The Strongest God

Chapter 144: Qualifying


The seven-day long holiday of National Day passed quickly. Then, C University also started the campus job fair in October. Many companies came to the school to recruit fresh graduates. Wu Zewen had told his mother that he would go to Beijing for an internship. After graduation, he worked in the internship unit in Beijing. The unit matched his major, and his mother's old classmates were there, so it was convenient for him to take care of him.

However, Wu Zewen has now changed his mind. He wants to participate in the college league. The competition will start at the end of next month and will be held every weekend. If he goes to Beijing, it is very inconvenient to fly back and forth every week, and he has also decided to start a business with Liu Chuan in the future. , he simply stopped going to Beijing for an internship. After clarifying with his mother, he and Li Xiang found a local company together, so that they could still live in the school dormitory and report to the company on time every day.

After the graduation practice, I can no longer sleep in as usual. After the National Day holiday, Wu Zewen and Li Xiang have to get up early in the morning to go to work on time every day, but Liu Chuan is still making up credits in school. He does not plan to graduate and practice. Because he has a very clear plan for what to do after graduation.

After the long vacation, Xu Ce also returned to Shanghai. He only stayed for half a month on business trip to Changsha this time. He mainly wanted to see Jiang Shaoqing. Go back with JOJO.

Jiang Shaoqing really liked the Alaskan dog who always rubbed his big head against his palm. After Xu Ce and JOJO both left, they went back to the simple life they used to live alone, probably because they got used to Xu Ce and his family in the past few days. The pet stayed at home. At this time, looking at the empty room, Jiang Shaoqing felt a little lost for no reason.

He called Xu Ce that night. Xu Ce was very happy when he received the call, and wondered if he missed him for a while? After only one day apart, he began to miss that person, the small bedroom with two bedrooms and one living room. Although he slept there on the sofa for half a month, Xu Ce felt that the past half month was almost as good as sleeping on the sofa. Comfortable in a five-star hotel.

As a result, Jiang Shaoqing said, "You have returned to Shanghai, what about the tasks given by the Sichuan team?"

Xu Ce: "..."

It's Liu Chuan again! Xu Ce's face turned black instantly, he silently cursed Liu Chuan, the captain, swallowed the vinegar back in his stomach, and then said, "Don't worry, I'll ask my assistant to help me find a few places first, and if I find a suitable one, I'll come back to Changsha. ."

Jiang Shaoqing made an "oh" and said again, "Did you feed JOJO?"

Xu Ce beckoned and called his pet over. JOJO called "Wang Wang" twice at the other end of the phone. Jiang Shaoqing couldn't help laughing when he heard its angry bark, and said, "It sounds delicious. quite full."

Xu Ce said, "Well, I just fed it."

Xu Ce was a little depressed. Jiang Shaoqing made a long-distance call to him. The first question was Liu Chuan, and the second question was Dog. Why didn't he ask him if he was a good person

While depressed, Jiang Shaoqing suddenly asked softly, "How about you? Have you had dinner yet?"

Xu Ce's mood instantly improved, and he hurriedly said, "I haven't eaten it yet! I want to eat your cooking..."

Jiang Shaoqing said, "I'm not doing well, you can ask your nanny to do it for you."

Xu Ce frowned and said, "I still like what you do..."

Speaking of this, his heartbeat couldn't help speeding up a little. Thinking of Jiang Shaoqing's serious cooking in the kitchen wearing an apron, Xu Ce felt very at ease. That small two-bedroom, one-living room was like a warm home. When sitting face-to-face with Jiang Shaoqing at the dining table, he could not wait to tie this man by his side for the rest of his life.

However... He could only think about it by himself, Jiang Shaoqing's thoughts were very simple, he only regarded him as a friend.

Fortunately, now they have common goals and interests. First, go to the game with Liu Chuan. After the game, they can run the club together with Liu Chuan. At least, he has a reason to visit Jiang Shaoqing at any time. At this point In fact, he should really thank Liu Chuan for giving him such a convenient excuse to approach Jiang Shaoqing.

Xu Ce took a deep breath and whispered, "After a while, I've been very busy recently. I'll go to Changsha to find you after a while."

Jiang Shaoqing nodded: "Okay. Go and have dinner."

Xu Ce had to say, "Then I'll hang up first..."

After putting down the phone, Xu Ce turned to eat. To put it more objectively, the food cooked by the aunt at home was much more delicious than that made by Jiang Shaoqing. The cooked food, facing the food on the table at this time, has no appetite at all.

After Lan Weiran returned to Shanghai, he has been helping his mother Wang Keru's solo exhibition for the past few days. After finally getting some free time, he took out the drawing board and designed the team's team logo. What he drew before was just a sketch. After sculpting it carefully, and then coloring it, a beautiful team logo was completed. Lan Weiran changed the details. He looked quite satisfied, so he took a photo with his mobile phone and sent it to Liu Chuan through WeChat.

Liu Chuan asked Lan Weiran to go to QQ, and then added his account to the QQ group he had built earlier. The name of the group was "Casual".

After Lan Weiran entered the group, he found that the group was full of acquaintances, such as horses and lakes, misty swamps, Qingfeng Daochang, fish swimmers, ideal masters... These IDs happened to be Liu Chuan's teammates, namely Long Yin Current members of the team.

It's just that there was an extra one named "Qiye Xue". Lan Weiran had never seen it before, so he couldn't help asking: "@Qiye Xue who is this?"

Qin Ye was bounced out by Lan Weiran's @, a little puzzled: "Who is the sky?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Guess what?"

The two suddenly had the urge to crawl over the network cable and beat him together, and invariably sent a bloody expression.

Liu Chuan sold it for a while, and then introduced: "Qin Yexue is Qin Ye, and the sky is four blue."

Qin Ye: "..."

Lan Weiran: "..."

The two old acquaintances were relatively speechless.

After careful calculation, the two of them hadn't seen each other for three years. However, they still had a deep impression on each other. After all, the two of them used to be figures of the professional league and had played against each other many times.

Lan Weiran was silent for a moment before typing: "Long time no see, Qin Ye."

Qin Ye said, "Well. Silan, you blocked me from QQ, didn't you?"

Lan Weiran said with a smile: "When I decided to retire, I blocked everyone. That QQ is no longer used. You can add this friend, my new account."

The two added friends to each other, and Lan Weiran asked again, "Are you still in touch with Lin Liming?"

Lin Liming was also the first captain of the Changan team. After he retired, he handed over the captain to Yang Jian. The captains of the four strong teams of that year were Liu Chuan, Xiao Sijing, Lin Liming and Lan Weiran. The four of them were just the same age and were also named "the four veterans of the league" by later reporters.

Qin Ye said, "Team Lin's son will be making soy sauce. Some time ago, I went to see his son's first birthday. The little guy is very cute."

Lan Weiran asked: "Has he completely left the e-sports circle?"

Qin Ye said, "Well. He is working in an advertising company now, and his wife is a middle school teacher. I think their family of three is doing well. He doesn't play this game anymore. However, he encountered some important live broadcasts of games. , he will occasionally look at it."

Lan Weiran couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Retired players basically end up like this. Their hand speed drops, their state drops, they leave the arena, and then they return to a peaceful life. Lin Liming's current life is the future of most players in the professional circle. In the portrayal, there are very few people like him and Liu Chuan who are unwilling to come back after retiring after retiring.

The two old friends chatted there, and the other newcomers couldn't get in at all and could only watch silently.

Liu Chuan suddenly jumped out and said, "By the way, the name of this group needs to be changed."

After that, he changed the name of the Q group "casually" to "Longyin Team". When this group was built, it was based on the suggestion of the Taoist priest to upload materials and videos. Liu Chuan did not expect that this group would actually become a their team.

When Qin Ye saw the name of the Q group, he was stunned for a moment before he reacted: "Your team's name is Long Yin?"

Liu Chuan said, "That's right, don't you think it sounds particularly nice?"

Qin Ye said, "Isn't the new area called Shui Longyin? You just took two words from the new area because you were too lazy to think of the name."

Everyone: "… "

Qin Ye broke the key in one sentence, and everyone suddenly realized. The captain said a lot at the party that day, what dragons in ancient times represented emperors, nobles, and auspicious meanings, so everyone felt that the name was very high-end. Now that Qin Ye said this, everyone finally found out—Liu Chuan Huyou people's ability is really awesome!

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "You can guess it, why say it?"

Qin Ye: "..."

Lan Weiran said helplessly: "Can you be more reliable as a captain?"

Liu Chuan said: "Why is it unreliable? The new district is the place where we met, and it is very kind to directly use the name of the new district as the team name :)"

Then he typed to change the topic: "Silan, hurry up and show everyone the drawn team logo!"

Qin Ye said, "Since this group is your clan group, I should leave."

Liu Chuan said: "What to retire? Keep it. If you join us in the future, you will be one of our members. If you don't join, you can also be an undercover agent."

Qin Ye: "..."

He was not as boring as Liu Chuan to be an undercover agent.

Qin Ye thought about it, and decided to leave the group. After all, this was Liu Chuan's team group, and it felt a little strange for him to stay in it.

Qi Yexue withdrew from the Longyin team. Li Xiang felt depressed when he saw that he had withdrawn: "Qin Ye really withdrew?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "He has such a personality, let him retire, he will come back one day."

Lan Weiran sent a screenshot of the drawn team logo to the group and said, "This is the first draft. Let's take a look first. Any comments are welcome."

The color of the icon is ice blue, and the dragon line totem connected end to end was drawn by Lan Weiran himself, surrounded by soft light, which looks very beautiful. Such a team logo is placed in a large team logo, which is indeed very conspicuous. .

Liu Chuan praised: "Not bad! Qixingcao has Lun Shen's clothing design, we have four blue design team logos, and all the design of team uniforms and peripherals will be handed over to you in the future."

A few friends lined up to applaud. Everyone obviously liked the team logo. A group of art idiots had no opinion on Lan Weiran's design.

Lan Weiran said: "That's it. Let me think about the team uniform again. This dragon-shaped totem logo will be exaggerated if it is printed on the front chest or back. It can be placed on the shoulders. But the team uniform is not in a hurry. Sai doesn't seem to ask for uniforms, does it?"

Liu Chuan said: "It doesn't matter what you wear in the city game. Only when you become a regular registered team, the team badge and team uniform will be submitted to the league for review. Think about it slowly."

Lan Weiran said: "Okay, let's use white for the team uniforms. White matches better with ice blue."

After finalizing the team logo, Liu Chuan said, "Silan, are you free to play? We're going to play qualifying tonight."

Lan Weiran said, "Wait a minute, I'll come over with the one from the sky."

Xu Ce couldn't come today due to something, and his Mingjiao had reached the seventh rank, so he couldn't rank with Liu Chuan and the others in the qualifying competition. On the other hand, Lan Weiran, the trumpet Sky has been playing dungeons, and has not played the arena yet, and just started playing from the first battle rank with Liu Chuan and the others.

After the six teammates gathered on the voice channel, Liu Chuan said, "I won't send invitations one by one, you all have my friends, just click me to join the team."

There are two modes of qualifying in the arena. The first is a random single-player qualifying game. You can queue by yourself. The system will randomly select players with similar battle rank points and winning percentages from the players currently in the queue. In a room, the team will be disbanded immediately after the game is over, and then the next game will be queued. This mode is suitable for passers-by players who do not have a group of relatives and friends, and is also the favorite way for players who like freedom and fight alone.

There is also a team ranking. You can form a team of N people in advance and choose to join the team ranking list. In this way, the system will arrange the team members on the same side as teammates. If you abuse people, the opponents matched by the system will be stronger, and it is easy to encounter the fixed group of the big guild.

Liu Chuan called a few teammates together to form a team. Naturally, it was because they could only practice and cooperate in qualifying. It was meaningless for everyone to rank alone. Moreover, he wanted to lead the team to the sixth rank as soon as possible. Li Xiang must also adapt to the rhythm of the arena as soon as possible.

Seeing that several teammates were all there, Liu Chuan said, "Is everything alright? I'll give you 5 minutes to go to the toilet to solve it quickly. We have to line up ten games in a row. It's better to win ten games in a row and go straight to No. 1. World War II."

Yu Xiangyang suddenly said: "Five minutes is not enough, Captain, I'm going to a heroic WC, wait for me for ten minutes!"

Everyone: "… "

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yu came back and said with a smile, "I'm fine!"

Liu Chuan said, "Are you sure you're done? Then I'll go to the queue."

A system prompt box appeared on everyone’s screen at the same time—

Your team has successfully joined the martial arts tournament qualifying list and is matching opponents, please wait...

The opponent match is successful...

Random map loading...

After a while, a square appeared in front of everyone, and the map information column in the upper right corner also said the name of the current map was "Jiangling Square".

Liu Chuan quickly pressed the TAB button and checked the opponent's information. The 6 players on the opposite side also had 0 points in battle. Obviously, they were the same as them. The newcomers who just came to the arena to play the qualifying match were also all 6 players. Telecom District Seven. During the National Day holiday, many people in the new district were at full level, so the arena after the long holiday was very lively. Many newcomers came in in the first battle, and the system matched teams very quickly.

A few people on the opposite side obviously found out about Liu Chuan and the others, and immediately typed on the public channel: "Wow! This is the fixed team of Liu Fang Bai Shi, right?"

"How are you guys on the opposite side!"

"Why don't we vote directly? Liufang Baishi will definitely not be able to beat it!"

"Okay, surrender!"

System prompt: Due to the opponent's voluntary surrender, our team won this qualifying match, and the battle rank points +5.

Liu Chuan: "..."

Wu Zewen: "..."

Li Xiang:"… "

Everyone lined up to play ellipsis, and a group of people were quite speechless.

It was their first time to enter the arena to play qualifying, and they wanted to let go of their fists and have a good fight, but they surrendered directly when they saw Liu Fang Bai Shi! It's no wonder that the few rookies on the opposite side are also from the seventh district of Telecom. The name of the fixed team of Liufang Baishi is really loud. These people can even handle the world boss, and they often PK with the presidents of major guilds in qualifying matches. Fighting against them is simply asking for trouble. It is better to surrender directly and move on to the next round.

Because of the voluntary surrender, all 12 people withdrew from the arena, and Liu Chuan typed on the public channel: "Hello, you have surrendered now?"

The opposite asked: "Great God! You are going to score points tonight, right?"

Liu Chuan said, "That's right."

The person on the opposite side said, "Then you go out and queue first. We will stagger the queue for three minutes. It's better to meet a few of you again and it will be miserable."

Liu Chuan had no choice but to say, "Okay."

Qualifying is a random match by the system. If you go to the queue at the same time period, you can easily be matched as an opponent. Although it is the peak online time at night, there are also many people playing in the arena, but the first to third tier novice Most of them go to the solo queue by themselves. There are not many fixed teams of 6 people like Liu Chuan. The probability of the fixed team and the fixed team lining up is still quite high. A few minutes to stagger the time and then reschedule.

Liu Chuan naturally continued to press the queue button.

Soon, the system re-matched the opponent, and Liu Chuan entered the arena again.

The map this time is very similar to the previous one. It is "Chengdu Square". The map of the first battle level is very simple. Most of them are main cities and squares. Nothing.

Liu Chuan was speechless when he pressed the TAB button to check the information. The six people on the opposite side are Tang Wuyi, Tang Xin, and Tang Buli...

The fixed team of the Prosperous Tang Guild!

Liu Chuan was about to say hello on the public channel, but another system prompt popped up here.

-Because the opponent surrendered voluntarily, our team won this qualifying match, and the battle rank points +5.

Liu Chuan: "..."

Tang did not intend to send a sweaty expression on the public channel, and said goodbye manually.

After directly surrendering in two consecutive games, Lan Weiran finally couldn't help it and asked, "Liu Chuan, what did you do in the new district? Why did the people in Telecom District 7 run away when they saw you?"

Liu Chuan touched his nose and said, "The team just now belonged to the Prosperous Tang Guild. They know my identity."

Lan Weiran was a little puzzled: "Oh? How did they know?"

Liu Chuan said, "Xiao Tang has been in online games and recognized me."

Lan Weiran said: "You mean... the captain of Sheng Tang, your junior brother Tang Yufeng?"

Liu Chuan said: "That's right. Also, Lao Xiao and Lun Shen have also been here, and the Seven Star Grass probably knows me too."

Just as he was talking, the third qualifying match started again. Liu Chuan pressed TAB to see the list of opponents, and was immediately happy.

Heartbroken grass, heartless grass, paradise grass…

Liu Chuan jokingly typed on the public channel: "Surrender?"

Heartbroken Grass sent a row of ellipses, and then decisively pressed the surrender button.

-Because the opponent surrendered voluntarily, our team won this qualifying match, and the battle rank points +5.

Liu Chuan: "..."

Several teammates were quite speechless. Liu Chuan had obviously become a boss-like existence. When he met an acquaintance in the qualifying match, he didn't even fight the other side, he just surrendered and ran...