The Strongest God

Chapter 146: Super God and Super Ghost (Part 1)


Under Liu Chuan's command, everyone played the arena very smoothly this time. The little rookies in the Netcom area didn't even dare to leave the house. The third black flag was directly let out. Liu Chuan They won three flags in a row, and the battle rank points after the end were also given three more points.

-Congratulations on your victory in the first battle rank qualifying match in the arena, the battle rank points +5; the extra reward for winning three consecutive flags is +3.

The points in the arena qualifying matches are calculated differently from those in the regular season of the professional league. In the regular season of the professional league, the points are calculated according to each flag, and if you win a flag, you will get 2 points, while the ranking in the online game The game is directly counted as winning or losing. For example, if our team wins 2 flags and the other side wins 1 flag, we are considered the winner and add 5 points, while the other side loses and deducts 5 points. That is to say, every game must be divided into winners and losers, with bonus points for winning and deductions for losses.

If you win 3 flags in a row, you will get 3 extra points. After winning six games in a row, the reward points will be doubled. For example, if you win seven games in a row, you will add 10 points, eight games will add 20 points, and nine games will add 40 points. The average level of the rank is unbalanced. Just imagine, if Liu Chuan has to stay in the first battle rank like a novice for a month, how many rookies will have to be killed... Since he can win consecutively, it shows that the player's level is higher than this battle rank If there are too many, the system is naturally willing to let the masters skip this level at an accelerated rate, just like the teacher who has a particularly good academic performance is willing to let him skip a grade.

Liu Chuan took these teammates to play ten consecutive qualifying rounds, just to rush to the "win streak reward" set by the system.

If they can successfully win ten games in a row, then they can directly advance to the second stage tonight. Continue to win 12 games in a row tomorrow night, and you can rush to the third battle rank. The day after tomorrow, win another 15 games in a row and advance to the fourth battle rank—this is Liu Chuan's initial plan, to reach the fourth battle rank within three days.

The fourth battle rank and below are basically handicapped and rookies. It is enough to abuse them all the way, and they can't practice any coordination and skills at all. Only after reaching the fourth battle rank will you see the arena veterans in the online game, and then you will find the masters, elite groups, and guild leaders of the major guilds, and only when you reach the seventh battle rank can you meet the trumpets of professional players. .

With the level of Liu Chuan and Lan Weiran, they didn't pay any attention to the qualifying matches below the seventh battle rank. When playing such low-level qualifying matches, the masters in online games would basically use "Winning Streak". Rule", score points at the fastest speed.

Obviously, the fixed teams of the Seven Star Grass Guild and the Prosperous Tang Guild also want to win and score points as soon as possible today. The reason they directly surrendered when they met Liu Chuan in the first game was that they wanted to end it as soon as possible, and then start the second game. win.

In the first battle, almost all of them were novices. In addition, there were many passers-by who played qualifying matches during the evening peak. Except for the two teams from Shengtang and Qixingcao at the beginning, Liu Chuan and the six encountered all of them later. A rookie, winning nine games in a row all the way.

However, the system seemed to be having trouble with them, and the random ranking in the final tenth match was actually ranked among those from the Prosperous Tang Guild.

Tang had no intention of seeing Liu Chuan, and almost spat out a mouthful of blood!

Your sister, we also won nine games in a row all the way, and this is the last game left. This game is already a promotion match. If you win, you will jump directly to the second rank. If you lose, you will be deducted points. Played several games. Actually meeting Liu Chuan at this time, a group of people all want to cry.

However, Liu Chuan was still typing on the public channel with a smile: "Surrender?"

Tang Wuyi: "..."

He suddenly wanted to open the door and run out and run around the building.

Who is chasing this god in the game? ! As a result, the fox didn't make it, and instead made a show. When they saw Liu Chuan, they wanted to run, and they were almost forming a conditioned reflex...

Liu Chuan was still typing on the public channel: "Don't surrender on the opposite side. This is a promotion match, and surrender doesn't count."

In the prosperous Tang Dynasty, someone who was more courageous said weakly: "We are also in the qualifying competition..."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "So, you guys have a nine-game winning streak, so the system matched us together? What a coincidence!"

- What a coincidence! No one likes this kind of coincidence.

Tang Wuyi was depressed when he suddenly heard the hearty voice of Deputy Team Chen from the door: "Everyone has worked hard, Team Tang bought a box of ice cream to comfort you..."

Tang had no intention of turning his head, and sure enough, he saw that Tang Yufeng still had a paralyzed expression on his face, and was seriously eating an ice cream in his hand.

Everyone: "… "

Team Tang came to distribute ice cream again, and everyone swarmed to pick their favorite flavors.

President Tang thought for a while, and simply said, "Team Tang, ahem, we met Liu Chuan in qualifying..."

Tang Yufeng glanced at him with sleepy eyes, then said, "I'll take a look."

After talking, he walked to the computer, ate the ice cream for two, quickly grabbed the mouse with his slender fingers, and pressed the TAB key with his left hand to check the opponent's information. Sure enough, he saw that the six people on the opposite side were all from the Seventh Telecom District. Taoist priest, ideal master, fish swimming in water, sky.

Tang Yufeng's eyes flashed: "Who is this sky?"

President Tang said unintentionally: "I don't know about this..."

Tang Yufeng asked, "Did you meet Liu Chuan for the first time in qualifying?"

The president blushed embarrassedly and said, "I met him just now. In the first game, when we saw him on the opposite side, we surrendered..."

Tang Yufeng said, "You shouldn't surrender, let's play around and find out what's going on with him."

The president hurriedly said, "That's right! We didn't think about it carefully."

They were really frightened by Liu Chuan's two group exterminations, and knowing that Liu Chuan was Tang Yufeng's senior brother, how could they dare to make an axe in front of Chuan Shen? This is as ridiculous as an ant trying to stop an elephant, simply surrendering, at least it won't be too embarrassing to lose. At this time, listening to Captain Tang's words, several presidents were immediately annoyed - they shouldn't surrender in a hurry! Chuan Shen is going to make a comeback, and these people with him might be his teammates.

Tang Yufeng said, "I'll come."

Then sat down on the seat.

Chen Junfei put a box of ice cream aside for everyone to share, and he hurried over and asked, "Master, do you want me to call a few people over to play?"

Tang Yufeng said, "Call the new recruits from the training camp."

Chen Junfei roared directly in the WeChat group, and several newcomers quickly ran over from the upstairs training room and stood obediently behind Tang Yufeng: "Team Tang..."

Tang Yufeng said, "Sit down and play a qualifying match."

Team leader Yan Ziyi actually followed, glanced at the map, and said in surprise, "Jiangling Square? Such a simple map was randomly found in the qualifying round... First battle rank?"

Everyone looked at the computer, and as expected, they found that it was a qualifying match for the first battle rank, and they looked at each other in dismay.

This is like a college student taking an advanced mathematics exam, and the result is that when the papers are handed out, all of them are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in kindergarten. A group of people are not suitable for a while. They usually only practice on the trumpet at the seventh battle level, and the first battle level, where the rookies are concentrated, has not been there for a long, long time.

Chen Junfei said with a smile: "Don't underestimate it, there is a great god on the opposite side, please sit at your speed, it is rare for Team Tang to take you to the arena."

Several newcomers immediately sat down excitedly. They usually train in the training camp. Except when Team Tang distributed ice cream, they didn't have much contact with the captain.

Tang Yufeng glanced back at a few newcomers, then turned his eyes back to the computer and said, "Ajue, Yufei, you go to the road to investigate, Xiao Chen takes the treatment and walks down the road, assist me in the middle road, there is a situation on the map Click the mark, don't do it yet."

Team Tang usually looks sleepy without waking up. Every time he sees him at the club, he almost always holds an ice cream in his hand, bows his head and eats slowly, but when he really commands the field, he is also very neat and tidy. captain.

Chen Junfei was an apprentice brought out by him, and he always understood Master's thinking immediately, and immediately walked down the road with treatment. The others also obeyed the captain's instructions and hurried cautiously towards the center line. Several newcomers were so excited that their palms were sweating, fighting side by side with the captain, but they didn't dare to think about it as usual.

Yan Ziyi glanced at her opponent's ID and couldn't help but say, "Is this Liu Chuan's team?"

Tang Yufeng hummed.

Yan Ziyi then smiled and said, "No wonder, you have to go out in person."

At this point, more than a minute has passed since the start of the game, and the flag has also been refreshed.

There was no movement in the prosperous Tang for a long time, and Liu Chuan did not dare to act rashly. If they were in a hurry to capture the flag, when half of the people were left with blood, the prosperous Tang people would hide and throw a few group attacks, and they would be attacked instead. Team Destruction - Capturing the Flag can't be rushed, and the opportunity must be grasped. This is the basic principle of Liu Chuan's command of team battles.

Although he surrendered before seeing him in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but this time it is a promotion match, and the prosperous Tang side will definitely take it seriously.

Liu Chuan arranged for a few teammates to stand, while typing on the public channel: "I haven't responded for so long, won't I invite your Tang team out again?"

Tang Yufeng: "..."

Liu Chuan typed with a smile: "Little Junior Brother, have you finished your ice cream?"

With a swoosh, an arrow flashing green light suddenly cut through the sky, penetrated the dark fog of war, and shot directly at Liu Chuan's location!

Liu Chuan's eyes and hands were quick to dodge, and Wu Zewen, who was standing beside him too late to dodge, hit the arrow, and his health dropped by half!

The ultra-long-distance fatal arrow was used to illuminate the field of vision, and at the same time, it also directly beat Ze Wen into residual blood. Then, because the field of vision was illuminated, Tang Yufeng narrowed his eyes slightly, aimed at the opponent's position, and wore a Cloud Arrow, Cone Heart Arrow, Arrow Rain Meteor! Tangmen's bows and arrows came one after another like a torrential rain!

Liu Chuan immediately ordered: "Withdraw!"

Lan Weiran had already withdrawn when he saw that the situation was not right. Li Xiangpi was not afraid. He only lost a little blood. Xiaoyu hadn't realized what was going on. Jiang Shaoqing was also surprised. He was directly shot to death by a set of arrow rain combos from the Tang team.

Wu Zewen: "..."

Zewen, who was shot into a hedgehog inexplicably, was a little puzzled.

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "I guessed right, Xiao Tang actually came, it seems that this game is not good."

Lan Weiran was surprised and said: "Tang Yufeng came in person? It's only the qualifying match of the first battle rank, isn't it possible for Shengtang? Invite all the captains."

"Perhaps Xiao Tang went to the guild to distribute ice cream again?" Liu Chuan speculated, "Xiao Tang invites everyone to eat after every game."

Lan Weiran: "..."

Lan Weiran really couldn't understand the strange hobby of a man surnamed Tang who likes to eat ice cream.

Liu Chuan said: "Not only Xiao Tang, Chen Junfei must be there too. Don't expose Silan, you know."

Lan Weiran: "...I see."

Xiaoyu said suspiciously, "Captain, I don't understand."

Liu Chuan explained with a smile: "The vice-captain of the prosperous Tang team is called Chen Junfei, and we call him Chen Dazui. As long as he knows something, the entire professional league will know it within a day. The last time he met me in the game, Inferring my identity, I received condolence text messages from several captains that night..."

Xiaoyu: "…"

Lan Weiran said: "Chen Dazui is too annoying. Then I won't take action, so as not to be known in advance, especially Luo Huaci, they still don't know that I am back."

Liu Chuan said, "Well, don't take action later."

Wu Zewen remained silent, and Liu Chuan couldn't help comforting him: "Zewen, after your resurrection, wait for us at the intersection of the bottom road, don't mind, it's normal for you to be beaten, Tang Yufeng's deadly arrow, don't say it's you, it's me I can't escape often, and I've been shot to death by him many times."

Wu Zewen snorted and said, "I don't mind, it's just too sudden and I can't react."

Standing at the intersection, a string of bows and arrows suddenly shot from the darkness and shot the person to death. Wu Zewen was stunned for a long time before he knew what was going on.

Li wanted to ask, "Then what do we do next?"

Liu Chuan said: "Except for Si Lan, everyone else let go of their hands and feet, let's play around and see."

Although Liu Chuan knew that they would definitely lose, it was rare to have a chance to play against professional players, and a few Xiaobai could just experience the strength of the prosperous Tang team.