood up and shook hands with Jiang Shaoqing, then said with a smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you." His eyes moved behind him again, "This is Xu Ce, right?"

Xu Ce was so arrogant that he used his nose to say "um", which was a reply.

Jiang Shaoqing turned his head and said, "Xu Ce, come and say hello to the captain."

Xu Ce shrugged: "I did."

Liu Chuan couldn't help laughing. His "um" was a greeting. Qin Ye's description of him as an "untamable wild horse." .

Xu Ce's arrogant attitude with his tail raised made Jiang Shaoqing a little embarrassed. He touched his nose and said softly, "Xu Ce has such a personality."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "I know."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the seat next to him and said, "Come on, let's sit down, let me introduce you to everyone... This is Wu Zewen." Liu Chuan pointed to the gentle-looking boy who was sitting beside him, wearing black-rimmed glasses, Said, "The Five Poisons Mist Swamp in the game will also be the little housekeeper of our team in the future, and he will control the financial power."

Yu Xiangyang said in surprise: "Butler Wu? This can't be offended, or we'll have nothing to eat!"

Liu Chuan said with a smile, "The one who is talking is Yu'er who is swimming in the water. Our grandma who destroys the group, classmate Yu Xiangyang, came from Harbin."

Yu Xiangyang said unconvinced: "Captain, I haven't let everyone destroy the group for a long time. I'm already a god's milk now."

Liu Chuan said, "Don't brag, you're still far from being a god."

Jiang Shaoqing looked at him suspiciously: "Are you Xiaoyu? Are you really seventeen years old?"

"..." Yu Xiangyang was depressed. With a baby face, it is no wonder that some people always think he is a junior high school student.

The last one, without introduction, Liu Chuan stood up and said with a smile, "Hello everyone, I'm Li Xiang, the ideal master in the game."

Jiang Shaoqing glanced at him, as expected, a very cheerful sunny handsome guy.

In the game, the six of them have teamed up for countless dungeons, experienced many group kills, and broke many dungeon records. Because they often chat on the voice channel, everyone is very familiar with each other, plus Shang Liuchuan, the captain, has an easy-going personality, and when several netizens met for the first time, they didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Xu Ce kept silent, sitting next to Jiang Shaoqing, like a large pet that Jiang Shaoqing brought.

Yu Xiangyang suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, where's your Alaskan dog? Didn't you bring it this time?"

Jiang Shaoqing explained: "JOJO's size is too large and it is not convenient to carry it, so I temporarily handed it over to Xu Ce's assistant to take care of it for a few days."

Yu Xiangyang said with interest: "That dog barks so loudly. I haven't seen an Alaskan dog before. I'll bring it to see it next time."

Jiang Shaoqing said: "Okay, there is a chance to bring it here."

At this time, JOJO, who was abandoned by the owner, was sitting alone in the corner, burying his head depressed and eating dog food.

Liu Chuan called the waiter over, looked at a few teammates who had come from afar, and asked, "Do you have anything you don't like to eat? I'll order and take care of everyone's tastes."

Jiang Shaoqing said, "It doesn't matter to me, you can order whatever you want."

Xu Ce said, "I don't eat too sweet."

Yu Xiangyang said, "Captain, I am allergic to crab meat, and everything else is fine."

Liu Chuan nodded, flipped through the menu, and said to the waiter, "I want a serving of hemp-skinned suckling pig, Guangzhou Wenchang chicken, Kirin steamed mandarin fish, butterfly bone, peony shrimp, thin-skin shrimp dumplings, Dongjiang stuffed tofu, minced garlic. scallop… "

Liu Chuan ordered more than ten dishes in one go, all of which were the restaurant's signature Cantonese dishes.

Wu Zewen couldn't help but said, "Can you finish it by ordering so much?"

Jiang Shaoqing also said, "There are six of us, so don't order too much."

Liu Chuan said with a smile, "Don't worry, after you finish eating, there will be people coming later."

After that, I added another Cantonese-style old fire soup and two vegetarian dishes, and then returned the menu to the waiter, saying, "There is still one person left, and I will serve the dishes when he arrives."

The waiter said, "Okay, let's prepare first. Please ring the bell when you need to serve."

After the waiter left, Yu Xiangyang asked curiously, "Captain, is there anyone else coming?"

Li Xiang was also very puzzled: "The six of us have already arrived, do you still have any old friends in the professional circle?" Li Xiang scratched his head and said, "Qin Ye is playing in Xi'an today, Lu Xiang. He also went to the field to play, Zhang Shuping will also explain the game, right?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "None of them, everyone will know when he comes."

Li Xiang and others don't know much about the professional circle, but Jiang Shaoqing is very familiar with this circle because of his professional training experience. Hearing what Liu Chuan said, he couldn't help but ask, "Is it true? Four blue?"

When Liu Chuan went to Luo Huaci's Jin Tuan to be an undercover agent, he mentioned to Jiang Shaoqing that he suspected that the Jin Tuan was related to Silan. Later, he found a master Xiaoyao to fight Xu Ce in the ring. At that time Jiang Shaoqing suspected that "Sky" was Silan's trumpet. Now that Liu Chuan said that there are still people coming, Jiang Shaoqing was also very surprised.

If Four Blue also joins...

The lineup of this team is too luxurious, isn't it? The captains of other teams will probably vomit blood when they find out.

Several people were chatting, and the waiter opened the door again and brought in a man.

The man wore a light blue shirt and brown slim trousers, with long hair and a smile on his face. He walked with a very relaxed expression, as if he was walking leisurely in the forest. His lazy temperament, his voice also had a sexy hoarseness when he spoke: "Is it all ready? I haven't served yet, it seems that I am not late." Then he walked up to Liu Chuan very rudely and said : "This position is reserved for me, right?"

Everyone: "… "

Not afraid of life at all, he is quite familiar!

In fact, Lan Weiran does whatever he wants in any situation. It's impossible for you to ask him to introduce himself to you seriously.

Liu Chuan couldn't help but smiled, stood up and stretched out his hands: "Silan, long time no see."

He originally wanted to hug the former nemesis in a friendly way, but Lan Weiran obviously didn't want to hug him, so he patted his hand casually and said, "Don't do this, let's serve the food, I'll go to the airport early in the morning, I didn't even eat breakfast." After speaking, he sat down next to Liu Chuan.

Liu Chuan had no choice but to ring the service bell and said, "It's time to serve."

The service attitude of this hotel is very good. The exquisite Cantonese dishes were quickly served one after another, and the table was full.

When the dishes were ready, the waiter closed the door of the private room and went out, and Liu Chuan opened his mouth and said, "Let me introduce to you, this person's name is Lan Weiran, the future Wei, and then of course, the game ID Lanlan Lanlan is Luo Hua. The first captain of the resignation team, who used to be a deadly enemy with the Huaxia team, and lost four consecutive times..."

Lan Weiran interrupted him: "This paragraph can be skipped, thank you."

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "Okay, skip your dark history. Anyway, everyone knows that he is just like me, a retired old captain. Silan is a fan of the free and easy martial art, and everyone saw him in the ring that day. Now, he is the head of the Sky Gold Group... He will also join our team and become a member of our team."

A group of people looked at each other in dismay, no one thought that Liu Chuan could actually pull this strongman into the team.